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So the barn where thanksgiving is being held has no bathroom, of course. People will have to walk across a corn field to clean-freak sil's* house to use the restroom, wash hands, etc. No, thankyouverymuch. They still want me to make a 7-layer salad and dessert, and only dh and dd16 (maybe not, she don't know about the restroom thing) will be going. So the twins and I and probably ds20 will be at home. I guess I should plan on making dinner here tomorrow. I was planning on Saturday when my brother will probably be down. What to do? What to do?


*For those who don't know, I have 6 sils.

2 are super duper fancy (with white carpeted huge houses) clean-clean-freaks. They have never been to my house in the 22 years dh and I have been married. Because gravel road.


One I absolutely can't stand. Long story, but not too clean-freakish. Still fancy.


The one that gave us the table. Very nice, kinda fancy, kinda clean-freakish, but not rub it in your face. This is the one I will leave my kids with if I die.


The one that is hosting thanksgiving in a barn. Very clean-freak. This is the one that cleaned the crumbs out of my silverware drawer. I have to add that this is not a barn that houses animals. More like a garage I guess.


The oldest sil don't have much to do with family gatherings and does her own thing. Not a clean freak at all and not fancy. My favorite, but she is not motherly at all. Poor choice to raise my kids if I die.

What an odd idea to host a huge family gathering with no bathroom.  I think they could spring for a nice porta potty.  As much as I need to pee, I would probably decide hiking across the corn field repeatedly is more trouble than it's worth and sit at the house.


I have three SIL's.  One is rich, fancy, and snooty. Another is a truly nice person, but years of living with a narcissist and covering for his misdeeds and smoothing them over has taken a toll and warped her. The other SIL is very black and white, but she is supportive.  She and I have a good relationship.  She does a really nice job of putting up with and being kind to my odd father, which is not easy because odd so I appreciate her for that. None of them get my kids.  (Editing out oversharing because chronic oversharer.)  


That settles it!  I am sending my kids to Ellie.

Edited by texasmama
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Does cleaning crumbs out of one's silverware drawer make one a clean freak? :(


Not that I'd do it at someone else's house.


I don't have any white carpet family. I think I am the fancy one. I am wearing snow boots and a puffy jacket to work and don't even own a home.

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Some years back, I was taking a run at clearing up ds12's horrible eczema and eliminated the top eight allergens.  But then he wanted a pecan pie.  So I made a pecan pie gluten, dairy, egg, and soy free.  It was not easy, but it was edible.  And I had to use pecans, obviously,  The restrictive diet did nothing for his eczema, btw..  He eventually outgrew it.

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I have a sister. She gets my kids. My BIL wants his cousin who lives in their town to get her kids which is fair but we're backup. Said cousin is, according to my sister, reliable and nice.


My SIL is awesome. She can have the kids too.


I am apparently not too selective. I could see almost any of my cousins, if they got my life insurance so they could afford it, with my kids. Maybe not one. Too much drama and her own son is so severely disabled she couldn't take on more.

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I wrestled the gf pie crust, and it won, as usual.  The pumpkin pie is baking now.  Next will be key lime pie, I think.


Do you have room for me?  Yum.


Oh, I just remembered that I'm allergic to limes.  :(


The pumpkin pie sounds good, though.  :)

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I just got a call from the vision clinic wanting more details about dd16's vision loss. They moved her appointment from Tuesday to within the next 45 minutes! I'm glad I'm off on vacation. Is this still counted as vacation??



Renai,  I hope that your dd's eye is OK.  Let us know...

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Dd5 just had a meltdown because she dropped the last bite of boloney on the floor.


There was so much crying that ds15 said it sounded like a funeral complete with professional mourners.


Then he asked who was going to read the eulogy.


The first thought through my mind:


"My boloney has a first name; It's O-S-C-A-R..."

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Dawn, sorry to hear about your SIL.  Hope it turns out to be nothing. 


As far as cooking goes - you could, but not if you're still going to have to do it again on Saturday.  If you're cooking on Saturday, I would just go to Cracker Barrel tomorrow. 


For all you pie makers out there, here's your t-shirt:





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I am completely behind. So I have read bits and pieces since about page 505.


How are you people talking so much?!? I haven't had a chance to breathe in days. I have been trying to stick to my normal sleep schedule though. I have to or I will be face down in my mashed potatoes tomorrow. I may be there anyway lol. I will fortify myself with wine and coffee, alternating with water so I don't get dehydrated.


Junie, yay that you are done... You get to rest while the rest of us cook into the night.


Renai, you don't have to get off the couch. As a matter of fact, you should stay on the couch. I will join you there with a nice glass of port:-)


Slache, your twins story made me want to cry.


Tex, re: kissing dream, etc. I swear sometimes I think we were separated at birth. We have ALOT in common.


So, we have 25 people coming tomorrow. The table is set up. We rent white bridal chairs and the decorating is done. It looks so pretty. If I think of it, I will take a pic.


My great aunt died on Friday, she was very sweet but very ill. Guess when they are having the funeral... Today. Yup. Thus, the impression of "chicken with head cut off" that I am doing.


So, I am dressed all in black. We will go to the funeral, see familia, run to the grocery store, come home, bake pies, clean bathrooms, empty coat closet, eat the egg bake I made this afternoon so my offspring don't waste away into nothing. Yay us!

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I am starting to feel self-conscious. We are pretty clean. And I am the one everyone in the family thinks is too fancy:-( But I am NOT snooty. I like pretty things, but I share:-) And I welcome everyone to our home with opens arms, including strangers, because I truly love people. Our TG always has extra people because everyone knows we always have room for more.


I think the snooty, fancy people give the loving, fancy people a bad name. I would like to sic the elephant ninjas on all of them.


This was my drive by. Now I must go get ready for funeral:-(

Edited by Professormom
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The key lime pie is made.  The pies are chilling in the fridge.  The only thing left to do is the sweet potatoes and wrangling the turkey.  College girl is here  and is insisting that I take her to Old Navy.   :confused1:  Why would I want to go there?  But I will because I am Mom of the Year right here, yo.  Then I will make her peel sweet potatoes.  

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I am back from being a turnip.  The phlebotomist asked me if I was a medical professional as I talked him through how to get blood out of me (not easy).  I said "No, but I get worked on a lot." 


Then we went to Lil' Jon's diner because my labs were fasting and I was getting hangry.  And there was a long line almost out the door.  Great food and unfortunately everyone knows it.


Then errands. 


All I have to do is to roast a turkey.  A small 12 pound turkey. 

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Only if you roast your turkey in a 500* oven. If not, you should be safe sans cleaning.

I guess you missed the posts where my oven was smoking, the fire alarm was repeatedly going off, doors and windows were thus all thrown open, and the neighborhood dogs were going berserk.


But my cheesecake came out wonderfully.


I'm cleaning the oven now. Well, I'm letting the cleaner do its thang, yo.

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