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Isn't this common sense?

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So our neighbor calls around bedtime looking for her two boys, who aren't here. They were here earlier but went to another neighbor's house. Then the mom tells dh that her six year old has a fever of 106. Now our kids are exposed to whatever it was because her two other kids were over here and we didn't know they could be sick.


Part of it is that I don't want my kids sick, but the other thing is that our sole source of income is me doing childcare. So if I have to close because we're sick, I make no money.


I know it stinks when one of your kids is sick, but don't you keep the other ones home or at least warn people first and let them decide?

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Guest janainaz

I would keep my sick one home, but not necessarily the other one. I have never really thought about that. I might think about it more seriously if I were going to be around a newborn or a baby, but not adolescent aged kids who get exposed to everything. You could go to the grocery store, grab a cart, and pick up germs just as easily.


I understand your concern having a daycare. But, I would not be too hard on the mother.


I just re-read your post, I mis-understood. I thought you meant that she had another child at home and her other boys were out and about.

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It was the two other NOT sick kids that were around playing, right? Well, if ds10 was sick - I prolly wouldn't make dd12 sit around the house all day unless she too was sick....


Now, mind you, that's in normal circumstances. Right at the moment, with this swine flu thing, I'd be MUCH more cautious...


But no, I usually don't force one to stay home when the other is sick.. lots of times one kid gets sick and the other doesn't... it's usually ME who catches what the sick one had. :tongue_smilie:

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My children have frequently run up to 106.5-- doctor says not to worry about it. There's two main things that could be going on to make a fever that high in a kid-- UTI and ear infection...neither of which are contagious. Most any other reasons for a fever that high and he'd be nearly unresponsive so you should have nothing to worry about. Everytime my kids have a fever that high-- low and behold, it's the ears (and once or twice, a UTI).

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I keep the other kids home unless it is something like an academic class where missing is going to cause a lot of extra work.


Last week, Miss Bossy had a fever, and Mr. Clever had body aches. Miss Good was supposed to have a really fun scrap booking project for Girl Scouts.


I had her stay home because I had no way of knowing if she was contagious, but just didn't have symptoms yet. I didn't want to risk exposing other families to our illness.

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Yeah must be. 106, that's brain damage high.

Not necessarily. My oldest had VERY high fevers (105.7) when she was young. No other symptoms, just the fevers. I took her to the ER a couple of times, but she never suffered from seizures or brain damage. All the Dr.'s did was observe her and giver her the Tylenol/Motrin cocktail (if I hadn't already medicated her). 30 minutes after taking the meds she'd acting normal, and asking to go home.

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Usually with my kids if one is sick the other will be sick (lighter or worse) in 48 hours. So we stay at home until it goes through the family. I might let the sibling play outside and tell him not to touch any friends - just play games and stuff - if they aren't showing symptoms, but I would let them go to other people's houses.

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It was the two other NOT sick kids that were around playing, right? Well, if ds10 was sick - I prolly wouldn't make dd12 sit around the house all day unless she too was sick....


Now, mind you, that's in normal circumstances. Right at the moment, with this swine flu thing, I'd be MUCH more cautious...


But no, I usually don't force one to stay home when the other is sick.. lots of times one kid gets sick and the other doesn't... it's usually ME who catches what the sick one had. :tongue_smilie:


I misread that. I don't keep my other kids home if one of them is sick either, unless the circumstances are really unusual.

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Not necessarily. My oldest had VERY high fevers (105.7) when she was young. No other symptoms, just the fevers. I took her to the ER a couple of times, but she never suffered from seizures or brain damage. All the Dr.'s did was observe her and giver her the Tylenol/Motrin cocktail (if I hadn't already medicated her). 30 minutes after taking the meds she'd acting normal, and asking to go home.


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It was the two other NOT sick kids that were around playing, right?


Yes, but they were around their sister and could be carrying whatever she's got.


Possibly, possibly not. I know it's extra concerning right now with this new disease on the go, and yes, it would have been good if she had mentioned this - especially given the current circumstances. But normally, people don't lock everyone down when *1* family member is ill.


(Normally being in *my* own experience with family, friends, etc, of course. That's the only 'normal' that I have to work with.)


Either which way, I do hope that the germs stay out of your home. :)

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If anyone is sick enough to run a fever. If one of the kids has a fever, DH would still to to work - for sure.


But the kids and I tend to stay home. Playing with friends isn't important enough to take the risk to others. I keep everyone away from my parents too - I just couldn't stand if I got them sick. MIL on the other hand, insists she never gets sick and can care for them if I need it, which is sweet, and so far has been true. I've never seen her sick.

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I actually do tend to let my older do things even if the younger is sick...because never, in the history of their lives has younger ds given ANYTHING to older ds. Older ds has had 2 illnesses in the last 6 years. When he was 4, he had a horrible flu. When he was 8, he got a sinus infection. The end.


Younger ds will run a fever sometimes just because he feels like it. It is totally weird (never 106. Holy crap!) but up to 104 at times, and then it goes away. Those times, it has never been anything more than a virus (usually a throat infection, but never strep).


Now, if I had to cart sick ds2 out in order to take ds1 around to wherever, then no. I would keep them both home. But, just to let ds1 walk to a neighbors to play...sure.

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In your case where the other mother knows that you have a daycare it would make sense to let you know that one kid is sick so that the well kids play outside with your kids to minimize germs in your house and on your kids. We have an immune compromised child at our house, and there is nothing more irritating than someone sending a well child to my house while sib. is sick (other than sending a sick one, long frustrating story).

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but we have 6 kids and if we kept all of our kids home everytime one of them was sick, we wouldn't go very many places. Plus, a couple of my children are much more prone to illness and are sick much more often, while some of my children have rarely been sick in their lives. My kids usually play outside with neighbor kids instead of going into each others houses, so that is another difference. Now, if it is a stomach flu, I am much more cautious, but that usually goes through the family pretty rapidly.:tongue_smilie:


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If my kid had a fever of 106, I'd be at a hospital with him/her. At 105, my daughter, then 3, was hallucinating. I can't imagine any higher.


As for the OP....I don't know that I'd think about not letting one kid play if the other is sick. If it were certain things, I would have them mention it (or I'd call ahead)...chicken pox for example. And possibly when too many people are panicking over this swine flu.

Edited by 2J5M9K
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I guess not. I have six kids and as a general rule I have rarely kept them all in everytime one of them gets sick. Exceptions are things like strep throat, chicken pox or other very contagious diseases but if one of them has a cold or something like that then no the rest are not quarantined. I don't let other children in my house but I do let children that are not sick go out. A few of my kids have never been sick and we rarely have an illness that goes through everyone in the family. As a matter of fact I have had strep throat, chicken pox and the measles all go through my house without everyone getting it. Also there are many causes of high fevers that are not contagious so there is no way of knowing if the other children were even a threat.


Finally, I know that most of us homeschool so we think of things differently but how would PS function if all siblings of all sick children stayed home? Our school dictrict allows 10 sick days, preferably with dr. excuse. A dr. will not even recommend that the sibling of a sick child stay home much less give a written excuse. The same thing applies on a larger scale. Society simply could not function if all family members of all sick people stayed home for the duration of all family members' illnesses. I just don't see how this would in any way be practical. :001_huh:

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If I kept one kid home when the other was sick, we'd never get to go anywhere. So I don't. I think of parents who have five or six or more kids...where colds and flus make the rounds of all the kids over time. It would be insane to keep all your kids home for months and months.


So, nope, it would never occur to me to tell someone else if one of my kids were sick, but the other was still allowed to play (I would tell them if they were coming to my house).

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No, it's never occurred to me to keep the others home when one is sick. I "only" have 4 but, like others said, we'd be cooped up at least all winter.


Even with keeping just a sick child home (whether for a fever, very runny nose, or stomach issues), each dd missed at least 3 gymnastics classes this winter, ds missed a couple of piano lessons, and our hs group pretty much shuts down b/c each family winds up with at least 1 sick child (or parent!) on every meeting day.


And winter pretty much runs October-April here. We'd be complete hermits.

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I know it stinks when one of your kids is sick, but don't you keep the other ones home or at least warn people first and let them decide?


I actually agree with you. If this was just a common cold I might have a different opinion but a 106 fever is nothing to fool around with. I know that sometimes kids can get a high fever with an ear infection but 106 fever can also signal a serious illness. If my kids ever had a 106 fever we would be in the ER. My middle dd once had a 105 fever. The pediatrician at the time was very laid back about it and even acted annoyed when I called his office off hours. (He was on call). On the other hand our current physician was shocked that this doctor didn't want my child checked out. She was only a young todder at the time.


Regardless I think the parents should have told you and given you the option of having the siblings over. When my kids were younger I have done that. If one of them was sick with something more than a cold and their sibling was invited over to another house I would always warn the parent that their sibling was sick. Most of the time the parents were ok with it but once in awhile they felt more comfortable having my kids stay away. It's one thing if the kids are just playing outside but if they are cooped up inside and in close quarters, sharing the same toys, etc. I think it is different.

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Mine are spaced out: 14, 12 and 7. My 7yo has been sick much more with things that my oldest already had immunity to because they didn't get it. On the other hand, the two older ones got the flu and strep and she didn't get it!!! If it is a stomach virus, then I keep all of them home. Otherwise, no I don't. We would have missed way too much stuff and like I said, various ones get it and various ones do not. That said, I probably would have warned you because 106 sounds more serious than just a cold.



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