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Swine Flu info...from the CDC

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I live very close to an infected area and my homeschool group here is sending out info. Here is an excerpt:


Friends, this is from an ER doctor in New Braunfels, sent to me by Mark Lundy.

It is more comprehensive than other things I've see. -- J___


Date: Wed, 29 Apr 2009 08:55:31 -0500


Subject: Flu Update from Dr. Gitterle



After I returned from a public health meeting yesterday with community leaders

and school officials in Comal County, Heather suggested I send an update to

everyone, because what we are hearing privately from the CDC and Health

Department is so different from what you are hearing in the media. Some

of you know some or maybe all of this, but I will just list what facts I know.



- The virus is infectious for about 2 days prior to symptom onset

- Virus sheds more than 7 days after symptom onset (possibly as long as 9 days)

(this is unusual)

- Since it is such a novel (new) virus, there is no "herd immunity," so the

"attack rate" is very high. This is the percentage of people who come down with

a virus if exposed. Almost everyone who is exposed to this virus will become

infected, though not all will be symptomatc. That is much higher

than seasonal flu, which averages 10-15%. The "clinical attack rate" may be

around 40-50%. This is the number of people who show symptoms. This is a huge

number. It is hard to convey the seriousness of this.

- The virulence (deadliness) of this virus is as bad here as in Mexico, and

there are folks on ventilators here in the US, right now. This has not been in

the media, but a 23 month old near here is fighting for his life, and a pregnant

woman just south of San Antonio is fighting for her life. In

Mexico, these folks might have died already, but here in the US, folks are

getting Tamiflu or Relenza quickly, and we have ready access to ventilators.

What this means is that within a couple of weeks, regional hospitals will likely

become overwhelmed.

- Some of the kids with positive cases in Comal County had more than 70 contacts

before diagnosis.

- There are 10-25 times more actual cases (not "possible" cases -- actual), than

what is being reported in the media. The way they fudge on reporting this is

that it takes 3 days to get the confirmatory nod from the CDC on a given viral

culture, but based on epidemiological grounds, we know that

there are more than 10 cases for each "confirmed" case right now.

- During the night, we crossed the threshold for the definition of a WHO, Phase

6 global pandemic. This has not happened in any of our lifetimes so far. We are

in uncharted territory.

- I expect President Obama will declare an emergency sometime in the next 72-96

hours. This may not happen, but if it doesn't, I will be surprised. When this

happens, all public gathering will be cancelled for 10 days.

- I suggest all of us avoid public gatherings. Outdoor activities are not as

likely to lead to infection. It is contained areas and close contact that are

the biggest risk.

- Tamiflu is running out. There is a national stockpile, but it will have to be

carefully managed, as it is not enough to treat the likely number of infections

when this is full-blown. I don't think there is a big supply of Relenza, but I

do not know those numbers. If I had to choose, I would take

Relenza, as I think it gets more drug to the affected tissue than Tamiflu.

- You should avoid going to the ER if you think you have been exposed or are

symptomatic. ER's south of here are becoming overwhelmed -- and I mean that --

already. It is coming in waves, but the waves are getting bigger.

- It appears that this flu produces a distinctive "hoarseness" in many victims.

The symptoms, in general, match other flu's; namely, sore throat, body aches,

headache, cough, and fever. Some have all these symptoms, while others may have

only one or two.

- N-Acetyl-Cysteine -- a nutritional supplement available at the health food

store or Wimberley Pharmacy, has been shown to prevent or lessen the severity of

influenza. I suggest 1200mg, twice a day for adults, and 600mg twice a day in

kids over 12. It would be hard to get kids under 12 to take it,

but you could try opening the capsules and putting it on yogurt. For 40 pounds

and up, 300-600 mg twice a day, for less than 40 pounds, half that.

- Oscillococinum, a homeopathic remedy, has been vindicated as quite effective

in a large clinical trial in Europe, with an H1N1 variant. You can buy this at

Hill Country Natural Foods, or the Wimberley Pharmacy.

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I googled that email - it's been posted 'round the net a bit and nobody has been able to prove whether this "Doctor" actually wrote it or not... it's not an official communication by any means....


and the guy appears to sell stuff


Not saying there isn't any truth in the "email" (if it even was an email to begin with) - but just that it's worth being cautious with these things that get sent around.

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I live very close to an infected area and my homeschool group here is sending out info. Here is an excerpt:


Friends, this is from an ER doctor in New Braunfels, sent to me by Mark Lundy.

It is more comprehensive than other things I've see. -- J___


Date: Wed, 29 Apr 2009 08:55:31 -0500


Subject: Flu Update from Dr. Gitterle



After I returned from a public health meeting yesterday with community leaders

and school officials in Comal County, Heather suggested I send an update to

everyone, because what we are hearing privately from the CDC and Health

Department is so different from what you are hearing in the media. Some

of you know some or maybe all of this, but I will just list what facts I know.



- The virus is infectious for about 2 days prior to symptom onset

- Virus sheds more than 7 days after symptom onset (possibly as long as 9 days)

(this is unusual)

- Since it is such a novel (new) virus, there is no "herd immunity," so the

"attack rate" is very high. This is the percentage of people who come down with

a virus if exposed. Almost everyone who is exposed to this virus will become

infected, though not all will be symptomatc. That is much higher

than seasonal flu, which averages 10-15%. The "clinical attack rate" may be

around 40-50%. This is the number of people who show symptoms. This is a huge

number. It is hard to convey the seriousness of this.

- The virulence (deadliness) of this virus is as bad here as in Mexico, and

there are folks on ventilators here in the US, right now. This has not been in

the media, but a 23 month old near here is fighting for his life, and a pregnant

woman just south of San Antonio is fighting for her life. In

Mexico, these folks might have died already, but here in the US, folks are

getting Tamiflu or Relenza quickly, and we have ready access to ventilators.

What this means is that within a couple of weeks, regional hospitals will likely

become overwhelmed.

- Some of the kids with positive cases in Comal County had more than 70 contacts

before diagnosis.

- There are 10-25 times more actual cases (not "possible" cases -- actual), than

what is being reported in the media. The way they fudge on reporting this is

that it takes 3 days to get the confirmatory nod from the CDC on a given viral

culture, but based on epidemiological grounds, we know that

there are more than 10 cases for each "confirmed" case right now.

- During the night, we crossed the threshold for the definition of a WHO, Phase

6 global pandemic. This has not happened in any of our lifetimes so far. We are

in uncharted territory.

- I expect President Obama will declare an emergency sometime in the next 72-96

hours. This may not happen, but if it doesn't, I will be surprised. When this

happens, all public gathering will be cancelled for 10 days.

- I suggest all of us avoid public gatherings. Outdoor activities are not as

likely to lead to infection. It is contained areas and close contact that are

the biggest risk.

- Tamiflu is running out. There is a national stockpile, but it will have to be

carefully managed, as it is not enough to treat the likely number of infections

when this is full-blown. I don't think there is a big supply of Relenza, but I

do not know those numbers. If I had to choose, I would take

Relenza, as I think it gets more drug to the affected tissue than Tamiflu.

- You should avoid going to the ER if you think you have been exposed or are

symptomatic. ER's south of here are becoming overwhelmed -- and I mean that --

already. It is coming in waves, but the waves are getting bigger.

- It appears that this flu produces a distinctive "hoarseness" in many victims.

The symptoms, in general, match other flu's; namely, sore throat, body aches,

headache, cough, and fever. Some have all these symptoms, while others may have

only one or two.

- N-Acetyl-Cysteine -- a nutritional supplement available at the health food

store or Wimberley Pharmacy, has been shown to prevent or lessen the severity of

influenza. I suggest 1200mg, twice a day for adults, and 600mg twice a day in

kids over 12. It would be hard to get kids under 12 to take it,

but you could try opening the capsules and putting it on yogurt. For 40 pounds

and up, 300-600 mg twice a day, for less than 40 pounds, half that.

- Oscillococinum, a homeopathic remedy, has been vindicated as quite effective

in a large clinical trial in Europe, with an H1N1 variant. You can buy this at

Hill Country Natural Foods, or the Wimberley Pharmacy.



I'm not going to have much time today, but I want to make one quick point about this email...


This comment

During the night, we crossed the threshold for the definition of a WHO, Phase

6 global pandemic. This has not happened in any of our lifetimes so far. We are

in uncharted territory.

is really inaccurate. We may be at Phase 6, but we've been there before, we'll be there again, and every time there is a pandemic we're in uncharted territory, because they are all different!


Technically, yeah, we've never been at Phase 6, because those definitions are new. I don't know when WHO first came up with this paradigm, but it came out of pandemic preparedness planning after H5N1. We've had pandemics in our lifetime (mine, anyway :)). They just didn't have the name of a phase attached to them.

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My sis works in the area where this er dr works. The dr really exists, he really wrote the letter, & he's potentially going to lose his job over it. (Although, that sounds like a *good* thing to me, I mean who'd want to be a dr right now, you know?)


She says that she's heard that the email was intended for his family only & that it's been passed around, edited, etc. But how much it's been twisted or edited is questionable. She has a friend who was in the same meetings this dr was in & didn't hear the same info being given. Fwiw, though, her friend isn't trained in med, so I guess it's poss that the friend wouldn't have "heard" the same things, if that makes sense.


Sis says it's probably somewhere in the middle. I'm the paranoid freak in the family. She's the jump-&-see-if-you've-got-a-parachute type.


Also, the hospital the dr works for owns hospitals in Mx. Neither of us can figure out how that would matter, but there it is.


My point? I guess just sharing. This letter bothered me, & I was really reassured to hear it was likely a hoax. But since, on at least some level, it's not, I prefer to work w/ as many of the facts as I can, kwim? So it gives me pause. Thought I'd share.

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Yep, the reference to N-A-C rang my bull**** alarms right away.


My dad sent me the same email an hour ago - it's not "real".


Why would it mentioning N-Acetyl-Cysteine ring your alarms? It makes sense that a supplement which helps clear the lungs would be a good one to combat the Swine flu.

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Partially true or not true at all...he wasn't lying about the 23month old and the pregnant lady - both fighting for their lives (and he wrote this before we even knew about it in from media exposure). Now, both of these people have died. The pregnant woman gave birth to a healthy baby, but died in the hosital May 5.

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I saw this email several days ago, maybe even the end of last week on another homeschooling message board. It was exactly the same, except for the last two points- the pharmacy recommendations. Don't know what that means about the truth of the rest of it, but someone seems to be adding onto it for their own benefit.

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I saw this email several days ago, maybe even the end of last week on another homeschooling message board.



Then 72 hours have passed and the president has not declared an emergency and banned public gatherings.


I'm not holding my breath over this one.

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The pharmacy has a good reputation. The head pharmacist is also a 'naturopath' and he has a huge following...LOTS of success stories.


New Braunfels ER has a history of hiring Drs who are also naturopaths or 'holistic' Drs. I used one of his colleagues a few years ago with my aspartame poisoning. These are medical Drs who believe that Western medicine does NOT hold all of the answers.


There is another Dr in our town--my DD's Dr, who has his own pharmacy that has a much broader selection of natural products--including the ones mentioned. This is what makes me think that the e-mail was either a shameless plug--or that his family KNEW the pharmacist or the health-food store owner (I must admit that I do...).


I agree that most of this e-mail has probably been exaggerated...


BUT if anyone wants to drive here and use the pharmacy listed--Wimberley is a great little tourist town (Beautiful creek/huge trees/green hills) lots of little shops--I'd be happy to show you around--as long as you are not sick!:lol:

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I think it is bizarre that they are reporting the pregnant woman had underlying health issues. I *get* that she was pregnant, had developed pneumonia, and delivered a baby via c-section. That is definitely a LOT for the body to try and handle. However, one article I read cited that her "underlying conditions" were "severe obseity and gall stones." WHAT? Since when are gall stones and obesity underlying medical conditions that cause you to die from flu?

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I think it is bizarre that they are reporting the pregnant woman had underlying health issues. I *get* that she was pregnant, had developed pneumonia, and delivered a baby via c-section. That is definitely a LOT for the body to try and handle. However, one article I read cited that her "underlying conditions" were "severe obseity and gall stones." WHAT? Since when are gall stones and obesity underlying medical conditions that cause you to die from flu?


I don't know anything about her medical problems, but obesity is a risk factor for pneumonia, as well as many other medical conditions. Morbid obesity just makes everything worse.

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hhhmmm this is contrary to what CDC told my boss. He called them yesterday due to the Academy's concern on Swine flu since two schools near where I work closed due to confirmed Swine flu case. He called them and asked them what we should do. This letter the OP posted is nothing what the CDC told my boss. They basically told him "Business as usual". Just put out more sanitary pumps for visitors and anybody that is in the building. Wipe down door handles and counters in public areas periodically. They said just let it take its course. No reason to close academy or church down if confirmed swine flu case shows up.


hhhmmmm....I think the letter is bogus!!



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I also live in the same town as this doctor, and shortly after the email started spreading so rapidly, others in our medical community went to the newspaper and they put out a response to this doctor, basically debunking all that he said. Their main suggestion was to keep out of public areas (most especially restaurants, parks, and movie theaters) and wash your hands, and not to panic. Our city buildings, schools, parks, etc have been closed so every one was doing their best to keep people home!

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Last week, my oncologist had a list of swine flu symptoms next to the sign in sheet. Today it was gone. But in another area of the office, there was a list of measles symptoms and instructions to contact the state department of health(?) if you had them.


We aren't near a major outbreak of swine flu, but the change in notices makes me think that, at least locally, the problem isn't as bad as originally believed. I didn't get to the hospital, so I don't know if they still have their face masks out for people running fevers with other flu-like symptoms.


Before I start a measles panic, last I heard there were only about 6 measles cases in the entire state. I know that measles can have dangerous side effects, especially for adults, but six is nothing to someone who grew up when the measles were just a normal childhood disease.

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I googled that email - it's been posted 'round the net a bit and nobody has been able to prove whether this "Doctor" actually wrote it or not... it's not an official communication by any means....


and the guy appears to sell stuff


Not saying there isn't any truth in the "email" (if it even was an email to begin with) - but just that it's worth being cautious with these things that get sent around.


Okay, so I click on the link and now I am thinking, "I could use that stuff!" Healthy cholesterol is that easy? :lol::tongue_smilie:

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First thing I thought (as a respiratory therapist) is WHY in the world would any doctor recommend acetylcysteine (Mucomyst) to everyone without cautioning them that it may cause airway constriction and copious unmanageable secretions? We were taught to NEVER give acetylcysteine without a bronchodialtor.


You know, myself and my medical field friends are all kind rolling our eyes about all this swine flu stuff. Wanna research something really scary, research MRSA or acinobactor.


Yes, Swine flu is here. Yes, people are being infected. However, compare it to what our "regular" flu does every year and it doesn't even compare.




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