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Is there a PMS pill or supplement?

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I'm a wreck every month. It is so predictable. I am ruining this family over my PMS rages. It feels like I can't control it (although I know somehow this can't be true). Every little disappointment, put-out, or flaw in life just sends me into orbit. I really do hate myself when it happens. I really think I am doing damage to my kids by witnessing my monthly meltdowns. We are already on a relaxed, year-round schedule because I work quite a bit, so taking a week off every month isn't an option for us. I haven't gotten any great advice from my docs...so....do you know of any natural remedies for this?




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I have found taking a B-Complex supplement and getting outside and walking (or just being - if it's yucky, I may just hang out on the front stoop with a cup of tea for 10 minutes) regularly helps. I take a B-complex vitamin daily and try to walk at least 3 times a week but I increase my walking and outdoor time around PMS time. I also have just explained to my kids (in greater detail with my older dds than with my young sons) what is going on once a month and to be patient with me and I will try to be aware of my over-sensitivity and grumpiness/ nastiness and try to curb it as best I can. I have also found that going to bed a little early and just winding down by watching a movie or reading a bit helps my mental state.


Good luck.

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We have found that Vitex does help quite a bit. You have to be faithful and take it regularly, and it won't help over night. OUr youngest daughter has way more PMS issues than I do. I would avoid having any kind of discussions with her during that time of the month. Vitex helped her tremendously.

I had researched natural remedies and while black cohash is an option, it did have side effects. At the time I was researching Vitex had no known side effects.


Hope you find something that helps!

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If you are interested in herbs, a single herb you can take is Red Raspberry. You'd need to take it as a supplement every day, not just during your PMS cycles. Please try to find a good herbal source, I use Nature's Sunshine. Most brands you get in the grocery store aren't worth anything.

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PMS can be worse if you're not consuming enough good fats. Try reading "New Vital Oils" by Liz Earle. The other thing that can help is regular chiropractic treatment. That really cleared up my period pain, which made sense, but I was quite surprised to find it pretty much cleared up the mood swings too. Now I'm just my normal tetchy self instead of an abnormal tetchy self...



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Let me tell you, I went to a naturalist about 6 months ago and she gave me natural Progesterone (bio-identical) and I't made a world of difference. You apply nightly 14 days after your your cycle starts, approx 2 weeks before. You feel better throghout the day with energy, no grumpiness and just better over all. This is also used for menopausal women and is used 3 weeks and one week break.



It's supposed to have no long term side effects. You may want to do some research on this. I't has been announced on alot of talk shows including Dr. Oz.


This is a cream that comes in a measured pump.


Please do your own research, I have found them in natural food stores.

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Go out tomorrow and buy two things: the book What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Premenopause, by Dr. John Lee, and some natural Progesterone cream. There are many good brands available, but Progest, by Emerita is readily available at most (all?) major health food stores.


Then, go home and read the book. It will explain what is going on in your body, environmental factors that make things worse, and what to do about it. It will tell you how to use the progesterone cream. It may just change your life! :)


I know what you're talking about with the PMS craziness. I remember feeling like a capsule popped in my blood, causing it to boil, and causing me to screech at my children, throw small objects, and totally lose control. I also had very sore breasts, painful cramps, and other symptoms. The cream evened out my hormones, and made a world of difference. You might need to play around with the dosage and the days of your cycle that you use it, but it can be very helpful for the symptoms you describe.

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I am trained as a naturopath and I tell you I have tried many things and nothing has worked remotely as well as progesterone cream. I don't know how old you are though- I think you really should be over 35, preferably 38, before you use it.

The herb that has a similar progesterone enhancement is chaste tree, and thats the next best treatment for me.


Other than that, I think PMS shows up where we are out of balance, but most of the month we can override and manage ourselves. During PMS, we kind of lose that ability to override and manage things, and anything that's under the surface that's not quite right, quite emotionally healthy, suddenly are in our face and we cant escape it. Relationship issues, anger issues, resentment than we normally swallow suddenly looms large. Minor anxieties seem suddenly very important to express and get weepy over. All those things. I don't think they suddenly come from nowhere during PMS time. I think they were already there but we could push them aside. So I think it is a good time to actually take note of what comes up and see if you/we can deal with it the rest of the month when it's not so intense.

I know for me, for years, intense relationship issues would come up during PMS time. I have learned to deal with them and they don't come up as much- although if there is something there, thats when it will show, thats for sure.


Exercise helps release those positive hormones to help balance the negative feelings. I find it really helps although I really have to force myself sometimes just to walk around the block.

Healthy fats, good diet- all these things are important for reproductive health as we get older.

I think it is important to actually take that time for extra sleep (go to bed earlier!), cancel less important things off teh schedule, and really take care, during that time. I have learned its not a good time to plan to be really busy, although gentle routine can help keep me grounded and less emotional, less self-focused.

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I'm a wreck every month. It is so predictable. I am ruining this family over my PMS rages. It feels like I can't control it (although I know somehow this can't be true). Every little disappointment, put-out, or flaw in life just sends me into orbit. I really do hate myself when it happens. I really think I am doing damage to my kids by witnessing my monthly meltdowns. We are already on a relaxed, year-round schedule because I work quite a bit, so taking a week off every month isn't an option for us. I haven't gotten any great advice from my docs...so....do you know of any natural remedies for this?





Are you looking for natural only? If not, Zoloft works wonders for pms. You can take it from ovulation to your period. Meaning, you do not have to take it every day... just when pms starts. If you are looking for natural, 5-htp taken on an empty stomach will help. I would take 5-htp three times throughout the day. It will make you tired though.


I've tried progesterone cream before and for me it did not help. I know it might sound strange, but I feel like it almost made things worse. I don't understand it, because people swear by it. I tried it several different cycles too. Perhaps it just depends on one's personal hormone levels? I don't know. It could be worth a try for you since so many say it helps. I'm wondering if I'm the only woman it didn't work for. Hmmm.

Edited by Bess
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Let me tell you' date=' I went to a naturalist about 6 months ago and she gave me natural Progesterone (bio-identical) and I't made a world of difference. You apply nightly 14 days after your your cycle starts, approx 2 weeks before. You feel better throghout the day with energy, no grumpiness and just better over all. This is also used for menopausal women and is used 3 weeks and one week break.



It's supposed to have no long term side effects. You may want to do some research on this. I't has been announced on alot of talk shows including Dr. Oz.


This is a cream that comes in a measured pump.


Please do your own research, I have found them in natural food stores.[/quote']



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I have horrible pms and several years ago, my doctor suggested taking extra calcium (1800 - 2000 mg) a week before my period is due. It's helped quite a bit, but isn't a cure-all. I still get clumsy and cranky, but it's not on the level it was before.


FYI - consuming a pint of Ben & Jerry's has the same effect, but you might not like the effect on your hips. LOL

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I totally understand how you feel. I have struggled with this horribly for years. The biggest thing that helps me is diet. I try to limit my carbs and eat protein at each meal and I try to force myself to eat three meals a day. For me, if I follow my diet, I am fine 95% of the time. It is amazing, really. Unfortunately, because I am a sugar addict, I often start to stray from my diet after I've been feeling better for a while and the whole cycle begins again. Excerise also really helps. I joined Curves last year and I feel so much better now that I am working out again.


One other thing that brought me tremendous relief was progesterone cream. At first, it was like a miracle for me. Unfortunately, I got a prescription dose at a compound pharmacy and I think I was taking way too high of a dose, so it stopped working. I've been thinking about talking to my doctor about giving it another try with the over the counter stuff.



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Evening Primrose Oil is the answer to almost all female problems. take it everyday, once in the morning and once at night. i had a friend who even cured her own ovarian cysts with the stuff!


Flaxseed Oil (2 TBSP a day, morning and night) with lignans is a miracle as well.


these things will eliminate your symptoms in a month or two and they have other amazing benefits and no bad side effects.

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I've been thinking about using EPO lately. What dosage do you take twice a day: 500 MG or 1300 MG? Thanks! ~Beth


don't buy the cheapest stuff, get some good quality EPO and i'd think 500mg 2X daily would be fine for general supplementation. if you have more severe problems you can up the dose accordingly...it won't hurt either way!

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I've tried some of them already:

Exercise - already do that at least 5x/week, always have

Progesterone cream - read Dr. Lee's book - I've been using Arbonne's cream for years

Extra protein - love it, so that's easy

B complex

Healthy fats

I even tried neurofeedback - total waste of $


As far as underlying issues that aren't dealt with and bubble up to the surface each month...while I feel blessed in many ways, my life ain't perfect! I have problems like everyone else and I deal with them as best I can. Unfortunately, I can't make certain people go away or make the economy better. But, I think I'm pretty accepting and roll with the punches.


I think I'll implement one new idea each month and see what helps. I'll report back :001_smile:. This month I'll start with Evening Primrose Oil.


thanks, everyone!!!


Edited by BalanceSeeker
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I've tried progesterone cream before and for me it did not help. I know it might sound strange, but I feel like it almost made things worse. I don't understand it, because people swear by it. I tried it several different cycles too. Perhaps it just depends on one's personal hormone levels? I don't know. It could be worth a try for you since so many say it helps. I'm wondering if I'm the only woman it didn't work for. Hmmm.


Bess, this was true for me, too. I tried every natural remedy I could come by for years, but nothing made any substantial dent in my rage/hypersensitivity and acne breakouts. No doubt the OP is not looking for this recommendation, but I went on the pill and that is the only thing that has helped. Also helped with heavy bleeding periods, which was another major problem for me.

I tried: Progesterone cream, flax seed (as seeds, oil and capsules), Vitex, Wild Yam, EPO and various vitamin combinations. I have wacked-out hormones, that's all there is to it. I wasn't thrilled to go this route, but I was getting desparate.

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Neptune Krill Oil will stop it dead in it's tracks. Since it's expensive, you'll want to find the MED - minimal effective dose....for me, that's often taking 1 500 mg pill from ovulation on (14 days for me).....sometimes I can take it just for the week before my period.


There is evidence that D helps as well. Since D deficiency is pandemic, everyone should be taking it anyway.....some of the most recent evidence supports 1,000 IU per 25-30 lbs body weight. We do 1,000 IU/30 lbs body weight for the kids and I.


Many get sufficient calcium, but most get insufficient magnesium.....for me, staying mag saturated drops my need for ibuprofen to *zero*




Evaluation of the effects of Neptune Krill Oil on the management of premenstrual syndrome and dysmenorrhea - Krill Oil & PMS



Vitamin D and calcium:

Calcium and Vitamin D Intake and Risk of Incident Premenstrual Syndrome



Oral magnesium successfully relieves premenstrual mood changes.




This study used tiny amount of crappy magnesium (mag oxide) and it still helped fluid retention:

Magnesium supplementation alleviates premenstrual symptoms of fluid retention.


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