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Update from meeting w/ oncologist today and prayer requests- 3/18

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My dh and I met with the oncologist today again. We are having trouble getting the pathology report that he really needs so we can know what kind of cells are making up the cancer. I suspect it's because we had the biopsy done in another town due to ins. and he's not a regular doctor there, so I will be making some calls to get it myself if need be. So, we spent some time discussing more medicine options, etc. IF I have the kind of pathology report that he suspects in my case due to the fact that I'm in my 40's, non smoker, kind of cancer it is, then there is a wonderful drug I can take by mouth each day and it has a great success rate. I've done research on it myself and read lots of reviews and seen lots of people have success with it. It disrupts the flow of blood to the cancer, so it will shrink the tumour. It works to get rid of the bad cells and allows the good cells to continue to build your immune system, so the tumour shrinks. We would watch it every four weeks with a CT scan and if it shrinks, we know it works for me. If not, then we would either continue using it and add in two chemo drugs, to get rid of it all.


So, we have some specific prayer requests with this update:


1) That we will get the pathology report in this week or by early next week (He works in out of town on Thursdays, so his office is open only four days, btw.)


2) That the pathology report is what he thinks it is, so we can use this medicine


3) That we can get the medicine cheaper through some pharmaceutical companies' drug program that works with his office or that our insurance company will be willing to pay for it at our tier level - either way, one of them would be cheaper as it's a very expensive drug


4) That I can start this drug next week


If I can't use this drug, then I have to get a port put in next week, hopefully (depending on the hospital schedule), and then we'll start chemo as soon as the port is in. So, there's still some behind the scene work that needs to be accomplished before we start. We're trusting God is ordering our steps as we wait for Him to orchestrate everything. I'm learning a lot about keeping my hands off the course and letting Him guide and lead as He wills, not me. My job is to walk by faith and trust Him and to take care of myself.


I mentioned in an earlier update that I was weaning off the bone steroid. Well, I almost made it through, but then I started having pain again, like before the radiation. I forgot that when they gave me the bone iv last week, that one of the side effects is bone pain, actually like growing pains in our children. Well, that's a GOOD thing, that means the bone iv medicine is working. He had told me it would take about a week and today is a week. So, I'm now on 2 mg. of steroids and if I have pain, I'm to take 800 mg. of Motrin. So, that's a praise, the medicine is working and making my bones strong again! Yay! I'd like to get off the steroid altogether though, as that is what is affecting my sleep pattern, more than likely.


The bills are starting to come in and that is a little overwhelming. Please pray that the Lord will take care of these and I won't allow them to stress me. I don't need to be worrying over anything right now, just taking care of myself and my family.


I'm also have a new CT scan done tomorrow since it's been six weeks. We need to have a new one done to see if there are any changes. I have to drink 40 oz. of liquid and sometimes it can cause stomach problems. I have IBS, so that could be embarrassing. Please pray that the tumour hasn't grown.


So, this sums up this visit. If you all can be praying for these specific prayer requests, we would really appreciate it.



This is an update as of Friday, March 20 -


The oncologist called this afternoon. The CT scan showed the cancer has NOT grown since the PET scan on 2/1/09!!!! This is a good sign to him that it is the kind he suspects. He talked to the pathologist's office today and they will get him the report he needs by our next appt., next Friday, to confirm what he suspects. If that is confirmed, we'll be using the drug that shrinks the tumor by cutting off the blood supply to it. It kills the cancer, but doesn't kill my good cells. It is not a chemo drug, but made just for my situation. In the meantime, his office will be working on getting the approval for the drug program or for my ins. to pay for it. It's very expensive, but not as expensive as chemo is. We stand in awe at how God is pouring out his blessings on us. Think about all the people that are hearing about this and seeing how God is working His plan out. Please continue to pray about the drug cost getting worked out so it won't cost us so much money. We can truly *feel* your prayers as you hold us up to the Father.


Love in Christ,



Edited by MJN
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Molly, I am praying right now that the new drug will be all you need and that your body does not have to endure chemo.

Also, that the red tape with the pathology report resolves itself quickly.

I am also praying that you will be able to swallow the contrast fluid with little or no side effects - remember to drink a lot of water afterwards to flush it out of your system.

...And that you will be able to take care of the bills.


Great is thy (HIS) faithfulness!



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My dh and I met with the oncologist today again. We are having trouble getting the pathology report that he really needs so we can know what kind of cells are making up the cancer. I suspect it's because we had the biopsy done in another town due to ins. and he's not a regular doctor there, so I will be making some calls to get it myself if need be. So, we spent some time discussing more medicine options, etc. IF I have the kind of pathology report that he suspects in my case due to the fact that I'm in my 40's, non smoker, kind of cancer it is, then there is a wonderful drug I can take by mouth each day and it has a great success rate. I've done research on it myself and read lots of reviews and seen lots of people have success with it. It disrupts the flow of blood to the cancer, so it will shrink the tumour. It works to get rid of the bad cells and allows the good cells to continue to build your immune system, so the tumour shrinks. We would watch it every four weeks with a CT scan and if it shrinks, we know it works for me. If not, then we would either continue using it and add in two chemo drugs, to get rid of it all.


So, we have some specific prayer requests with this update:


1) That we will get the pathology report in this week or by early next week (He works in out of town on Thursdays, so his office is open only four days, btw.)


2) That the pathology report is what he thinks it is, so we can use this medicine


3) That we can get the medicine cheaper through some pharmaceutical companies' drug program that works with his office or that our insurance company will be willing to pay for it at our tier level - either way, one of them would be cheaper as it's a very expensive drug


4) That I can start this drug next week


If I can't use this drug, then I have to get a port put in next week, hopefully (depending on the hospital schedule), and then we'll start chemo as soon as the port is in. So, there's still some behind the scene work that needs to be accomplished before we start. We're trusting God is ordering our steps as we wait for Him to orchestrate everything. I'm learning a lot about keeping my hands off the course and letting Him guide and lead as He wills, not me. My job is to walk by faith and trust Him and to take care of myself.


I mentioned in an earlier update that I was weaning off the bone steroid. Well, I almost made it through, but then I started having pain again, like before the radiation. I forgot that when they gave me the bone iv last week, that one of the side effects is bone pain, actually like growing pains in our children. Well, that's a GOOD thing, that means the bone iv medicine is working. He had told me it would take about a week and today is a week. So, I'm now on 2 mg. of steroids and if I have pain, I'm to take 800 mg. of Motrin. So, that's a praise, the medicine is working and making my bones strong again! Yay! I'd like to get off the steroid altogether though, as that is what is affecting my sleep pattern, more than likely.


The bills are starting to come in and that is a little overwhelming. Please pray that the Lord will take care of these and I won't allow them to stress me. I don't need to be worrying over anything right now, just taking care of myself and my family.


I'm also have a new CT scan done tomorrow since it's been six weeks. We need to have a new one done to see if there are any changes. I have to drink 40 oz. of liquid and sometimes it can cause stomach problems. I have IBS, so that could be embarrassing. Please pray that the tumour hasn't grown.


So, this sums up this visit. If you all can be praying for these specific prayer requests, we would really appreciate it.


Thank you for the extensive update, MJN. You remain in my prayers!

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Lots of prayers for you and your family at this time. Hopefully you get the news that the docs expect.


FWIW concerning the port. Surgery times are fairly easy to come by for that and it is a very quick procedure that often allows for the first dose of chemo when the port is placed. Things move quick from there. :grouphug:

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I've been reading your reports since you started your cancer journey and I've never responded to any of your posts until now. I really hope this doesn't upset you and please understand that I'm not trying to insult or hurt or do anything negative here.


I don't believe in any deity but always have you in the back of my mind and think good thoughts for you. I hope this isn't upsetting - especially since you're really into religion and your god, but if it helps at all, you have an atheist in Mexico thinking good thoughts for you frequently.

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This is an update as of Friday, March 20 -


The oncologist called this afternoon. The CT scan showed the cancer has NOT grown since the PET scan on 2/1/09!!!! This is a good sign to him that it is the kind he suspects. He talked to the pathologist's office today and they will get him the report he needs by our next appt., next Friday, to confirm what he suspects. If that is confirmed, we'll be using the drug that shrinks the tumor by cutting off the blood supply to it. It kills the cancer, but doesn't kill my good cells. It is not a chemo drug, but made just for my situation. In the meantime, his office will be working on getting the approval for the drug program or for my ins. to pay for it. It's very expensive, but not as expensive as chemo is. We stand in awe at how God is pouring out his blessings on us. Think about all the people that are hearing about this and seeing how God is working His plan out. Please continue to pray about the drug cost getting worked out so it won't cost us so much money. We can truly *feel* your prayers as you hold us up to the Father.


Love in Christ,





I am so happy to hear this good news, and for your beautiful testimony. Thanks for the update! :grouphug:

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