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Need input on "The Patriot" with Mel Gibson quick!

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I checked this out at the library yesterday for us to watch tonight since we are at the French & Indian War heading into the American Revolution. I have two ds almost 11 and almost 13. They just noticed the rating is R. I found some site kid...something that said really no nudity or language, just violence and blood. Well, that might make history interesting around here!:lol:


Thoughts or opinions? Watch or skip?





PS The library info said it was set during the FI war, the site I found said it was the Am Revolution. Can't see the back of the box for some library stuff. Which is it?

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I haven't shared it with my kids because the violence was intense. there is a scene where a group of families (children too) are burned alive inside a house/church/school-can't remember which. Very intense-but depends upon your kids. I let my kids watch Batman, but not this. The babies burned alive was too much for me.



I checked this out at the library yesterday for us to watch tonight since we are at the French & Indian War heading into the American Revolution. I have two ds almost 11 and almost 13. They just noticed the rating is R. I found some site kid...something that said really no nudity or language, just violence and blood. Well, that might make history interesting around here!:lol:


Thoughts or opinions? Watch or skip?





PS The library info said it was set during the FI war, the site I found said it was the Am Revolution. Can't see the back of the box for some library stuff. Which is it?

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VERY extremely violent. There's a scene where Mel (don't' remember the character's name) is hacking away at an enemy, and there is blood spurting all over him. He just lost control from rage, and it's a VERY intense scene.

There are other scenes that are pretty violent too, cannon balls knocking off heads and such. *I* let my children watch Gladiator, but none of them have watched the Patriot. YMMV

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I checked this out at the library yesterday for us to watch tonight since we are at the French & Indian War heading into the American Revolution. I have two ds almost 11 and almost 13. They just noticed the rating is R. I found some site kid...something that said really no nudity or language, just violence and blood. Well, that might make history interesting around here!:lol:


Thoughts or opinions? Watch or skip?





PS The library info said it was set during the FI war, the site I found said it was the Am Revolution. Can't see the back of the box for some library stuff. Which is it?



Well...I'm pretty liberal with what I allow my kids to watch. They are now 14 & 10. They have seen Pearl Harbor...the one with Ben Affleck; Armaggedon, Independance Day, I Am Legend and the like as they came out on video/dvd.


I have seen The Patriot. I will not allow my children to watch it. Don't get me wrong. It is an excellent movie! When my children are in high school they WILL watch it along with Platoon, Saving Private Ryan and a few others that I believe are true to history.


But I think do because of one particularly violent and intense scene and the character in the scene it is a no-go for that age.


It is more than the violence in my opinion that makes the movie unsuitable for the ages of your kids. It's the emotional aspect...but I do think that it's worth it when your kids are older.

Edited by H.S. Burrow
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There is a lot of violence -- heads being blown off, etc. I really think the movie could have been just as wonderful with far less visual violence. It's a great movie, a moving movie, an impactful movie -- just gory.


Yes, I know war is gory -- I just think some things are better left to the imagination.


My husband, our eldest (when he was 17) and I watched it. I would not let my younger boys watch it yet.


Oh, and as others mentioned -- the only French and Indian about it is that the character played by Mel Gibson had fought in the F&I War.


I also agree that it is emotionally intense.

Edited by nestof3
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Well...I'm pretty liberal with what I allow my kids to watch. They are now 14 & 10. They have seen Pearl Harbor...the one with Ben Affleck; Armaggedon, Independance Day, I Am Legend and the like as they came out on video/dvd.


I have seen The Patriot. I will not allow my children to watch it. Don't get me wrong. It is an excellent movie! When my children are in high school they WILL watch it along with Platoon, Saving Private Ryan and a few others that I believe are true to history.


But I think do because of one particularly violent and intense scene and the character in the scene it is a no-go for that age.


It is more than the violence in my opinion that makes the movie unsuitable for the ages of your kids. It's the emotional aspect...but I do think that it's worth it when your kids are older.


:iagree: It is violent and disturbing in parts. Our ds has watched LOTR, all 3 Terminators and other sundry violent movies, but this one adds that emotional element. Maybe because it's more realistic. So I'm waiting until high school as well.


If you can catch it on TV it is watchable as they edit most of the truly gory scenes.

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I'm probably more liberal about what my children can watch, but I wouldn't let my 11 yr old dd watch The Patriot. The violence would be too much for her, and she is extremely sensitive. I don't recall anything other than the violence being an issue, but it has been quite some time since I saw it. For me, it really depends upon the individual child. Most Mel Gibson movies are too violent for me, even.



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Well, shoot, I don't know. My ds11 would probably be upset, as would I. I can't believe I've never seen this myself. When I picked it up at the library and saw Mel Gibson on the box I thought, "Oh a good movie for a change." We suffered thru Treasure Island and Return to Treasure Island a few weeks ago. They were sooooooo old and you really couldn't understand anything they were saying.


If only I used TOG, or MFW, or WP, or (insert history program name here), all this would be planned out and prescreened for me. :lol: Shall I start another history program thread?




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My bigest problem with the movie is that it had almost no contact with reality. The "evil" British officer was loosely based on General Sir Banastre Tarleton, but I have not read of any event such as the burning.


It must be remembered that while the Britsih were happy to hang the occasional "revolutionary" as he would arguably have been judged a traitor, British officers did not make a habit of burning settler children alive.

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I know that I couldn't watch it...and I watch Lethal Weapon and enjoy that movie series. But The Patriot is supposed to be deeply disturbing violence....I will never be able to handle that.


It's a shame, because I enjoy Mel Gibson. But I know my limits. There's NO WAY I'd let a child watch it.



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We've seen it numerous times starting w/the dc were under 10yrs. Mel's character is loosely based on Francis Marion (The Swamp Fox) who was a guerrilla fighter in the Am. Rev. The violence wasn't gory (IMO, of course) like a slasher movie, but more of the "war is hell" type. When Mel looses it w/the hatchet, it's to save his son (Heath Leger). The church burning scene is emotional, but you don't see the graphic parts. Obviously, you'll probably want to preview it.

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I couldn't watch it without getting up for various errands at the worst parts. Off to the kitchen for tea & cookies lots of times.... the sound is actually gross too so I have to hum to myself to tune it out.


It's a movie I don't want to see again. Not sure that there's a need for my kids to see it & there's no way they could handle it yet (14 & 10)


This is one I'd definitely recommend you preview.

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Definitely preview it if you are concerned since everyone has different tolerances.


I expect to watch it with my kids when we get to that time period. They will be 9 and 11. Based on how they react to things now, I expect they'll be fine with it.

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we watch this every year on the 4th of july, its always on tv then, and the tv edited versions are MUCH better! the violence is over the top, BUT i have to say, it really gave ME a feel for what life must have been like then... if you have some way of editing it, or watching it on tv edited, i'd DEFINATELY recommend it, but it IS quite violent :-(

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we watch this every year on the 4th of july, its always on tv then, and the tv edited versions are MUCH better! the violence is over the top, BUT i have to say, it really gave ME a feel for what life must have been like then... if you have some way of editing it, or watching it on tv edited, i'd DEFINATELY recommend it, but it IS quite violent :-(




Don't I know you from Willow Traders?

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