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Post Five Unbelievable Things About Yourself

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I think #3, #4, and #5 are true.


1. During my first, and subsequently last, manicure, I passed out from pain.

2. I turned down an offer to take over half-interest in a medical practice.

3. My fourth child was born on a bridge on the way to the hospital.

4. My behind appears in an episode of Law & Order: Criminal Intent.

5. I was excused from a grad school class because I walked in very pregnant and carrying a dozen roses.

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1. While I was pregnant with my first child, I spent two months up in the mountains of Idaho, all alone and 30 miles from the nearest town.


2. I met my dh on a blind date and we got married 5 months later.


3. I illustrated a children's book that was published 4 years ago.


4. Our family of six lived in our motorhome last year for 10 months.


5. In college I fell asleep while driving and totalled my boyfriend's car.


1--Sounds True-scary if something happened, but true.


3--I say true!



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I think #1, #3, & #4 are true.


1. My first marriage proposal came from a complete stranger in a grocery store.

2. Two people have confessed murders to me.

3. My great aunt kept four of her dead relatives in urns on her mantelpiece.

4. I once thumbed a ride from a guy who said, "Pardon my haircut; I just got out of jail."

5. While traveling in France, my car broke down and nuns repaired it.

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I think #1, #2, and #5 are true.


Heres mine:


1) I have six toes on my right foot.

2) I met my husband at age 15 while he was a DJ at a skating rink.

3) On our honeymoon my luggage was lost, so I looked like a hooker for the first day.

4) I have been to 36 countries.

5) I partied with New Kids on the Block and ate cheese cake with one of the guys.

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1. Last year I won $1 million in the state lottery.


2. I like talking in front of crowds of people.


3. My husband proposed to me on a rainy night in a grocery store parking lot and I turned him down because the location was inappropriate.


4. I got a perm and had my hair dyed red and my husband thought I was playing a joke on him because I looked like Ronald McDonald.


5. Barry Pincus, also known as Barry Manilow, is my uncle.



2-True--someone has to like speaking in front of crowds.




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Heres mine:


1) I have six toes on my right foot.

2) I met my husband at age 15 while he was a DJ at a skating rink.

3) On our honeymoon my luggage was lost, so I looked like a hooker for the first day.

4) I have been to 36 countries.

5) I partied with New Kids on the Block and ate cheese cake with one of the guys.


1) False. Although Anne Boleyn made it work with fingers.

2) Hmmm.... another woman that knew what she wanted as a young teen. OK. True.

3) Yeah, this sounds plausable. True.

4) That seems a bit much. I mean HSers can travel freely, it's a nice thing about it, this number is a bit beyond the pale. False.

5) Hmmm... your husband's music career perhaps must have taken him well beyond skating rinks. True.

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1. I worked as Alice in Wonderland at Disneyland as a teen

2. I moved to Alaska for a year all alone when I was 19

3. My husband and I hated each other for the first year we knew each other

4. I sky-dive as a hobby

5. My kids all look like clones of my husband


1) No they don't give that job to teens, do they? False

2) False. You were better off as a teen trying for that job at Disneyland.

3) Now this sounds real. ANnd a good story to be had. True.

4) I can see it. There's some adventure/danger in your first four posts. The skydiving is real, the Alaska thing, like the Alice thing is maybe something you wanted to do but never got the chance. True.

5) And it drives you nuts. True.

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1. I worked as Alice in Wonderland at Disneyland as a teen

2. I moved to Alaska for a year all alone when I was 19

3. My husband and I hated each other for the first year we knew each other

4. I sky-dive as a hobby

5. My kids all look like clones of my husband


This one is driving me crazy, too. One minute they all seem real and the next false. Let's see...

1. True. That would be a great summer job. Beats flipping burgers.

2. False. I need something to be false.

3. True. It makes a great story.

4. False. I can't picture a homeschooling mama posting on a K-8 board having such a risky hobby... at least, not until her kids are a little older and can go along for a mid-drop lesson in gravity.

5. True. See #2.

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1. For the first leg of the Brain Drain tour, I was a roadie for The Ramones.


2. I married a virgin.


3. I have a tattoo of Karl Marx on my left shoulder.


4. My grandfather was the lead engineer in the design of Cape Canaveral Air Force Station.


5. My great-aunt was Emma Goldman.

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1. For the first leg of the Brain Drain tour, I was a roadie for The Ramones.


2. I married a virgin.


3. I have a tattoo of Karl Marx on my left shoulder.


4. My grandfather was the lead engineer in the design of Cape Canaveral Air Force Station.


5. My great-aunt was Emma Goldman.


Wow! This is tough...


1. False. Something has to be.

2. True. I did, so shy not.

3. True. You're a Marxist and your avatar has tattoos... how's that for logic?

4. False. Just 'cause.

5. True. History of rebellion and anarchy... love it.

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This should be fun. Three things you say must be true and two must be false. Then the rest of us can guess which is which.


Here's my submission:


1) I've shaken hands with Bill Gates.

2) I was once destitute on the streets of LA with with no money, home, or even a change of clothes.

3) I've participated in and activity where people died.

4) The closest I ever came to death was while swimming towards a waterfall.

5) While in High School I was ranked in the United States Top 20 at chess in the under 18 category.


OK reveal time. I've written my answer in white. You can read it by Higlighting below. Do that by holding down your left mouse key and scrolling.


1) I've never met Bill Gates. False

2) This is true, but not because I was a drug addict or pursuing my dream in acting or anything. I didn't want to be in LA. It was the Thursday before Memorial Day, 2003 and I was returning to my job in China for the next semester. I had a connecting flight to Shanghai but I was pulled off of it because paperwork regarding my visa was screwed up. You can travel with 2 suitcases and up to 100 lbs, which to me always means I can come back with 95 lbs of books.


So I left my suitcases at the airport, took a taxi to the Chinese consulate, but they were closing, I was already late, missed it by about 10-15 minutes. Then it all popped on my. I would be stuck in LA until So all I had was a carry-on bag, about $30 and some Chinese money. All my money is in Chinese accounts. I had to stay in LA, I didn't know anyone, have any money, or have anything or anywhere to go. And this was in a not very nice area, Little El Salvadore. I paniced, I tried to call my mom, no answer. I stumbled across a Western Union office by chance and kept calling my mom.


She never answers the phone from numbers she doesn't recognise because of telemarketers but because she had a son in transit to China and because the phone was ringing like New Hampshire the day before the primary election, she put two and two together, answered the phone and wired me money. But I was stranded like this for five hours. I rented a cheap motel with her money.


There's more to this nightmare story, but that's the short version.


3) I went into the Army out of High School to get money for college. Wouldn't you know, the 1991 Gulf War happened while I was in and off I went to fight in it. I didn't kill anybody, I was the parts clerk ordering stuff for the mechanics in a front line unit, so there were always others buffering me from th bad guys.


4) This is true, it happened in China. I like hiking but back to nature stuff for urban folks has only recently gotten popular here and it is much more dangerous. I'm a mediocre swimmer as is but the distance wasn't very long and I can ususually go that far. Long story short, I never tried to swim in my clothes and shoes before...


5) I like chess and I'm pretty good, but not this good. False.

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Rhonda in WA was correct.


1. False

2 - 4 are true.

5. False

1. Last year I won $1 million in the state lottery.


2. I like talking in front of crowds of people.


3. My husband proposed to me on a rainy night in a grocery store parking lot and I turned him down because the location was inappropriate.


4. I got a perm and had my hair dyed red and my husband thought I was playing a joke on him because I looked like Ronald McDonald.


5. Barry Pincus, also known as Barry Manilow, is my uncle.

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1. Last year I won $1 million in the state lottery.


2. I like talking in front of crowds of people.


3. My husband proposed to me on a rainy night in a grocery store parking lot and I turned him down because the location was inappropriate.


4. I got a perm and had my hair dyed red and my husband thought I was playing a joke on him because I looked like Ronald McDonald.


5. Barry Pincus, also known as Barry Manilow, is my uncle.


1) False. You don't meet the lottery playing demographic.

2) True. If I recall correctly, you're a lawyer by training. That likely means you're one of the few that doesn't mind public speaking. You also don't mind going busto on Science Fair judges. ;)

3) False, men know better than to screw up their wedding proposals with a most mundane ordinary "oh-by-the-way" parking lot setting. Even I know better and I'm about as sentimental as a caveman.

4)True. And upon further insection, even you had to admit he was right. :D

5) OK, we'll give you that. True.

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1. During my first, and subsequently last, manicure, I passed out from pain.

2. I turned down an offer to take over half-interest in a medical practice.

3. My fourth child was born on a bridge on the way to the hospital.

4. My behind appears in an episode of Law & Order: Criminal Intent.

5. I was excused from a grad school class because I walked in very pregnant and carrying a dozen roses.


1. True. My mom treated me to a manicure for my Junior Prom. The person doing my nails trimmed all the cuticles on my right hand, and then they all started to bleed. She didn't want to me to get an infection, so she poured rubbing alcohol over all five fingers. The next thing I knew, I was lying on the floor looking into the face of a friend who was a volunteer with the fire department (dressed half in a tux and half in his firefighting gear) and he was asking me if I was alright.

2. True. I worked as a receptionist for a dermatologist when I was in grad school. The doctor promoted me and trained me to be a nursing and surgical assistant, and I did some basic pathology lab work for him. When I told him that I was pregnant and would be resigning a month before my due date, he offered me half of the practice if I would go to medical school and study dermatology. Some days I wish I had done it, but most days I am happy I didn't.

3. False. This happened to a friend of mine, but not me.

4. False. It is true for my dh however. We were chaperoning a trip for his journalism students to NYC, and L&O:CI was filming down the street from our hotel. He and some of his students were asked to be passersby on a street shot, and my dh's bottom ended up being the only part of the group you could see. That same day, I had our two girls at the Central Park zoo, and L&O:CI was filming another scene there and our girls were asked to be part of another scene, but they said they didn't want to, they'd rather see the polar bear. :rolleyes:

5. True. It was my wedding anniversary, and I had met my dh for dinner at a restaurant near the university before class. I was pregnant, but not that pregnant. However, it was the first time I wore maternity clothes to class, so I suddenly looked very pregnant to my professor. As soon as I sat down, he said, "This is just wrong. You're pregnant and have flowers. Who thinks we should send ________ home to be with her husband?" The entire class raised their hands, so I went home.

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Nope. #3 is true. Something about going to the A & P made my DH feel romantic. I think it had something to do with the fact that he couldn't cook and I could and the prospect of not having dinner at Burger King made him feel all mushy inside. He got down on bended knee in the rain. I thought he was joking at first. When I realized he was serious, I was appalled.


I said, "Get up before somebody sees you and try to act normal in the grocery store!"


#4 -- Sadly, he was correct. I'm just glad he wasn't there for the time I permed and dyed my hair red on my own, and turned it grass green. I was in high school and it was not my finest moment.





3) False, men know better than to screw up their wedding proposals with a most mundane ordinary "oh-by-the-way" parking lot setting. Even I know better and I'm about as sentimental as a caveman.

4)True. And upon further insection, even you had to admit he was right. :D

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I've never had a professional manicure. I was thinking about it tonight as I was manicuring my nails -- should I see if a pro can do a better job than I can?


Now that I've read this, the answer is no.


1. True. My mom treated me to a manicure for my Junior Prom. The person doing my nails trimmed all the cuticles on my right hand, and then they all started to bleed. She didn't want to me to get an infection, so she poured rubbing alcohol over all five fingers. The next thing I knew, I was lying on the floor looking into the face of a friend who was a volunteer with the fire department (dressed half in a tux and half in his firefighting gear) and he was asking me if I was alright.

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Heres mine:


1) I have six toes on my right foot.

2) I met my husband at age 15 while he was a DJ at a skating rink.

3) On our honeymoon my luggage was lost, so I looked like a hooker for the first day.

4) I have been to 36 countries.

5) I partied with New Kids on the Block and ate cheese cake with one of the guys.


1-I don't have six toes!

2-I did meet my husband at 15 and he was a DJ at a skating rink.

3-From our wedding we got on a plane 6 hours later and I had on a nice outfit and high heels. Our flight was 9 hour and 4 hours of layovers. My luggage was lost along the way. But my wonderful husband had put a pair of shorts of mine in his suitcase. It was 98' in Aruba (where we went) and I had left WA and it was colder here. I had to wear shorts and my husbands t-shirt and heels. So I looked like a street walker for 24 hours.

4-I have only been to 4.

5-I went to a New Kids concert as a kid and my friend and I found out where they were staying and went down to their hotel. We were asked to join them in there hotel after party. Yes-I have cheese cake with Jordyn Knight and was sang to by Jon. Ok-silly but I loved it at the time.

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1. My first marriage proposal came from a complete stranger in a grocery store.

2. Two people have confessed murders to me.

3. My great aunt kept four of her dead relatives in urns on her mantelpiece.

4. I once thumbed a ride from a guy who said, "Pardon my haircut; I just got out of jail."

5. While traveling in France, my car broke down and nuns repaired it.


OK here goes...


1) This is true. Poor, conflicted Jen didn't want to hurt his feelings and say no so she somehow managed to get the point across by peeling rubber on her way out of the lot. ;)

2) Don't you work in some sort of counselling. Maybe I'm confused. This may well be true too.

3)People do this. True

4) No, where'd he get the car. Granted he was teasing you, probably, but this seems too much. False

5) This is one of those that sounds so false it must be true. But it's not. It's still false.

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Either one or five is false. Maybe both. Not many women on their way to 300 lbs would have the arm strength to support that much weight.


You forget - I'm 45. Lots of time to gain and lose weight since college.


3) False. Your family was never in the House of Lords.


Whence comes your assumption of my plebeian origins? :D I know of at least one person in this town whose father is in the house of Lords. And why would a lord be ruined by the death of Queen Victoria?


I'm not saying yeah or nay yet though.



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1) My family didn't have indoor plumbing until I was ten years old.

2) Paul McCartney once kissed me on the cheek.

3) I once wore a dress inside out to a college class.

4) I went riding around Pittsburgh in the middle of the night in a Silver Cloud Rolls Royce.

5) I went through the windshield of a car when I was six years old.

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Here's my list


1. Once I drove up the side of a mountain to see the volcano erupting.

2. I was a page on Capitol Hill in high school.

3. I've backpacked through Europe.

4. Harvey Korman owns a piece of my work.

5. I can milk a cow.




1) Volcanos are too rare, you have to be in the right place at the right time ... false


2) Nah... although if you're the child of HSers, you have lots of strange opportunities nobodyele does. This could be true. But I'll go false.


3) True


4) From the Carol Burnett Show... hmmm... we'll go with it. True.


5) Old LMB had a farm EIEIO True.

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Everyone should be asleep by now. Here's my answers:


1. My first marriage proposal came from a complete stranger in a grocery store.

2. Two people have confessed murders to me.

3. My great aunt kept four of her dead relatives in urns on her mantelpiece.

4. I once thumbed a ride from a guy who said, "Pardon my haircut; I just got out of jail."

5. While traveling in France, my car broke down and nuns repaired it.


1. True - I was 16, the guy was about 35. He was in a hurry, couldn't find his checkbook or his glasses. I correctly guessed where they were and in a rush of gratitude he proposed. Volty's right. I was too polite to refuse. I told him to ask again when I was older.


2. True - I'm not a counsellor. Both confessions happened in college. One I'm sure was a blatant lie told to me by a guy who was trying to get a rise out of me. The other was a drunken sobbing confession by a guy who lived down the hall shortly before he passed out. I think it might have been true. He seemed to not remember he'd said anything the next day. To this day I can't tell you why I didn't do anything about it.


3. False - My grandmother kept her parents' ashes in urns in a box upstairs, though.


4. True - I was 16 working at an all girls' camp on Cape Cod, bored out of my mind. Took a walk one night and met up with that prince.


5. False - I've never been off the continent of North America.


Man, we all live strange lives, don't we?

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1. For the first leg of the Brain Drain tour, I was a roadie for The Ramones.


2. I married a virgin.


3. I have a tattoo of Karl Marx on my left shoulder.


4. My grandfather was the lead engineer in the design of Cape Canaveral Air Force Station.


5. My great-aunt was Emma Goldman.


1) True.


2) Lots of others around here could have pulled that one off and I'd bite, but not you. This is false.


3) No one would make that up. It's real. True


4/5 is really rough. I *know* there's one true relative and one false relative here. You wouldn't double them up.


Ah, it's 5-Emma Goldman that's true. The rocket scientist -4- is false.

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1) My family didn't have indoor plumbing until I was ten years old.

2) Paul McCartney once kissed me on the cheek.

3) I once wore a dress inside out to a college class.

4) I went riding around Pittsburgh in the middle of the night in a Silver Cloud Rolls Royce.

5) I went through the windshield of a car when I was six years old.


1)... I'll go with true, because I don't think it would have occurred to you to say it otherwise.

3) Not that unusual - true.

5) Not sure how old you are - that would alter how likely you were to have been wearing a seat belt or sitting in the front seat. I'm thinking you are at least my age, so I'll say true.



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1. I once worked a summer (our winter) in Antarctica as a cook.

2. My husband served aboard an icebreaker (ship) in Antarctica.

3. I was the President of the Altar Guild in (Espiscopal) high school.

4. My father won a gold medal in the 1968 summer Olympics.

5. My ex-husband remarried and has four children with his wife.

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1. After reading Colleen's thread I cleaned out my belly button today.

2. Popcorn is my favorite food.

3. I was a cheerleader for the Seagals.

4. I love math and I sometimes do it just for fun.

5. I love dogs.


1: Haven't read the thread but it sounds plausible

2. Really???? I say no

3. Who are the Seagals? In my ignorance I'll say yes

4. Can't remember - I'll say no

5. I say yes.



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You forget - I'm 45. Lots of time to gain and lose weight since college.




Whence comes your assumption of my plebeian origins? :D I know of at least one person in this town whose father is in the house of Lords. And why would a lord be ruined by the death of Queen Victoria?


I'm not saying yeah or nay yet though.




As you know Laura, I'm trying hard to coerce you into being my HS mentor, but actually I really don't know very much about you.


From my experience reading Rudyard Kipling, the Brits travelling all over the globe in order to bring civilization to the heathen nations in the name of God, King, and Country generally weren't the blue bloods. And just how many families are in Lords anyways? If I had to guess ... 1/200 or less. The odds are great it isn't you.


Further, I'm hoping you're a plebe; then we'd have someting in common.

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1) My family didn't have indoor plumbing until I was ten years old.

2) Paul McCartney once kissed me on the cheek.

3) I once wore a dress inside out to a college class.

4) I went riding around Pittsburgh in the middle of the night in a Silver Cloud Rolls Royce.

5) I went through the windshield of a car when I was six years old.


People that do #1 don't do #4.


2 is true. I can see this.

3) I've done this before on a few occasions... true.

5) False. Like most parents, yours were seatbelt buckling nazis who made you sit in the backseat.


I'll go with one as true imagining you growing up in a little house deep in the middle of nowhere. That makes four false.

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1. I once worked a summer (our winter) in Antarctica as a cook.

2. My husband served aboard an icebreaker (ship) in Antarctica.

3. I was the President of the Altar Guild in (Espiscopal) high school.

4. My father won a gold medal in the 1968 summer Olympics.

5. My ex-husband remarried and has four children with his wife.


I'm going to take you up on both your Antarctica adventure stories. I'd have a hard time taking only one and I think you wouldn't use two falses on the same thing.


4) seems most unlikely. False

3) with a handle like Buddabelly, being president of an Episcopal alther guild seems ar fetched.


That would make your ex a father four times over. 5-true.

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As you know Laura, I'm trying hard to coerce you into being my HS mentor, but actually I really don't know very much about you.


From my experience reading Rudyard Kipling, the Brits travelling all over the globe in order to bring civilization to the heathen nations in the name of God, King, and Country generally weren't the blue bloods. And just how many families are in Lords anyways? If I had to guess ... 1/200 or less. The odds are great it isn't you.


Further, I'm hoping you're a plebe; then we'd have someting in common.


Fairly good guessing actually. In white, as follows:


My mother was born in Uganda because her father was a surveyor - disastrously 'helping' the local people to divide up their lands in order to conform to the UK idea of land use. Good fences make good neighbours, you know.... Previously, the grazing had been nomadic; now suddenly, there were borders to defend. My grandfather didn't go to university - surveying was definitely not a high-class activity.


The ancestor who was ruined by the death of Queen Victoria was a dressmaker who sold to the court. She had just bought all the new season's fabrics when the queen died and everyone went into deep mourning.


Yes, I once had long hair, no I never weighed 300 pounds.


As for rock climbing: did it once, never again. I don't know if you can discern the lack of rock-climbing terrain on this map, but this is where I went to university:


Dead-flat estuary



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1. Talked with John Acorn (the nature nut)

2. Conversed with Jack Hanna

3. Almost died of choking

4. Had 4 marriage proposals

5. Seen ghosts


(though these prob aren't considerd truely unbelieveable;))


Well you're not going to lie about two conversations. One or both must be true. Honestly, I think they both are. 1) True 2) True

4) The marriage proposals ring true.

5) I don't know what you saw but I think you think you saw ghosts. Since I don't know which of these four is false is, I'm going to guess this is it. false

3) False: Almost choking to death is made up.


1,2,4 are true.

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1. I can juggle any three items you hand me....balls, peanuts, records, kittens.

2. It took five colleges for me to get my B.A., and two more to get my PhD ABD.

3. My college roommate and I (UCLA) married two other former college roommates (University of Dallas)

4. I can peel a banana with my toes.

5. I once spent the night hiding at Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences library.

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1. I drive off-road enduro motorcycles. I loved my red, Honda 175 with an electric start.


2. Once while driving my motorcycle I tried to take a short cut around a sand trap by driving over a medium sized mound next to it. Halfway up the mound I saw the other side was a huge hole! I had to jump my motorcycle over the hold to avoid an accident. This was the first time I jumped my bike.


3. When I was 29 yrs old when I had to have artificial heart valve surgery.


4. My parents let me have a couple pet monkeys while I was growing up.


5. When I was 18 I once spent the night alone in an African village because I dumped my bike and couldn't get it started again. My mom was who was driving the truck ahead of me had to wait until it was morning to radio my dad in the next country to come rescue me. I was there alone for 24 hours.


















These are all true! I couldn't resist. :)

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1. I mummified a cat when I was in high school.

2. I've hiked the complete Appalachian Trail in segments.

3. I once belonged to what some would consider a cult.

4. I have slaughtered and processed chickens--and I thought it was pretty cool.

5. I was one of the top athletes in my high school.


Ha ha! This list makes me sound like a total nut job if you put several of the things together. Maybe I am. I'm not sure any of these is unbelievable enough though.

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Well you're not going to lie about two conversations. One or both must be true. Honestly, I think they both are. 1) True 2) True

4) The marriage proposals ring true.

5) I don't know what you saw but I think you think you saw ghosts. Since I don't know which of these four is false is, I'm going to guess this is it. false

3) False: Almost choking to death is made up.


1,2,4 are true.


Ok...obviously I do not know how to play. :rolleyes: Just the choking one is false. I'm not a great liar....(not to self, must work on that)

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1. As a kid my uncle took me drag racing down the I-5 through LA at speeds of 100 miles-per-hour


2. I shared a subway ride home from the 76 World Series pinned in-between a lady of the evening and her manager (both dressed in that 70's classic Shaft style).


3. Had to walk six miles to a gas station in the southern New Mexican wilderness after running out of gas, thankfully it was at night.


4. I won a state level ice skating competition but broke my ankle so I could not go onto the Nationals.


5. Spent a few nights sleeping on the floor of a mall bookstore. It was cold and hard.

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1. I placed in a beauty contest.


2. I modeled for a leather catalog.


3. I graduated from public highschool when I was 15.


4. I spent a summer in Venezuela on a short-term mission trip.


5. I have a collection of Cupie dolls that my great-grandmother started back in the 30s.

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I was up in the night reading this thread and nearly fell off my chair laughing. No wonder the thread is much longer this morning!


Okay, here are my five:




1. I can see a volcano from my balcony.





2. My husband and I wrote our wedding vows in a laundry mat.





3. I survived a rare form of cancer.





4. My second cousin's name is Sherlock Holmes.





5. I live down the road from the Roloff family (Disc. Channel, "Little People Big World).


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1. As a young mother, I fell completely out the door of a moving car as it came around a sharp curve.

2. I won first place in national writing contest in high school.


3. I almost choked to death in a childhood tap dancing class.


4. I once had to leave a scouting trip early because my braces were so stuck to my sleeping bag.


5. I lived for years in NY on an old, leaky sailboat.




Doran ;)

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