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Is it possible to wash a grimy plastic shower liner in the washing machine?

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I put through with cold water and bleach - and then hot water and vinegar. Works like a charm.


To dry I just hang it back up on the shower rod straight from the washing machine.




This is similar to what I do, but I just use warm water, bleach and vinegar all in at the same time with the detergent of your choice. When it comes out, just put it directly back on the shower curtain rod to dry. It'll be wrinkly, but after a nice hot shower or two, it'll smooth out.


It gets all the boy "gunk" off of mine, so I wash it about once a month or so. Good as new!

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I have been washing them for 30 years. Cheap ones, expensive ones, it doesn't matter. They come out great! I have used bleach, but I don't always. I use hot water and a large bath towel.


I take it out of the washer and try to shake the water off it. Put it in the dryer with the towel, but I only leave it for a couple of minutes. Take out and hang immediately, or at least throw it over the recliner until you can get it hung up.

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A tip for once it's all cleaned up and like new -


Keep a small squirt bottle in your shower, filled with vinegar (or a mix of vinegar, water if full-strength vinegar smells too overwhelming). After every shower do a quick few generous squirts at the top of the shower curtain ... let it run down the length of the curtain as you towel off. The vinegar helps keep the scum from forming. Apple vinegar smells less strong, but either way the vinegar smell is only strong until it dries- then you can't smell it at all.


We do this to our shower curtain, and our tiles - works beautifully to keep scum and mold away :) plus it's cheap and takes less time than a regularly scheduled scrubdown!

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When I washed mine last the washer tore up the ends of it, so I had to buy new. Not sure what went wrong. Also, rinsing in cold is not good.

I'd love to find a shower curtain that I can use WITHOUT a plastic liner. Like Hotels do! They only have one hanging up and it always works great. If I try to use mine without the plastic liner, the cloth flips all around!

Edited by GreenKitty
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oh, I just fork out the few bucks for a new one. I love the smell of a new plastic shower curtain!!!





I hope it's not PVC. Google it & you'll see last year's news about increasing concerns that the outgassing pvc in shower curtains is not good stuff to be inhaling in your nice steamy shower.


Ikea btw phased out pvc shower curtains a long time ago. I think I read that in the US, Target was selling some non-pvc curtains.

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I wash mine and stick them in the dryer for 3-5 minutes - just long enough to get it hot and take the wrinkles out. Then hang it immediately. It is one of those things that drives me bonkers - a wrinkled shower curtain.


Me too :lol: I never thought about washing it with a towel for the scrubbing action though, that's genius! Mine's totally grody and due for a wash this week too.

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The washer shredded a few of mine too.


I'd love to find a shower curtain that I can use WITHOUT a plastic liner.


I finally bought a heavy cotton duck one from the Vermont Country Store. It washes well (on the boil cycle) and hangs to dry. It's about 10 years old now and looks new. The cotton duck is heavy enough that it doen't billow up around you.

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