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Interesting article on autism and vaccines...

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i think autism is going to be one of those things that actually has multiple causes that exhibit very similar symptoms: ie, no one cause of autism spectrum disorders just as there's no one cause of cancer. i also believe that vaccines are one of those causes. obviously not every child who receives vaccines develops autism, just like not every child is sensitive to red dye#40. it can still have a significant impact on that individual. in my opinion, that's why nothing has been found in studies to date; the studies look at very large samples of children and find no correlational data. if the number of children who have this susceptibility is extremely small, it wouldn't result in any statistically significant results.

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This article and the decision it described saddens me a great deal.


I have a good friend whose son had a vaccine reaction. He had been normal before. The DAY he was vaccinated he had an awful reaction--my friend can barely speak of it. After the initial, very frightening episode, her son began exhibiting the classic autism behaviors. He never had before that day.


Her doctor denied the connection.


It saddens me so very, very much to see the level of denial about this problem. So many parents have described the same scenario--I think the problem is that the doctors really don't know WHY it happened or how to measure the effects the vaccine had. It is, in many ways, still guesswork. But to deny any correlation is just wrong.

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The no-fault payout system is meant to protect vaccine makers from costly lawsuits that drove many out of the vaccine-making business.


I think the last sentence of the article is telling. The system is designed to protect the vaccine makers. They say by supposedly handling the cases and payouts so the vaccine makers aren't getting hit with those lawsuits and payouts directly. However, if the system were to admit that the vaccine may have caused the problem and approve the claim, there would be no protecting the vaccine makers. Once word got out, everyone with an autistic child who was vaccinated would be in an uproar, and many others would join them. The vaccine makers would find a hostile market and a sudden, sharp decrease in their profits.


Personally, I do think there is a link. Do I think that every vaccinated child develops autism? No. Do I think every case of autism is caused by vaccines? No. But I do believe the parents. Kids who are making eye contact, have normal behaviors, communicate well, and have a beginning vocabulary don't suddenly regress.

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Some of my children were vaccinated, right on schedule... but it was back when they didn't get a vaccine until about 4 months of age... I was offered vaccines for my babies at the hospital after their birth in the late 90's. My last baby was born 1999 and I had an emergency hysterectomy from rupturing during his birth. I was "out of it" to say the least. This son was given a vaccine soon after birth. He is my only child that is autistic spectrum... He was not given any other vaccines for many years.


Anyway, I feel sad for the families who deal with the reality of having a normal child suddenly change. I feel more than sad!! I don't know if the vaccine caused my son's challenge. I do know that in my son's case, his autistic symptoms and signs (hand flapping, zoning out, loss of eye contact) increase when there is any stress in the home. He also has sensory integration issues, which I wouldn't think were connected to a vaccine... I am super, exceedingly thankful that by decreasing stress in our home and at times strictly monitoring his diet, my son has learned and developed and in many instances seems just like any other "neuro-typical" child.


But, it's terrible for companies to push their vaccines and have no or little accountability. I am thankful I am not having babies nowadays, but I fear for my grandbabies...

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I think the last sentence of the article is telling. The system is designed to protect the vaccine makers. They say by supposedly handling the cases and payouts so the vaccine makers aren't getting hit with those lawsuits and payouts directly. However, if the system were to admit that the vaccine may have caused the problem and approve the claim, there would be no protecting the vaccine makers. Once word got out, everyone with an autistic child who was vaccinated would be in an uproar, and many others would join them. The vaccine makers would find a hostile market and a sudden, sharp decrease in their profits.


Yes, I believe that if vaccines were not mandated by law and the makers were held accountable with no government protections then a lot less people would be getting their children vaccinated. The makers would be forced by free market forces to provide vaccines that parents felt sure would not harm their children and that they would willing chose get. And I just don't see that happening.


Only my two oldest were immunized. My son has so many problems that I really have to wonder if vaccines didn't contribute. And my dd got several of the diseases that she was immunized against. The rest of my children are not immunized and are incredibly healthy. My grandson also is not receiving his immunizations. Luckily so far I have had not lived in any hostile states and all of my personal dr.s have been supportive. I have had actual arguements with two different personel at hospitals regarding immunizations though and I can tell you those were not pleasant. One was a dr and she made very poor arguements with regard to the logic of why vaccinations were necessary. The other was a nurse in another state who was trying to argue the laws of my state when she clearly did not know what she was talking about.

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I can only say that I have seen children that were doing fine and then suddenly regress SEVERELY within a couple of days of receiving certain vaccines. My oldest did fine with his vaxes. My second child nearly died from them (and yes, it was her physician that pinned it on the vax). Due to possible genetic conflicts they have found with ingredients (remember, they aren't sure WHY, just know that it happens), we were advised and have read that we should forego vaxes with the rest of our family. Personally, I'm disgusted with the broadbrush push of Big Pharm down everyone's throats instead of FULLY INFORMED consent.

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i think autism is going to be one of those things that actually has multiple causes that exhibit very similar symptoms: ie, no one cause of autism spectrum disorders just as there's no one cause of cancer. i also believe that vaccines are one of those causes. obviously not every child who receives vaccines develops autism, just like not every child is sensitive to red dye#40. it can still have a significant impact on that individual. in my opinion, that's why nothing has been found in studies to date; the studies look at very large samples of children and find no correlational data. if the number of children who have this susceptibility is extremely small, it wouldn't result in any statistically significant results.



Also, when studies are performed to test the safety of vaccines and medications, they weed out people who are most likely to be susceptible to problems. Those with any known health issues, like allergies, heart problems, etc., are excluded. In short, the population that is most likely to have problems isn't included at all, and then the study authors can proclaim the vaccines safe. I don't believe the studies "proving" vaccines are safe.

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I really think there is some connection. The vaccines aren't the sole cause because autism existed before the vaccine push. But something is triggering autism in so many more children. It could be a genetic thing with a vaccine trigger. It could be exposure to something else at the time of vaxing that hasn't been found yet. It could be a vax, exposure and genetic thing.

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I really think there is some connection. The vaccines aren't the sole cause because autism existed before the vaccine push. But something is triggering autism in so many more children. It could be a genetic thing with a vaccine trigger. It could be exposure to something else at the time of vaxing that hasn't been found yet. It could be a vax, exposure and genetic thing.


ITA. My oldest started displaying strange behaviours at age 6 months just days after his vax. He was actually screened for autism back then. He continued to get his vaxes because I didn't know better, and by age 3 needed an MRI because he was having uncontrollable tremors in addition to his bizarre behaviour. Over the years the different professionals have flip flopped on spectrum diagnoses and many others. DD same thing, had her vaxes and now dealing with many issues. I do think their is a genetic portion to this that is triggered by the vaccine. Baby girl had a severe reaction at her 2 month shots, the CDC got involved in her case, and she is to never be immunized again unless there is a direct risk to her(like a tetnus shot before a surgery) that outweighs the risk of the vaccine. She displayed autistic like symptoms(shutting down, no eye contact, all skills already learned lost etc), it tooks months before she came around. I know in my heart if we kept vaxing her she would have never come back to us, as she would have had her next shot before she came back around this time.


I think autism and other neurologic disorders have many many unknown causes, but I do very much believe that vaccines are contributing to them for sure as 1 part of the puzzle.

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The only autistic child I know was never vaccinated, so I don't really have any experience with this. I do wonder if has to do with the virus itself though. There is a theory that a quirk in a child's DNA (not passed on but in the child themselves) combined with a trigger such as a virus and possibly another component leads to childhood cancer, so it may be that several things (one being either the virus or a component of a vaccine being one) could trigger autism in some children.


I do find it interesting that food allergies have grown so much and the rate of autism has gone up all about the same time. My friend has been able to help her son alot by changing his diet.


Hopefully the docs find out the cause of autism and many other medical mysteries soon so that we can protect our kiddos.

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I really think there is some connection. The vaccines aren't the sole cause because autism existed before the vaccine push. But something is triggering autism in so many more children. It could be a genetic thing with a vaccine trigger. It could be exposure to something else at the time of vaxing that hasn't been found yet. It could be a vax, exposure and genetic thing.



These are my thoughts as well. I just cannot discount the thousands upon thousands who had "normaly" functioning children before vaccines and autistic children after. I believe it's a trigger and that someday we'll find the genetic link.


What makes me sick is that the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program has given out almost $2 BILLION for injuries but won't acknowledge autism as one of those injuries that deserves compensation.

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I was very pro vax when DS was born. I did my research and came to the conclusion that the risk was very small and the protection was more important. Then DS got very, very sick. I got Dr. Sears Vax book and tried spacing them out, eliminating the ones containing yeast, etc. Still very, very sick. DD got her K vax and reacted badly too. Now that I am thinking about it I don't remember her SPD being a problem before that. I started researching what these vax are protecting us from and found that the number of life-threatening complications from those diseases is extremely rare. After my son could barely breath as a result of vaccines I have changed my mind. If they are necessary, they at least need to change. Change the ingredients, the strength, the method, something!



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I think the last sentence of the article is telling. The system is designed to protect the vaccine makers. They say by supposedly handling the cases and payouts so the vaccine makers aren't getting hit with those lawsuits and payouts directly. However, if the system were to admit that the vaccine may have caused the problem and approve the claim, there would be no protecting the vaccine makers.


I agree. It's just a government buffer for the vaccine companies. Grr! :boxing_smiley:

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ITA. ..... and she is to never be immunized again unless there is a direct risk to her(like a tetnus shot before a surgery) that outweighs the risk of the vaccine.


What in the world does tetnus have to do with sterile surgery?

I thought you could only get it with rusty old sharp things on farms. If I am not mistaken it has to do with horse poop (or cow's?).....

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I was very pro vax when DS was born. I did my research and came to the conclusion that the risk was very small and the protection was more important. Then DS got very, very sick. I got Dr. Sears Vax book and tried spacing them out, eliminating the ones containing yeast, etc. Still very, very sick. DD got her K vax and reacted badly too. Now that I am thinking about it I don't remember her SPD being a problem before that. I started researching what these vax are protecting us from and found that the number of life-threatening complications from those diseases is extremely rare. After my son could barely breath as a result of vaccines I have changed my mind. If they are necessary, they at least need to change. Change the ingredients, the strength, the method, something!





Not only that - but if you get some of these childhood diseases you decrease your chance of certain cancers!!!!

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What in the world does tetnus have to do with sterile surgery?

I thought you could only get it with rusty old sharp things on farms. If I am not mistaken it has to do with horse poop (or cow's?).....


Tetnus is everywhere, not just from horse poop, not just rusty nails etc. Yes the risk from a surgery would be small, I was thinking more in terms of needing a surgery due to injury, so the injury itself could lead to tetnus not the surgery itself. It is not something I am worried about at this time so I wasn't thining of specific examples very well.

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I suppose if I believed in a government who said that mercury in my mouth, flouride in my water, and MSG in food are all just fine and dandy I would also believe that government when they lied to me about their vaccines. Fortunately I am intelligent enough and curious enough to do the research and have made my own educated decision that said government lies.


I would rather my dd with her immune system intact be exposed to these "dreadful" childhood diseases. They do not kill you if you are relatively healthy. However, the artificial frankenscience of injecting directly into your body the horse puss and other various disgusting things involved in the making of vaccines will surely cause a problem. To say nothing of the fact that they add chemicals to hyperstimulate your brain's immune reaction. It can continue for months and years; hence all the auto immune disorders. And why does everyone have asthma?


I nurture my dd's body with decent food, sunshine, love, dirt, and good water. I ask her now to wash her hands before meals not for fear of germs but for fear of the lead on them from her toys, pens, notebooks, camera cord, etc....


VAERS exists because obviously some people suffer immediate reactions to vaccines. Tough luck if it takes a few days or years for a reaction. This money is there because every vaccine administered has a tax. The amount varries in relation to the degree in which you could possibly suffer a reaction.


Not a gamble I am willing to take.

Not a government I am willing to trust.


Childhood diseases have far fewer reactions than the shots given to prevent them (to say nothing of the fact that immunity is not guaranteed). And the benefits of getting and fighting off these diseases are just now coming to light.


rant over.

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Childhood diseases have far fewer reactions than the shots given to prevent them (to say nothing of the fact that immunity is not guaranteed). And the benefits of getting and fighting off these diseases are just now coming to light.


I did research and decided to vax... did more research and now, I toally agree with the above!:iagree:

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My oldest son has a progressive mitochondrial disorder. We didn't know at the time of his 18 months shots. He had a status seizure the night of the shot and was hospitalized. Then, he came home and developed a tremendous measles rash and encephalitis. He was in the ICU for a week and the hospital again for far longer. He recovered, but he then declined with brain atrophy and progressive organ damage. He was diagnosed with the mito disorder with a muscle biopsy at a genetics center out of state. Children with undiagnosed progressive genetic neuro diseases are the most vulnerable to shots bc they don't have a functional blood brain barrier.



The vaccination compensation in the news for the girl with "autism", was actutally a mito patient (undiagnosed at the time of her vaccine) - and the vaccine kicked the mito into gear.


So, no doctor wants my bio children to be vaccinated. They have a written medical exemption. My adopted son is fully vaccinated. He has pdd-nos though! But, his issues are likely bc of brain damage from being born at 25 weeks - he is mentally disabled also. I'm aware my bio children rely on the vaccination of other children to stay disease free. And I'm a vaccine supporter in general, but not for my bio children bc the risk to them personally is real and serious.

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I have 7 children. The first 2 are vaccinated, the last 5 are not. My oldest had some reactions to the vaccines and my second just got a fever. Those 2 are the ones who have a hard time with illnesses. It's like their immune system has been tampered with and doesn't work like it should.


When baby #4 was 8 months old, all 4 kids came down with the red measles. (you know, the one that is hiding in the closet in the tv ads) Anyways, the first 2 who had been fully immunized against it came down with it the worst. The 2 who hadn't been immunized flew through it without a hitch. I'm totally convinced immunizations are not for the health of the people and also that they are the cause of more than just autism.

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It will be interesting to see how this plays out over the next 10 years or so. Will the kids that would have reacted badly to the vaccines also react badly just by getting the infection that the vaccine would have prevented? How will we know? I fear for my immune compromised son's health, but those that are not vaccinated will show us if alot of the rise in some of these disorders is due to the vaccine or the virus itself. It is obviously more complicated than this, and probably has to do with diet, environmental factors, and so on as well, but it would be interesting if a study could be done.


My DD8 is my only fully vaxed kiddo (due to the immunocompromised child, he cannot be exposed to any of those viruses), and she is my healthy one.


Hmm...interesting thread.

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