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Am I the only one who gets "post-aphobia"? You know, you have this topic or idea you want to post but just before you do you realize that it might upset this faction or that faction or you might have some that agree but others are gonna blast you so you just DON'T post it at all?


For instance, I had no idea that my "opposing views" post was going to get locked when I originally posted it. I should have known, should have thought ahead, but it gained a life of its own and spiraled off in many directions and the next thing you know....locked.


I have several "topics" in my head right now that I would love to get others' thoughts on but I won't post them because I know someone will slam me if I do. Is there a cure for post-aphobia? :tongue_smilie:

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Well other than the really big hot button issues, I don't think you can tell how things will go.


Who would have guessed that a thread about answering machines has left people who have kid recorded or cutesy messages feel like silly sentimental time wasting dweebs, while those who have a brief or automatic message have been informed they're cold and lack personality!


If it were any other topic, that thread would be heading for a lock down.


What? My kid is cute. So there. And anyone who doesn't think so can just hang up without leaving a message because I don't want to talk to them.




I cannot believe you said that. I am not cold. I think it would be nice if we could be more tolerant about answering machine messages. I don't need my answering machine to demonstrate my considerable charm and originality.


along with appeals to logic, to acceptance of diversity, to considerations of whether the outgoing announcement is supposed to please the person calling or the person who owns the machine......

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I have lots of deep questions that I would like to ask but I don't because even if I could think of a way to politely ask them, I know that there is no way everyone could politely discuss them. Sometimes though threads crash for reasons that have nothing to do with the original question. Here is my list of subjects that I don't post on:




moral issues


any holidays with any religious connection


teA is free game though. We have got to have something interesting to talk about. :tongue_smilie:

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I'm surprised so many people care enough about online opinions to bother getting offended. There have been times when I've considered replying with something like "Shut up already. If that comment was supposed to be taken personally, we'd be chanting it outside your bedroom window at midnight and egging your dog. Until then, relax." Naturally I haven't said that, but now you all know what I'm thinking. :tongue_smilie: I don't see why a OP should feel responsible for the behaviour of bad mannered people in their thread either.




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I definitely have post-aphobia. I like reading the discussions here but it seems like even the most innocuous statements can end up getting someone upset. Sometimes the things that people get all in a dither about here crack me up. I guess that's part of the outcome at having a board with 7000+ members. There is bound to be a lot of diversity in personality and in opinion.

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There have been times when I've considered replying with something like "Shut up already. If that comment was supposed to be taken personally, we'd be chanting it outside your bedroom window at midnight and egging your dog. Until then, relax."





The visual this created has me :smilielol5:. Thanks!

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Hi, My name is Sylvia... and I have postaphobia.

("Hi Sylvia.")

I haven't posted in a while but I'm committed to starting again. I don't post often because, after a few experiences of being made to feel stupid, whenever the desire hits, I will usually think-twice and then ultimately decide against it.


(Should I post this, I'm asking myself?)


It's nice to feel like I belong to a group!!:tongue_smilie:

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I'm glad to finally have a diagnosis. :001_smile:


I just never know what is going to rub someone the wrong way. I've posted in the past about something I thought was innocuous, and it had way more potential energy than I thought it did. Now I'm not sure I trust my own judgment... or the absence of tone (my frequently revolving tendencies between sarcasm and sincerity don't translate well to type).

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Anyone want to talk about abortion? JUST KIDDING. :D


I can't believe you just asked that. How totally lame!







Seriously, though, about your post-phobia....I guess the only way to get over it is to grow a thicker skin. I mean, so what if someone does slam you (not that they should)? If you're expressing a thought that interests you, a belief that you hold dear, and you feel you've done so in a non-inflammatory, non-judgmental ~ what's the problem? So someone disagrees. Maybe some people go off on a tangent about a side-issue. Maybe your thread gets a low "star rating". (I'm personally crushed when that happens to me....Not!;)) What of it, really?

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I'm surprised so many people care enough about online opinions to bother getting offended. There have been times when I've considered replying with something like "Shut up already. If that comment was supposed to be taken personally, we'd be chanting it outside your bedroom window at midnight and egging your dog. Until then, relax." Naturally I haven't said that, but now you all know what I'm thinking. :tongue_smilie: I don't see why a OP should feel responsible for the behaviour of bad mannered people in their thread either.





Exactly. Very well said.

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I'm surprised so many people care enough about online opinions to bother getting offended. There have been times when I've considered replying with something like "Shut up already. If that comment was supposed to be taken personally, we'd be chanting it outside your bedroom window at midnight and egging your dog. Until then, relax." Naturally I haven't said that, but now you all know what I'm thinking. :tongue_smilie: I don't see why a OP should feel responsible for the behaviour of bad mannered people in their thread either.





You can't egg my dog. She's an inside dog. :tongue_smilie:

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I changed my screen name because of post-aphobia. I used to have a different name that was the same as my email. But then I thought,


"What if I accidentally post something stupid or insensitive? And what if someone IRL that I've told about this board reads my stupid or insensitive post? I'd be mortified."


So, now I'm Garga. And I look nothing like my avatar....

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I changed my screen name because of post-aphobia. I used to have a different name that was the same as my email. But then I thought,


"What if I accidentally post something stupid or insensitive? And what if someone IRL that I've told about this board reads my stupid or insensitive post? I'd be mortified."


So, now I'm Garga. And I look nothing like my avatar....


OMG now I have something else to worry about! :tongue_smilie:

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Please don't worry... I think this would be an awful boring board if everybody agreed all the time, and nothing but safe subjects were ever discussed. I don't like seeing others bashed, but Colleen is right... big girl panties are often needed around here. One must to come up to the edge, look over and laugh.


Don't be afraid. Relax, enjoy. Live life to its fullest. Post happy!


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