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Baby Carriers - need your advice.

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Ok, so there are a gazillion out there on the web, but to find a store that carries any so we can try them out is not working! They never carry in a store what I have seen on the web. My sister really loves her Ergo baby carrier. And another mom we met said that the wide sitting base is better for the baby's hip and spine than all these narrow crotch carriers.


So many of the carriers say "ergonomic design" but is that ergonomic for the baby or for the parent....or both? Most don't specify on that!


So - what is your experience with carriers.

What do you like/love and why?

What do you know about "the proper" design for a baby? For a parent?


For almost 5 months I have been using a ring sling, and while I love it - I just need something more.


Here are two that look good to me.


The baby can only face you in this one - but you can carry on your front or your back:



This one - baby can face you or face out while being carried on your front, or they can ride on your back.




Oh.....and while I was typing this and doing yet *more* research db met someone from Craigslist whom I had been in contact with. For $6 we got this and it looks brand new. Still in the box with directions and I seriously don't think she ever used it! (I figured for $6 - we could use it until we find our dream carrier....if there is one). So - as soon as the baby wakes up - we're gonna try it.


You can carry them facing you or facing out - but only in front of you, not on your back. http://www.evenflo.com/product.aspx?id=129&pfid=160


Dads opinions welcomed as well!


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I can carry my Big Lug for an hour without feeling it at all; longer than that, I feel it, but it's not hard.


I used my ring sling for a good year, but Theo just got too heavy after that. Plus, he figured out how to swiggle out of it, which worried me. So, we got the Ergo for Christmas. He was too big by then to use the front carry, so I can't comment on it, but the back carry works great.


It seems like the Ergo is good for both parent and baby. Baby is sitting on a fabric chair, essentially, instead of riding a fabric horse. Seems like it should be more comfortable for him than, say, the Moby Wrap--at least once he gets bigger and heavier.


And for Mom, you've got the wide band buckled at your waist, so that you're hips are doing a lot of the carrying, instead of your shoulders or back.


ETA: Oh, and a Dad's opinion: Stephen was never comfortable with the ring sling, even though that's the one he asked me to make. (Roll eyes here.) But he's very comfortable using the Ergo. Again, never tried it with a yittle itty one, but with our Big Lug, Dad is very happy.

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myfavoritebabycarrier.com has the Ergo...and maybe others and they have a 90 day money back guarantee. I love mine. Until my child was 4, I could carry him for hours while shopping and such.


Beco baby carrier is another carrier that is similar. You can do a search to find these. I loved having my Ergo and while the baby is little and slipping in and out of carriers, nothing is better than a good fitting easy sling to slip them in and out of when you're running quick errands in and out of places.



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thebabywearer.com is the best place to go- check out the forums. I'm macrina over there too. I recommend a Mei Tai (any brand really is a good starting place) The ergo is OK, but harder to get comfy because of straps and buckles. Warps are cozy but have a learning curve. Nothing beats a great unpadded ring sling, not much of a learning curve and easy to nurse in.

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I forgot to add that I bought one of these used for $25 when one of my friends had a little baby. It was great for when they are too small for an ergo to be used in the 5 months and older position way....and I wanted something that felt REALLY secure. I had always wanted to try a Moby. This is like a Moby knock-off and worked great for little ones...


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My favorite has been my wrap. It is just a very long peice of fabric basically, that you wrap around you and baby in different configurations to hold baby anyway you want. It is so versatile and easy to use. I have has various baby carriers over the years and this has been the best.

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I carried our almost 2 yr old (at the time) all around Rome on foot for a whole week in either our HotSling or SproutPouch. The only reason I packed both is because they are both so beautiful and I didn't want to choose between them. I LOVED carrying our little guy in these. Put on properly (most important thing) and I believe I could have carried him around indefinitely. If I didn't pay attention and had the fold off in the back, it would get uncomfortable within 15 minutes. Also, they were the only kind I could quickly and easily slip him into straight out of his carseat by myself. Super easy!!


I enjoyed it so much it's one of the very top reasons I'm sad not to have any more babies. I SO wish I would have had these when my big guys were little.

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Used the BabyBjorn when the babies were all little and in the front. But by around 14 or 16 mo. with my last one, baby was too long to be worn on the front, and needed to be worn on back. A friend gave me her Ergo and I have LOVED it ever since. I was picky when it came to front carriers (tried many and hated most, except for the BabyBjorn).


I doubted that I could get baby safely in/on my back and down by myself, but it really is very easy and I just love that I have a place to have him when need be. He usually doesn't protest, unless there's something exciting happening on the ground that he'd be missing out on! or he really wants to be down playing with the other kids. But usually, he tolerates and even enjoys being up there!


FWIW, my DS is 23mo., and I predict him in the Ergo on my back for at least another 6 mo., and maybe another year??


GL! - Stacey in MA

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The last snugli looks just like a baby bjorn... horrible for my back and DH... and not supposed to be good for baby. The first snugli would be slightly better than that. I am pretty sure that DS outgrew the baby bjorn before he outgrew the ring sling.


My DS is in a size 3 and I still use the Ergo. I just gave up breastfeeding in it b/c he is too tall (32"). It was great! I could walk around grocery shopping while breastfeeding. It is soooo comfortable for me, and DH has used it to. It works just as well on the back, but is a little difficult to get on that way. Mine came with a very helpful how to video. It was the best $70 I ever spent.


For a 5 month old, I would want to be able to have them forward facing part of the time as well though. We just used the ring sling for that... or the hip carry position on the Ergo (but I have never gotten that to work right). There are lots of positions that you can use a ring sling in. wearing instructions

Edited by Lovedtodeath
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It has been a looooooooong time since I have had a wee one to carry around, but we used a carrier similar to one in you photo just until the babes were old enough to hold their head upright. At that point, I transitioned them over to the basic old Gerry frame backpack. I don't even know if they still make the Gerry pack, but imo, the metal frame was much more comfortable, especially on my shoulders, than the soft carriers.

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I never got the hang of the wrap thing - I wish someone had taught me how to use it CORRECTLY :tongue_smilie:, I guess that's the secret to those. I loved, loved, l-o-v-e-d my BabyBjorn front pack, very comfortable for everyone, and very "secure". I agree it's not for large toddlers, and if you want to walk around breast-feeding with it on it's probably not the best choice for you. But for infants up to maybe 18-24 mos. and to wear while being (very) active in or out of the house it was awesome for me. Dh & I both thought it was one of the best designed products we've ever used (someone really put thought into it's design - IMHO). I tried several packs, slings and wraps, all failures for me due to either comfort or just not feeling little one was safe & secure. FWIW, I saw a photo or film clip of Angelina Jolle using a BabyBjorn with one of her recent additions, not that I'm a fan, but that's one good choice I can agree with her on :). Never heard of the Ergo, I can't comment or compare on that one either.

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Dragons, the Mei Tei carry tutorials look just like the Ergo. The difference is that you tie the Mei Tei. The Ergo has straps with buckles that you can tighten/adjust anytime. And they are a snap to remove. Is the tying/ untying difficult? I did not know that a Mei Tei was so versatile. I knew that the ergonomics was almost exactly the same as the Ego.... for caregiver and baby.

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Is the tying/ untying difficult? I did not know that a Mei Tei was so versatile. I knew that the ergonomics was almost exactly the same as the Ego.... for caregiver and baby.


Tying is not difficult once you get the hang of it, but you must learn how. It took me about four practice ties and maybe thirty minutes to become totally comfortable tying the baby into it. There are tutorials on YouTube, or someone at your local La Leche League may be able to show you how to do it in person.

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I like ring slings, wraps made of hemp/cotton not very stretchy jersey, and a mei tei carrier. I can't get the Ergo to fit. I don't like pouches. I have been able to carry my 35 pound 5 year old in a ring sling comfortably. I was out picking blueberries with a 5 week old on my back in my mei tei and then later harvested basil with a 2 year old in the same mei tei (she was 25 pounds then but very long). I hiked with a 2 year old and a 9 months old (about 45 pounds total) with the 9 month old on the lap of the 2 year old using a ring sling once. Mostly comfortable. I agree, go to the Baby Wearer website. Another one is http://www.mamatoto.org

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I have an Ergo and love it! So does my little girlie.


One downside to it, no front facing out option but as I'll explain this might not be bad. I seem to have occasional painful lower back issues. I do notice now that she's older (7 mos) and getting heavier having her facing out would kill my lower back.


One more thing I've found. Having them in and used to be worn early is better. I can't imagine placing her in one now for the first time.


I looked closely at those tie ones. They are beautiful but wouldn't the ties be like carrying a heavy weight and having it strapped to your neck/body? I love the wide straps of the Ergo and the dispersing of the babies weight at different contact points (not sure that's the best expl. but go with it).


Anyhow, I have found two stores near us (and we're kinda country) that would have allowed me to try a bunch on. Maybe keep looking. The store I settled on actually had a breastfeeding mom SHOW me how she wore and fed. A little tmi but at the time I was desperate for help.

Best wishes for you and your baby. MMMMMMmmmm. I love babies!:001_smile:

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These are two sites to look at that have Patapum carriers. Note that they are similar to Ergos and have two different choices, infant and toddler. I almost bought these, but wanted to have one that infants would be ok in, too.



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I started wearing my baby in a sling back in 1995. LOL I bought an OTSBH. It was great. In fact, it still is. LOL I graduated to a Maya Wrap with the next baby and used one or the other for the third. I never wore either sling on my back with a baby in it. I did have a Baby Trekker for a time.


For my 4th baby, I finally found mei tai's. I love them. I've had a Kozy, Sachi, M.O.M. Tai, and a Babyhawk, all of which I used with the 4th dd. I also have a BMT, which is mostly just the x's of the MT, and I really like it for some things, but I doubt that they are available anymore. I wore the 4th dd a lot on my back and loved the MT. However, I did not find the MT until she was much older, so never got to wear her as a newborn.


For this baby, I figured that my babyhawk would be just fine. It's not. She hates it. A friend lent me a Moby. It's a stretchy wrap. I like it a lot and find it incredibly comfortable, but I can see that weight is going to be an issue. My friend tells me that once a baby gets to 18 pounds, the Moby is too stretchy. So, I bought a Leo Storch. I really do like it a lot and find that wrapping helps me to keep the baby supported and my back from feeling like I need another chiro adjustment.


Recently, my friend lent me a lot of other wraps. They are absolutely divine. I'm trying out a silk, a hemp, several different cotton wraps, etc. I like them all for different reasons, but there is no way I can afford to get one of each. I'll borrow for a while and in the meantime, I have another wrap on the way.


My friend is also lending me an OMT, which is great. It's a combination MT and wrap.


At 5 months, your baby may weigh too much for a Moby or stretchy wrap. I don't know much about the Evenflo carrier. I'd get a used hemp didymos or leo storch as they are more supportive. Or, I'd spend a bunch of time on the baby wearer site because there are a ton of great posts there about choosing a baby carrier. LOL


Babywearing is a ton of fun and I love it. I would like to get my lo on my back, but she is not doing it. I did get her up for a little while last Friday, but that's about it.


Happy shopping!

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