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Are you going to the WTM conference? A poll...

Are you...  

  1. 1. Are you...

    • Going to the WTM conference alone?
    • Going to the WTM conference with just dh/partner?
    • Going to the WTM conference with just kids?
    • Going to the WTM conference with entire family?
    • Wanting to go but cannot make it? :*(

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Dh said we can talk about sending me alone.


So I'm curious if you're going alone, with husband/partner, with kids, with entire family...


I'm also curious if you'd like to go but cannot make it work out (dh has a conference that weekend too so I may not be able to go...that's why we have to talk about it).


ETA: Is anyone from Alaska or Colorado going? :)

Edited by katalaska
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Actually I had misinterpreted the top conference threads as meaning they were all going to be at a state conference together. I don't really have any desire to hear all the other stuff at most conferences, so I didn't even look. After reading a post in another thread the light bulb went off and I finally looked. That was only day before yesterday. Now I'm suddenly looking at flights to Richmond and car rental prices. I'm not sure if it'll be just me or me and Tony. I'm at least 90% sure I'm going and I hope to decide by tonight. I'm so excited. :)


However, being unsure on the definites, I can't really vote yet on who is going. :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm going!! By Myself!! My wonderful DH is "treating" me to a kid free weekend and giving me a break! I cannot wait to drive those 6 hrs all by myself, listening to MY music, thinking and no interuptions!


I am excited to finally see SWB and Jessie Wise in the flesh!


I'm also excited to meet anyone from this board who will be there. If you go, look for me and say "Hi"!

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I'm going, too!! I can't wait!


Going by myself - can't wait to meet other boardies, too! I'd love for my family to go, but it's too expensive for all of us to travel and too far to drive at that time of year for us - besides, I'd want dh to sit in on workshops and the kids on some of them, but the kids wouldn't be able to take two days non-stop. SO! Off by myself - I'm not sure I'll know what to do with all that "free" time! I'll be madly scribbling notes during the workshops....

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As I mentioned, the whole family is going. Dh wants to be at some of the workshops too. But he is willing to entertain the kids if they get restless (especially the youngest) We happen to know the location of a FANTASTIC park in Williamsburg. It is a few minutes (by car) from the hotel but it was GREAT! We really enjoyed having a picnic there last time we visited. Perhaps we can have a get together of everyone at the park??

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If I go, I will have the baby with me. So I might bring the 12 yo to watch him. But if I bring the 12 yo, then I should bring the 10 yo. So then it might not be too relaxing for me.


Still have to see if I can afford it to begin with and if I think it's worth spending that money on.

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I was SO planning to go, with the kids as DH will be out of the country then. But, they moved my DD's Regional gymnastics meet to that weekend, so we'll be there instead. Just a few hours away, in Northern Virginia...which makes it WORSE!!!


(I'm pouting, I only found out about the date change for regionals last night!)

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