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Allergic reaction to Tide or Tide with Downy?

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I am a redhead who is very sensitive to many things. I usually use biokleen laundry detergent, but when I ran out of it around a month ago or so ago I purchased a bottle of the liquid Tide with Downy from our local grocery store out of convenience. However, it just so happens that my dh, ds, and I are having some increasing issues (major for me) that we think are related to our recent use/exposure to the Tide with Downy. We finished the bottle two nights ago and my dh picked up a new bottle of Tide (w/o Downy) on his way home from work before we made the connection (again).


Has anyone here had any allergic reactions to Tide or Tide with Downy? (You're welcome to pm me.) I like biokleen and may have to go back to it, but I noticed that it doesn't seem to clean as well as other detergents. Has the Kirkland brand of laundry detergent worked for you? What do you think of biokleen?



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My red -headed dd has lots of breakouts - we used to use tide's HE (energy efficient for front loader) brand, I've been making my own with a home-made laundry soap recipe... dd still has skin breaking out. Where do you find the allergenic laundry soap... If I could get a handle on my dd's breakouts... if it were related to soap, I certainly would go out of my way to get the other soap for her clothes... where do you get biokleen? :bigear:



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I can get biokleen at our local natural health food store (privately owned) or Super Supplements (chain store). However, my sister recently started placing orders with Azure.


Here is a link to the biokleen liquid laundry at Azure that I use... you can place online orders. However, there are different types of biokleen cleaners. Here is another link for you to look at... biokleen at Azure.

Edited by CMama
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I switched to the "free and clear" varieties only because my dd has sensitive skin. I usually use All or Tide. A few months ago, I picked up a normal detergent with scents, and we all broke out! My head itched so much I couldn't sleep. I'm back to the scent- and dye-free varieties and we are all fine.

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I am a redhead and am sensitive to detergents, dyes, perfumes, and dryer sheets. I prefer All Free & Clear to any of the other mainstream detergents. I haven't tried any of the natural types in a while but was thinking of Charlie's. I can't use mainstream dryer sheets on my clothes or sheets either but am looking for something to help reduce doghair on clothes. For my husband's clothes I use dryer sheets and I don't wipe out the dryer drum between uses. I don't think that aggravates me but now that I'm thinking about it I may try to monitor that sometime.

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I think it's probably not uncommon to react to petrochemical residues when you don't normally use those products, much in the way the scent of standard, heavily perfumed, cleaners and personal care products becomes overwhelming when you're used to using natural products.


I have used Bi-o-kleen powder and found it fine. My personal preference is liquid laundry products because I don't like having to take the little liquid cup out of the dispenser drawer in my washer. We use Seventh Generation Blue Eucalyptus - Lavender and have no issues with the quality of cleaning or chemical reactions.

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I think it was literally 20 years ago, while in my first year of college. The reaction was pretty immediate though - first time I laid in the clean sheets washed in the Tide, I started itching. Didn't get out (didn't make the connection) for a while, and then my body was covered completely with red itchy patches. It was horrible! I don't know exactly what the ingredient was that bothered me, but I have found I can use almost any detergent that is dye-free, like "All-Clear". Even some WITH dyes are OK (yes, trial and error!). Presently, we use Costco's Kirkland brand powdered laundry detergent and it's fine for me.


Good luck! It's such a mystery trying to figure these things out sometimes! Best wishes....


- Stacey in MA

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I love biokleen.

It's way cheaper than the regular brands, bc you use less per load.

And if you buy dryer balls, they look like a spiky dog toy, you never have to buy fabric softener again, either.

I can use the fragrance-free arm and hammer powder detergent.

I can use the biokleen powder or liquid.

I don't mind the fragrance-free seventh generation powder.

Anything else, and I have an itchy rash.

Two of my boys are the same way.


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I hate sensitive skin. I have suffered my whole life with it. The weird thing is I can only use Tide it has to be plain Tide but anything else leaves nasty itchy welts that look disgusting. They get bumpy and raised and raw looking truly gross. I can only use 2000 lever soap or dial. I have never heard of break outs over Tide Could it be the downy? I cannot use any liquid softener at all which is why I ask. I hope it all works out for you though it can be so annoying.

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I grew up with Tide and the Downy ball. I switched to All free and Clear when I left home and never went back. It might be the Downy in the tide. Every dermatologist I've EVER had and my girl's pediatricians are totally against liquid fabric softener. Not only does it destroy your clothes, the chemicals sit in the clothes and irritate the skin. My eczema and contact dermatitis cleared right up when I went to college and started using fabric sheets. If I'm desperate, I can use Tide and it's not a problem, but I prefer the perfume free stuff.




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We can only use Amway products. Or, rather, Mr. Ellie can only use Amway products. [Disclaimer: Yes, I am an Amway distributor, but since Amway distributors can be found in most communities, I encourage people can to find distributors in their local to buy products.) Mr. Ellie used to wake me up SCRATCHING during the night. He'd been having problems since high school, and had been prescribed all sorts of creams and potions, none of which worked.


I started using Amway laundry products because a friend told me they good. And they were. But a serendipity was that Mr. Ellie's skin problems cleared up almost immediately. Turns out he was allergic to Brand-X detergents. He also can't use any bath soaps other than Amway's, including Ivory. When we go on vacation, I take bath soap (or the liquid bath soap) with us, and if we're going to be gone very long so that we have to do laundry, I also take laundry products.


So we've used all Amway laundry products for over 30 years. They are economical and environmentally sound.

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for years now. My oldest and youngest, both react to them. Tide is rumoured to be quite harsh even compared to many other brands. While I don't like the cleaning ability as well, I've been using sunlight and Kirkland brands. We don't even bother about fabric softener any more. Now I think the clothes smell strange when we have something around with it in it.



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...He also can't use any bath soaps other than Amway's, including Ivory. ...

I thought I was the only one who broke out from Ivory. At least, that's how people always acted. :glare:


I wonder if Tide poses issues because of enzymes. I know a number of people have had complaints about any laundry product containing enzymes when washing diapers, can't remember if Tide was one of those. :001_huh: (Biokleen has enzymes, but I used to do an extra rinse on the diapers, so there wouldn't have been any residue.)

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I thought I was the only one who broke out from Ivory. At least, that's how people always acted. :glare:

Oh, whatever! Those people should count themselves lucky that they don't have allergies, for goodness' sake.


We used to do this nifty demo with Ivory Snow and Chlorox 2, a combination that people might use because they're supposed to be mild, KWIM? We mixed a couple of tablespoons each of Ivory and Chlorox 2 in a glass of hot water, and the mixture would bubble up and flow over the side of the glass. Within a few minutes it would solidify. Amazing. Think what might be happening in the laundry.:eek:


I wonder if Tide poses issues because of enzymes. I know a number of people have had complaints about any laundry product containing enzymes when washing diapers, can't remember if Tide was one of those. :001_huh: (Biokleen has enzymes, but I used to do an extra rinse on the diapers, so there wouldn't have been any residue.)

I don't know the specific ingredient that might be the problem. I suspect it will be different with different people.

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Fabric softener (Downy) works by leaving residue on the fabric so that would be my first thought. My family can't even do fabric softener that's unscented.


We use Purex F&C or All F&C. I actually really like Charlie's soap, but Purex is so convienient. I use plain vinegar in the rinse if I need a fabric softener. Vinegar softens clothes by stripping out the residue from detergent.



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Thank you everyone for sharing your comments and experiences. I've borrowed some Kirkland laundry detergent from my parents for a test run, but I'm thinking that I'll truly have to revert back to biokleen... or perhaps a type of detergent that is free and clear as many of you stated in your posts.


I won't go into great details, but I can tell you that the Tide with Downy gave a me a histamine reaction and/or hyper nerve sensitivity as well as a rash inside my elbows... not a product I would recommend to anyone, IYKWIM.

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