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Conference registration now open!

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I have attended approximately 6 homeschooling conferences since we first started homeschooling in 1999.


This will be the FIRST conference where each and every workshop offered is of interest to me, except for the Teaching your child to read. My kiddos learned to read using the recommendations from Mrs. Wise in the first edition WTM.


This celebration of 10 years of Classical Homeschooling will bring full circle our homeschooling adventure. In 1999, my husband found TWTM in the new books section at the library. He checked it out and brought it home for me to read. We started right away with the suggestions in the book. Our then 3 yo dd began hearing the read alouds suggested in the book, while our twin boys amazingly listened along too, even at their young 18 months.


Here we are 10 years later, still using TWTM for our reference guide, never invisioning that we would still be homeschooling after all these years. This will also be our celebration of 10 years of Classical Homeschooling. We told the kids that we are taking a trip to Williamsburg in order to celebrate our 10 years of homeschooling, and they are so excited.


We have registered, and can't wait for the conference to begin!



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For lunch on Friday, you can purchase a box lunch and eat it at the conference. Or you can go out to lunch at a nearby restaurant.


There is not a shuttle service from the Richmond airport to the hotel. You would have to rent a car or take a taxi. The front desk at the Marriott can give you more options if necessary.


You should call the Marriott for details about the breakfast.


There are several convenience stores and a number of restaurants within walking distance of the hotel, but not a full grocery store.


17 year olds are welcome to attend as much of the conference as they wish.


I hope this helps.



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I'm very excited about this conference, and since I had hoped to visit Colonial Williamsburg with ds 9 and 6 in conjunction with our early American history studies using SOTW 3 this year, I am planning to travel from Chicago to attend.


I was also pleased to hear that discounted rates for Colonial Williamsburg will be offered for conference attendees at the very low rate of $7.50 per day. I hope to take advantage of this opportunity on April 30.


However, given the scheduled events at the conference on Friday and Saturday, it doesn't seem that there will be another opportunity to take advantage of this terrific discount while we are there :sad:


OTOH, at $49.95 per person, X3, the cost to vist Williamsburg on Sunday after the conference is considerable.


Without asking for the moon, is there any possibility that the discounted rate could be extended to include Sunday and / or Monday?


I'm sure there are many of us who would be very grateful!

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Also, for those planning to eat out...here is a good place.




Their prices are not too bad. But the nice thing is on their webpage is a coupon for 10% off your total food bill. We had the pizza and it was pretty good but just about everyone else was having pasta or an actual meal. And the place was pretty darn busy on the weekend but we went early.


Hope this helps someone.


We also went to Panera and got the group soup (for 3 1/2 of us) for a pretty good deal.

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All you can eat chocolate mousse??? mmmmmm.......


A conf. registration question - I tried to purchase a ticket through the PHP website, but it's asking me for a shipping address, and only allows United States? I'm in Canada. Should I just call PHP and register?


I am SO EXCITED TO BE PLANNING TO COME TO THIS!!!:D And yes, I'm telling friends.

Edited by Colleen in NS
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So now I have to plug my favorite W'burg restaurant...the Blue Talon bistro.




OK, not really a budget place. But you should taste the homemade chocolate mousse, they come out and put it in a big bowl right at your table, as much as you want....


Oh boy!! :drool5: Forget dinner...I want to go for DESSERT! Oh the choices, good thing DH will be there..oh wait with the kids we could order FOUR desserts and MOM CAN TRY THEM ALL!! WOOHOO.


Well, there goes my diet. Wait didn't I read somewhere that calories consumed during educational activities are automatically burned off? Something about brain power burning calories?? Right?? Please???

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I'm in NOVA and I noticed that Susan and Jessie will be speaking at the NOVA conference. I'm wondering if there will be a lot of overlap between the two or if it would be worth it to attend both. I like the NOVA conference to be able to look at vendors, etc...plus it's easy since it's local. The Williamsburg conference looks great too and would be fairly easy for me as my parents are in Richmond and can babysit. I'm inclined to do both....


Anyway, any idea how much overlap between the two conferences?

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We're trying to arrange childcare so I can come (dh has a conference the same weekend).


How much time do I have to register? Is it getting close to full? Is there a deadline?


Also, on the lunches...is the $11 for one day or both (do I need to buy TWO)?


I SO hope I can come!


Oh, and one more question--can I get my copies of WTM autographed? :D

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  • 4 weeks later...

a question about the box lunches :001_smile:


I would like to order box lunches to enjoy during the lunch time story hour with Jim Weiss, but for religious reasons, we do not eat pork.


Is it possible to request sandwiches that have only turkey?


Thank you very much for your consideration of this detail, which, although small, is an important one for us.

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  • 2 weeks later...
You can now register for the May 1-2 conference. We'll have a full-fledged conference site up shortly, but you can get all the essential information here:




Visit, and tell all your friends about it too. :001_smile:



I signed up a few weeks ago and just wondered when and how we would be getting additonal information. I know you mentioned giving the students "assignments" to complete before and just wondering when and if they will be coming soon.


I'm very excited!!

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  • 2 weeks later...
Any news on recordings?


I have to second this.


While Williamsburg is relatively close, it came to my attention that $260 of this (or thereabouts) would be essentially for the "social aspect" -- to meet many other WTMers face-to-face.


Sadly, my monthly "social" budget is ~ $25.


So, will recordings be offered???

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So, will recordings be offered???




I'm wondering too, since I'd love to have a set so I can come home and rehash everything in my mind and share with dh. Some people around here also asked me to pick up recordings, too, if they were available.


I'm also wondering if I should expect a ticket in the mail - mail takes longer to travel within Canada.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Any news on recordings?

Just bumping this question. I have a bfing 6 month old that I don't think I could leave for 12 hours (or get her to sit still and behave for that long if I brought her). The seminars look great though, and I'm sad at the thought of missing them, especially since they're so close....

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Those of you who have already registered for the conference should have received an email from Peace Hill Press regarding ticket information. The tickets are not being mailed to your homes. Instead you will be able to pick them up here when you arrive in Williamsburg. If you have not received that email, please let me know.

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Susan, I am very sorry I can not attend your conference. I've been waiting almost ten years for something like this! I'm working for a youth theatre group, and our production of Annie opens the same weekend and my daughter is Mrs. Pugh :). I am very disappointed that there is a conflict. Please know I would be there in a heart beat...


Also, I'm interested in recordings of the sessions.


I hope your conference is successful and that everyone has a great time.


Love and well wishes to you and all at PHP,


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Question about children and conference. If my husband is unable to attend, I was considering bringing my 9 year old. I read that I should make alternate plans, yet a couple of the sessions with Jim Weiss are designed for that age group.


I just want to make sure I understand that if I do not have someone with me to care for my son during other sessions, I should not bring him at all because of the seating?


Also, when is the cut-off for purchasing the discount Williamsburg tickets?

Edited by nestof3
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Question about children and conference. If my husband is unable to attend, I was considering bringing my 9 year old -- he really wants to meet Jim Weiss. I read that I should make alternate plans, yet a couple of the sessions with Jim Weiss are designed for that age group.


I just want to make sure I understand that if I do not have someone with me to care for my son during other sessions, I should not bring him at all because of the seating?


Also, when is the cut-off for purchasing the discount Williamsburg tickets?

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  • 3 weeks later...
Will the Colonial Williamsburg tickets be mailed to us or do we simply need our receipt to get in? We plan to go on Thursday.


This is the email I recieved about going to Colonial Williamsburg...


Thank you for registering for the 2009 Well-Trained Mind Anniversary

Conference. We are happy you are joining us. In addition to

attending the conference, you have decided to also visit Colonial

Williamsburg. If you would like to visit Colonial Williamsburg on

Thursday, April 30, you may pick up your tickets in the lobby at the

conference hotel, the Williamsburg Marriott, during an early

conference check-in time from 8:00 am until 10:00 am on Thursday,

April 30. This early check-in time is only open for those planning to

visit Colonial Williamsburg on Thursday, April 30. All other guest

should check-in at the regular designated times on Friday, May 1 or

Saturday, May 2, from 7:30 am until 8:30 am at the registration tables

in the hotel auditorium where the conference will be held. If you

need to make other arrangements to pick-up tickets, please contact the

conference manager, Suzanne Hicks, by e-mail




Peace Hill Press



Hope that helps!

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