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Let's Tackle Saturday!

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XYI need tlo go back to sleep soon. Need to put Restasis in eyes that I forgot.  Need to use Peridex and put Xylimelts in mouth. Need 5o reset sleep mode.

To do in morning  and later

  • shower, asthma meds
  • Prep medical bag for day
  • Be sure to take both morning meds, lunch meds, anld refill daily options and take w/ me
  • Go w/dh to breakfast at a patisserie and then shop for dh's wallet and another poofed ottoman for diwnstairs
  • Go w/ dh, dd2, dsil2 to local indoor gun range
  • Get food for dinner and generally
  • Watch AL football game and folkow others during day
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Good morning!

  • coffee
  • text scoutmaster about ds picking up another shift
  • take ds to sell popcorn
  • spray down/light up ds's hockey gear
  • dinner: leftovers

DS's team was invited to a scrimmage last night with the other team his age/level.  I took him, because they're going to play each other several times this year, so may as well get a feel for how each other play.  Well, sure, if that play is through the looking glass.  It was the weirdest thing.  They played a 25 minute period, then a 35 minute period, then a 15 minute 3:3 period to top it off.  In contrast, the rules usually are three 20 minute periods or two 25 minute halves.  Only two lines of ds's team made it there, because holiday weekend, so I watched my kid rotate through all positions except goalie during his shifts.  😄  Absolutely crazy.  My kid doesn't play defense and was actually doing pretty well at it.  But  I noticed several kids, including mine, wearing 13 on their helmets and understood why the game was hastily put together.  If you have heard the name Johnny Gaudreau in the news lately, it was why.  It was one silent tribute to two deaths that shouldn't have happened.


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@HomeAgain good luck on finishing your degree!! I had not heard that name, but how tragic for that family. 

We have a Zoom shower this morning for friends becoming foster parents.

I don't know if weather will change the other plans for today. I'm supposed to go to a friend's party later afternoon (poolside). Dh and I hoped to go to an astronomy night put on by the corps of engineers at the lake tonight. The party would probably be moved inside, but the other might not happen. 

In between I have some school work to do for next week and some laundry. 

I hope you all have a great day!! 



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Good morning, it's finally the weekend. Dh is working 12 hours each day, but off Monday. We're thinking about buying a new mattress. Today's plan:



checking account-done

farmer's market if they have peas-didn't have peas

dollar general/make sure they use my $10 coupon this time-done

grade papers and enter grades-done


check out the grocery store sales-done

shower/wash my hair/etc-done

mail and shred

check with my sister about boxes for moving my dad-done

clean out the refrigerator-done

run the dishwasher-done

call my parents

Bible and prayer

Kindle book

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Good morning!

Sunshine here. Boo. I was hoping for the predicted and much needed rain. Maybe a storm this afternoon?

Nice to get up and not have to be leaving right away. I have made coffee and have bacon in the oven.

This morning will be household things, YNAB and grocery shopping.

This afternoon will be an email to my students’ parents and lesson planning. 

This evening will be grad school work. Plus an easy dinner and a shower.

Need to call both my mom and MIL. 

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Good Morning

Temperature has dropped so it’s nice outside. Empty hanging flower baskets, empty tomato boxes, prep berry patch, check yard for mushrooms and rid them, pick up stix
Time outside with pup


finalize pollinator garden so can pick up plants next week

make list of Hx topics to research for individual project 

time training pup to use nail scratch board- I can’t get her to let me clip her nails so I’m trying this way. 
More items will pop up to do

@HomeAgainIve tead about that tragedy on the news- so sad





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I had such high hopes for today, but I woke up with the worst sinus pain I've ever experienced. I drank coffee, took some medicine, and it still feels like my sinuses and ears are in a vice. I don't know how productive I'm going to be and it's killing me because I have SO MUCH TO DO. I wanted to finally go for a run again after battling a cold all week. I figured by now I'd definitely be better.


Maybe the medicine will kick in and I'll feel decent enough to at least get some non-running things done. 

Edited to add:

Ok, I don't feel like my head is in a vice grip anymore.

I completed 2 assignments for the graduate class I'm taking. ✔️

Helped youngest make pancakes and had a delicious breakfast.

Planning to:

Write an assignment for my other graduate class. ✔️

Spend some time decluttering. ✔️

Maybe do some weeding, but it's still so hot, I'm not sure about that one.

Pray / meditate. ✔️

Edited by lauraw4321
Minor improvements
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@athena1277I hope you all feel better soon!

I need you all to pray for dh this school year. He has 175 students!! Two teachers left from his department. They had a teacher apply last minute, and the administration elected not to hire them because it would be too much work on the counselors to redo schedules. They aren't even offering extended day so there are less students per class, so that is probably because it would be too much on the guidance counselors, too.  

If I was a parent of those kids and knew what had happened, I would be really upset. Most of his classes are US History, and there is a state test at the end of the year the kids need to pass. 

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Howdie!  Happy Saturday!

So will this be the weekend we finally things back on track??  So much to do!  Thankful that it's a 3-day weekend and that it's relatively cooler than it's been recently.

The kids' first week of college went OK.  They survived it.  😛  They seem to have figured out the parking and the meal plan, and are figuring out the social scene and the technology.  They are saying some of the classes are too basic, though I tell them it will ramp up.  One of my kids is finding one of her classes hard already, though.  Hopefully they'll do what it takes to get good grades.  Though, yesterday, one of them said she would like to just quit school and be a Formula One racer.  Not sure where that came from.  😛

My car is acting crazy.  All the lights are on.  Including the ones about brakes and power steering, both of which I completely replaced in the last year.  It must be an electrical issue.  Anyhoo, I made an appointment.  The earliest I could get was Tuesday morning.  There goes the rest of my kids' inheritance.  😛

Goals for this weekend:

  • Blood donation today.  Try to be extra hydrated & sugared up so I don't try to pass out.
  • Get the kids to clean their messes.  The downstairs, their bathroom, and their bedrooms are scary.  I didn't want to be a hag about it during the 1st week of school, but ....
  • Mom cleaning.
  • Lots of client work.  Especially some reports for a client who is about to go on maternity leave.
  • Figure out our new insurance plans.  Kids' college plan & my work plan.  Also need to figure out HSA stuff.
  • Various shopping tasks.
  • We have our annual air show party on Monday.  Some of the kids' friends will come, but most are off at college.  Lots of other people also come to this party.  It's supposed to be cool for a change!
  • Would like to get back to walking the dog daily.  Also need to do some serious pup training.
  • Speaking of training, I need to make more progress on my CPEs.
  • Hope to get back to daily yoga & TKD practice.
  • Put up "beware of dog" signs.
  • Pay bills.
  • Family financial analyses.
  • Filing.
  • Whatever I'm forgetting.


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@HomeAgain  I have heard of those 2 brothers that were killed. I am so sorry that for the loss that is impacting your community.  So horribly tragic.  My heart is broken for their families.   The sister who lost her brothers right before the wedding.  Their poor parents. The son that won't ever know his father.  His wife who is having her first child on her own.   2 tiny kids who lost their dad, and another wife who lost her husband and now raising 2 kids on her own. Just so horrible. 

I just got done reading posts from Johnny's wife on Instagram and seeing all the pictures of him with her and the kids, which just breaks my heart even more.

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@mom31257 Losing 2 teachers and not replacing them??  Sounds like a really tough year.  How many students does he have normally?  How many periods does he teach?  I am so sorry and hope he can manage that many students.  It is so sad to me that teachers get put into this position. 

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22 minutes ago, mommyoffive said:

@lauraw4321 I am so sorry you are in so much pain. I hope the meds work.  If not do you think you might have a sinus infection?  I had one once and had to go to the ER.  I thought my head was going to explode.  I can't remember what they gave me for it though. 

I thought it might be but it got better pretty quickly once I took some medicine so I’m hoping that everything will resolve without any antibiotics. 

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What started as a 1 hour shift this morning for ds turned into 2.5 hours.  The boys all work in pairs, and some shifts didn't have a pair of kids.  DS extended to do the hour before to help the other scout who signed up, then did his hour with his friend.  Then we found out that the last hour had a scout who hadn't worked the table before, so I gently prodded ds to stick around as much as possible.  He was exhausted after last night and didn't make it through the full shift, but it was long enough, I think.  And even though he didn't want to do it, he admitted on the way home that it was the right thing in both cases for him to stay.

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My day so far has been great.  Tasty pain chocolat & mocha @ patisserie.  We had about 25 minutes to go before the adjacent leather and furnishings opened so I suggested to dh to go see the city/county veterans' memorial.  We had never been even though we have lived here for 13 years but it has been constructed over that time.  



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Hi guys! I’m finally coming out of the Covid haze. I still have lower energy than normal so lots of time I have to sit and rest between chores. I’ll be glad to get to excercise at some point because my muscles are all tight and sore. But I’m afraid that doing too much will put me back in bed. 


I’ve milked





mopped the floors 

chopped okra for the freezer


later I’m going to a friends for Bible study.

still to do:

reserve our church for my drama play in November 

go over with my ds for his dual enrollment stuff to make sure he hasnt missed anything for the week. He has a hard time not accidentally skipping things until he figures out how a teacher operates.

check over some of my assignments for my classes. I’m taking adjustment psychology and marriage and families sociology . 

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Met up w dd2 and dsil2.  Went to the shooting range and that was great.  I tried my 38 Smith and Wesson special revolver that we bought right after I had gone to the Federal Law Enforcement Center. I actually got better after a bit but it has way too much of a kick for me w/ my neuropathy.  On the other hand, I loved using the 22 target pistol I bought for dh as a present about 12 years ago.  

Now we are waiting for food at a very loud brewery next door.

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Did lots of computer chores. Some personal/household and some work. 

Made taco meat and boiled some eggs.

Prepped veggies for dinner. About to do the pork roast.

After dinner will be lesson planning. Might not get to grad school stuff today. ☹️😰

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Dinner was good. Did about 3/4 of my lesson planning. 

House is not clean. I don’t have time. Guys did not do it. Dh did wash my car and do two small chores, after I asked. 

Got a shower. 
Rewashing (in oxyclean) a football jersey that has a green mark on it. Helmet paint, I think. Definitely not grass stain. 

Printing the reading for grad school. I hate real reading on a screen.

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@mommyoffive, I think he had 125 last year. He teaches 6 periods and has a planning period. He will have 2 periods with a co-lab teacher, but they are there for the kids with IEPs. 

We didn't go to the astronomy night because there was so much cloud cover, so I stayed longer at my friend's house. 

I got all my homework docs ready for grading student's work due before Tuesday and Wednesday. Several kids have already sent their work, so I graded all I had today. 

I watched some Rings of Power. I'm almost done rewatching the first season so I can start on the second. 

I need to sit down and really think about what has to be done over the next two days to get ready for the week. 

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Welp I decided to lie down after the blood donation.  I called my sister and we blabbed for a while.  Then I fell asleep and woke up around midnight!  And now I'm awake!  This wasn't the plan ....

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8 hours ago, fairfarmhand said:

@ScoutTNdid you get any rain? We got zilch. We’re running low  on grazing for the cows. Have about 7-8 more days left before we have to resort to feeding winter hay!

   Not ScoutTN  bu5 we got so much rain. We weren't supposed to get more than .5 inchesx this week ac ording to every weather forecaster both 8n my city and Weather channel and.  Accuweather.  Now we are going to get tons of rain this week but due to a TS or Tdepression somewhere in the Gulf that will churn rain filled clouds all the way  ( we are basically 5 to 6  hours away from the Gulf coasr up here) and Nashville is 2 hours more N .  Unfortunately,  it doesn't seem like you will get the benefit of this soaker.

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6 minutes ago, TravelingChris said:

   Not ScoutTN  bu5 we got so much rain. We weren't supposed to get more than .5 inchesx this week ac ording to every weather forecaster both 8n my city and Weather channel and.  Accuweather.  Now we are going to get tons of rain this week but due to a TS or Tdepression somewhere in the Gulf that will churn rain filled clouds all the way  ( we are basically 5 to 6  hours away from the Gulf coasr up here) and Nashville is 2 hours more N .  Unfortunately,  it doesn't seem like you will get the benefit of this soaker.

I saw that! To the south of us there was so much rain, to the north of us there was rain but it all just dried up when it hit our area. There’s another system headed this way today. Hoping we get some!

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