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If you absolutely hate an unreturnable gift that your spouse gave you...

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I think it was the air on the submarine. My poor dh. I feel guilty exposing his folly. He really has excellent taste 98% of the time, but that 2% he goes big!!!


I have do have a love for other cultures, particularly African, but I don't tend to decorate ethnically. As a matter of fact, he knows I don't like knick knacks.


I don't want you to judge my dh to badly...the fresh water pearls were gorgeous.:D



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I think it was the air on the submarine. My poor dh. I feel guilty exposing his folly. He really has excellent taste 98% of the time, but that 2% he goes big!!!


I have do have a love for other cultures, particularly African, but I don't tend to decorate ethnically. As a matter of fact, he knows I don't like knick knacks.


I don't want you to judge my dh to badly...the fresh water pearls were gorgeous.:D




A man who goes out on a submarine, buys his wife presents while docked, and remembers to ship them will get no bad judgement from me.

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I think it was the air on the submarine. My poor dh. I feel guilty exposing his folly. He really has excellent taste 98% of the time, but that 2% he goes big!!!


I have do have a love for other cultures, particularly African, but I don't tend to decorate ethnically. As a matter of fact, he knows I don't like knick knacks.


I don't want you to judge my dh to badly...the fresh water pearls were gorgeous.:D




I don't judge him at all. Even when offered pictures and links, my own DH still never gets it quite right. I love him anyway :D And I absolutely adore freshwater pearls, by the way, so he gets major cred for that!


A man who goes out on a submarine, buys his wife presents while docked, and remembers to ship them will get no bad judgement from me.


And :iagree: with this too!

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I've seen the picture and let's just consider that it was sitting in a beautiful boutique kind of store, glass shelf, a lot of lights, and the place was a bit artsy. If the ambience of the store was like this and the vase was surrounded by other "sculptures" such as this, it probably looked quite special. Her dh was thinking of her love of African culture and considered this not a knick-knack but a wonderful artistic piece (sculpture). That's my best guess.


And kuddos for all he did to get the presents bought and sent. It seems like he put a lot of thought into his choices. And it's not like he got you a vacuum cleaner or a toaster! :D

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Guest janainaz

My dh is not a gift buyer typically. It's few and far between, but when he does do something - it's from his heart. I'd find an inconspicuous place and still keep it out, just where it would not get noticed as much. I could not ever tell him I did not like something unless it was clothes and he wanted me to wear it - there I would draw the line. But - it's not worth it to tell him you don't like it.


Every husband is different though and some might be totally fine with knowing you don't like what they gave you. :)

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I finally got around to looking at it, and I have to tell you...I thought it was kinda cool. My dad brings stuff back like that from Israel and other places...it warms my heart. I'd put it next to my Ancient History/World History books on the bookshelf and be proud. Maybe it'll grow on you:-)


Edited by NayfiesMama
Oops..just saw Mommaduck's comment
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I think it was the air on the submarine. My poor dh. I feel guilty exposing his folly. He really has excellent taste 98% of the time, but that 2% he goes big!!!


I have do have a love for other cultures, particularly African, but I don't tend to decorate ethnically. As a matter of fact, he knows I don't like knick knacks.


I don't want you to judge my dh to badly...the fresh water pearls were gorgeous.:D




You have me beat. My octopus can't top that. But! After the initial :confused: she kind of "grows" on you! I love the bright colors!

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I asked if he would be offended if I told him a gift was a white elephant and he replied, "Well it certainly is lavishly decorated." He completely skirted my question. I think that if it was put in front of a map of where it came from, it might be interesting. Maybe you could use it for a pencil holder on your desk??

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It's taken me quite a while to decide what to post on this. :001_smile: Jo, my dh is a retired submariner, so I hold a special place in my heart for your dh's effort. Really. Kudos to him for thinking and acting!


The gift did, however, make me gasp out loud. I just never imagined it could be that.....that....unreturnable.:lol:


But I think I agree with some of the other women here...keep it for a while. It's the interesting stuff like this that make our homes unique. I mean, who else in the US will have one of these? It will be something your dc fight over when you and your dh pass away. Perhaps in the "No, YOU take it!" "No...YOU take it!" way, but still...


Put it somewhere for now that won't make you do a full body shiver when you see it, and re-evaluate in a year. Or two.


BTW, a friend collects unique items like this from her world travels. Each one has a story and her home is just wonderful!

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OK... now I think it is really something cool. You have to know he thought of you while looking at it, right? I mean you have seven gifts from God so he had to be thinking of you! I love it. I think it is such an interesting discussion starter. If you really dislike it I would probably put it up some place where you would not see it much, but I still think it is something neat. :D

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I just can't put that bizarre pencil holder, or vase, or whatever, on my counter....ever.


Put it someplace that you don't see it unless you're looking for it, not in a prominent place but out anyways. Now I have squashed my dh's attempts but I've received children's earrings as a bday gift (too small to wear), when I asked for a monogrammed Bible cover, I received hot pink sneaker Bible cover with my name airbrushed.


I took the airbrushed pink sneaker to church one time and then I went to spend $5 to get another Bible cover on top of the $40 dh spent for the hot pink sneaker one. I've kept the hot pink sneaker as a reminder to buy my own gifts.


The list of "what was he thinking??" gifts goes on...but since telling him that I prefer to just to be able to shop for myself, it has minimized although I still get weird things from time to time.

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OK, I just have to post because my kids have this joke that I have an inner african woman in me. I'm caucasian, but I have lots of African art in my house, mostly from Africa (my dh took a mission trip there) and I love it. But I did laugh, the pencil holder is a little shocking, it looks like she would be thrusting them at you. :lol:

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This reminds me of a grandma I know who is SO into the look of her home that she doesn't like to display any of the her young grandkids' arts & crafts. Cause you know, thanksgiving turkeys made from paper plates & glued on pastas ARE tacky. No doubt about it.



Some Grandparents (not naming any names, of course) actually put up a separate tree in their hallway so that the kids' decorations can go on one tree and the other tree is then free to be decorated properly.


I would find a discreet place for the tacky item. My dh did the same thing a number of years ago. It was when the boys first started the violin - he gave me a little decorative violin thing. I didn't know what to do with it so I stuck it in my china cabinet. Now, even though I still think it's a tad bit on the tacky side, I love it - mostly because I know that dh only bought it because he thought I'd like it.

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My mil often gives sentimental objects to my dh from his childhood at Xmas. This year, among other things, he received a small plaster bust of a man (think scrooge) with some sort of tasseled cap on his head, that he had painted when he was a child. It's on his dresser now. We also have a ceramic hot dog that he made another year in the school room. It's a paperweight.


Feel better? I know this doesn't take away the vase problem, but I tend to agree with the "look at it and laugh" angle.

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My mil often gives sentimental objects to my dh from his childhood at Xmas. This year, among other things, he received a small plaster bust of a man (think scrooge) with some sort of tasseled cap on his head, that he had painted when he was a child. It's on his dresser now. We also have a ceramic hot dog that he made another year in the school room. It's a paperweight.


Feel better? I know this doesn't take away the vase problem, but I tend to agree with the "look at it and laugh" angle.


I have had this happen too!! I am not generally so good about it though. Not long after receiving said memories they are shared with Goodwill. :D We have his 5yo handprint still though as that is just too sweet. The polyester lounging suit for the same age, not so much. :D

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I like it...Not my taste in decorating but I would display it anyway. I would probably put it by the phone for holding pens. If anyone commented I would say how sweet Dh was for thinking of you.


My DH bought me a painting that I don't really like but it was very sweet of him to buy me art. It hangs in our bedroom. It does match the colors of our bedroom...

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