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Let's Tackle Sunday Together!


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It's snowing here! 

DH already dropped DD off at work.


Here's my list:

Make some muffins for breakfasts this week.

Make make-ahead mashed potatoes with the remaining potatoes.

Clean bathrooms.

Do dishes that were ignored yesterday.

Sweep & mop kitchen floor.

Pick up DD. (DH is doing this now.)

Plan meals for the week.


Edited by historically accurate
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11 minutes ago, historically accurate said:

It's snowing here!


Lucky!  It's bitter cold but no snow on the forecast for a while.


Redo an ornament and start to "tidy" the rest

Take ds to his game

Check on classwork

Dinner: stir fry, scallion pancakes, pickled veggies

Listen to ds recite his poem

Violin practice


Find the advent ornaments


That last is important.  Every day a new one appears on the tree, beginning Dec. 1.  I can't find the container of them in the overfilled basement storage room.

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1. Get a few things from storage

2. unpack 10 boxes

3. Color my hair

4. laundromat?   I am still dreading it and considering just washing a few items in the sink and hanging them to dry instead.   Our new W/D set will come on Wed.

5. Get A's birthday treat bags ready to take to school tomorrow

6. About 2 hours of work that I should have done Friday but didn't.......considering going to the laundromat and taking my computer and doing it there, kill 2 birds and all that.....

7. maybe coffee with a friend.....

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Good morning!! I hope everyone has a great day!! My plan:


pick up lemons then take groceries to mother in law (she told me she didn't;t need any, then said she did)-done, gave her limes from my refrigerator instead


paint-done, but will do some more

finish flashcards-done

listen to audio book while I'm driving-done

wash my hair-done

melt used up candles to make a new one-done

Edited by math teacher
update and addition
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Howdie, happy Sunday!

So sad that it's the last day of the weekend.  I have become spoiled apparently.

I did very little client work so far this weekend.  Instead, I did Christmas shopping and other time-sensitive personal things.  So I have to focus on client work today.

It's our second full day of dog-sitting.  My kids want to send the visitor dog away since he growled at our dog fairly often yesterday, and our dog doesn't really play when that dog is here.  I don't really speak dog, but it seems visitor dog wants to be the first to greet each person etc.  And our dog seems to understand unspoken rules such as "the toys are visitor's unless he abandons them to me."

But honestly, as we adults have big deadlines coming up, it is helpful to us if our dog doesn't ask to play all day long.  He's really needy when he's the only dog here.  And the girls will be at school most of the week.  So as long as nobody's physically fighting and everyone is able to eat, potty, and sleep, I think we should keep the dog for at least a week.  (If we send him away, he will go to my sister, whom he knows and loves ... but as he's an inside dog and my sister is set up for outside dogs, his owner prefers to have him at my house if possible.)

To do:

  • Lots of client work.
  • Make the kids act responsible - dog stuff, school stuff, house stuff.
  • Eat fruit, veggie, take vitamins, drink water.
  • Yoga etc.
  • All of the laundry.
  • Whatever else gets done.



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We aren't sure we will be able to have a Christmas tree.  Our dining room snd our great eoom is full of stufff from our unfinished kitchen.  Electrician at least is coming tomorrow so we will have range, oven and microwave in pkace.  The people are coming later this week to measure to measure for the granite counter tops and then we should have those in 2 weeka. Not sure when plumber is coming.  And we need a floor too.

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Good afternoon! I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday weekend!! I have missed checking in on everyone, but it was nice to get away. 

Dh, ds, and I picked up dd on Friday. We had lunch in Chattanooga and left for Fall Creek Falls. We hiked to the falls and back, which my phone counted as climbing 21 flights of stairs. We left there and drove to Cookeville, TN. We watched the Hunger Games movie and then got Ramen/Poke for dinner. We explored Cookeville the next day, played board games, and ate great food. We planned to see another park before we left today, but it was raining when we got up. 

We took dd back home and stopped at Costco to get a few things for ds. He just left to go back to school.  It's a week and a half before he'll be home for the Christmas break, though. 

I've got schoolwork to finish for this week.

I need to assess our food situation and possibly go to the grocery store. 

Dh has a lot of extra work this week between the charter school and keeping the clock at the basketball games. 

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Christmas stuff is not all up yet. I love my tree, but it is too big for our space. The bottom branches are probably 5 feet wide at least. Might go get one tomorrow. 

Have 5 bags of clothes to go to others, 2 bags of books, a box of old electronics, and a couple more boxes for goodwill. Was able to put a few things on buy nothing over the weekend as well. 

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13 hours ago, historically accurate said:

It's snowing here! 

DH already dropped DD off at work.


Here's my list:

Make some muffins for breakfasts this week.

Make make-ahead mashed potatoes with the remaining potatoes.

Clean bathrooms.

Do dishes that were ignored yesterday.

Sweep & mop kitchen floor.

Pick up DD. (DH is doing this now.)

Plan meals for the week.


No cleaning today - brother came over instead. I did get some stuff done though. Cleaning commences tomorrow. I'm calling it a day.

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@Onalulu, welcome to our tackle group! I'm sorry you have the flu and hope you get better very soon!

I have enough food here to do for awhile. Dinner was a salad kit and grilled chicken from Costco. 

I've got the lesson plans done for the week, which included creating some projects for them to work on. 

I'm about to watch something and relax. 

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