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I decided for the 'speaking and listening' strand of English we would do lots of verbal board games. We have done Taboo, Poetry for Neanderthals, Man Bites Dog, Sheherazade, Story Cubes and Deck of Worlds. I would say the most popular however has been Superfight. There are a few different ways to play, but my kids decided on these rules: you get two cards with characters on them, and 2 cards with features on them, and have to argue why your superteam would beat the other players' super teams. It is so funny. Characters can be known ones (like Pikachu or Superman) or things like Octopus with claws. Features can be 'with feet on the end of tentacles' or 'can mindread'. It has definitely increased their ability to argue a case!

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53 minutes ago, bookbard said:

I decided for the 'speaking and listening' strand of English we would do lots of verbal board games. We have done Taboo, Poetry for Neanderthals, Man Bites Dog, Sheherazade, Story Cubes and Deck of Worlds. I would say the most popular however has been Superfight. There are a few different ways to play, but my kids decided on these rules: you get two cards with characters on them, and 2 cards with features on them, and have to argue why your superteam would beat the other players' super teams. It is so funny. Characters can be known ones (like Pikachu or Superman) or things like Octopus with claws. Features can be 'with feet on the end of tentacles' or 'can mindread'. It has definitely increased their ability to argue a case!

Can you play Superfight with a group?  I’m thinking my coop class might like it if it can be played that way.

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38 minutes ago, maize said:

We use sand timers a lot--also silent and provide a visual reference for time remaining

Ooh, good points! Do you have a selection of sand timers with different intervals? I'm so used to one minute sand timers that I hadn't considered other possibilities.



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3 hours ago, bookbard said:

I decided for the 'speaking and listening' strand of English we would do lots of verbal board games. We have done Taboo, Poetry for Neanderthals, Man Bites Dog, Sheherazade, Story Cubes and Deck of Worlds. I would say the most popular however has been Superfight. There are a few different ways to play, but my kids decided on these rules: you get two cards with characters on them, and 2 cards with features on them, and have to argue why your superteam would beat the other players' super teams. It is so funny. Characters can be known ones (like Pikachu or Superman) or things like Octopus with claws. Features can be 'with feet on the end of tentacles' or 'can mindread'. It has definitely increased their ability to argue a case!

This is fantastic!!!!

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13 hours ago, bookbard said:

I decided for the 'speaking and listening' strand of English we would do lots of verbal board games. We have done Taboo, Poetry for Neanderthals, Man Bites Dog, Sheherazade, Story Cubes and Deck of Worlds. I would say the most popular however has been Superfight. There are a few different ways to play, but my kids decided on these rules: you get two cards with characters on them, and 2 cards with features on them, and have to argue why your superteam would beat the other players' super teams. It is so funny. Characters can be known ones (like Pikachu or Superman) or things like Octopus with claws. Features can be 'with feet on the end of tentacles' or 'can mindread'. It has definitely increased their ability to argue a case!

This just went into my Amazon cart!  My kids would love this game, sort of like Apples to Apples. 

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On 8/10/2023 at 9:13 PM, Kareni said:

My husband teaches math classes to homeschoolers and asked for this timer ~

Time Timer 20 Minutes

He likes the fact that it does not tick and that the completion signal can be silent or audible.



I love Time Timers!

This is the kind I have: https://www.amazon.com/Time-Timer-Home-MOD-Homeschool/dp/B08K9GFDMP/ref=sr_1_6?keywords=Time+Timer&qid=1691804927&sr=8-6

But I'm eyeing this one:  https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0BD2HNYTY/ref=ox_sc_saved_title_5?smid=ATVPDKIKX0DER&psc=1


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On 8/10/2023 at 8:35 PM, bookbard said:

I decided for the 'speaking and listening' strand of English we would do lots of verbal board games. We have done Taboo, Poetry for Neanderthals, Man Bites Dog, Sheherazade, Story Cubes and Deck of Worlds. I would say the most popular however has been Superfight. There are a few different ways to play, but my kids decided on these rules: you get two cards with characters on them, and 2 cards with features on them, and have to argue why your superteam would beat the other players' super teams. It is so funny. Characters can be known ones (like Pikachu or Superman) or things like Octopus with claws. Features can be 'with feet on the end of tentacles' or 'can mindread'. It has definitely increased their ability to argue a case!

I think I might try some of these.


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I bought super fight after reading this thread and we played it last night. Hysterical!!!! At one point there was a VERY heated argument over who would win - Barney the Purple Dinosaur or a bull. (tie breaker fight so no attributes)

Also, the entire family got to laugh at me (and I laughed at myself so hard I couldn't breath) after I spent a long 5 minutes reading and rereading the rules trying to figure out what it meant if you got a black card that said "superfight" instead of having an attribute. I finally gave up and when I put the card down realized I'd been looking at the back of it! They ALL say super fight....on the back. In my defense I'd spent all day working on lesson plans and my brain was fried...but seriously, SUCH a dorky thing and so VERY typical of me, lol. I was still laughing at myself hours later when I thought about it. 

I think next time we will play the battle royale version. 

Oh, and DD13 took it to her drop off stem program today to play it with friends there. Huge hit, and I could also see using the cards for writing prompts!

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A bubble machine!  I've always wanted one!

I put together a bubble event at church and it gave me the perfect nudge to just finally buy one.

Bubble Machine Durable Automatic Bubble Blower, 8000+ Bubbles Per Minute Bubbles for Kids Toddlers Bubble Maker Operated by Plugin or Batteries Bubble Toys for Indoor Outdoor Birthday Party https://a.co/d/hX0pwWm


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On 8/18/2023 at 2:20 AM, ktgrok said:

I bought super fight after reading this thread and we played it last night. Hysterical!!!! At one point there was a VERY heated argument over who would win - Barney the Purple Dinosaur or a bull. (tie breaker fight so no attributes)


Ha, sounds awesome!

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