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June gardens


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Okay, so:

The tomatoes are finally beginning to perk. The cherry tomatoes are the only ones growing though. The hydrometer with the phone censor came, and we have discovered that the PH is 3.5, and tomatoes want 6 - 6.5. I have sprinkled small amounts of wood ash in the tomato bed, and since it was finally time to water (the 90°/32°C having finally dried up the excessive moisture in the beds), watered last night at dusk. We will wait a few days, test the PH, and then go from there. We now need to do this for the papers which have literally not grown at all. Tiny, and they have been transplanted in the beds since May 9. They want 6.5-7 PH so I need to work gently at getting it up so I don't fry their roots by doing too much at once. I am also going to give them some pelletized, composted chicken manure, a tbsp sprinkled around each plant and then water.

The basil is making a come back. My house plant basil is prolific. So I think I need to harvest some of the indoor leaves and dry them. I am not using it up fast enough when I cook. I will give it to my son who loves to make spaghetti sauce.

Oregano is looking good. Carrots are almost tall enough to thin. We have our first pea blossom! I am excited about that. The broccoli are just happy, happy campers and growing like crazy. Eggplant are doing okay, not any kind of crazy growth, but slow and steady. Green beans are deader than dead. I am trying to decide if I should seed again at this time or give up on that idea. We are having some pretty odd weather, and I don't like my odds of getting them to germinate. The celery is happy and growing. I have to find out how to know when it is ready to harvest.

My honey crisp apple tree never blossomed. 😭😭😭 But the Courtland or whatever it is that we put in for cross pollination has a TON of baby apples. So I am going to have apples to dehydrate. I just hope everyone likes the flavor of these. Our family is honey crisp spoiled I am afraid.

Despite the frost, the grapevine is trying to make a com back and has new, very green leaves. We have not had rain since May 7, so I am going to give it a good watering tonight. The apple trees have deep roots so I have not been worried. But Mark was. He gave them each a five gallon drink last night.

It isn't as bad as it was. But I also am trying not to dare to hope.

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I have some pics. The first two are the containers I planted a few days ago on my front porch. I haven’t had the energy or motivation to do those in years! So that was fun, and I love looking at them. 💕💕

Third pic are six 4x4 raised beds. The left side is mostly strawberries which are about played out. Also a giant turnip I need to harvest. The right three are all tomatoes and basil. Oh and one eggplant. I’ll plant squash (which will surely die lol) where that turnip is.

The pole beans are finally starting to produce. I had planned to mercilessly prune those nandina bushes, and now the pole beans are growing up in them. 

The third little wonky bed has a hybrid Better Boy that has lots of tomatoes on it—several large that should start ripening soon. That’s a plant I bought at Lowe’s. The rest of the maters I grew from seed. I have a couple of little watermelon plants in there, a four small pepper plants (I did buy an extra two since they’ve been so expensive), and an eggplant. 

I am still debating where to plant the okra. I have put it to the left of the 6 beds for the past couple of years so I think I’ll till up the area to the right this year. I’ll put bush beans where the okra used to be. Or purple hull peas. Or both! 

As usual I forgot to label my tomatoes. I know the middle bed is all Amish Paste. But the other ones…time will tell. I’ve got Amana Orange, Curtis Cheek, Azoychka…






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I spent the vast majority of today cleaning up from my work trip last week since no one in the house touched my garden. Sigh. I cut half a Black Krim tomato plant off (sacrificed a ton of fruit) b/c it was so unwieldy (I hadn't trellised it before I left). I cut lots of bottom leaves off to create better airflow on the other tomato plants too. I'm afraid the horn worms are about to descend just as my plants are looking gorgeous. I saw a bit of scat today so I sprayed with BT. Lettuce, cilantro and dill are bolting so I'm replanting those soon.

Lessons learned:

  • The string-trellis method (and ruthlessly pruning any/all suckers as soon as they appear) creates wonderfully manageable tomato plants and big harvests. So far, nothing is ripe yet but I have good size fruits on the San Marzano, Martino's Roma, Rosella, Sunrise Bumble, and German Johnson varieties. All the fruits on the Black Krim had to be sacrificed in favor of manageability but there are flowers remaining that should fruit soon. Instead of having random fruits on each stem, almost every flower is fruiting and that's awesome! Plus, the fruit stems are heartier as well. I invested in a set of 10' poles last year after the 8' weren't big enough to get us through October/November but look at this German Johnson?! There's only a foot of pole in the ground too! YIKES! As I said...NO MORE INDETERMINATE TOMATOES (tasty tho they may be).
  • Sage really likes my yard. Too much. I planted plain kitchen sage and it's trying to take over the world. Before I had this realization, I also planted salvia and clary sage. You guessed it. They, too, are VERY ambitious growers!
  • For whatever reason, flea beetles love my young squash/eggplants but leave them alone once they get bigger. I need to stop panicking when I see them decimated in the spring. The roots are still strong and the plants are hearty.
  • My basil (sweet, thai, and fiesta lime) likes being shaded by the tomatoes so I will definitely plant that between rows again next year.
  • Serviceberries (we planted a tree last year?) are DELICIOUS (like a cross between blueberries and raspberries)!
  • Tomatillos were hard for me to grow from seed but once it got established...it thrived.

I feel like I'm already one of those annoying coworkers who's like...herbs! FRESH HERBS! Get your fresh herbs here! and that's before most of the stuff is ready to harvest!





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My oregano has gone berserk and attempts to give it away to the neighbors are unsuccessful. It seems we may be the only ones that cook with fresh herbs. I gave it quite a haircut yesterday as it was starting to bolt. I have some in water to use in arrangements this week when I cut more hydrangeas. This is what the flowers I cut on Friday looked like:


Does anyone know what’s wrong with my tomatoes? I did some reading and maybe it’s a nitrogen deficiency. They are cherry tomatoes, but I don’t remember what variety. I added some fertilizer today. One fell of in my hand today, so I cut it open. It looks like a regular, unripe green tomato inside. 

I think I’m finished planting flowers. Last weekend I put calla lillies and vinca in my porch boxes and planted the urns I have beside my doors with cordyline, angel wings and calibrochea. That was 16 plants all together. I put 23 plants in the ground yesterday: a second hydrangea, twelve sunpatiens, one calibrochea, one geranium and eight vinca. Today I planted two new containers and then a small pot I already had - two more pineapple things, several calibrochea, a geranium and verbena. That was 15 plants all together. So, needless to say, I’m tired! Oh, and with the exception on one of the calibrochea and the angel wings, everything is pink! 

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6 minutes ago, TechWife said:

@popmom - Your containers look great! What is the plant with the purplish leaves called - the one to the right of the vinca? 

I don't know! 😭 I could swear I saved the containers for that very reason, but I can't find them. lol I am actually going to go back to the nursery and get more of it because I love it, too, and I have one more container to do on my back porch. I'll let you know. I'm going tomorrow.

That flower is actually impatiens. My front porch is sort of north facing, so it only gets some morning sun. 

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I am hard pressed to keep my plants properly fed. srsly. We had a major rain this last week. My setup looks like this. I just used the 10' poles I bought and an accessory kit on Amazon. In a less windy climate, you probably wouldn't need the cross bars but I do for added stability. Sorry for the poor light, it's getting dark. Also ignore my neighbors' yard and shed. Bless 'em, the hubs is older, recently had surgery, and is having sod installed. @TechWife fertilizer should do it. Looks like a nitrogen prob to me but any old all purpose mix should help. Your hydrangeas are lovely. Is that chamomile alongside?


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20 minutes ago, TechWife said:

My oregano has gone berserk and attempts to give it away to the neighbors are unsuccessful. It seems we may be the only ones that cook with fresh herbs. I gave it quite a haircut yesterday as it was starting to bolt. I have some in water to use in arrangements this week when I cut more hydrangeas. This is what the flowers I cut on Friday looked like:


Does anyone know what’s wrong with my tomatoes? I did some reading and maybe it’s a nitrogen deficiency. They are cherry tomatoes, but I don’t remember what variety. I added some fertilizer today. One fell of in my hand today, so I cut it open. It looks like a regular, unripe green tomato inside. 

I think I’m finished planting flowers. Last weekend I put calla lillies and vinca in my porch boxes and planted the urns I have beside my doors with cordyline, angel wings and calibrochea. That was 16 plants all together. I put 23 plants in the ground yesterday: a second hydrangea, twelve sunpatiens, one calibrochea, one geranium and eight vinca. Today I planted two new containers and then a small pot I already had - two more pineapple things, several calibrochea, a geranium and verbena. That was 15 plants all together. So, needless to say, I’m tired! Oh, and with the exception on one of the calibrochea and the angel wings, everything is pink! 


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Just now, Faith-manor said:


agree. Those hydrangeas are perfect. Why have I never planted these? I have one peony that looks lovely for about 24 hours before it inevitably rains. 😉 Your hydrangeas would have been perfect in dd's wedding bouquet! 

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8 minutes ago, popmom said:

agree. Those hydrangeas are perfect. Why have I never planted these? I have one peony that looks lovely for about 24 hours before it inevitably rains. 😉 Your hydrangeas would have been perfect in dd's wedding bouquet! 

BECAUSE THEY GET HUGE!!! and need a ton of space??

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2 minutes ago, Rosie_0801 said:

I bought two asparagus crowns. They sound like such finicky things I don't know if I have the charm to make them comfortable, but I have wanted some for so long I am going to try!

Don't expect anything the first year. Mine is in ground and happy. If it survives the winter, I'll be thrilled!

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Just now, Sneezyone said:

Don't expect anything the first year. Mine is in ground and happy. If it survives the winter, I'll be thrilled!

How can you tell your asparagus is happy?

I really wanted to use all caps to ask this.

I will also be thrilled if yours survive the winter.

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Just venting my frustrations here to people who get it.  We are on landscaper number 4.  First two just disappeared. The third one has been coming on next week  for over a month. I even trimmed down the work to just the heavier stuff that would take me longer.  The fourth one was sent by a friend as she uses him.  He came, gave an estimate and we scheduled him. And he screwed it up.  So now he is fired. I am not asking for much.  At this point just remove the soil and replace.  I will do the rest of the work.  So I will just do it myself.  It is beyond frustrating.  If you didn’t want the job or couldn’t do it, just say it. Don’t come and screw it up.  And now I have more work to do because of it. 

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3 minutes ago, itsheresomewhere said:

Just venting my frustrations here to people who get it.  We are on landscaper number 4.  First two just disappeared. The third one has been coming on next week  for over a month. I even trimmed down the work to just the heavier stuff that would take me longer.  The fourth one was sent by a friend as she uses him.  He came, gave an estimate and we scheduled him. And he screwed it up.  So now he is fired. I am not asking for much.  At this point just remove the soil and replace.  I will do the rest of the work.  So I will just do it myself.  It is beyond frustrating.  If you didn’t want the job or couldn’t do it, just say it. Don’t come and screw it up.  And now I have more work to do because of it. 

Ugh. My heart hurts for you. I've put so much time into my yard. Can you hire, not a landscaper, but a construction company to move the earth you need moved? It might be cheaper and more expedient.

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3 minutes ago, Sneezyone said:

Ugh. My heart hurts for you. I've put so much time into my yard. Can you hire, not a landscaper, but a construction company to move the earth you need moved? It might be cheaper and more expedient.

I actually tried that.  The ones who responded back were a lot more expensive or don’t do “small” jobs.  One did direct me to a place I could rent that equipment myself to do it. So if you see the crazy lady on a video with an out of control large equipment it was me.

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4 minutes ago, Sneezyone said:

Ugh. My heart hurts for you. I've put so much time into my yard. Can you hire, not a landscaper, but a construction company to move the earth you need moved? It might be cheaper and more expedient.

@itsheresomewhere My husband has people who clean up messes lol. Oil spills, etc. There are people who consult on these things. Environmental specialists. 

Also, if you ask around, you should be able to hire an excavator. Someone who normally is sub contracted by those guys who "don't do small jobs". The hourly guy who runs the back hoe. Maybe. I hope you find a way!

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1 minute ago, popmom said:

@itsheresomewhere My husband has people who clean up messes lol. Oil spills, etc. There are people who consult on these things. Environmental specialists. 

Also, if you ask around, you should be able to hire an excavator. Someone who normally is sub contracted by those guys who "don't do small jobs". The hourly guy who runs the back hoe. Maybe. I hope you find a way!

The quote by one just to remove the dirt in the gardens and backyard and do nothing else was 17k! My yard is not that big.  That would blow the budget as I wouldn’t be able to finish it.  Otherwise, nothing.  No one who wants to take on a small job. I have tried many ways. Right now, me renting the machine and doing it myself is looking like the only way to achieve this.  I will be making calls again on Monday. 

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1 minute ago, itsheresomewhere said:

The quote by one just to remove the dirt in the gardens and backyard and do nothing else was 17k! My yard is not that big.  That would blow the budget as I wouldn’t be able to finish it.  Otherwise, nothing.  No one who wants to take on a small job. I have tried many ways. Right now, me renting the machine and doing it myself is looking like the only way to achieve this.  I will be making calls again on Monday. 

17k is crazy! They clearly don't need the work. Wow.

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25 minutes ago, itsheresomewhere said:

Just venting my frustrations here to people who get it.  We are on landscaper number 4.  First two just disappeared. The third one has been coming on next week  for over a month. I even trimmed down the work to just the heavier stuff that would take me longer.  The fourth one was sent by a friend as she uses him.  He came, gave an estimate and we scheduled him. And he screwed it up.  So now he is fired. I am not asking for much.  At this point just remove the soil and replace.  I will do the rest of the work.  So I will just do it myself.  It is beyond frustrating.  If you didn’t want the job or couldn’t do it, just say it. Don’t come and screw it up.  And now I have more work to do because of it. 

Have you tried asking your county extension office for a referral?

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My garden is…okay. The front looks good; I’m ignoring it. But that was my plan - for it to be stuff that didn’t need my attention.

The back - a lot of watering. I’m happy rainy season is upon us. I have more pots than last year though. Which means if we get a hurricane headed our way, I will have tons of storm prep to move them all. Which I didn’t really factor in when I was potting my gazillion tomatoes.

Need to get some fertilizer for the tomatoes. I didn’t feel like going to the store this weekend. Maybe I’ll swing by tomorrow. 

Lettuce is finally bolting.

Saw some new birds in our yard. That’s been fun.

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2 hours ago, Sneezyone said:

@TechWife fertilizer should do it. Looks like a nitrogen prob to me but any old all purpose mix should help. Your hydrangeas are lovely. Is that chamomile alongside?


I used an all purpose mix - it was the label I understood most clearly. Chemistry has never been my strong suit. That’s asparagus fern with the hydrangeas. It’s an interesting perennial that spreads. It dies off when it gets cold and it looks good then, too - just like it’s been dried. I cut it back in late winter/early spring and it grows out all over again. This I took from where it was starting to trail over the front porch steps. 

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2 hours ago, Sneezyone said:

BECAUSE THEY GET HUGE!!! and need a ton of space??

You can cut them back as far as you want to every year, though. I had one inlet get really big at our old house. I’m hated leaving it. This one I won’t be able to let get as big because we have a much smaller lot and the only shady spot is very close to our property line. The more you cut during the summer, the more it blooms, so I’ll have them in the house all summer! 

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Just now, TechWife said:

I used an all purpose mix - it was the label I understood most clearly. Chemistry has never been my strong suit. That’s asparagus fern with the hydrangeas. It’s an interesting perennial that spreads. It dies off when it gets cold and it looks good then, too - just like it’s been dried. I cut it back in late winter/early spring and it grows out all over again. This I took from where it was starting to trail over the front porch steps. 

I didn't use the all purpose soil mix this year. Last year, I filled my beds with an all-purpose mix from a local lace that was good but this year I mixed bagged compost with organic matter and perlite. I have the same approach tho, interplanting. I added azomite (volcanic ash) and blood meal before planting. I had most sandy (some organic matter b/c pine needles) soil in ground and tilled it before planting. My pants are going NUTS this year. It's truly cray, one big experiment.

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17 minutes ago, Sneezyone said:

@itsheresomewhere If you can be patient...wait. I understand if you can't. This landscaping/inflationary pressure is easing locally.


Unfortunately, this seems to be the normal here for anything landscaping.  My neighbors have horror stories with many local landscapers.  I was just hoping since it is a once and done project, it wouldn’t be so hard. My hopes were just too high.  

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1 hour ago, itsheresomewhere said:

@TechWife That is actually how that type of cherry looks.  It is either a dancing Smurf tomato or the other one that the name is escaping me right now.  It was probably labeled wrong ( that is how I discovered them myself) When ripe, they will be a tiny bit lighter on the top.  Extremely flavorful cherry tomato. 

Whoa! I looked them up and the clusters of tomatoes look exactly like what I have, a very dark purple. What color are they on the inside when they ripen? Let me know if you remember the other kind.

Thank you so much! I hope they like the fertilizer I put on today. 🤷🏻‍♀️

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Just now, TechWife said:

Whoa! I looked them up and the clusters of tomatoes look exactly like what I have, a very dark purple. What color are they on the inside when they ripen? Let me know if you remember the other kind.

Thank you so much! I hope they like the fertilizer I put on today. 🤷🏻‍♀️

I don’t remember the inside of the much just the flavor and how they grew. These are not ready yet.   The tops on the tomatoes will turn a slight reddish  pink color.  The rest of the tomato stays that nice color.  They were one of my best sellers once people tasted them.  The flavor is really good.  I hope you get to enjoy them.  And I found them to be one of the least picky of the cherry tomatoes.  Water, light, heat and they were happy. I also noticed they produced longer into fall for me.  

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I almost forgot. I’d like to introduce you to our newest neighbors. They have set up housekeeping under the roof between the house and the garage. Olivia is sitting on the nest and Richard is standing guard. They’ve been here for about two weeks . 

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On 6/5/2023 at 12:52 AM, TechWife said:

I almost forgot. I’d like to introduce you to our newest neighbors. They have set up housekeeping under the roof between the house and the garage. Olivia is sitting on the nest and Richard is standing guard. They’ve been here for about two weeks . 

So cute!

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I DID A THING!!! My carrots were big enough to thin. I felt really sad about doing it, but I did it. I might actually harvest carrots some day.  

The fertilizer must have worked! The tomatoes have recovered and are growing rapidly. I ran around finding sticks to create supports. Mark's mom has tomato cages she isn't using, so he is bringing them home. Of my twelve broccoli plants, eight have started making a baby head, and the other four are definitely on the cusp. The peas are full of blossoms now. I am very, very happy about that. I thinned the radishes, but only ten seeds terminated so we now only have five potential radishes. I am going to seed again and see if I can get more. The very stressed basil has bounced back. I also need to harvest basil on the inside houseplants and dehydrate the leaves. I am excited to have homegrown basil to share with my adult kids. the chili peppers refuse to grow. I am really mad at them. Stupid things. All they want to do is produce a million blooms on their tiny, ridiculously fragile bodies. Stupid plants! The bell peppers are finally putting on height. Celery looks good. Cucumbers, especially my home sprouted one, are starting to grow nicely. 

I am just thrilled! I did not give this garden a whole lot of hope after that frost while we were gone, and then the PH of the soil being so far off plus the high clay content. That moisture/PH meter Mark bought has been the hero. It allowed us to figure out exactly what to give the plants, when and how much water to give. I have been seeing broadway tunes to them, but I am guessing that "Think of Me" and "Memories" is not really the cause of this improvement. 😁

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4 minutes ago, Faith-manor said:

I DID A THING!!! My carrots were big enough to thin. I felt really sad about doing it, but I did it. I might actually harvest carrots some day.  

The fertilizer must have worked! The tomatoes have recovered and are growing rapidly. I ran around finding sticks to create supports. Mark's mom has tomato cages she isn't using, so he is bringing them home. Of my twelve broccoli plants, eight have started making a baby head, and the other four are definitely on the cusp. The peas are full of blossoms now. I am very, very happy about that. I thinned the radishes, but only ten seeds terminated so we now only have five potential radishes. I am going to seed again and see if I can get more. The very stressed basil has bounced back. I also need to harvest basil on the inside houseplants and dehydrate the leaves. I am excited to have homegrown basil to share with my adult kids. the chili peppers refuse to grow. I am really mad at them. Stupid things. All they want to do is produce a million blooms on their tiny, ridiculously fragile bodies. Stupid plants! The bell peppers are finally putting on height. Celery looks good. Cucumbers, especially my home sprouted one, are starting to grow nicely. 

I am just thrilled! I did not give this garden a whole lot of hope after that frost while we were gone, and then the PH of the soil being so far off plus the high clay content. That moisture/PH meter Mark bought has been the hero. It allowed us to figure out exactly what to give the plants, when and how much water to give. I have been seeing broadway tunes to them, but I am guessing that "Think of Me" and "Memories" is not really the cause of this improvement. 😁

Lol!! I am so happy for you! Garden success for the win!

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5 minutes ago, Faith-manor said:


I am just thrilled! I did not give this garden a whole lot of hope after that frost while we were gone, and then the PH of the soil being so far off plus the high clay content. That moisture/PH meter Mark bought has been the hero. It allowed us to figure out exactly what to give the plants, when and how much water to give. I have been seeing broadway tunes to them, but I am guessing that "Think of Me" and "Memories" is not really the cause of this improvement. 😁

Got a link for that?


Glad your garden is growing well.  Mine is still waiting to be put in.  Between being stuck in a walking boot (very severe foot sprain and a slight fracture on one of the ankle bones), mom in hospital, working full time plus in the family greenhouse (not anywhere near where I live so I'm always commuting), needing to add 2 feet in height to my fence when my foster dog figured out how to scale the current fence and then another dog watched and promptly followed suit, weather in the 90's, needing to move 4 cubic yards of soil to fill the beds, have the pipe burst for my outside water, losing all water to the property where the family greenhouse is located and having to haul in water from an outside source has made for a year of epic challenges.  We aren't through it all yet but each day I'm trying to get something done.  The PT tells me I need to rest more and elevate and ice my foot. Maybe next week I can accomplish sitting down long enough for that but this week it's just not happening.

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20 minutes ago, Faith-manor said:

Die evil bastards! Die! 💀

I have no patience for those things.

It's those stupid pole beans. I already regretted planting that variety. I think they are cursed. Rue the day!!!😭 lol

Should've ordered my usual Rattlesnake beans. 

This is the first time I have EVER seen a Japanese beetle in my yard. 😭

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On 6/5/2023 at 11:15 AM, Rosie_0801 said:

How can you tell your asparagus is happy?

I really wanted to use all caps to ask this.

I will also be thrilled if yours survive the winter.

Asparagus grows really well from seed. I bought my seed from The seed colletion https://www.theseedcollection.com.au/?_kx=Y_zB4ouHZATXpSTIwZe5NPibo7fXKVWt0zCv3nCqnNQ%3D.SHAkBt

I germinated the seeds in punnet, then carefully transplanted into pots. they are happily sitting in the pots now, still growing. They should go dormant soon, then I will plant them out probably in August. I have some 2 year old crowns in the garden as well. the seemed happy. I only just a few days ago cut down the foliage and mulched them with some compost. 

Edited by Melissa in Australia
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so nice to see all the photos of great gardens

 It is winter here. my veggie garden is completely full with winter crops. I am now mulching all the pathways with woodchips and tidying up the flower gardens, putting in some annual flowers around the perennials that should flower early spring. It is not happening as fast as I would like. The Doctor limited me to only pushing half full wheelbarrows. 

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12 minutes ago, Melissa in Australia said:

Asparagus grows really well from seed. I bought my seed from The seed colletion https://www.theseedcollection.com.au/?_kx=Y_zB4ouHZATXpSTIwZe5NPibo7fXKVWt0zCv3nCqnNQ%3D.SHAkBt

Ooh. I didn't know about that company.

They sell mangel worzel!

Say, you don't know where I could get Good-King-Henry, do you?

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4 hours ago, Melissa in Australia said:

so nice to see all the photos of great gardens

 It is winter here. my veggie garden is completely full with winter crops. I am now mulching all the pathways with woodchips and tidying up the flower gardens, putting in some annual flowers around the perennials that should flower early spring. It is not happening as fast as I would like. The Doctor limited me to only pushing half full wheelbarrows. 

Obey the doctor and heal up! The Hive is watching you. 👀😁

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