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All right, I'm in the mood for love

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Funny that just now this was directly above the "What the World Needs Now" thread.:lol: I'm not much for romance novels unless you count Jane Austen and other books which contain romance but are not all about romance and do not belong in the same genre as Harlequin:D I can give a few movie recommendations though. Chocolate and Australia would probably be at the top of that list. Mmmmm...yummy!

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I'm a fan of romances. A few favorites:


Morning Glory by LaVyrle Spencer (this is a re-release; your library or used bookstore will almost certainly have it)


Tell Me No Lies by Elizabeth Lowell (hmm, this one seems to be out of print; I think it will also be fairly available in your library or used)


Gift of Gold and the sequel Gift of Fire by Jayne Ann Krentz (I believe these are also out of print)


The Chesapeake Bay Saga by Nora Roberts. The first in the series is Sea Swept.


Have fun!



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Well, if your goal is cheesy romance novels ... Grace Livingston Hill penned quite a number of wholesome, cheesy novels in the 40's, I believe. Her daughter, Ruth Livingston Hill finished out her contract.


For more classic inspiration... Pride & Predjudice, Emma, anything by Jane Austen.


I'm not sure she qualifies as cheesy, but Eugenia Price -- Savannah series (she has others, too)


For things with a historic bent -- where the romance is part of a larger story (these are also considered "Christian")


The Stonewyck Trilogy and Stonewyck Legacy Trillogy - by Michael Phillps & Judith Pella (Scotland, I believe)


The Russians Series -- by Phillips/Pella (takes place in pre and post revolutionary Russia)


The Wakefield Dynasty -- by Gilbert Morris (Begins with Henry the VII's England and continues through Bloody Mary and Elizabethan England)


HIlda Stahl (I read the White Pine Chronicles, covering the period of the Civil War)


June Masters Bacher (I read the series about Rachel Buchanan along the Oregon Trail... Journey to Love is the 1st one)


I haven't read these recently (I was probably in high school, college and young adult -- well before kiddos) when I did... but I really enjoyed the Russians, Stonewyck and The Wakefield Dynasty.


And the Grace Livingston Hill books... there are like 60 of them... are just sweet, and a very quick, light read.

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I don't read much these days...at least not a lot of romance...but whenever I am feeling sappy and in the need of a good romance novel fix I look to Judith McNaught's Whitney My Love, or Kingdom of Dreams...actually anything by McNaught that is not contemporary is quite good for a bit of laughter and romance. I don't care much for her contemporary novels.


Also, Lisa Kleypas Dreaming of You, Devil in Winter or Then Came You. Kleypas has other good ones too, but I cannot recall the names off-hand. I think my favorites were what is known as her "Wallflower series"


I also HIGHLY recommend The Outlander by Diana Gabaldoon. As well as the rest of the series. ;)


Oh, and two recent novels I have read that I quite enjoyed were...And Only To Deceive and A Poisoned Season both by Tasha Alexander.

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This Time Love by Elizabeth Lowell (was once in print under the title Sequel)


I second the Outlander series by Diana Gabaldon, especially the first book, Outlander.


I also second the Chesapeake series by Nora Roberts. The books have a lot of language in them, but the story is wonderful. Not only the romance between the strong women and the stubborn guys ;), but the adopted brothers falling in love with and trying to raise their younger sibling. Four books.


The 'Born in' series by Nora Roberts. Born in Fire, Born in Ice, Born in Shame. The first two are favorites.


Currently on the shelves is a Nora Roberts re-release called Love by Design (or something close to that.) Two of my favorites from her catagory writing days. Loving Jack and Best Laid Plans. Quick reads.


Someday...I hope to see 'Moments', 'Walk of a Thousand Steps' and my un-named 'Piper's Story' on your list. (My works in progress.) :D

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"Wuthering Heights".


My friend and I recently had a discussion about which books shaped our ideas about romantic love and hers was, "Jane Eyre", which doomed her to a life of believing that love conquers all. Bad move. I think mine was, "Wuthering Heights" and that I was better off for it.

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"Wuthering Heights".


My friend and I recently had a discussion about which books shaped our ideas about romantic love and hers was, "Jane Eyre", which doomed her to a life of believing that love conquers all. Bad move. I think mine was, "Wuthering Heights" and that I was better off for it.




Wuthering Heights is one of my ALL-TIME favorites.

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Anything by Bertrice Small! Beware ! pretty explicit love scenes but the books are great!




Umm. Yeah. Beware of Beatrice Small. I have only read one of her novels and it contained enough s*x to last me a lifetime! :lol: I learned things and WORDS I had never heard before! :w00t: This was many moons ago. I was young and impressionable at the time, but I believe she scarred me for life! :lol::lol:


Now, to be quite honest...and this will sound strange to some of you I know....but I do not read the s*x scenes in novels. Very much dislike them. I want just the story and the romance of the story. Period. When a "scene" comes along I will skip forward until I see quotation marks holding dialog of an uns*xual type. ;)


Yep. I'm a book prude. :D

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Umm. Yeah. Beware of Beatrice Small. I have only read one of her novels and it contained enough s*x to last me a lifetime! :lol: I learned things and WORDS I had never heard before! :w00t: This was many moons ago. I was young and impressionable at the time, but I believe she scarred me for life! :lol::lol:


Now, to be quite honest...and this will sound strange to some of you I know....but I do not read the s*x scenes in novels. Very much dislike them. I want just the story and the romance of the story. Period. When a "scene" comes along I will skip forward until I see quotation marks holding dialog of an uns*xual type. ;)


Yep. I'm a book prude. :D


I just find the line that I bolded to be LOL funny. That is all. :)

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Umm. Yeah. Beware of Beatrice Small. I have only read one of her novels and it contained enough s*x to last me a lifetime! :lol: I learned things and WORDS I had never heard before! :w00t: This was many moons ago. I was young and impressionable at the time, but I believe she scarred me for life! :lol::lol:


Now, to be quite honest...and this will sound strange to some of you I know....but I do not read the s*x scenes in novels. Very much dislike them. I want just the story and the romance of the story. Period. When a "scene" comes along I will skip forward until I see quotation marks holding dialog of an uns*xual type. ;)


Yep. I'm a book prude. :D


LOL! I agree. I like the depth of relationship, but often skip the intimate scenes. Certainly if I've read the book before. I want romance, not only s*x. Now...if only movie folks would figure out the difference, too.


I would beware of Beatrice Small, too. The books I've read of hers make me uncomfortable. The heroine ends up sleeping with too many men in the story.


One of my criteria for reading an author is that once the story starts the hero and heroine are faithful to each other....whether they plan it or not. :D

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I love "The Notebook" by Nicholas Sparks. I'm not a fan of any of his other books that I have read, but "The Notebook" will always be one of my favorite books.


I have recently read a few books by Susan Elizabeth Phillips. They were recommended by Diana Gabladon (author of the Outlander books!) on her website. I loved "Ain't She Sweet?", "Match Me if You Can", and "Natural Born Charmer". There are some pretty explicit s*x scenes, but I love the interesting characters and story lines. The are very light and fast reads. There is a lot of humor built in too, so that is a bonus!

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