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Growing Duggar Family Welcomes 18th Child

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Adorable kids! I am happy for them. I had never seen a picture of them until yesterday and was surprised at how young and cute the parents look. Mrs. Duggar is quite pretty.


I am wondering something--something I'm sure others think of, too--that I've never heard mentioned.


With all respect intended...


has anyone heard Mrs. Duggar talk about whether she struggles with bladder control/stress incontinence after having so many kids?


After 2 kids I have my own "poise pad" troubles. With 18, I'd positively be sitting in a puddle and stealing my own babe's dipes!


Just curious to know and wondering how she deals with this issue physically and emotionally.

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Adorable kids! I am happy for them. I had never seen a picture of them until yesterday and was surprised at how young and cute the parents look. Mrs. Duggar is quite pretty.


I am wondering something--something I'm sure others think of, too--that I've never heard mentioned.


With all respect intended...


has anyone heard Mrs. Duggar talk about whether she struggles with bladder control/stress incontinence after having so many kids?


After 2 kids I have my own "poise pad" troubles. With 18, I'd positively be sitting in a puddle and stealing my own babe's dipes!


Just curious to know and wondering how she deals with this issue physically and emotionally.


Mrs Dugger did mention on her last tv show that she has morning sickness for the first 3 months and tries to carefully balance out her protein to help not be nauseous. She was trying to hid the pregnancy form her kids to surprise them on the show, but was afraid that they might figure it out by the way she was eating cheese and crackers.

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Wow! I never know what to say about the Duggars. She must be one amazing woman. My dh comes from a family of 14, all single births, 20 years from oldest to youngest. It was hard on my mil, keeping up with it all. She missed a lot of the snuggling and all that fun stuff with the kids because she was so busy washing, ironing, cooking, cleaning. She wasn't and still isn't the most organized women, and that (being organized) would have made a lot of difference for her. Frankly, she was cranky. My dh says she got up cranky and went to bed MAD. Yelling was normal.


That's why I think Mrs. Duggar must be one amazing woman if she's as peaceful and even tempered in real life and she appears on television. I admire her.



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Wow! I never know what to say about the Duggars. She must be one amazing woman. My dh comes from a family of 14, all single births, 20 years from oldest to youngest. It was hard on my mil, keeping up with it all. She missed a lot of the snuggling and all that fun stuff with the kids because she was so busy washing, ironing, cooking, cleaning. She wasn't and still isn't the most organized women, and that (being organized) would have made a lot of difference for her. Frankly, she was cranky. My dh says she got up cranky and went to bed MAD. Yelling was normal.


That's why I think Mrs. Duggar must be one amazing woman if she's as peaceful and even tempered in real life and she appears on television. I admire her.



I agree with you about her being amazing if indeed that is how she really acts on a day to day basis.


I really don't know how women handled having so many dc before bc. I know Quiverof10 has 10 dc, but that is still almost half the amount of dc the Duggars have.


I tend to "loose it" with just 4 dc. I HATE bing pregnant. I'm completely useless when I'm pregnant. All I want to do is sleep for 9 months and then sleep more after while the baby is nursing. I am so glad I am done.


And I love children!!!

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I HATE bing pregnant. I'm completely useless when I'm pregnant. All I want to do is sleep for 9 months and then sleep more after while the baby is nursing. I am so glad I am done.


And I love children!!!


Me, too. I'm quite happy with my 3 (ages 4, 2 and 5 months)

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I saw a lady on Oprah who was pregnant with her 9th kid -- she looked great. Many of hers (maybe half of them) had been c-sections. Apparently she exercises a lot. I was highly impressed. "Lose Your Mummy Tummy" has information on strengthening pelvic muscles which helps with a large tummy as well as things like bladder control.


I don't think I'll be having 20 kids.


Breastfeeding and Natural Child Spacing is a great book.

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Well, their family has been on several retreats with them and they have been to their home. She says that Michelle IS that laid back in real life.


I know we would never live like them - that's just not really my "thing," but I LOVE watching them. They have a really good show and I love that they never compromise their values. It's just refreshing!

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I agree with you about her being amazing if indeed that is how she really acts on a day to day basis...


...I tend to "loose it" with just 4 dc. I HATE being pregnant. I'm completely useless when I'm pregnant. All I want to do is sleep for 9 months and then sleep more after while the baby is nursing. I am so glad I am done.


And I love children!!!


The same goes here except I only have one! I can't even imagine how I would cope with two if a second would be as active and rambunctious as my first and only.

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I'm glad it went so well, since the news was so public. For some reason, reading the story of the birth on that link reminded me of this video that was circulated on the old WTM boards. For those of you who haven't seen it, it's now located here http://www.timhawkins.net/video-audio.php This was done by a real homeschooling Dad--scroll down to the Homeschool Family link.

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Congratulations Duggars!!! I love their show, but we don't have cable, so I have to go to my mom's to watch it.


has anyone heard Mrs. Duggar talk about whether she struggles with bladder control/stress incontinence after having so many kids?


After 2 kids I have my own "poise pad" troubles. With 18, I'd positively be sitting in a puddle and stealing my own babe's dipes!



I don't know about her, but I have 4 children and don't have issues with it.

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I really don't know how women handled having so many dc before bc. I know Quiverof10 has 10 dc, but that is still almost half the amount of dc the Duggars have.




Women didn't necessarily have tons of children. I just looked over geneaology charts from my family dating back to the 1640s and there were no families with more than 7 or 8 and plenty with only a couple.

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Women didn't necessarily have tons of children. I just looked over geneaology charts from my family dating back to the 1640s and there were no families with more than 7 or 8 and plenty with only a couple.


And, sadly, it was not typical for every child in a large family to survive.


IIRC, I think the historical average for the number of children a woman actually raises is about 4-5, although I can't remember where I read that.

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There's mortality (for both the women and children), but also, even today, breastfeeding (=lactation amenorrhea, in other words the suppression of fertility caused by suckling) prevents a very large number of pregnancies worldwide. I've read that lactation amenorrhea actually prevents more pregnancies than all other contraceptives combined. There are many, many women in the world today with very limited access, or interest in, hormonal and other contraceptives.


Taking that to an even greater degree, in some societies, especially (but not exclusively) polygamous ones, it was/is the culture for women to focus exclusively on their child for a period of time (like 2 years) and the husband was not supposed to, er, be intimate with her during that time.


There also were natural forms of birth control, of various levels of effectiveness, that have been known by midwives and other practitioners of traditional medicine.


I know a lot of people today, even with modern technology, who are struggling with infertility. I see no reason to believe this wasn't an issue in times past. Everyone assumes people naturally are able to have dozens of kids. With a bad diet and questionable health, I think one's fertility might be compromised too.

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And, sadly, it was not typical for every child in a large family to survive.


IIRC, I think the historical average for the number of children a woman actually raises is about 4-5, although I can't remember where I read that.


Not all family genealogies record all births; it depends on which country you were in, whether you could write, etc. And mortality was high, which is why it was common to give more than one son the same first name (JS Bach wasn't unique in that!). I wonder if that's why there are so many nicknames for common English names. (eg Richard, Rick, Rich, Dick... William, Bill/Will, etc, or, my favourite, how Jack became a nickname for John (along with Johnny, JohnJohn, etc).

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Women didn't necessarily have tons of children. I just looked over geneaology charts from my family dating back to the 1640s and there were no families with more than 7 or 8 and plenty with only a couple.


not every sexual act = a pregnancy

not every pregnancy = a baby in the arms

not every baby in arms = a child to raise


this has been true since forever


that couples with the fact that most women either don't get married very young or don't have prolonged childbearing years (into their late 30s 40s) means regardless of BC, very few women even have the opportunity to have a large family at all, much less one as big as the duggars


If I'd waited just until I was 24 to get married, I would only be on my 4th child, not my 9th. and as I'm now 35, the chances of me having another 5 after this are rather slimmer than when I was younger. And I'll have to retain very good fertility well into my early to mid forties to do it.


back then it wasn't that women waited until they were in their mid-20s to get married so much the general population had an average life expectancy of something 35 or 40. If a 17 yr old married a 26 yr old (which was typical), either she died or he died before very many children were born most of the time.

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Considering Mrs. Duggars age and the amount of dc she has given birth to, do you think she will be able to get pregnant again?


at 42? regardless of who many she's already had, she could have probably 1 or 2 more pending her fertility, but really at that age, every baby is probably being looked at potentially being the last one before nature closes the womb.


it's just as likely she'll not have any more though.

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I worry about being negative about them. Generally, I think to each his own.


But, I wonder how she'll handle not having more? I don't think very well. Maybe she'll seek a doctor's help. But she probably can have a couple more seeing how she sets up the situation to get pregnant so soon after the last. And maybe, if they can keep the tv show, that will help as she'll have that attention and focus. I don't think it best for the kids, but it might help her when she isn't having another child. Or they can start getting more pets. Lots of women who have less children than they wanted have an abundance of pets.

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Adorable kids! I am happy for them. I had never seen a picture of them until yesterday and was surprised at how young and cute the parents look. Mrs. Duggar is quite pretty.


I am wondering something--something I'm sure others think of, too--that I've never heard mentioned.


With all respect intended...


has anyone heard Mrs. Duggar talk about whether she struggles with bladder control/stress incontinence after having so many kids?


After 2 kids I have my own "poise pad" troubles. With 18, I'd positively be sitting in a puddle and stealing my own babe's dipes!


Just curious to know and wondering how she deals with this issue physically and emotionally.


I've wondered this too! I'm going to need surgery in uncomfortable places due to stuff that happened with one of my childbirths, but I was supposed to wait until I was sure I was done having kids.

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