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April Well-Trained Bodies

Ali in OR

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I'm continuing to walk every day. I also got in a short strength workout Saturday. That was 3 for the week.

I'm not doing as well with stretches and such. So many positions I can't do right now but I need to do the sciatica-specific ones more. I don't know that I did any last week. In my defense, I have been very busy. I also feel that walking and moving are the most beneficial right now so I'm prioritizing them in my schedule.

I upped my ibuprofen at the end of the week and forced myself to move as much as I could to get my pain level back down. I am now back to my previous ibuprofen dose (4 times a day- 2 in morning and 1 other times). I was at 9 a day, then 8, no going for 5. I fell again Thursday at the park but thankfully that time it was more on my back and not on the one bad side so although it hurt it wasn't nearly as bad. I think that is my 4th fall since my injury. I'm sure my balance and gait are off right now.

Monday- walk + 30 min kickboxing and short sciatica stretches

I tried the kickboxing video the first time a few weeks ago and I could see a lot of improvement in my range of motion and what I can do. I still had to modify but not as much. I can kick further- last time it was the smallest baby kick this time it actually resembled a kick. I have to be cautious about straightening my leg but now it is more pain standing on the affected side than straightening the leg.

Today- Walking+ upper body strenght+ short sciatica stretches

Weight down another half a pound- I seem to be managing about that much a week. However, my period is expected any moment so I'm expecting some bloating.

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2 hours ago, Soror said:

I'm continuing to walk every day. I also got in a short strength workout Saturday. That was 3 for the week.

I'm not doing as well with stretches and such. So many positions I can't do right now but I need to do the sciatica-specific ones more. I don't know that I did any last week. In my defense, I have been very busy. I also feel that walking and moving are the most beneficial right now so I'm prioritizing them in my schedule.

I upped my ibuprofen at the end of the week and forced myself to move as much as I could to get my pain level back down. I am now back to my previous ibuprofen dose (4 times a day- 2 in morning and 1 other times). I was at 9 a day, then 8, no going for 5. I fell again Thursday at the park but thankfully that time it was more on my back and not on the one bad side so although it hurt it wasn't nearly as bad. I think that is my 4th fall since my injury. I'm sure my balance and gait are off right now.

Monday- walk + 30 min kickboxing and short sciatica stretches

I tried the kickboxing video the first time a few weeks ago and I could see a lot of improvement in my range of motion and what I can do. I still had to modify but not as much. I can kick further- last time it was the smallest baby kick this time it actually resembled a kick. I have to be cautious about straightening my leg but now it is more pain standing on the affected side than straightening the leg.

Today- Walking+ upper body strenght+ short sciatica stretches

Weight down another half a pound- I seem to be managing about that much a week. However, my period is expected any moment so I'm expecting some bloating.

How hard is the Ibuprofen on your stomach? It seems like a lot daily over many days. I hope you're taking something to protect your stomach. My friend developed an ulcer from extended ibuprofen. My dr has recommend that I use acetaminophen, which is easier on the stomach but can be tough on the liver, I believe. I guess we have to take our choice of which possible side-effect we can live with. 😉 

I'm really impressed you're able to do kick-boxing. My hamstring is definitely not ready for fast, full-range of motion yet. It's so great to hear about your overall improvements!! ☺️

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Tennis was really fun this morning! I'll get in some walking with the dogs as well. It's cycling weather now, too, so I'll try to slowly build in some biking. My knee is still an issue, so I don't want to risk doing more damage when there is absolutely no pain with tennis and walking. 

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4 hours ago, wintermom said:

How hard is the Ibuprofen on your stomach? It seems like a lot daily over many days. I hope you're taking something to protect your stomach. My friend developed an ulcer from extended ibuprofen. My dr has recommend that I use acetaminophen, which is easier on the stomach but can be tough on the liver, I believe. I guess we have to take our choice of which possible side-effect we can live with. 😉 

I'm really impressed you're able to do kick-boxing. My hamstring is definitely not ready for fast, full-range of motion yet. It's so great to hear about your overall improvements!! ☺️

Oh, it's definitely not good for me but it's the only thing I've tried that does anything for the pain. I was also told it was better to take it regularly to keep the inflammation down.  As to my stomach, that is part of why I'm working in my eating. Eating a wide variety of whole foods, especially plants, is the best thing I can do for it.

And I didn't say I was fast 😂 anything with my legs is pretty slow except walking. My walking is fairly normal speed now. 

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1 hour ago, Soror said:

Oh, it's definitely not good for me but it's the only thing I've tried that does anything for the pain. I was also told it was better to take it regularly to keep the inflammation down.  As to my stomach, that is part of why I'm working in my eating. Eating a wide variety of whole foods, especially plants, is the best thing I can do for it.

And I didn't say I was fast 😂 anything with my legs is pretty slow except walking. My walking is fairly normal speed now. 

I only think 'fast' when I visualize kick boxing. I'd fall over if I kicked too slowly. 🤣

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The weekend was a wash for exercise. So busy on Saturday I just didn’t fit it in. Sunday we spent six hours in the car round trip and hung out with the family.

Gyrotonics yesterday. Planning to alternate walking/biking with a friend later. Have been on target hanging on the teeter board.

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2 minutes ago, Eos said:

I've been away from the thread but did a 5 mile walk this morning and will hike later today.  Spring weather is so motivational!

Absolutely!!!! It must be actual spring weather, though, and not the crazy spring snow and ice storms we tend to get. 🤣

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I went to my class yesterday. Over the course of two weeks, I think I only got one exercise session in. Not being able to walk has been a real demotivator. Plus, medical appointments and Easter things. Dh is going to set up his bicycle trainer so that I can use it as well, so this week, I should be able to start cycling for cardio instead of walking. Of course this afternoon, I take the kids to co-op, so not sure how exercise will pan out today.

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I just finished the new dumbbell workout the cancer center gave me. I only did one set each of the 9 exercises, but I used the 5lb weights, as the instructor recommended. 💪💪 I will probably not end up getting on dh's indoor trainer this week, as he is getting ready for a race this weekend. 🫤

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Finished my stretches, dog walks, and yard work! Feeling pretty good.

I tweaked my sore hamstring at the dog park yesterday when I completed a crazy move chasing my poo-dle who was trying to eat poo. I nearly fell right in the poo, and the tweak happened while trying to stay upright. I'll choose a tweak over falling in doggie doodoo anyday! 🤪

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It’s been walking and weights for me the last few days. Took the dog for a shorter 2 1/2 mile through some trails. Yesterday  I did my 4 mile weighted vest walk. I look ridiculous wearing it, so I hope there’s some benefit there😀
Still doing my 10 daily pushups and either Rollups or the beginnings of the Turkish getups. I like the roll ups because they’re such a good back stretch as well. They feel so good! 

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@Hilltopmom Hope you enjoyed your ride!! I want to get out cycling soon, too. I like the extra long sunvisor on your helmet! Is that an add-on piece? 


It's supposed to go up to 28 C (82 F) today, which is pretty freeking crazy for this time of year! I don't want to work, I just want to get outside and enjoy the sun. ☺️


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@wintermom this is what I have, the visor version  it’s great

my mom uses the full one & likes it too. I didn’t want the back part (I was growing my hair out at the time but wound up going back to a pixie anyways)



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9 minutes ago, Hilltopmom said:


@wintermom this is what I have, the visor version  it’s great

my mom uses the full one & likes it too. I didn’t want the back part (I was growing my hair out at the time but wound up going back to a pixie anyways)



I really like the front-only one that you're wearing. I can see the full-version possibly getting in the way when wearing a backpack. Thanks so much for the links!

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I tried a new to me Fitbymik 20 min dumbbell workout. And learned that if you don't see "standing" in the title to expect some floorwork, which was fine, I just didn't have my mat out. I do like these workouts--slow, deliberate pace so it's easier to work on form and I like the 45 seconds on, 15 seconds off.

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On 4/8/2023 at 11:39 AM, wintermom said:

@Jenny in Florida So sorry about your fall!! I hope you have a quick recovery. How is your new job going? 

Thanks for the sympathy. The knee and leg are still bruised and a bit swollen, but improving.

The job? I'm pretty unhappy, honestly. I'm trying to cultivate a Zen-type chill about the whole thing, accept that it's just a job, and I don't have to actually like it. But every couple of days I just hit a wall and feel like I'm crawling out of my skin needing to run away.

Since I have no viable options, though, the current plan is to keep working on my suck-it-up muscles.

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Still busy with school and work, but also not doing a great job of scraping up the emotional energy necessary to do anything besides school and work and try to keep up with exercise. 

I've been hitting my step goal consistently for the last couple of weeks, going to Tuesday evening yoga and doing at least a little bit of some other exercise Monday through Friday and on the weekends when I have time. Sometimes, it's a very little bit, like 15 minutes. But, since I'm already stealing from my potential sleep hours to get out of bed early enough to manage that, it's going to have to do for now. 

One of the joys of being unhappy at work is that I stall going to bed in order to put off the moment when I have to wake up and go back to work the next day . . . which means I'm not getting anywhere near enough sleep . . . which makes the days feel draggier and more tedious . . . 

It's not a great cycle.

This morning, I had a pleasant reason to get up early, though. I went to an early morning yoga class at Disney Hollywood Studios as part of the Springtime Surprise race weekend. It's my first time attending one of these classes, although they are led by the same teacher with whom I take regular classes on Tuesdays. It was really lovely: perfect weather, a good class, well organized, fun take-home goodies. And they ran the projection/fireworks show for us on the Chinese Theatre after class was over, which was fun. The best part, though, was the feeling of moving in a synchronized way with a few hundred other people. It reminded me of when I used to sing with choirs, being able to hear my own voice but also the blend and harmonies of the choir as a whole. 

The attached photo is the view from my mat just before class started.

Of course, class was over at 6:30 and I didn't really have enough time to get back home and then to the office in time for the 8:00 appointment that started my day. So I ended up just heading to the office early, changing clothes in the restroom and starting work, which made for a very long day. 

Right up until about 1:00, I was convinced it was worth it. 

At the moment, I'm trying to plow through some schoolwork, after which I'll head out for another walk to finish off the 4,000-ish steps I have left for today.


Spring Start 2023 Challenge: 282.7 of 500K
Activity Streak: 56


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12 hours ago, wintermom said:

@Laura Corin Amazing scenery!! Thanks so much for sharing. Enjoy your time on the islands hiking and seeing all the crazy bird action! Is it mating season for any of the coastal birds?

I'm not a bird expert,  but I expected there to be more birds on the cliffs. Scotland had a bad go with bird flu last year, but it could also just be too early.  Spring comes late here - there are lots of lambs in the fields where I live, just north of Edinburgh,  but lambing is only just starting  here.

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I'm planning to hike all day today.  A friend wants to meet at 9 and another one for sunset with headlamps, and I'm going to try to convince dd18 to come out in the middle.  My leisurely winter/spring is coming to a crashing end so I am maximizing this week outside.

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Today's photo - walking around a group of 5000-year-old monuments. This is the Ring of Brodgar.

I've been managing to fit in a yoga session every day too. Tomorrow we take the ferry back to mainland Scotland. On Sunday, I hope for a good walk before we drive home.


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I slept badly Thursday night and never got on the treadmill yesterday (put on workout clothes and slowly sipped my mocha instead). I had woke up at 1:00am and actually thought "what am I supposed to be worrying about?" Don't do that. I don't do well with health tests as I just worry about results being bad. So that's what I started worrying about instead of sleeping. My doctor had done an endometrium biopsy because apparently it's not normal to be having irregular periods (or regular for that matter) at the age of 57. I wasn't too worried about them before that. Finally got the results yesterday and learned there's nothing nefarious. I guess I'm officially late-onset menopause and have permission to not worry about periods for the next year. But I have my mammogram this week and probably another week of worrying after that.

I picked a random day from the 30 days of yoga and repeated that this morning. Will try to get caught up on house and school stuff this weekend and hopefully reduce the stress level a bit.

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I missed my step count yesterday, because I was out with my husband later than I should have been, given that I had to awake at 3:00 AM today to make it to the 10K at WDW. We went to see the fireflies at our local nature preserve -- which was truly magical -- and by the time I got home and showered off the bug spray, I was about 3,500 steps short of the daily goal and up at least an hour later than I would have preferred. 

Fortunately, between the 10K itself, walking from the parking lot to the event and back and then wandering the farmers' market, I've logged more than enough steps today to make up for what I missed yesterday.

The 10K was fun, although that knee I smacked a week or so ago let me know that it was not best pleased to be put to work that way. I had to stop twice to re-tie my right shoe to hold my foot in the one position that didn't hurt, which slowed me down enough that I came in a little slower than my best times. But I still feel good about it.

This was my last runDisney event of the 2022-2023 season. Thus far, I am registered for only one weekend in 2023-2024. I figure, since I did all of the 5Ks last season and all of the 10Ks this season, I can take a break for a bit. Instead, I registered for the 6-event series sponsored by a local store. Two of those events include two races on each day, so it's a total of eight. It won't have that Disney magic, but it's also a lot less expensive and just gives me something different to do.


Spring Start 2023 Challenge: 297.3 of 500K
Activity Streak: 58

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@Laura Corin Amazing photo! Those rock look very cool. They much have been shaped to look like that. I can even imagine how this was done 5,000 years ago. 

I played some singles tennis yesterday evening, and it was a lot of fun! I think I'm going to weave ladies singles back into my tennis regime. I like that it's requires a lot more movement. 

Dh and I won our first mixed doubles match for the club championship. The pair we played were super nice and it was a lot of fun. 

I also went for my first kayak of 2023 today. It was really nice getting out on the river. My hamstring was pretty sore, sadly. Otherwise it was a wonderful paddle. I saw a couple turtles, as well as ducks and geese. It will be nicer when we have some leaves on the trees.



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Perfect “summer day” mid April today in upstate NY. 80 degrees.

I biked alone in AM then hiked with the family, then we all went to the beach with friends (the kids even went in the water!- the ice literally melted last week), then bbq in yard.

I’m very sunburned though from the last few days of gorgeous weather.

Supposed to snow later in week, of course.


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1 hour ago, Eos said:

  @wintermomalso a beautiful spot!  How far can you go?

It depends on whether trees block the river in certain places. The water levels and tree debris change annually and even weekly in some places. In another part of the river I usually paddle, there are parts of old bridges where logs and branches can block the river and make it hard to pass through. 

I typically only paddle for about an hour, going out and back to the parking lot. The timing works out beautifully, as I'll reach a part of the river where noisy roads come close by, so I just turn around and head back to the van. I much prefer a quiet paddle where I don't hear traffic. 

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8 hours ago, wintermom said:

@Laura Corin Amazing photo! Those rock look very cool. They much have been shaped to look like that. I can even imagine how this was done 5,000 years ago. 

I played some singles tennis yesterday evening, and it was a lot of fun! I think I'm going to weave ladies singles back into my tennis regime. I like that it's requires a lot more movement. 

Dh and I won our first mixed doubles match for the club championship. The pair we played were super nice and it was a lot of fun. 

I also went for my first kayak of 2023 today. It was really nice getting out on the river. My hamstring was pretty sore, sadly. Otherwise it was a wonderful paddle. I saw a couple turtles, as well as ducks and geese. It will be nicer when we have some leaves on the trees.



I would have assumed that the standing stones were hewn to that shape too. After what I saw on my cliff walk though, though, I think they just reflect the shearing effects in the local geology.

Today - last day in the Highlands. Planning an easy six-mile walk through old-growth forest.

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Dh and I are on our big empty-nester adventure. Jet lag is brutal. Have done an inordinate amount of walking. So.much.walking. Right now we are staying in a small, cliff side town with nothing but hills and stairs. Definitely getting plenty of exercise. 😅 Now that the jet lag is easing up I want to incorporate some basics to keep my complicated back and neck limber as well.

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@Harriet Vane jet lag is terrible- I hope you get some rest soon

@Laura Corin thank you for more lovely photos- the highlands are beautiful

@wintermom I'm glad to hear you're getting out on the kayak

@Jenny in Florida congrats on another 10k! I'd say you deserve some rest, well done.

@Hilltopmom healing thoughts to you for your sunburn. It is hard to resist that nice weather

@Ali in OR I'm sorry to hear you've had health- stress, glad to hear of the good results

@Eos That is a big day of hiking


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I got out for a really nice bike ride. I didn't want to do more then 30 min just in case the knee started protesting. It felt great!

Also walked the dogs with dh, and I'll go for a walk with a friend this afternoon. More sunny, warm weather here which makes it wonderful to be outdoors!

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Last week was rather meh for me. After 1.5 weeks of PMS I finally got my period. I think I'd rather have the 20 day cycle than forever long PMS. Due to the PMS I didn't sleep, or eat as well. I did walk every day but was a hair short of my weekly goal (not by much though).

I only got in one strength training session. Besides not feeling the best I kept waiting on dd2 as she'd said she wanted to do it with me but we'd get busy or she'd change her mind. It works best for me to do it early in the morning.

Next week--- I'm planning to continue daily walks - and do better with my strength and stretching/mobility work

I think I might join a gym this week. My old workout buddy goes to Planet as does another friend and several off dd1's friends. IDK still considering. (I havent worked out in a gym since COVID)

I'm also battling anxiety. Partly to hormones I'm sure, but also just lots going on with my people. 

I tried tapering down ibuprofen again but went too fast (I'm a slow learner). I need to stay at this level for a bit before going down more. I want to be able to do all the things and not take anything but I still have to keep patient.

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My last holiday pics. This was near Aviemore on the way home - we took an 8-mile figure of eight walk around a couple of lochs. It was special because it passed through old growth forestm which is pretty rare in Scotland. Both Husband and I were strongly reminded of lakes in Colorado near Estes Park, where his family used to vacation. The picture is a bit off-kilter because I was almost out of electricity and the screen was too dim to see.

The second pic is where we were staying in Orkney, in the little white cottage. Then view from cottage, with ancient, stoical dog.




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15 hours ago, Harriet Vane said:


Definitely take a big trip. It’s a hurrah-we-made-it and also a reset to a different paradigm.

We never took a honeymoon, so I've been thinking to combine these into a trip for us in the future.

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Heavy cleaning yesterday felt like a workout!  My sciatica is wonky today, either from strange reaching angles or else from all the potatoes I ate a few days ago.  Today is another rainy day, I am planning to stretch before I clean for 8 hours.

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@Laura Corin Wonderful photos! Thanks for sharing! The cottage set beside the loch looks idealic! I would LOVE to go there.


I'm feeling a bit fragile weather-wise (it got pretty cold here suddenly). It's my own fault, as I headed out for a long walk with the pup without wearing warm enough clothing. I was lulled into a false belief that our warm weather was a permanent thing. It wasn't! 😨

Tennis yesterday was dh and my second mixed doubles match in the tournament. We got pummeled 6 -0, 6 -0. Dh and I were both experiencing lack of sleep over several days, so our timing was completely off. The pair we played were super nice, the man particularly was a very strong player. We did have fun, especially after the match was over and we just played on for fun. Thankfully, we both slept well last night, and the brain fog is going.  

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