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Wanted: Veggie side dishes that kids will eat!

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Ok I want to be able to eat them too! I am wanting to find some new side dishes with veggies for my family. We are definately lacking! I would like them to be as healthy as possible. I love a broccoli casserole with velveeta and butter, but this is not my idea of healthy side dish!:lol: Or, if it has as much butter and sugar as my Christmas cookies, I probably won't make it either. I know I am picky. We just need some suggestions!;)

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Maybe this is too obvious, but have you tried simple, steamed, fresh, single vegetables? Plain steamed broccoli (perhaps with a wee bit of butter and salt, or just serve those on the side), lightly blanched skinny ("French style"/haricots) green beans (then toss with a little butter and lemon juice), spinach or other greens sautéed with just a little garlic and olive oil, simple steamed or roasted asparagus, roasted zucchini, baked sweet potatoes...


Often times kids object more to the "mixing" of things than to the veggies themselves. And if you just serve one or two simply-prepared veggies at every meal and expect 2-3 bites of each, they may discover that there are veggies they actually *like*.


I think sometimes the over-preparation of veggies (carrots in sweet sauces, smothering broccoli in cheese, etc) can really backfire.


And don't forget raw veggies! Some kids will enjoy veggies raw that they don't care for as much cooked. Carrots, bell peppers, broccoli florets, celery, cucumber... And you can serve a little dressing or yogurt or hummus for dipping alongside. Not to mention how much easier it is to prepare! :o)

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Creamed Spinach

Fresh Spinach with garlic and olive oil

Zucchini sliced with cheese melted on top

Broccoli, Cauliflower, Carrot or Celery Sticks, Cherry Tomotoes with Ranch

Green Salad


I am not sure if this is to snack on during the day or to consume with meals. Veggies are loved by all in our home. Anything new is to be eaten and if you don't care for the taste, you do not need to eat more. This is rare!



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I asked my daughter for her favorite veggie and she said, "Carrot cake!"


Seriously, she loves a simple salad of romain lettuce with olive oil, lemon juice and a dash of salt. She also likes more elaborate salads and always orders the greek salad at Panera.


She loves roasted veggies. Potatoes, carrots, onions, brussels sprouts, et c, tossed with a drizzle of olive oil and salt and pepper roasted in the oven till nice and browned but not burned (fine line in this house).


diced tomatoes served alongside almost anything!


Baked potatoes with butter, (soy) cheese, tomatoes.


Potato soup topped with a dollop of butter, l.o.t.s. of cheese, diced tomatoes, and bacon sprinkles. Is that a side dish?




hmmm . . .


oh, cabbage cut into wedges, drizzled with oo or dotted with butter, wrapped in foil, oven till tender.


greenbeans; especially greenbeans with tomatoes, garlic, onion cooked till tender or greenbeans with potatoes in the jacket.


ewwwww, blech, gag, ugh, gross: both my daughter and husband love boiled okra or okra and tomatoes but I cannot stand that snotty stuff so we never have it! Still, if you're game . . .


oh, we love steamed or grilled asparagus with lemon!


fresh veggies (carrots, celery, tomatoes, et c.) with hummus.



pumpkin or carrot souffle -- I never actualy make this but we order it in a local restaurant. I bet I could make it, though. hmmm.


Oh, she loves sugar snap peas! and sauteed spinach.


we also love kale sauteed with tomates and garlic or sesame seeds and soy sauce. I can't believe I forgot that.


hmmm. we eat a lot of veggies; I'll try to think of more later.

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My dd loves steamed maple carrots. I put the carrots in a steamer basket and drizzle with maple syrup and steam.


Also, I saw a recipe in a magazine (I think it might have been Midwest Living) for mashed winter veggies. I think it called for mashed potatoes, parsnips and maybe a squash? Anyway, all boiled and mashed (like potatoes) with a bit of brown sugar and butter.


Other than those, dd likes just plain steamed broccoli with a bit of ranch dressing to dip it in.

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broccoli, fresh or cooked lightly in olive oil, garlic and salt

carrots, raw only

spinach, salad or cooked in olive oil, garlic and salt

green beans, heated

peppers, raw (ick!) or roasted

corn, anyhow/anyway!

potatoes, anyhow/anyway

sweet potatoes, baked

tomatoes, fresh


I dislike most veggies, but my kids love them!!:001_smile:

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My kids like fresh, steamed veggies the best. Their favorites are broccoli, green beans, and carrots. We serve them with ranch dressing. They also really like corn on the cob. DD likes baked sweet potatoes with a little butter and brown sugar and simple lettuce salads with ranch dressing (Are you noticing a theme here? They love ranch dressing!).

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Ok I want to be able to eat them too! I am wanting to find some new side dishes with veggies for my family. We are definately lacking! I would like them to be as healthy as possible. I love a broccoli casserole with velveeta and butter, but this is not my idea of healthy side dish!:lol: Or, if it has as much butter and sugar as my Christmas cookies, I probably won't make it either. I know I am picky. We just need some suggestions!;)


Allowing them to eat with their (clean!) hands when they're little seemed to help our dc. Example: They had a hard time with salads so I served them a couple of whole lettuce leaves, whole grape tomatoes, whole carrots, whole mushrooms, etc. They ate every piece.


Also, we clean and quarter bell peppers and leave them in the frig in a ziploc bag to be eaten. Dc esp. like the red ones.


If prep time is annoying to you, you can zap in the microwave and slice with the food processor. Example: For 7 of us, we take 2 heads of broccoli (or cauliflower) and chop off the stems. Chunk the green part, rinse, toss into a bowl, seal with plastic wrap, zap, and eat. We leave it sitting on the counter and munch all day (still with the hands!).


For carrots, clean and slice with processor. Seal as above, zap, eat.


For frozen brussel sprouts, dump a couple bags into bowl, zap, and eat. (Be sure to cook long enough or they turn out bitter.)


Be sure to drain off any water on any of the above. The veggies reabsorb the water and get soggy if they sit in it. Yuk.


We do frozen veggies the same way, or cook in a pot with a tiny bit of water in the bottom.


To roast potatoes, preheat oven to 400 degrees. Clean and chunk potatoes, bite-size. Spread in single layer in 9 x 12 glass cass. dish. (We don't grease the dish.) Sprinkle with salt or whatever you like. Bake, uncovered, for about 45 minutes. We can eat 5 lbs. of potatoes in one day like this (using 2 big cass. dishes). They taste a little like fries.


For fries, cut potato into fry shapes, spread out on plate, salt, and zap until very chewy - about 20 (?) minutes. You'll have to experiment. These are better than greasy fries.


Anyway, just a few more ideas.



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My kids like fresh, steamed veggies the best. Their favorites are broccoli, green beans, and carrots. We serve them with ranch dressing. They also really like corn on the cob. DD likes baked sweet potatoes with a little butter and brown sugar and simple lettuce salads with ranch dressing (Are you noticing a theme here? They love ranch dressing!).


My husband calls our ranch dressing the "White Ketchup!"

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Maybe this is too obvious, but have you tried simple, steamed, fresh, single vegetables? Plain steamed broccoli (perhaps with a wee bit of butter and salt, or just serve those on the side), lightly blanched skinny ("French style"/haricots) green beans (then toss with a little butter and lemon juice), spinach or other greens sautéed with just a little garlic and olive oil, simple steamed or roasted asparagus, roasted zucchini, baked sweet potatoes...


Often times kids object more to the "mixing" of things than to the veggies themselves. And if you just serve one or two simply-prepared veggies at every meal and expect 2-3 bites of each, they may discover that there are veggies they actually *like*.


I think sometimes the over-preparation of veggies (carrots in sweet sauces, smothering broccoli in cheese, etc) can really backfire.


And don't forget raw veggies! Some kids will enjoy veggies raw that they don't care for as much cooked. Carrots, bell peppers, broccoli florets, celery, cucumber... And you can serve a little dressing or yogurt or hummus for dipping alongside. Not to mention how much easier it is to prepare! :o)

Actually yes, their most favorite thing with lunch or anytime of day is a veggie tray. I was just bored with our normal eating style and wanted some new ideas!

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