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Want to help me with application and resume?


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I'm working on this now. I have to fill out the application, resume, cover letter, and another form.

I called the state to get employment dates and titles. 

What kind of thing would I put on special skills? 

On another section it says: activities- civic, athletics, etc- I listed volunteering and leading with Scouts, volunteering within HS community, and my yoga teacher training. I don't know that is applicable but I don't see how athletics are applicable period and that is listed as an example. 

Any tips you want to drop or websites/templates for your resume with a large gap.

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I looked hard at what I had done and phrased it all around skill words that related directly to the jobs. So, 'organisation' 'management' 'research', etc. Each with an example.

Organisation - conceived and carried through a plan for a youth sport day, including....

Management  - asked for volunteers for X, scheduled them and arbitrated disputes over duties and expectations etc.

I would make a lot of your cross-cultural experience with your teaching too.

You might need to re-do the activities section to avoid duplication.  I would think special skills are more important? 

Edited by Laura Corin
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All the best!! 

Are you applying to a specific position? I'd highlight your skills and work/volunteer experience to the position, using similar language/terms from the position posting. If you know anyone at the organization, you could try contacting them to find out more about the position and what they'd be looking for.

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I just put together a resume and can share what I did. I tailored my resume to the specific job I want. 

1st: Generally, I'm back in school and my education is relevant to the postion, so my first section is "Educational Qualifications." While I included my degrees that aren't directly relevant to the postion, the first part of this section is the current course work and certifications that are relevant. 

2nd: I have a volunteer and unpaid experience section. This includes the skills section. 

At the beginning of that section I state: Skills utilized within these experiences include: followed by a 2 column bullet list of 10 skills that I used/developed during my homeschool years. I selected qualities I have that specifically apply to the position I hope to be hired for next year. 

Following that list I have my volunteer activities--date, position, brief description of what I do. At the bottom of that section I have put the care for children part, and the description mentions providing schooling.

3rd: I put professional experience with my old pre-kids teacher postions. In that section I did bullet both what I did that does apply indirectly and skills developed that apply. It is really short, though, because these positions were so long ago and not field I plan to enter.  


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9 minutes ago, sbgrace said:

I just put together a resume and can share what I did. I tailored my resume to the specific job I want. 

1st: Generally, I'm back in school and my education is relevant to the postion, so my first section is "Educational Qualifications." While I included my degrees that aren't directly relevant to the postion, the first part of this section is the current course work and certifications that are relevant. 

2nd: I have a volunteer and unpaid experience section. This includes the skills section. 

At the beginning of that section I state: Skills utilized within these experiences include: followed by a 2 column bullet list of 10 skills that I used/developed during my homeschool years. I selected qualities I have that specifically apply to the position I hope to be hired for next year. 

Following that list I have my volunteer activities--date, position, brief description of what I do. At the bottom of that section I have put the care for children part, and the description mentions providing schooling.

3rd: I put professional experience with my old pre-kids teacher postions. In that section I did bullet both what I did that does apply indirectly and skills developed that apply. It is really short, though, because these positions were so long ago and not field I plan to enter.  


Thank you for the details that gives me some ideas to tweak things.

2 hours ago, wintermom said:

All the best!! 

Are you applying to a specific position? I'd highlight your skills and work/volunteer experience to the position, using similar language/terms from the position posting. If you know anyone at the organization, you could try contacting them to find out more about the position and what they'd be looking for.

Good point to look at the posting for wording. I tried to aim for what I thought they were after but need to doublecheck.

4 hours ago, Laura Corin said:

I looked hard at what I had done and phrased it all around skill words that related directly to the jobs. So, 'organisation' 'management' 'research', etc. Each with an example.

Organisation - conceived and carried through a plan for a youth sport day, including....

Management  - asked for volunteers for X, scheduled them and arbitrated disputes over duties and expectations etc.

I would make a lot of your cross-cultural experience with your teaching too.

You might need to re-do the activities section to avoid duplication.  I would think special skills are more important? 

ok, so I ended up googling special skills relevant to Social Work for the skills section and listed 3 that I thought I did well and why so those sections are entirely different.

I didn't think of the cross-cultural aspect of my teaching. It is fairly homogeneous here but obviously not entirely and that could be an asset.

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I think its relevant because it shows what you have been doing since you left. You have continued to work with a similar population- kids- in your community and overseas online (also shows technical skills to be able to do this).   Your yoga and sports activities have focused on physical and mental well-being of yourself and others in your community.  Just listing them tells an employer the things you have valued in your last few years.  


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On 1/19/2023 at 4:06 AM, Soror said:

Thanks all. I got the application, resume, cover letter, and employment form all done. It took me forever not having any of it and I'm sure there are improvements to be made but I did it. Now, we'll see.

When I began applying for jobs in fall 2021, it took me 3 months to get everything lined up since I had to figure out references, which involved beginning a volunteer position and then getting the head to be a reference! Good job!

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12 hours ago, EmilyGF said:

When I began applying for jobs in fall 2021, it took me 3 months to get everything lined up since I had to figure out references, which involved beginning a volunteer position and then getting the head to be a reference! Good job!

I've had long term volunteer experience in leadership and various roles. The head guy was more than happy to give me a reference. I also had the old friend that already works there. And a couple of social worker/counselors I know in other capacities. 

I heard back today that they were excited for my application and would be setting up an interview. So, I guess moving along one way or another. 

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14 minutes ago, Jenny in Florida said:

Congratulations! That was fast.

Yes, very. It's social work and not high pay so I guess not a lot a high demand job. Idk seems like a good fit for me so the flexibility makes up a lot for the salary. Time will tell.

I was telling my friend how the lady was so friendly and she said she was her favorite boss ever. I guess another reason she's stuck with it. A good boss is worth a lot. I'm feeling good about it.

Edited by Soror
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I had my interview yesterday.  The local supervisor (who will be my boss) and local worker and then on the phone another area supervisor and lady above them (and above her is only the owners as it is a small company). I think it went really, really well. The head boss lady made multiple comments about how good my resume was and how impressive, how organized I was, must be super woman yada yada yada. I thought how impressive could my resume be with such a gap in work but I guess I did pretty well with it. They made multiple comments that they liked my answers. They told me about multiple scenarios- partly because they are chatty and also I think to gauge my response. The work is helping families that have been referred by DSS, usually hot line calls. Each worker works with them 6-12 weeks and only works with 1-4 families at a time. You visit them multiple times a week and focus on helping them with whatever issues they have that has them in danger of losing their kids- could be discipline, hygiene, helping with applications to programs for food, housing etc.

I think it will be a great fit for me. The company sounds nice to work for- one lady was out 4 months last year due to surgery and losing her husband and she was paid the whole time. She stressed to me that if you are ever uncomfortable working with a family- don't feel safe or it is upsetting for some reason you can leave and have the case reassigned. You don't have to put up with crap from clients- although most are happy for the help. The work is going alongside the client to give them skills and help they need. I much prefer that model and like that it is more one on one work and less paperwork. 

I expect a call with an offer next week or early the following week. They have to run a background check through the state as they are contracted through the state. 

I'm nervous but mostly excited. I wish the pay was more but finding a job that seems like it will work so well with my schedule and is more of work I'd like to do is worth so much to me. The ladies said they thought the employee insurance was paid for by the company but both of them have other insurance so didn't have many details. I was worried it would be a lot and I'd have to take it because dh's insurance requires me to take insurance if I'm offered. But if I don't have to pay that isn't bad and I should be able to keep his as secondary. I'll still have to find out more about that but that info will come with the job offer. The local ladies (worker and supervisor) told me everyone just uses the company cars as personal cars and it is NBD- just don't go on road trips or such. It isn't as nice as my car but it keeps miles off my car and gas is paid for so that's a win win for me. I'll just drive my car on the weekends. I get paid sick and vacation time- but they said it's nothing to take a long weekend. We don't travel a ton but I like that I have the option.

I was talking to my neighbor - who is also one of my references, and come to find out she worked with the supervisor at DSS years ago- that bodes well for me. She said she just adores her. The other local worker (not the one at the interview) I kind of know as I met her at pickleball and she is dh's boss' wife. The local supervisor lady also works primarily at the college where I graduated. Small world! 

All good news I think. Looks likely I'll be starting in Feb sometime they said I could just tell them when I was available each week and shadow different workers that fit that time to start. 

Edited by Soror
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