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5th grade planning 2023


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content for both- heart of dakota


Rod and Staff English 4

Rod and staff Spelling 4

Math Mammoth 5

Piano (Hoffman)


Math Mammoth 4

All about spelling 3

Rod and Staff English 3

Piano (Hoffman)

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Language Arts: IEW Wonders of Science, AAS 7, MCT Caesar’s English II, BYL 4 Lit

Mathematics: BA 5D, Athena’s Money Sense, Didax Pentominoes (?), second half of Algebra Lab Gear (?), AOPS PreAlgebra

History: BYL 4 (1850-WWI)

Science: RSO Earth & Environment, BYL 4 (Engineering) 

Extracurriculars: Scouts BSA, Violin, Tennis, Art, FIRST Lego League

Edited by Shoes+Ships+SealingWax
Thought I had things all figured out in January - HAH! I should know better by now…
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@Lovinglife123: are all of our kids the same age? Haha-we're on all the same planning threads.


Bible: daily reading as a family. 

Math: Rod & Staff 5

Logic: a critical thinking type book on Fridays

Science: Berean Builders Creation

History: SOTW 3 with kingfisher. Appropriate book by MB Synge (author of the other story of the world series)

Greek: Hey Andrew 2x per week

Latin: Latin's Not so Tough 2x per week

Spelling: Dictation Day by Day

Grammar: Analytical Grammar Jr Mechanics. Plus something else-not sure yet.

Writing: writing stands 5 2x/week, periodic history and science reports, 2 book reports

Reading history aligned books and other books

Art: daily quick drawing exercise. Weekly art class that I teach

Piano: continue with our Alfred books 

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Math Mammoth 5

Rod and Staff English 5

AAS 3,4...we just went back to this with her. I think it's good for her, but I expect it to go rather quickly...

Memoria press fable and maybe narrative? We're partway through fable now.

Books I hand her to read

Apologia Land Animals maybe with little brother

Simply Charlotte Mason Matthew through Acts and Ancient Rome as a family

Our Star Spangled Story part 2 with little brother

Simply Charlotte Mason Enrichment 3 (I'm trying preplanned we'll see. It has art, handicrafts, hymns nature study character...I have most of the books already)

I may add in more Spanish somehow for this girl or some Greek we'll see

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This is for my struggling and slower learner, who will be completing AAR this academic year.

Math: Singapore Dimensions 5A & 5B   Strayer-Upton Practical Aritmetic.  Will need to add on geometry.


History: TBD  likely American History CM-style

Geography: likely CM-style

Science: likely nature lore and study---I've been looking at CM Simple Studies, Mind in the Light, and CM Plenary

Citizenship - The Young Citizen's Reader (to be shared with 6th grade brother)  

ELA - likely CM style

Literature - I've been looking at mythology and fairy tales

Maybe Latin  

That's all I have so far!


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Spencer's 5th grade year will be a hybrid of virtual public school (so they pay for extra curriculars) and homeschooling (so he actually learns something).

Language Arts:
BookShark level G plus some WWS lessons

BookShark - First year of world history

AOPS Algebra

Classes at a nature center plus lots of reading and videos

Immersion Class (which includes art) plus private lessons

Anki, so many Anki cards!!

Piano, Piano, and more Piano. Three lessons a week + ~20 hours of (voluntary) practice.
Plus now violin as well. One lesson a week + 30-45 minutes of practice a day
Ear Training, Performances and Competitions, Coursera/EdX Music Theory Courses

Fun group elective classes...this year they are doing Circus School, Art based on picture book illustrations, and nature/science/geography based on the Who Would Win? book series. I don't know what will be offered next year.


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Twins who are different academically. They get lumped in with their 11yo and 12yo sisters. 

Math: CTC Math 5 & PreAlgebra

Writing: Essentials in Writing 5

Grammar: Fix It Grammar 1(if grammar is weak in EIW). This is their first year in Grammar. 

Reading: Assigned Reading

History: Courage & Conquest

Science: Bookshark Science F

Extracurriculars: Archery for one and Karate for the other. 

Fridays: Coding, Art & STEM projects

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So far I have:

Math: MUS Delta

English: Wordsmith Apprentice 

Spelling: dictation

Writing: Written narrations and keeping notebooks for science/history

Science: Apologia or other books of her choosing; whatever she's interested in 

History: Mystery of History 1 

Geography: Explore the Holy Land

Logic: Logic Countdown

Extras: piano, Bible memory, art, hymns

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Oh I'm so glad this thread started.  I'm still trying to solidify.  But here are what my thoughts are so far.

1.   Writing:   WWS 1 (Take it slow), IEW, Druidawn for Creative writing

2.  Math:   BA 5

3.  Grammar:  Fix It Grammar

4.  History:  Continuation with SoTW 4

5.  Science:  Not sure 

6.  Logic:  Orbiting with Logic and other books from the critical thinking company

7.  Vocab:  Vocabulary virtuoso and Word Roots

8.  Foreign Language:  Spanish homeschool academy, Latin with Classical learning and American Sign Language

9.  PE:  Soccer and swim

10.  Literature:  Brave Writer

11.  Lots of art classes and hopefully one coding class via outschool

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Math: CLE 5

ELA: I want to focus more on writing this year, so my plans are changing

History/Geography/Literature: SonLight D&E American history, Taking the Americas for Jesus

Science: Apologia Exploring Creation with Chemistry & Physics

Art: Atelier level 6 (U.S. Art)


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ELA changes
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  • 2 weeks later...

Our tentative plans, that I have realized are far from complete as I write things out.

Literature/Grammar/Writing - A mixture of Wordsmith Apprentice, Fix It Grammar and Brave Writer literature units. We're planning on weekly poetry teas as well with her sister.

Latin or French - I am unsure what we'll use, but she really wants to learn French this year. I would like her to learn Latin. I don't know if we'll do both? Any experience with doing Latin and a foreign language concurrently? 

Math - Apologia. We are coming from a private school that uses A Beka and after looking at many, many samples Apologia was the one she preferred.

History - Part of me wants to do straight SOTW, another part thinks we should try Homeschool in the Woods and still another finds Tapestry of Grace appealing. What I want is to begin our history study in ancient times, have a guide that allows me to feel like I am covering important events/eras, use books instead of text book, have lots of craft opportunities and be able to do history with both girls (3rd & 5th). I am unsure what our best bet is for that.

Science - Wavering between Apologia Astronomy and Berean Builders Science in the Ancient World. Both girls (will be 3rd & 5th next year) want lots of experiments. Both also want to learn about the stars, but I am thinking we might just do that for fun this summer when we can get out of town easily to study the sky. Open to other suggestions for science if someone has a fun, experiment heavy curriculum!

Other -

Monday weekly co-op. Unsure what will be offered, but in the past they have done theatre, lego coding, geography, PE and Spanish. If they don't offer lego coding we will do it at home, as both girls are interested.

Piano lessons

Art - probably Chalk Pastels from You Are an Artist

She wants to learn be more independent in the kitchen, so we're going to go through Kids Cook Real Food.

She also wants to learn to sew, so I am looking for someone to provide lessons.

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 2/3/2023 at 10:14 PM, WhitneyS said:

Our tentative plans, that I have realized are far from complete as I write things out.

Literature/Grammar/Writing - A mixture of Wordsmith Apprentice, Fix It Grammar and Brave Writer literature units. We're planning on weekly poetry teas as well with her sister.

Latin or French - I am unsure what we'll use, but she really wants to learn French this year. I would like her to learn Latin. I don't know if we'll do both? Any experience with doing Latin and a foreign language concurrently? 

Math - Apologia. We are coming from a private school that uses A Beka and after looking at many, many samples Apologia was the one she preferred.

History - Part of me wants to do straight SOTW, another part thinks we should try Homeschool in the Woods and still another finds Tapestry of Grace appealing. What I want is to begin our history study in ancient times, have a guide that allows me to feel like I am covering important events/eras, use books instead of text book, have lots of craft opportunities and be able to do history with both girls (3rd & 5th). I am unsure what our best bet is for that.

Science - Wavering between Apologia Astronomy and Berean Builders Science in the Ancient World. Both girls (will be 3rd & 5th next year) want lots of experiments. Both also want to learn about the stars, but I am thinking we might just do that for fun this summer when we can get out of town easily to study the sky. Open to other suggestions for science if someone has a fun, experiment heavy curriculum!

Other -

Monday weekly co-op. Unsure what will be offered, but in the past they have done theatre, lego coding, geography, PE and Spanish. If they don't offer lego coding we will do it at home, as both girls are interested.

Piano lessons

Art - probably Chalk Pastels from You Are an Artist

She wants to learn be more independent in the kitchen, so we're going to go through Kids Cook Real Food.

She also wants to learn to sew, so I am looking for someone to provide lessons.


Wow, nice 🙂

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  • 4 weeks later...

Guess what....this changed too!;)

On 1/17/2023 at 6:37 AM, countrymum said:

Math Mammoth 5

Rod and Staff English 5

AAS 3,4...we just went back to this with her. I think it's good for her, but I expect it to go rather quickly...

Memoria press fable and maybe narrative? We're partway through fable now.

Books I hand her to read

Apologia Land Animals maybe with little brother

Simply Charlotte Mason Matthew through Acts and Ancient Rome as a family

Our Star Spangled Story part 2 with little brother

Simply Charlotte Mason Enrichment 3 (I'm trying preplanned we'll see. It has art, handicrafts, hymns nature study character...I have most of the books already)

I may add in more Spanish somehow for this girl or some Greek we'll see

Math finish RightStart E and do F.....I like Rightstart and everyone in the same program is so nice!

WriteShop E with older brother ( 20 weeks)

Original Analytical Grammar with older Brother (10 weeks)

All About Spelling 3 and 4

Apologia land animals by herself with journal

Books I hand her to read

I found Spanish for her Classical Academic press Spanish for children!

Rest is same;)

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I thought I'd already posted in this thread, but I think I must be thinking of the 4th grade planning thread from last year. Because that's how time works now, I guess! 

Reading/Lit: Bravewriter's Arrow--we've been doing this this year and it's been going well, lots of audiobooks in the car, book club books from the book club at the library, whatever I find to pair with history

Writing/grammar/vocab: Leaning Michael Clay Thompson Town Level right now. We didn't do Island with him, and I was thinking we'd do WWS, but now I'm thinking we're doing a decent job on our own covering most of the WWS-type skills, and this kid appreciates whimsy, so MCT might work better. I've also been having him do research projects on things he's studying or interested in (like he made a Mystery Science style video about narwhals and now he's working on a podcast about Athena, Greeking Out style), so we'll keep doing that sort of thing

Math: he's doing Beast Academy 5 now, so we'll give AOPS pre-algebra a try when he finishes that. My older kids were not fans, but I'm hoping having gone through BA will lend itself to more success this time

Science: Science Mom...we just started Earth Science (we seem to have trouble sticking with a traditional academic year around here!), so we'll finish that in fall sometime and then do Chemistry. He might take a science class about conservation at the homeschool co-op, too. 

History: History Quest Middle Times

Other: small group Spanish class, a couple more classes at homeschool co-op (math enrichment, rock band, ???), piano and trumpet lessons, homeschool band, baseball. This sounds like a lot, but he's in an enthusiastic about everything phase, and I don't want to waste it! 


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  • 2 weeks later...

Bible: Explorer's Bible Study

History: Concise History of Us

Science: Exploration Education

Math: Saxon 6/7

LA: IEW SSS 2B & Fix It

Foreign Language: Spanish for Children B, Hey Andrew 5

The Arts: Violin, Virtual Instructor Drawing & Watercolor

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Spelling - AAS finish level 4 and begin level 5
Literature - Mosdos Press Coral
Grammar - Winston Grammar
Writing - Hake Writing 5 maybe or IEW or something else

Math - Math With Confidence 5 (pilot testing)

Science - Science Mom Earth Science

History - Hakim's A History of US conscience edition

Other - choir classes, acting classes, probably a cooking class, archery and whatever else we can fit in our schedule 😉

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  • 1 month later...
On 1/19/2023 at 12:36 PM, Mona said:

Math: CLE 5

ELA: I want to focus more on writing this year, so my plans are changing

History/Geography/Literature: SonLight D&E American history, Taking the Americas for Jesus

Science: Apologia Exploring Creation with Chemistry & Physics

Art: Atelier level 6 (U.S. Art)


The current plan:

Math: CLE 5 but eyeing RightStart E 

ELA: BJU English 5, WWE 3, Spelling workbook

History: SL D&E, Taking the Americas for Jesus

Science: Apologia Exploring Creation with Chemistry & Physics, CLP Nature Reader 5

Art: Artistic Pursuits (ArtCore) Drawing with graphite pencils


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Current plan:

Literature: TGTB 5 and CoreKnowledge 5

Grammar: TGTB 5 and Fix It Grammar 1

Spelling: TGTB 5 and CoreKnowledge 5

Writing: IEW Structure & Style Finish 1A and maybe start with 1B depending on how we are doing. 

Math: Combo of TGTB 5 (spiral) and Dimensions 5 (mastery) 

Science: CoreKnowledge 5 and some MysteryScience 

History: Online Class (I had to outsource something) but CoreKnowledge LA also covers a good amount of history so we should be good. 

Extras: VexRobotics, Coding JavaScript classes, Synthesis classes online

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  • 3 weeks later...

DS #3 is my 5th grader this year. He's a "very classic presenting" ADHD and does best with short, focused lessons. We still do about 50% of his assignments orally. History, Literature, Science, and Writing are combined with his older (7th grade) brother. 


Math: Math Mammoth 5

Science: RS4K Middle School Physics + various books + unit studies from TPT

History: Build Your Library 4/ SOTW 4 (History of the Modern World)

Literature: Build Your Library 4 + a couple of book reports and/or literature guides from TPT

Grammar: Finish up Easy Grammar 3 and move to 4. 

Spelling: Spellwell BB/C/CC 

Writing: Write Shop E + various writing assignments from History, Literature, and Science

Art: Drawing


Various other electives with our homeschool group. This fall he's taking Intro to Archaeology and Outdoors Sports & Rec. 

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Wow! How time flies!

Reading: 1hr daily  | Math: HM with mom | Drawing: Undecided

National Study (lots of RWD) :
HM: US History and Founding Documents
Science: (light RWD)
Electronics:   Getting Started with Soldering, Make: Electronics, and  Make: More Electronics
Biology: RWD from The Way Life Works, The Biology Coloring Workbook
French:  (lots of RWD)
Le Petit Prince with the support of an audiobook, dictionary and notebook.
Handicrafts: Machine Sewing My First Sewing Machine and Sewing School 2


HM = Home made  | Vint. = Vintage Resources | RWD = Reading, Writing and Drawing across the curriculum

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My baby is in 5th this year. It's so odd I remember my oldest in 5th and feeling like he was such a big kid. It feels so different. 

Math- (continuing) Horizons- 5th

Language Arts- G&B LA 5

Spelling- (continuing) Spelling Workout F;

Handwriting- G&B 4 (she did it last year but I think it will do her good to repeat)

Composition- Maxwell's School Composition (used with brother at this age)

Homemade Country and Cultures Study - taking inspiration from Guest Hollow, Build Your Library, and many other lists I can't remember. She'll be using Sheppard's Geo to help learn places along with the Geo in the LA, games, and puzzles. 

Science has a focus on animals with a detour on dinosaurs as per her request. Inspiration from BYL and Torchlight. 

For content-based output she'll be doing some writing across the curriculum, some projects, and science journalling.


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3 hours ago, Soror said:

My baby is in 5th this year. It's so odd I remember my oldest in 5th and feeling like he was such a big kid. It feels so different. 

Math- (continuing) Horizons- 5th

Language Arts- G&B LA 5

Spelling- (continuing) Spelling Workout F;

Handwriting- G&B 4 (she did it last year but I think it will do her good to repeat)

Composition- Maxwell's School Composition (used with brother at this age)

Homemade Country and Cultures Study - taking inspiration from Guest Hollow, Build Your Library, and many other lists I can't remember. She'll be using Sheppard's Geo to help learn places along with the Geo in the LA, games, and puzzles. 

Science has a focus on animals with a detour on dinosaurs as per her request. Inspiration from BYL and Torchlight. 

For content-based output she'll be doing some writing across the curriculum, some projects, and science journalling.


I know what you mean!  My youngest is in 5th grade too!  😕. Time flies! 

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  • 1 month later...

We decided to modify a couple of things. We want to increase the reading so we're aiming for 1h15mins daily. We are focusing on Anatomy in drawing and it serves as a double-purpose 1) review of the anatomy we learned last year and a2)  foundation for the more in-depth human anatomy that we'll learn next year in 6th and for music this year, we've opted for Bucket Drumming.

Reading: 1.25hr daily  | Math: HM with mom | Drawing:  Cognitive Drawing: Learn The Male Figure and Cognitive Drawing: Learn The Female Figure

National Study (lots of RWD): HM: US History and Founding Documents
Science: (light RWD)
Electronics:   Getting Started with Soldering, Make: Electronics, and  Make: More Electronics
Biology: RWD from The Way Life Works, The Biology Coloring Workbook
French:  (lots of RWD): Le Petit Prince with the support of an audiobook, dictionary and notebook.
Handicrafts: Machine Sewing My First Sewing Machine and Sewing School 2
Music: Bucket drumming

Edited by mathmarm
Almost forgot music.
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Bible - Bible Study Guide for All Ages

Reading - Morning (WTM Ancients list) and evening fun book list

Math - Saxon Math 7/6

Grammar - Our Mother's Tongue; Rod and Staff English

Writing - Killgallon Sentence Composing & Paragraphs for Middle School; Writing and Rhetoric 3; Writing Strands 4 (original edition)

Comprehension - WWE3 & Abeka Read & Think Skill Sheets 5

Spelling - Spelling Workout G & H

Vocabulary - Wordly Wise (original edition); Roots of English

Latin - Latina Christiana; Ludere Latine; Latin Cursive Copybook

Greek - Elementary Greek I

Science - Master Books Life & Elementary Anatomy & Living Healthy & The Good and the Beautiful Kingdoms and Classification

History - Human Odyssey & The Good and the Beautiful & Story of the World

Logic - Building Thinking Skills CD game

Typing - Typing Instructor Platinum CD

Art - Home Art Studio

Piano - Hoffman Piano Academy


In history, we're currently at ancient Greece and we go by topic with The Human Odyssey as our spine and add in corresponding chapters from SOTW, maps and questions and TGAB as well.

For science, we've already done plants in the MB Life book, so we just have animals and human body for this year.  DS is very interested in anatomy, so we are adding in Elementary Anatomy books to combine with the MB Life along with MB's health book, Living Healthy.

DS has already almost finished SWO G, so I think he will also finish up H this year.  He wanted to add in vocabulary 2 years ago but we struggled to do it in 4th grade but I'm going to try and wedge it in somehow but if not, when he finishes spelling, we will have that available time to dedicate to vocabulary.

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