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Tackling Monday Together


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Good morning! 

Three weeks...that's all I have until I start my classes. I've got a lot of my master list completed, so I will have a good number of free days until we start having our company here. Ds' roommate will be here a couple nights, and then his girlfriend and her parents will be here some, too. 

  • medicine
  • coffee
  • breakfast
  • shower and get ready
  • post office
  • grocery outlet
  • shopping for some stuff for the guest bath
  • lunch out with a friend
  • physical therapy 
  • dinner
  • work on master list stuff
  • watch something and relax
  • calcium
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Good morning! I slept hard and later than I intended to. I feel much better. Making coffee now.

It’s cloudy here - hoping for rain!

Four students today

Have some online things to do for Ds’ school. 

Check in with Dd

Keep working on our Fall Break trip.

Figure out dinner and do some meal planning.

Library? Need to vote and pick up books. I finished The Scarlet Pimpernel last night and want to get back to working on my reading challenge list.  


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@mom31257 I love the master list method.  One year in May, I was heading up a graduation for my oldest, helping my husband lead a 40 person team to Honduras, and was in charge of a children's musical at church (children's choir director).  These three things happened within 2 weeks. I had a folders with the master lists for each major event, then another folder for things like send oldest's final transcript.  Every day, I looked and did something for each master list.  I delegated stuff as well, but it still went in the master list. That May was actually one of the least stressful because everything was done before I got to May, at least as much as possible.  So yeah you for master list!

@ScoutTN  Good tackling the reading list.  I've decided to read Kate Camilo's books this summer.  Easy, but meaningful read. 


Ok for today:

Quiet Time
Walk with Hubby
Take recycling
Work on ministry newsletter

Work on my blog
Email team member about devotions and her kid doing media on trip
Email 2 team members about clinic prayer

Go shopping for scrubs and travel pants with daughter
Compile prayer partner list team members have sent me
Practice worship songs with hubby
Zoom meeting with in country partner

Zoom team meeting
Work on going through/saving/deleting phone pictures
Add the attachments to Google Classroom so people can read them

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@TexasProud, so good to see you here today! I don't think I've ever really done a master list like this before, but it has been very helpful. I LOVE the Kate Dicamillo books I've read! I actually find children's novels so meaningful and so much better for me to read. I have a hard time sticking with lengthy reads. 

@ScoutTN, when is your fall break? I hope it will be dates I can make work to get up there. 

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Good morning @TexasProud It’s great to *see* you here. 

I too enjoy rereading excellent children’s literature. I am currently reading The Horse and His Boy with one of my tutoring students. This year, I am doing the reading challenge from The Literary Life podcast, but I have gotten off track a bit with some enjoyable, but random, reads and want to focus in on my goals. 

@mom31257 Mid-October. I’ll pm you. 

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Good morning everyone. I've already had an eventful day. Had a mammogram scheduled for 8, drove into the wrong entrance and went into the wrong building...note to myself for next year It is the Imaging Center building!! Anyway, someone gave me a map, walked 30 miles , or so it seemed,to the Imaging center. Called Dh to come and get me to help me find the car since I was so turned around and far from the parking lot by then.

So, the plan for the rest of today:


Meet with financial planner-done

Clean the floors-some

Finish dusting

Reading Academy-some-have to go back and redo some-ugh

Science plans


Find a few things to mark off on the summer master list-done

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That is frustrating @math teacher.

Now I am curious how many Kate Dicamillo books there are. I believe I have read two.

I just got a book from the library to read before I require my older boy to read it. Do Hard Things: A Teenage Rebellion Against Low Expectations (I believe that is the full title).

Drop kids at VBS✔


Work 2 hours✔




Work out✔

Scripture ✔


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Good morning!

Only one student today.  He's doing brilliantly, though I was a little worried about him a few weeks back. I'm also getting a little edgy about my own kid.  Schedules are supposed to be dropped, but nothing has come through from the school yet.

Other than that, there's

grocery shopping

help ds make a list, because his idea of "I KNOW what I need to do, mom!" didn't pan out so well when I started asking questions.


make dinner

throw ds's skates in the car to take to consignment tomorrow

go for a walk

enjoy the thunderstorm

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Make an order at Target & Wal-mart for pick up.
Pick-up Orders
Take DD18 & DD14 to eye appointments
Make eye appts for DD15 & DD12
Make driving test appt for DD15 for school permit

Help them check list & pack for CO trip.
Plan supper (chicken penne & primavera)
Work on lesson plans

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Hi All

zoom meeting rescheduled for tomorrow

weeded the garden, while spraying the zucchini plants with vinegar water I noticed that the squirrels ate all my zucchini's  lol.

filled the bird feeders

research how to fill the cracks in the cement skirt in driveway

Call spectrum, they haven't switched the billing yet

order groceries for pu tomorrow

tidy dining room

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@math teacher How frustrating!! Hope the rest of your day is better.


So this is the podcast that inspired me to read as many of the Kate Dicamillo books that I can find.  I listened to it on the way back from my mom's last week. But you can read the transcript if you would rather do that, but listening to the emotion in her voice was meaningful.


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Very busy day here. 

I was going to start 1st grade with dd6, but she has pink eye.  Trip to the doctor and the drug store before lunch.  Starting school tomorrow.  Lots of hand washing.

Dd19 and I are hosting a ladies group at church tonight so we are busy cooking.  

I went to Dollar Tree for table cloths.

Banana pudding and cupcakes made this morning.  
Bean dip assembled and ready to heat closer to time to eat.

We still need to cook the meat and fix sides for a taco bar.

Forgot to buy drinks.  Stopping for tea and lemonade on the way there.

Set up at 5, eat at 6.

Super nervous because I’ve never cooked for a crowd where I had to figure out how much to cook and do most of the cooking.  We will either have way too much or not enough of everything.  I’m trying to lean towards too much.  Planning to freeze leftover meat to send with dd when she leaves for school in 3 weeks.


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Got cream on my way home.

Tutoring is done, but I still need to log sessions and double check on a hw assignment that I think I forgot to post.

Did a brief round of pick up and tidy. 

Snacked on leftover slaw. 

Dinner will be quesadillas and salad.

Next up:
Tidy my staging area
Fold my laundry
Log sessions and send hw

Do two electronic chores for the charter school. 
Regroup after that.

Tonight I’d like to listen to that podcast,@TexasProud

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Picked up Ds from practice. 

Dinner was good - smoked gouda goes well with mushrooms! 

Took Ds to Sonic to get a milkshake. Loved to hear him chatting about fitness goals and the ethos/culture on the football team.

Listening to Dh play his mandolin now. 😊

Ran a load of laundry, but haven’t folded the basket of clean yet. 

Tried to do two acct set ups for school, but one link is broken. 

Winding down for the night. Waiting for Dd to get home from work before I head to bed. 

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@math teacher, so sorry! I have mine next Monday in a new place, so I'm going to check on the details of where I go. 

 @athena1277, I hope your dinner went well! 

@TexasProud, I need to listen to that, too. 

I had a nice lunch out with my new friend. She is new to the area like me, and she and her husband were both at college the same time as my dh and myself. I sort of remember them, but her dh definitely remembers my dh. 

I went to physical therapy, and then they told me what is was going to cost, $487, because I haven't met my deductible. I told them I couldn't pay that since I'm not having any major issues. They offered me a free consult, so I took that. I definitely learned some good information and can work on some things at home. 

I went shopping for some decor for the new cabinet in the bathroom. 

I met my sister for dinner since I was down that way. It was nice to see her since she's been so busy with my BIL. He is doing better and will continue antibiotic infusions for another month. 

I had some Coke Zero with dinner, so I don't know if it was enough caffeine to affect my sleep tonight. 

I need to get ready for bed and settle down. 

Good night, John Boy! Am I showing my age?? LOL! 

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Howdie, it's been busy here too!  Busy but relatively unproductive somehow.


  • Kid up, packed her breakfast & lunch, made 2 mugs of coffee, drove kid to work.
  • Ate fruit & veggie, took vitamins, drank water.
  • Made an emergency vet appointment.
  • Wordle (5), nerdle (3 or 4?), quordle (8).
  • Meeting about house remodel stuff (waste of 2 hours IMHO).
  • Call from doctor regarding possible need to schedule a physical before my scheduled colonoscopy?
  • Shower.
  • A little bit of client work.
  • Vet visit.  Met with 2 other dog people.  Lots of dog-related discussions.  Pup is prescribed pills, ear drops, and high-calorie dog food.
  • Called into a conference call, made excuse because I had to drop off.  (Pretty sure I wasn't really needed.)
  • Picked up kid from work.
  • Bought dinner.
  • Inventoried cupboards to see what we have that Kid1 can eat tomorrow (prep for hydrogen breath test).
  • Filled out "plastic free ecochallenge" stuff.
  • Got a call from Dad - my mom has Covid.
  • Call with sister 1 who has Covid.
  • Call from sister 2 regarding Covid and other things.
  • Kids' dentist appointment.  (I almost forgot this.)
  • Picked up kid1's prescription (not related to prep).
  • Grocery trip for kid1's prep food.
  • Tried to get the ear drops in the pup's ears.  Hmm.  This is supposed to be done 2x per day for a week.  Not sure how that's gonna happen.
  • Various discussions about house maintenance & improvements.
  • Night pup duty.
  • Probably some other things I'm not remembering.

Things that didn't happen but should have:

  • I was supposed to receive a call back from the colonoscopy doctor re do I need a physical or not?
  • I was supposed to call the drivers' ed company re scheduling an in-car lesson for my kid.  Didn't have time in between all the above.
  • I was expecting to receive a notification re my kid's PCR test that she took yesterday.  Hopefully it comes through tomorrow.
  • Various work and kid things.
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16 hours ago, ScoutTN said:

@BlsdMama Is your troop doing a HA trip? I wish ours would! 


They are!! I'm so excited it's unbelievable!  4 moms and six girls - Colorado, Journey Quest!!!!  Journey Quest has two other places I think?

It came about because our Trail Life group has been with them before and is doing it again.  They asked if we wanted to caravan with them!!  I am beyond thrilled because I don't know if we would have had the guts to go it alone? The TL will have their own campsite, their own adventure, but it's nice to have the guys traveling with them.  Two of my girls are going and can you tell this is a big deal for me/us?!?! 😉

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3 hours ago, BlsdMama said:


They are!! I'm so excited it's unbelievable!  4 moms and six girls - Colorado, Journey Quest!!!!  Journey Quest has two other places I think?

It came about because our Trail Life group has been with them before and is doing it again.  They asked if we wanted to caravan with them!!  I am beyond thrilled because I don't know if we would have had the guts to go it alone? The TL will have their own campsite, their own adventure, but it's nice to have the guys traveling with them.  Two of my girls are going and can you tell this is a big deal for me/us?!?! 😉


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