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Tuesday Tacklers, come on in...


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Good morning! 

I am going to breakfast with my neighborhood friend. 

I need to get all the house stuff done that I didn't do yesterday. My younger sister comes tomorrow to stay a couple of nights, so I want to have everything organized and clean. 

  • breakfast out
  • meals for us
  • organize office
  • tidy house
  • clean main living areas
  • clean bathrooms
  • wash sheets and towels
  • make guest bed
  • help ds tidy his room (We have never really organized enough since he got back from school.)
  • watch Ms. Marvel again with ds (we watched with dd while he was still asleep)
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Good morning!

It has been so hot here...no easing into summer at all.  

To do today:

  • coffee, weights, pack lunch
  • summer school
  • laundry
  • straighten office, dust, vacuum, pay bills
  • straighten out medicine cabinet, organize
  • clean refrigerator, organize
  • clean dining room, vacuum, dust/polish
  • grilling for dinner, steak, salad
  • read, relax

Have a great day!

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Welcome @Pamela H in Texas

Hot hot here too! 🥵

I got to work early hoping to do a little prep and some catch up, but nobody is here yet, so I can’t get in the building. 


Tutor three students ✔️ 

Ds to a swim meet (just 2 events near the end).

Stop by a friend’s to pick up some stuff. ✔️ 

Pick up CSA box ✔️ 

Dinner is salmon patties and veggies from the box.

Evening - electronic chores!



Edited by ScoutTN
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Good morning! 

Today, my day has:

...get roast going in crockpot (DONE)

...prep for tutoring later this week
....math with DS
....figure out DS's language arts/schedule/courses for next year
....order his language arts, before my coupon expires

....order DH's father's day gift from the boys (they told me what they want to get)
...fold the last load of laundry from yesterday, put away the clothes
...dance class tonight
...fencing drills with DH
...email fencing coach at a different club, to see about an event coming up (date is listed, but not time)
...remind DH to buy our plane tix for DC
...anything else I'm forgetting

Edited by TheReader
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Hot and humid here too

watered outside gardens and flower baskets

had dog outside early to run around

cleared out e-mail keep workin on that

pick up produce

Make shaved ice treats with my new kitchen aid attachment

work on inside house projects

make apt for city to come and install new water meter reader they are going digital

watch Alias


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Hi guys.  Last night I took my pup to the emergency vet because he kept vomiting.  He's still there.  They are probably taking the second set of exrays about now.  They suspect an obstruction and want to see if it is passing on its own.

Need I say that I haven't gotten anything productive done in the past 18 hours?

I have some work to do and send out today.  I hope I can focus enough to get it done.

Thinking most of my other plans for today are shot.

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I got in the middle of/mostly done with figuring out DS's language arts, and our internet went down, so I took a nap, DH reset the modem, and now I'm going to try again. 

Grabbing a snack of some sort, then back to it. 

Also, the blue jay is hanging out a lot today...I love our amateur neighborhood bird watching since DH put up the feeder  out front! 

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Praying for your dog, @SKL


Today is a frustrating one!

A new student has big deal articulation issues and cannot make all the letter sounds - need to ask if she’d be better with a tutor who also an SLP. Will try one more day this week, then see what my boss says.

A call I scheduled an advisor from our umbrella school is somehow cancelled? She says I didn’t confirm, but I have an email confirmation? I rearranged my entire Friday around this call. I contacted her again; waiting to hear back.

Swim meet was over before Ds even got out of football practice.

Heaps of desk work I need to do, but no laptop available. 

I moved the laundry and started the dishwasher. And sorted the mail.

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I hope the afternoon improves, @ScoutTN


I got DS's language arts ordered, and some stuff for my classes. 

DH bought our plane tix to DC - we were able to use my Paypal balance for both of those large purchases! Yay! (I have 2 families, both with 2 kids each, that paid all last year via Paypal.....). 

Debating a few other things for school, but not time to buy those yet, so will wait. I need to read up on some of them (dry paint sticks vs. paint/water, but I'd like to read reviews for a good brand)

Folded the clothes, now to put away mine and get the boys down to put away theirs. Next up - research hotels, then go sew. 

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1 minute ago, ScoutTN said:

Got my veggie box and processed everything. Beets are in the oven. Other veggies almost ready. Gave a couple tomatoes to a neighbor.

@TheReader Keep us posted on your DC trip! I am hoping that we can go for Fall Break. Driving. Gotta work on details!!

Will do! We were going to drive when it was going to be all of us. Then the boys all balked and said "well, given the option, we'd prefer to stay home..." so then we didn't want to be gone long enough to drive w/them home alone, so now, flying. We go end of July, just for a long weekend. I'm so looking forward to it! 

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Meant to check in this morning but forgot.


Wrote and submitted 2 articles.

Submitted the 2 I wrote yesterday.


Pulled weeds in the flower bed early before it got so hot (Its a real scorcher here this week)

Took dd to an appointment and Violin lessons

Hit walmart and picked up groceries while we were out

Paid the electric bill

While I was waiting in the car for dd, I forced myself to make the three phone calls I've been procrastinating on for two weeks. So my kids' eye appointments are now scheduled and so is my Mammo. And our woodstove/fireplace has come in, So we now need to go pick it up and phase 2 of our summer of construction can commence. 


Still didn't clean out the pantry but I'm gonna shove that to tomorrow. I did have plans for my ds to have friends over for games tomorrow but he's sick so that's not happening. So tomorrow is open for other chores.


Hoping to get in a 2 mile run after 7:30 when I can do it without keeling.

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@SKL, hoping the puppy will be okay!! 

@ScoutTN, did you get to have your call? 

I had such a nice breakfast out with my friend. We discovered more we have in common, so that's even better. 

Plans for my sister changed, and she came today. I wasn't finished with all the cleaning, but I did have the guest bedroom ready as well as the guest bath. I did a quick tidy of the main areas. 

After 10 months of waiting, we finally have the full set of 6 chairs for our dining table! 

About to go find a movie to watch.

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1 hour ago, mom31257 said:

I thought I would share this picture of my dad. He volunteers on an excursion train, and it is the joy of his life right now. He’ll be 85 next month, and we are so thankful he is still able to do so much! 


OMG.  LOVE this!  What a great pic!

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1 hour ago, fairfarmhand said:

Meant to check in this morning but forgot.


Wrote and submitted 2 articles.

Submitted the 2 I wrote yesterday.


Pulled weeds in the flower bed early before it got so hot (Its a real scorcher here this week)

Took dd to an appointment and Violin lessons

Hit walmart and picked up groceries while we were out

Paid the electric bill

While I was waiting in the car for dd, I forced myself to make the three phone calls I've been procrastinating on for two weeks. So my kids' eye appointments are now scheduled and so is my Mammo. And our woodstove/fireplace has come in, So we now need to go pick it up and phase 2 of our summer of construction can commence. 


Still didn't clean out the pantry but I'm gonna shove that to tomorrow. I did have plans for my ds to have friends over for games tomorrow but he's sick so that's not happening. So tomorrow is open for other chores.


Hoping to get in a 2 mile run after 7:30 when I can do it without keeling.

Just want to say. Great job on submitting the articles! I know how much work that takes.

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7 hours ago, SKL said:

Hi guys.  Last night I took my pup to the emergency vet because he kept vomiting.  He's still there.  They are probably taking the second set of exrays about now.  They suspect an obstruction and want to see if it is passing on its own.

Need I say that I haven't gotten anything productive done in the past 18 hours?

I have some work to do and send out today.  I hope I can focus enough to get it done.

Thinking most of my other plans for today are shot.

Yeah, totally understandable.  Keep us updated. Hope he is ok.

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@ScoutTN, glad you did okay with the riding on the interstate!

I have developed major anxiety driving on the interstate in the last year and a half. I had a couple incidents that I believe contributed to it, and I can't really do it anymore. I drove some to my sister's house and struggled but did it. Then I tried again later, and I had a panic attack coming on and had to get off the very next exit. It's hard on dh when we are traveling, but I can drive on other roads. 

With Daddy having Parkinson's, we don't know how long he'll be able to live alone and volunteer. Thankful for now, though! 




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