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Tick bites and fever


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7 minutes ago, Elizabeth86 said:

Idk I’ll look into it. I’m just worried I’ll have a fight getting her dr to prescribe what she needs

Do not worry at all.  Doctors work for you.  You're not asking for antibiotics for a virus.  You're not asking for unapproved treatment for Covid-19. You're asking for antibiotics to stop a fatal disease that she was prescribed the wrong antibiotics for. The urgent care person wasn't following current treatment guidelines and if they didn't tell you why, fight for your kid and don't feel guilty.   And by wrong I just mean it isn't the ideal drug for a child, not that a few days will hurt her.

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24 minutes ago, Katy said:

Do not worry at all.  Doctors work for you.  You're not asking for antibiotics for a virus.  You're not asking for unapproved treatment for Covid-19. You're asking for antibiotics to stop a fatal disease that she was prescribed the wrong antibiotics for. The urgent care person wasn't following current treatment guidelines and if they didn't tell you why, fight for your kid and don't feel guilty.   And by wrong I just mean it isn't the ideal drug for a child, not that a few days will hurt her.

Right. I was just reading on a Lyme Facebook group that it is hard to find a dr that will be willing to prescribe antibiotics for long enough. I’m stressed. 

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2 minutes ago, Elizabeth86 said:

Right. I was just reading on a Lyme Facebook group that it is hard to find a dr that will be willing to prescribe antibiotics for long enough. I’m stressed. 

That hasn’t been my experience at all. Those people gave had lyme for years, not days. They’re talking about taking it for a long time, not weeks. Your pediatrician will probably just give you amoxicillin and she’ll be fine. You caught it in time. 

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5 minutes ago, Katy said:

That hasn’t been my experience at all. Those people gave had lyme for years, not days. They’re talking about taking it for a long time, not weeks. Your pediatrician will probably just give you amoxicillin and she’ll be fine. You caught it in time. 

Thank you. I truly appreciate you all. You  all are so calming and encouraging! I am seeing it split between amoxicillin mad doxycycline. I don’t know which to push for. 

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6 minutes ago, Elizabeth86 said:

Thank you. I truly appreciate you all. You  all are so calming and encouraging! I am seeing it split between amoxicillin mad doxycycline. I don’t know which to push for. 

Doxycycline isn't great for kids teeth, it might stain adult teeth still forming. And kids have strong enough immune systems that some new research found amoxicillin is enough.  I think my kid got ten days when I found an engorged tick but never had a rash or fever.  With both I would ask. Ten might be enough, I haven't read the research. The old guideline was several weeks.

Edited by Katy
Weird autocorrect
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4 minutes ago, Katy said:

Doxycycline isn't great for kids teeth, it might stain adult teeth still forming. And kids have strong enough immune systems that some new research found amoxicillin is enough.  I think my kid got ten days when I found an engorged tick but never had a rash or fever.  With both I would ask. Ten might be enough, I haven't read the research. The old guideline was several weeks.

Yes tomorrow I’m going to try to sit down and see what legitimate medical sites are saying. I’m too exhausted and overwhelmed tonight.

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She’s going to be fine! You caught it in time, you’ll get it treated and this will be a blip in the past before you know it!

It’s a problem when it’s not treated, but you are completely in the window of “everything will be fine!”

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I agree with the others, you caught it in time! This is the best case scenario. FWIW, I live in Lyme central. It is rampant here. She will be ok! It’s the undiscovered cases that get missed and untreated for years that leave people with chronic health problems. 

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Update: She hasn’t had a fever since we started antibiotics and her red spot has faded a bit. She is terribly grumpy. She has been waking each night from a nightmare. Last night she was screaming so loud and it took me forever to calm her. She thought there was a bear in our house and she was terrified. She doesn’t have much of an appetite.


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I’m glad the fever is gone!

Has anyone mentioned a herxheimer reaction yet? 

She may not have one, since it’s an acute infection, but often when the spirochetes die off, one feels worse. Flu-ish, grumpy, and bad dreams could be part of that, I’d imagine. Keep her very hydrated. I liked epsom salt baths and lemon water. The worst of the herx is usually right around day 2-3 of treatment.

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6 minutes ago, Spryte said:

I’m glad the fever is gone!

Has anyone mentioned a herxheimer reaction yet? 

She may not have one, since it’s an acute infection, but often when the spirochetes die off, one feels worse. Flu-ish, grumpy, and bad dreams could be part of that, I’d imagine. Keep her very hydrated. I liked epsom salt baths and lemon water. The worst of the herx is usually right around day 2-3 of treatment.

Nope I hadn’t read that yet. She is usually so sweet and I am walking on eggshells trying to not set her off. I’m definitely having a hard time getting enough water in her. 

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22 minutes ago, Elizabeth86 said:

Nope I hadn’t read that yet. She is usually so sweet and I am walking on eggshells trying to not set her off. I’m definitely having a hard time getting enough water in her. 

I wouldn’t have expected her to have a herx, having just contracted Lyme, but it’s totally possible. I would really work on hydration — whatever might entice her to drink, even if it’s not your usual stuff. 

The full name is a Jarrisch-Herxheimer Reaction, most of us shorten it to herx and use it as a noun or a vowel interchangeably (someone I knew had His and Herx embroidered on bath towels 🤣). You can Google, but the short story is it’s often associated with syphilis. Lyme is not syphilis, of course, but the spirochete that causes it has similarities. Maybe Google herx and Lyme, if you want more info. 

A herx can be miserable. Like run over by a truck flu miserable. Or it can be more mild. And, errrr, my family will tell you that I got pretty grumpy and irritable, too. 

Then again, it might not be that. Could be just being sick, or a reaction to the medication, but my bet is on herx.

My family has been through the ringer with Lyme, so I don’t want to pass on more info than is needed, but do reach out with questions. Feel free to pm.

Also — if she seems to be herxing, I’d really insist on longer treatment!

ETA: https://www.lymedisease.org/lymesci-herxing/

Edited by Spryte
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Inflammation can cause the bad dreams and weird moods. We see it in PANDAS and Lyme and Pandas can cause very similar inflammation. 

If they switch her to amoxicillin that has anti inflammatory properties effects on the brain, so it may help by bringing down the inflammation as well as by treating the nasty lyme. 

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Never heard of those reactions.  I am so happy people on this board are giving you such good advice.  I hope you can talk to the doc about it.  

Yes to giving her whatever it is to get more hydration in her.  Flavored water, juice, popsicles, watery fruits or veggies, smoothies.   Poor kiddo, I am so sorry she is having a hard time.

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16 minutes ago, Elizabeth86 said:

She is having a great day today. She is cheerful and playing with her sister. I can't see the red spot anymore. She is eating and drinking well. I am calling her pediatrician for a follow-up in just a minute.  Oh and no nightmares last night.

I’m so glad she is better. Was she tested for all tick borne diseases? 

I had a tick bite two summers ago and didn’t go to the doctor because I had no symptoms. Six months later I was tested because of some weird neurological symptoms, and I had Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever. I took the antibiotic for two weeks, and they watched my blood work for several months afterward. 

Edited by mom31257
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1 hour ago, mom31257 said:

I’m so glad she is better. Was she tested for all tick borne diseases? 

I had a tick bite two summers ago and didn’t go to the doctor because I had no symptoms. Six months later I was tested because of some weird neurological symptoms, and I had Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever. I took the antibiotic for two weeks, and they watched my blood work for several months afterward. 

From what I understand a test won't show up this early 

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