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Slogging Through Until the End of the Year

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We have about six weeks left until we reach our required 180 days. We haven’t been starting any school work until the late afternoon and it’s just box checking at this point. I have fun stuff and projects planned but we have no motivation. 

How do you finish the year strong? 

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Quite often that is just how we ended - by slogging through some material.  The questions I asked myself were:  did we get Grade _______ stuff completed?  If not, I would focus on any holes we might have in that year's material.  If yes, then it's ok to "unschool" the rest of the school year.  It's still learning and it still counts for the required 180 days. 

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One of my kids liked to do a Dave Ramsey snowball approach.  They'd pick the thing that they were closest to finishing and do a little extra. Once they finished it, then they'd do double of another subject, using the usual time for that plus the time that normally went to the now-completed subject.  They usually managed to wrap thing up early and then would just read or watch semi-educational TV or play games or do puzzles or we'd do field trips.  

Now kid is studying for 2 APs...there is no snowball that makes that get done sooner.  

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2 hours ago, Slache said:

We school year around and take breaks whenever we want. At this point I would take next week off and have our year take a week longer. You could go out, get housework done and relax.

I tired that a few weeks ago with a longer “spring break” and I think it made things worse! It was a little taste of summer. 

I think I just need to get back in the habit of waking early again and get the ball rolling. 

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This is us. We’ve finished a few subjects, but only because I didn’t require my boys do certain tests in Memoria Press material. Then we have my bad curriculum choices— math. I’ve thought about just quitting it for my oldest. We have 23 more days, but he is in his 2nd math level, so he will not finish by then.

Edited by Ting Tang
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We've had three field trip days this week, lol!! Lots of reading, art projects, and library visits and classes in there for my 8 yr old and some reading, a little math, a scholarship interview, and a couple chemistry labs for my senior, and of course lots of church history and services this week. We've also done some history podcasts and a documentary to go along and kept up with current events. We needed a fun week. It was all still school, but we needed it before getting back to box checking next week! 

Edited by 2_girls_mommy
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We always keep a set schedule; a “we’ll do it when we get around to it” approach would be a disaster here! 😆

We took spring break a few weeks ago & are putting one foot in front of the other until the end. Missing a day here & there for other activities means our end date is pushed back another week, but even with that we have a 2-week buffer before summer activities (summer camps & such) start up.

Next week will be our last week of science, which leaves just enough time to wrap up history. Math we’ll finish the current chapter, then stop. If that gives us extra time for other subjects - great. Composition is one exercise per day, ending with a (hands-off for me) project I know he’ll be excited about. Spelling one lesson per day will finish the book. We’ve also just added something new - violin - & DS is excited about beginning each day by practicing. 

ETA: My DS adores your namesake, OP. We’ve read the first two in the series already this year & just began Anne of the Island. As an added bonus, she quoted mine in the first chapter! ☺️

Edited by Shoes+Ships+SealingWax
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What keeps us going this time of year is that as we finish up the formal work, we replace it with Great Courses lectures to round out our 180 days.  Usually in February I have the kids each pick a course they want to do.  This year we have just started Understanding Greek and Roman Technology, and we'll either start Vikings or World War II: A Military and Social History, depending on which kid wins Rock-Paper-Scissors.  (Sometimes that's how our school decisions are made!)

Hang in there, @AnneGG.  I'm with you!

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On 4/13/2022 at 2:57 PM, AnneGG said:

I think I just need to get back in the habit of waking early again and get the ball rolling. 

Take a trip mid-winter to get your vitamin D up. Seriously, that's what I do. I didn't and always slogged through the winter. This one has been especially long.

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4 hours ago, PeterPan said:

Take a trip mid-winter to get your vitamin D up. Seriously, that's what I do. I didn't and always slogged through the winter. This one has been especially long.

That sounds nice! We saw the sun on Easter but it hasn’t been back. 

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Thanks for all the ideas! I decided to use a little bit of everything. We’ve been starting by 9:00 and it’s been a big help.

I like the snowball idea. 

I’m planning a surprise trip to the trampoline park, I think that will boost morale. Our library now has board games to check out, so we grabbed a few and had a game school day on Monday.


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  • 2 weeks later...
On 4/13/2022 at 12:38 PM, cintinative said:

Not sure how old your kids are, but we generally do a staggered start so at the end of the year we are also staggering off subjects. That helps a bit?  But some years are just tough--you are clawing your way across the finish line.  

This is a GREAT point --- my daughter just finished Chemistry, and Spanish wraps up next week. Then she will just have literature, classical studies, logic and math to finish up. 3 subjects she loves and one she detests. 😂 #wecandoit

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We just did spring break last week, so we should be okay for a while longer.

We always do school in the morning unless there's a very good reason not to; we are just not energetic at 3 or 4 PM. At times I've even made it a competition to see who could do better at making it to the school table by the time we intend to start.

For a while I did poetry teas once a week, and that was a nice addition. Maybe pair literature with tea and a brownie and see how it goes. 🙂

Also for a while I gave candy (like gummy bunnies) on Friday as we reviewed the content from the week, a nice perk if the week had felt long.

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We don't have to submit any detailed what we did all day records. But another homeschool family and I started Fun Fridays. We are always consistent but it's fun. Sometimes educational museums and such, sometimes pure play (I guess PE or play is learning). Both of us just felt like our kids make so much academic progress compared to regular public school (between not always taking typical vacation days, etc.) that we don't need to be so stringent with doing 5 days a week every week.    

The oldest in this crowd is in first grade so take those statements with a grain of salt. 

We finished our math curriculum early and I opted not to start the next level just yet. Originally, I was just concerned with the workload being inappropriate. Now though it's been a nice break for me to have one subject I didn't have to feel like I need to "complete". 

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5 hours ago, 73349 said:

We just did spring break last week, so we should be okay for a while longer.

We always do school in the morning unless there's a very good reason not to; we are just not energetic at 3 or 4 PM. At times I've even made it a competition to see who could do better at making it to the school table by the time we intend to start.

For a while I did poetry teas once a week, and that was a nice addition. Maybe pair literature with tea and a brownie and see how it goes. 🙂

Also for a while I gave candy (like gummy bunnies) on Friday as we reviewed the content from the week, a nice perk if the week had felt long.

 We’re big fans of  Poetry Snack Time, I mean Poetry Tea Time, around here. 😆

I think we just hit that point of everything being a big fat NO. 

However, I think PP was onto something about the winter doldrums. The sun has been shining more frequently and we have a lot more energy. In a shocking turn of events, we were all up by 7:00 and had completed school by 10:00 this morning. AMAZING. It was so bright and beautiful. 

Just three more weeks! DS cried today after he finished his last math lesson. “No! I love math! I can’t be done already!” 🫣 

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