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July Well-Trained Bodies

Laura Corin

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Full Body strength work done- 35 min (plus 5 min warm-up) and 20 min glute and hamstring

So much sweat. I was not ever moving fast, it is just hard work. Those flippin' bulgarian lunges again. Push-ups, which are a weak spot AtM I've not recovered the upper body strength after aggravating my shoulder injury last fall. I did not do the advanced versions and dropped to me knees on one set. Full body work had core so I skipped the extra core workout today. I'm feeling sore from yesterday anyway. Working out in the yard some today, so I'll probably skip a walk, we've got thunderstorms coming so I don't know that I'll get the chance. 

I've not felt great all week between period fun, Benadryl hangover and sinus junk but today was much better. 

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Gooood morning!

I did indeed have a very active day yesterday, which was great.  Not a huge amount of running at the park in the morning because I kept having to stop to console a fussy, teething baby, but at least I kept moving for 45 minutes and enjoyed being in the sun. 

Lifted weights after lunch (reduced weight by a third and did fewer reps to ease back in) and that went really well.  When I lift again on Sunday, I'll try to get back on my progressive overloading track with weight and reps.  Since I have limited time these days, I'm just doing the 5 most important compound exercises: squat, overhead press, deadlift, bench press (all with barbell), and row (on a bench with a dumbbell).  One day I will start working toward doing pull ups again, but for now my core is a little too wrecked still to attempt it.

After supper, I took my oldest to basketball practice and then did more run/walk intervals around the wooded property for 45 mins.  Unfortunately it will still close to 90 degrees out, and sunny, and I definitely felt a little queasy toward the end.

Today we will go to the park again, but I may do mostly walking since I doubt I'm recovered from yesterday.  Possibly a swim this afternoon, but whether or not it counts as exercise depends on whether I take Jackson in with me or not, ha!

Food was a little heavier than normal yesterday (oldest son wanted chicken alfredo and we were running late after a doctor's appointment and had to pick up Publix subs for lunch), so I was pretty surprised when I got on the scale this morning and saw that I was 132, which is my lowest adult weight...ever.  September will mark the 4 year anniversary of the start of my fitness "journey," and it's crazy to think how far I've come and what a different person I am now, mentally and physically! 

@wintermom enjoy your days off!!!

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11 hours ago, wintermom said:

Yay! It's Friday, and I also have 3 days off next week. I'm so excited. I'll be biking and playing tennis this weekend, and camping and canoeing on my days off.Â đŸ˜„

Enjoy your weekend off!


Today is my anniversary. I got in a 30ish min dumbbell HIIT in a class break (well I got 5 min to go when I finish teaching).

Going on a walk today and axe throwing and eating yummy Thai take out.

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20 hours ago, Soror said:

Ya!!! Congrats! Cardio is my weaker spot too.  I'd not stress about the other exercises just yet. You are working on establishing the one habit and that takes a lot of mental and physical energy.

You’re probably right. I didn’t really plan to be doing more, but once I’m on the floor trying to do some final stretches, I figure I might as well do more while I’m down there, lol.  
I’m also trying to keep my leg muscles relatively balanced to protect my horrible knees. The elliptical hits my calves so hard that I’m worried about potentially increasing instability.  So far, there’s just minor soreness that I would expect from positive changes.

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My weight is down 15 lbs. in the last 3 1/2 months—not from working out, just from morning sickness.  I’m 21 weeks pregnant and finally seem to be mostly past being sick, so I thought maybe I’d join in here in search of some motivation to go walking and keep my weight gain this pregnancy down to a healthy minimum.  I started this surprise pregnancy way overweight, but there’s nothing I can do about that now.

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@Condessa  Welcome and congratulations on your pregnancy and getting over the sickness!  I'm also a member of the surprise pregnancy club--my son was born in November.  I lost probably 90% of my pregnancy weight gain through just walking and a proper diet, so those are definitely effective tools!  I hope you continue to feel better and have more energy!

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Welcome! Our mostly a surprise bundle of joy is currently 10 months old. Congrats on your pregnancy! While I've never had ms as bad as yours sounds, I did throw up daily for almost 8 of the 9 months during pregnancy #1. I hope your ms gets better quickly. I got so tired of people saying "Shouldn't that be gone by now?" or "That should end soon!" or "have you tried eating crackers?" So instead I'll just say, "MS is awful!"

Finally, one thing that kept me motivated during pregnancy #6 was doing the BBM challenge 9 (free on youtube) because she was also pregnant. 


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Walk/run intervals at the park yesterday, which was WAAAY more crowded than usual.  I got buzzed by frisbees like 5 times, whee.  Also swam some laps in the afternoon for about 20 mins before Jackson woke up and joined us in the pool. 

Today's plan: weight lifting this afternoon.  Looking forward to it!


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23 hours ago, Carrie12345 said:

You’re probably right. I didn’t really plan to be doing more, but once I’m on the floor trying to do some final stretches, I figure I might as well do more while I’m down there, lol.  
I’m also trying to keep my leg muscles relatively balanced to protect my horrible knees. The elliptical hits my calves so hard that I’m worried about potentially increasing instability.  So far, there’s just minor soreness that I would expect from positive changes.

Maybe you can just add one exercise at a time or do it 1 day a week to start?

20 hours ago, Ali in OR said:

Happy time off @wintermom, Happy Anniversary @Soror!

Did a balancing flow yoga this morning. Usual weekend chores, then I'm motivated to actually try to do some scrapbooking (ideally would like to finish off youngest's scrapbook by the end of the year--need to finish 2017-2021.)

Thank you! I planned to do scrapbooks this year and so far have done nothing!

19 hours ago, Condessa said:

My weight is down 15 lbs. in the last 3 1/2 months—not from working out, just from morning sickness.  I’m 21 weeks pregnant and finally seem to be mostly past being sick, so I thought maybe I’d join in here in search of some motivation to go walking and keep my weight gain this pregnancy down to a healthy minimum.  I started this surprise pregnancy way overweight, but there’s nothing I can do about that now.

Congrats and welcome! That is an awful way to lose weight. I was lucky and never had nausea that bad, that sounds miserable. I did various levels of working out with each of my pregnancies depending on how I was doing. 

On 7/17/2021 at 5:41 AM, IvyInFlorida said:

Gooood morning!

I did indeed have a very active day yesterday, which was great.  Not a huge amount of running at the park in the morning because I kept having to stop to console a fussy, teething baby, but at least I kept moving for 45 minutes and enjoyed being in the sun. 

Lifted weights after lunch (reduced weight by a third and did fewer reps to ease back in) and that went really well.  When I lift again on Sunday, I'll try to get back on my progressive overloading track with weight and reps.  Since I have limited time these days, I'm just doing the 5 most important compound exercises: squat, overhead press, deadlift, bench press (all with barbell), and row (on a bench with a dumbbell).  One day I will start working toward doing pull ups again, but for now my core is a little too wrecked still to attempt it.

After supper, I took my oldest to basketball practice and then did more run/walk intervals around the wooded property for 45 mins.  Unfortunately it will still close to 90 degrees out, and sunny, and I definitely felt a little queasy toward the end.

Today we will go to the park again, but I may do mostly walking since I doubt I'm recovered from yesterday.  Possibly a swim this afternoon, but whether or not it counts as exercise depends on whether I take Jackson in with me or not, ha!

Food was a little heavier than normal yesterday (oldest son wanted chicken alfredo and we were running late after a doctor's appointment and had to pick up Publix subs for lunch), so I was pretty surprised when I got on the scale this morning and saw that I was 132, which is my lowest adult weight...ever.  September will mark the 4 year anniversary of the start of my fitness "journey," and it's crazy to think how far I've come and what a different person I am now, mentally and physically! 

Those are great moves, so satisfying to see your progress as you go along. I've not done pull-ups since November when I reinjured myself. I'd like to get back to it but my shoulders are so sensitive. They are a great move.  I don't know if you have DR from your pregnancy but I did MuTu after my last pregnancy after seeing it rec. on WTM and it worked well. There was still a lot of work after that regaining strength and I still have work to do but it was a great start to deal with the DR. I bet you are queasy running in those temps. 

I didn't know the Ivy from before but I know the one from after and she is an inspiration to me IRT health and fitness!

Congrats on the new weight!  Are you aiming to increase intake to stop weight loss or trying to get smaller still? I hit 119.6 this am, 2 weeks ago I was at 120. (I'm only 5'4"-edited it as I was 120 2 weeks ago so I'm closer to maintenance than I thought so that's good) I have been working on increasing intake but am not hitting the mark just yet as I've also increased intensity. I've really upped the protein as I'm trying to put on muscle and have more definition and size. I think maybe I need more carbs. I think I'm getting the on protein and fat I need. I'm trying to work on intuitive eating but have work to do. Sometimes i want to eat and don't feel hungry. Sometimes I feel like I'm a little hungry but I think we'll I've already ate xyz I shouldn't be hungry. I've posted my food. I don't eat like a bird but just not matching intake to output.

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Dh and I had a really good time yesterday. We did a 3 mile walk in the morning. It was paved but part of it is really hilly and even though it was cooler it is still in the 80s with high humidity so we were both sweaty by the end. Dh is not in the best shape and it nearly did him in. We did axe throwing for an hour (taking turns). That was good fun but I had to watch it on my shoulder. I had no trouble hitting the target first try and hit the bullseye by my 5th or so try, although I was not all that consistent with it. We also did electric scooters around the park and cemetery. We've never ridden them before. I told him I felt older than the target demographic but we managed and enjoyed it. The Thai place was closed so we ended up with Japanese- just plain for me to be gluten free, so nothing exciting but it was food I didn't cook- chicken, roasted mixed veggies, and rice. 

Today I'm thinking about a morning bike ride (the one I planned last week but wasn't up for). I'm doing lots of gentle stretching for my shoulder and foam rolling and stretching my legs, that hamstring and glute workout I did Friday kicked my butt, I'm still sore.

I've still got my egg frittata and baked oats for breakfast. I need to batch cook some lunch, need to look at some cookbooks for ideas.

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29 minutes ago, Soror said:

Those are great moves, so satisfying to see your progress as you go along. I've not done pull-ups since November when I reinjured myself. I'd like to get back to it but my shoulders are so sensitive. They are a great move.  I don't know if you have DR from your pregnancy but I did MuTu after my last pregnancy after seeing it rec. on WTM and it worked well. There was still a lot of work after that regaining strength and I still have work to do but it was a great start to deal with the DR. I bet you are queasy running in those temps. 

I didn't know the Ivy from before but I know the one from after and she is an inspiration to me IRT health and fitness!

Congrats on the new weight!  Are you aiming to increase intake to stop weight loss or trying to get smaller still? I hit 119.6 this am, 2 weeks ago I was at 120. (I'm only 5'4"-edited it as I was 120 2 weeks ago so I'm closer to maintenance than I thought so that's good) I have been working on increasing intake but am not hitting the mark just yet as I've also increased intensity. I've really upped the protein as I'm trying to put on muscle and have more definition and size. I think maybe I need more carbs. I think I'm getting the on protein and fat I need. I'm trying to work on intuitive eating but have work to do. Sometimes i want to eat and don't feel hungry. Sometimes I feel like I'm a little hungry but I think we'll I've already ate xyz I shouldn't be hungry. I've posted my food. I don't eat like a bird but just not matching intake to output.

Thank you, Soror!!!  That means a lot to me, you don't even know.

I don't have DR but (TMI) do have some pelvic floor issues, blah.  Seems like time to heal and general, functional movements are the only things that help get all those connective tissues back into balance.  It's all gotten a lot better, so I do have hope that I will one day be able to do pull ups again.  I had NO IDEA what a core-intensive movement it was, or how incredibly inter-connected all the pelvic/low back/low abs/hip musculature is.  Crazy!

I'm really conflicted about my weight, to be honest.  I am much happier with my body shape than I used to be, so yay!  Still have too much "extra" in my thighs but my face looks too skinny, boo.  Being at a deficit is stressful, mentally and physically, which is bad.  The self-discipline and reward of meeting a certain weight goal is really great.  I have trouble increasing intake a little without feeling like all the guardrails are off, but I don't want to always be like, "5 more pounds and then I'll be satisfied."  So I guess I'm just trying to be as consistent as possible with my healthy routine and I'll see what happens?  I am absolutely open to advice though, so advise away, y'all!

I have also upped my protein a lot and it seems to really help all around.  And days when I have more bread-type carbs (as opposed to fiber-y ones from veggies) I definitely have more energy.

Are you wanting to stay around 120?  Matching intake to exercise is so hard.  Appetite is so complex.  It's like--am I hungry or is it just "the eats?"  Or the time of day/month?  Or because all the menfolk in my house are eating?  Ugh.

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9 minutes ago, IvyInFlorida said:

Thank you, Soror!!!  That means a lot to me, you don't even know.

I don't have DR but (TMI) do have some pelvic floor issues, blah.  Seems like time to heal and general, functional movements are the only things that help get all those connective tissues back into balance.  It's all gotten a lot better, so I do have hope that I will one day be able to do pull ups again.  I had NO IDEA what a core-intensive movement it was, or how incredibly inter-connected all the pelvic/low back/low abs/hip musculature is.  Crazy!

I'm really conflicted about my weight, to be honest.  I am much happier with my body shape than I used to be, so yay!  Still have too much "extra" in my thighs but my face looks too skinny, boo.  Being at a deficit is stressful, mentally and physically, which is bad.  The self-discipline and reward of meeting a certain weight goal is really great.  I have trouble increasing intake a little without feeling like all the guardrails are off, but I don't want to always be like, "5 more pounds and then I'll be satisfied."  So I guess I'm just trying to be as consistent as possible with my healthy routine and I'll see what happens?  I am absolutely open to advice though, so advise away, y'all!

I have also upped my protein a lot and it seems to really help all around.  And days when I have more bread-type carbs (as opposed to fiber-y ones from veggies) I definitely have more energy.

Are you wanting to stay around 120?  Matching intake to exercise is so hard.  Appetite is so complex.  It's like--am I hungry or is it just "the eats?"  Or the time of day/month?  Or because all the menfolk in my house are eating?  Ugh.

It is conflicting. And when you've lost weight it can take a while for your mind to catch up to where you are, and we all have those areas that bother us. I feel for you on the pelvic floor issues, it is a pain and certainly something to be very mindful and careful about. Pregnancy can wreck havoc on your body. 

Coincidentally I was looking at a picture of myself from yesterday and thinking my face was looking a bit thin. I also carry more weight in my lower body. I was more of an hourglass but since kids I'm more of a pear. Just this am my waist measurement is the same as pre-kids (I think that is the first time I've hit that since having kids even though I've been at this weight before and worked out for years). But my hips are still 3/4 in bigger and my boobs 1 in smaller!  I don't want to look like a gust of wind can blow me over. The last couple of weeks I've been upping serving sizes here and there. Enjoying some bigger meals sometimes, even when I do 'feel' like I've ate more than I should and am feeling full but having other days where I moderate more. If I've just lost .4 lbs in 2 weeks I guess I've gotten pretty close to maintenance. My goal weight range has been 120-125. I was aiming to get on the lower end because it gives me wiggle room but my major goal is to be lean with more muscle. I know bf%  determines much more what size you are than weight. I'm doing Caroline Girvan's workout videos she is only 5'2" (2 in shorter than me) and weighs 5 lbs more. She is obviously way leaner than me with much bigger muscles. So, I recognize I might have to put on some weight to gain those muscles I'd like to have. I'm trying to focus on protein intake and food quality and intuitive eating. I know it will be hard to put on that muscle if I stay in a deficit. 

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25 minutes ago, Soror said:

I. I'm doing Caroline Girvan's workout videos she is only 5'2" (2 in shorter than me) and weighs 5 lbs more. 

Hi, I read here this thread when I can and don't post but saw this and wanted to ask you how much Caroline does weigh and how did you find out her height/wt?  I absolutely love her workouts and have been doing them since last fall.  She's fantastic!  I am in some of her facebook groups but don't remember seeing her height/wt. mentioned.  Hope you don't mind me butting in here.  I remember you and @IvyInFloridafrom our check in a few years ago.  

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27 minutes ago, Kassia said:

Hi, I read here this thread when I can and don't post but saw this and wanted to ask you how much Caroline does weigh and how did you find out her height/wt?  I absolutely love her workouts and have been doing them since last fall.  She's fantastic!  I am in some of her facebook groups but don't remember seeing her height/wt. mentioned.  Hope you don't mind me butting in here.  I remember you and @IvyInFloridafrom our check in a few years ago.  


I think she mentioned this in her QandA video too. Glad to see you and find another Girvanator". đŸ™‚

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On 7/16/2021 at 11:56 PM, wintermom said:

Yay! It's Friday, and I also have 3 days off next week. I'm so excited. I'll be biking and playing tennis this weekend, and camping and canoeing on my days off.Â đŸ˜„

I hope you have fun!

On 7/17/2021 at 12:28 PM, Soror said:


Today is my anniversary. I got in a 30ish min dumbbell HIIT in a class break (well I got 5 min to go when I finish teaching).

Going on a walk today and axe throwing and eating yummy Thai take out.

I hope you had a great anniversary! 

On 7/17/2021 at 4:52 PM, Condessa said:

My weight is down 15 lbs. in the last 3 1/2 months—not from working out, just from morning sickness.  I’m 21 weeks pregnant and finally seem to be mostly past being sick, so I thought maybe I’d join in here in search of some motivation to go walking and keep my weight gain this pregnancy down to a healthy minimum.  I started this surprise pregnancy way overweight, but there’s nothing I can do about that now.

Congratulations! Glad you are feeling better. I commuted 40 minutes on foot during my first pregnancy  - it was very tiring but it helped me to sleep and deal with stress. 

6 hours ago, IvyInFlorida said:

Yup...I had nausea all 9 months.  If I heard to try peppermint one more time I was going to strangle somebody!!!

I was always  most nauseous in the third trimester when there was  no space left in my abdomen for the contents of my stomach. Peppermint ain't gonna help with that!

4 hours ago, IvyInFlorida said:

Thank you, Soror!!!  That means a lot to me, you don't even know.

I don't have DR but (TMI) do have some pelvic floor issues, blah.  Seems like time to heal and general, functional movements are the only things that help get all those connective tissues back into balance.  It's all gotten a lot better, so I do have hope that I will one day be able to do pull ups again.  I had NO IDEA what a core-intensive movement it was, or how incredibly inter-connected all the pelvic/low back/low abs/hip musculature is.  Crazy!

I know that they don't work for everyone,  but it certainly makes a difference to me when I do daily Kegels. If you need more support long term, I'm happy to chat about the non-surgical pessary option.


Good , brisk three-mile walk including hills. The picture is of a local ford with ancient footbridge that I  walked over.

Garden work this afternoon including using the eight-foot loppers, which always give me an upper body workout.

Back to work tomorrow. 


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It's been a busy weekend getting all the gear ready for our camping trip. We haven't camped in about 6 years, and haven't even opened up the tent trailer in about 3 years. It was a little scary to open it up and see a wasp nest.Â đŸ¥¶ It was abandoned, luckily, so we just cleaned up all the papery stuff and carried on. We head out camping tomorrow for 3 days. Plan to do lots of paddling, hiking, swimming and relaxing. đŸ˜‰Â 

Dh and I played doubles tennis Friday and today, and this morning I went for a lovely canoe paddle with a friend. 

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3 hours ago, wintermom said:

It's been a busy weekend getting all the gear ready for our camping trip. We haven't camped in about 6 years, and haven't even opened up the tent trailer in about 3 years. It was a little scary to open it up and see a wasp nest.Â đŸ¥¶ It was abandoned, luckily, so we just cleaned up all the papery stuff and carried on. We head out camping tomorrow for 3 days. Plan to do lots of paddling, hiking, swimming and relaxing. đŸ˜‰Â 

Dh and I played doubles tennis Friday and today, and this morning I went for a lovely canoe paddle with a friend. 

Have a wonderful time!

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7 hours ago, wintermom said:

It's been a busy weekend getting all the gear ready for our camping trip. We haven't camped in about 6 years, and haven't even opened up the tent trailer in about 3 years. It was a little scary to open it up and see a wasp nest.Â đŸ¥¶ It was abandoned, luckily, so we just cleaned up all the papery stuff and carried on. We head out camping tomorrow for 3 days. Plan to do lots of paddling, hiking, swimming and relaxing. đŸ˜‰Â 

Dh and I played doubles tennis Friday and today, and this morning I went for a lovely canoe paddle with a friend. 

Enjoy yourself!

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7.25(1hr20m) bike ride and 3.5(1hr) walk yesterday; The trail was not as easy as I thought it was on a bike. 13 min in I stopped as it felt hard, my heart rate was 189, no wonder it felt hard. That was the worst part. I'd like to find a place not so rough for riding and ride longer distances.

This week is Week 3- Epic Heat; time ranging from 36 min-42 min + warm-ups

Mon- Lower Body Strength

Tues-Upper Body Strength

Wed-Lower Body;

Thurs- Rest Day(stretching, foam rolling, walking, easy cardio, core- depends on how I'm feeling)

Fri- Full Body Strength

Sat-  HIIT

Optional add ons depending on how I'm feeling- those will be lower body and/or core. I will not do any for upper body as I have to watch volume with my injury.


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@wintermomI hope camping is going/went well!

I did 1/2 hour of steady state cardio yesterday and just finished about 40 minutes strength work (focusing on arms and core). My plan is to do cardio again tomorrow and then take a rest day. If I make a plan, it's more likely to get done.

Hope everyone's week gets off to a great start!

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First day back to work.  A track near me is dry at present - except where the field sprinkler overshoots - so I went for a lunchtime mini-run.  Just 21 minutes, but I got my heartrate up and escaped my desk.

Housework later, then some yoga, I hope.

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Lower body+ 10 min lower abs done. Primarily glutes again today. Lots of glute bridges and thrusts, with some some squats and rdl's. It was challenging. Want to get in some walking outside, might go to the lake depending on energy and weather.


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I did end up swimming yesterday--45 mins of laps.  Felt wonderful.  Apparently we are skipping the park this morning...the baby had a rough night and is currently sleeping and there's no way I'm waking him up until hes ready, ha.

Weightlifting this afternoon, yay!

Yesterday I batch cooked some chicken for my weekly salads.  I do salad and meat for only about 3 days at a time and that seems to work well.

Have any of y'all seen videos or blog posts about folks doing the 75 Hard challenge?  I think it's great that it seems to get some people really invested in fitness, but the parameters of the challenge are designed primarily to be inconvenient and therefore force you to grow in the face of discomfort, rather than being designed around being truly fit and healthy.  What do y'all think, if you've seen it around the internet?

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45 min- total upper body lifting done! (woke up at 4 not teaching until 5:30)

Walk this afternoon.

Might do a short add-on core session after teaching, or maybe yoga, we'll see.


ETA: 30 min light yoga/stretching+ 10 min core DONE

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12 minutes ago, IvyInFlorida said:

I did end up swimming yesterday--45 mins of laps.  Felt wonderful.  Apparently we are skipping the park this morning...the baby had a rough night and is currently sleeping and there's no way I'm waking him up until hes ready, ha.

Weightlifting this afternoon, yay!

Yesterday I batch cooked some chicken for my weekly salads.  I do salad and meat for only about 3 days at a time and that seems to work well.

Have any of y'all seen videos or blog posts about folks doing the 75 Hard challenge?  I think it's great that it seems to get some people really invested in fitness, but the parameters of the challenge are designed primarily to be inconvenient and therefore force you to grow in the face of discomfort, rather than being designed around being truly fit and healthy.  What do y'all think, if you've seen it around the internet?

Glad the swimming went well.  I had a look at the 75 hard challenge.  I suppose it might be good for some people if it breaks them out of really bad habits and forces a change.  As you say though, it's so inconvenient and rigid that it's going to bounce a lot of people into failure.  Suddenly starting a diet and also 90 minutes of exercise a day.....

But maybe I'm just a lightweight.  Today I'll be walking the dog and doing some yoga...  And eating real food, mostly plants.

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1 hour ago, IvyInFlorida said:

I did end up swimming yesterday--45 mins of laps.  Felt wonderful.  Apparently we are skipping the park this morning...the baby had a rough night and is currently sleeping and there's no way I'm waking him up until hes ready, ha.

Weightlifting this afternoon, yay!

Yesterday I batch cooked some chicken for my weekly salads.  I do salad and meat for only about 3 days at a time and that seems to work well.

Have any of y'all seen videos or blog posts about folks doing the 75 Hard challenge?  I think it's great that it seems to get some people really invested in fitness, but the parameters of the challenge are designed primarily to be inconvenient and therefore force you to grow in the face of discomfort, rather than being designed around being truly fit and healthy.  What do y'all think, if you've seen it around the internet?

Yes, I've seen it. I'm with Laura. I think he is a blowhard and it is not about creating sustainable habits but creating a following and making money. I don't think it is healthy the idea that you have to be perfect or do so much exercise for health benefits.

eta: I do think it could be implemented in a way that is not as unhealthy- ie following a diet that is not so rigid and implementing active rest days into that workout calendar but sometimes you might need a full rest day to do nothing. Sometimes you might celebrate an event with family and eat something more decadent. I'm not a fan of any plan that considers those things to be failures.

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Yesterday I did my 30 min on the treadmill but didn't have time to log in here. Today was bodyweight circuit x2 then Yoga for Flexibility. Still summer schoolin'. As soon as the kids finish up whatever units they needed to pass the course from spring semester, they're done. I'm down to only a few kids.

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I agree with y'all about 75 Hard.  I can see why it is appealing at first glance, but the emphasis on perfection I think can be pretty harmful.  Like yesterday, I didn't do my morning workout in favor of letting a fretful baby get sleep he needed.  A wise decision as a mom, a failure if I was doing 75 Hard.  For certain demographics, I'm sure it's motivating, but I don't need any arbitrary stress in my life, that's for sure!

I had a really great weightlifting workout yesterday.   We'll head to the park in a couple hours for walking/running (and biking for the big boys).  I may swim this afternoon if weather permits and I get done with a work zoom call in time.  UGH.  ZOOM CALL.  I hate those!


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20 minutes ago, IvyInFlorida said:

 We'll head to the park in a couple hours for walking/running (and biking for the big boys).  


That takes  me back - me walking briskly round the park while the kids ran alongside or circled me on bikes.

I'm hoping to do a mini run at lunchtime.  That might be it for the day.

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Epic Heat Day 13 Isometric and Plyometric lower body 35 min+ 10 min lunge challenge

May or may not walk today- have to take dd1 for a check-up this afternoon and really need to do some yard work so if I do it will just be around the yard.

Energy was lousy half of yesterday since I awoke in the night and got up so early but I did get in a walk at the park.

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6 hours ago, IvyInFlorida said:

I agree with y'all about 75 Hard.  I can see why it is appealing at first glance, but the emphasis on perfection I think can be pretty harmful.  Like yesterday, I didn't do my morning workout in favor of letting a fretful baby get sleep he needed.  A wise decision as a mom, a failure if I was doing 75 Hard.  For certain demographics, I'm sure it's motivating, but I don't need any arbitrary stress in my life, that's for sure!

I had a really great weightlifting workout yesterday.   We'll head to the park in a couple hours for walking/running (and biking for the big boys).  I may swim this afternoon if weather permits and I get done with a work zoom call in time.  UGH.  ZOOM CALL.  I hate those!


I'm glad to hear your back is doing well with the lifting. Have fun on your zoom call đŸ™‚


Workout done.

Primarily bodyweight today(only 2 exercises with weights), trisets alternating between isometric (holds) and plyometric (jump) moves. The lunge finisher was as advertised sets of various lunges (20) and static lunges (20) each for a minute, so sometimes there was a break and sometimes not. My legs are toast, no weights needed!

Need to do food prep- hoping to do a taco bowl for lunches.

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We just got back from camping. It was wonderful to get in a good bit of canoeing everyday. The lake was gorgeous and had small areas that were very well protected from the wind, so nice and calm. I did a bunch of solo canoeing, and calm conditions are best for me. đŸ˜‰Â 

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12 hours ago, wintermom said:

We just got back from camping. It was wonderful to get in a good bit of canoeing everyday. The lake was gorgeous and had small areas that were very well protected from the wind, so nice and calm. I did a bunch of solo canoeing, and calm conditions are best for me. đŸ˜‰Â 

Sounds wonderful, glad you enjoyed your time.


rest day here- will do stretching and quick core workout (10ish min). Want to get to a different park for a walk- hoping to get out the door this am as my teaching schedule is light today.

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Have been hanging on with my twice a week weights+core regime, filling in with walks in between. I'd like to kick up those walks to something more aggressive, but I suspect I won't really engage with much more until ds is shipped off to school in August. Today's workout was challenging and I tried a new upper back stretch--both felt really good. 

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No walk yesterday, instead I spent my time doing some (light) work outside. Got in steps and was productive, win/win. 

Today is full body weights workout and bicep add-on- an hour total. 

Might go to the lake (I keep saying that and not going so we'll see). It is back to blistering hot so it is quite miserable.

Edited by Soror
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Yesterday was so busy I forgot to post anything.  I did walk/run intervals at the park (it was SO HOT!) then weightlifting after lunch (also SO HOT!).  Wow.  So far our summer here has been mild and rainy, but that appears to be over.  I thoroughly enjoyed my weightlifting, especially since my new pair of 50 lb plates came!  Now when I deadlift, the bar will start at a more appropriate height and I won't have to load up all my 10 lb plates.  I was able to do a couple sets of 35lb kettlebell swings for the first time since Jackson came, and tested myself on some pushups and dead hangs.  I think my core integrity is coming back (slowly). 

Today I will be walking for an hour while my oldest is in basketball practice, which I always look forward to since the surrounding property is so pretty and wooded.  It's funny to have a bunch of boys playing basketball in one direction and see a big flock of wild turkeys hanging out in the other direction!

Y'all have a good day!

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20 minutes ago, IvyInFlorida said:

Yesterday was so busy I forgot to post anything.  I did walk/run intervals at the park (it was SO HOT!) then weightlifting after lunch (also SO HOT!).  Wow.  So far our summer here has been mild and rainy, but that appears to be over.  I thoroughly enjoyed my weightlifting, especially since my new pair of 50 lb plates came!  Now when I deadlift, the bar will start at a more appropriate height and I won't have to load up all my 10 lb plates.  I was able to do a couple sets of 35lb kettlebell swings for the first time since Jackson came, and tested myself on some pushups and dead hangs.  I think my core integrity is coming back (slowly). 

Today I will be walking for an hour while my oldest is in basketball practice, which I always look forward to since the surrounding property is so pretty and wooded.  It's funny to have a bunch of boys playing basketball in one direction and see a big flock of wild turkeys hanging out in the other direction!

Y'all have a good day!

Great progress on regaining the strength. Very nice to get new weights (I was just looking and dreaming today but will have to wait until next month and more funds since I just got shoes). It is very annoying to use smaller weights on the barbell. We had bumper plates at the gym in both 10# and 35# which were a big help to moving up without being so dang low. 

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I went for a lovely canoe paddle with 2 girl friends. We scoped out a new location recommended by a friend. It was gorgeous, and only a 15 min drive from my house. I'm definitely going there again! 

On another note, I'm hoping to buy a kayak today. It's been harder and harder finding a family member to canoe with me. Dh said he would canoe with me, and it was his choice to get the canoe when I really wanted a kayak all along. So hopefully I'll be paddling in my new kayak later this afternoon! I've picked one out on-line already. 

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6 hours ago, wintermom said:

I went for a lovely canoe paddle with 2 girl friends. We scoped out a new location recommended by a friend. It was gorgeous, and only a 15 min drive from my house. I'm definitely going there again! 

On another note, I'm hoping to buy a kayak today. It's been harder and harder finding a family member to canoe with me. Dh said he would canoe with me, and it was his choice to get the canoe when I really wanted a kayak all along. So hopefully I'll be paddling in my new kayak later this afternoon! I've picked one out on-line already. 

Definitely jealous here. I love canoeing, though my wobbly joints don't always hold up as I'd like. 

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@wintermom that's awesome about the kayak!

@Soror I loved your pic!  You look awesome!


45 minute walk last night, 45 mins of running and a little walking this morning, and will squeeze in a weightlifting session after lunch.  I probably won't be checking in until Tuesday because I have a lot of family stuff this weekend.  Hopefully I will get in a little swimming here and there, but we'll see how the weather goes.  Have a great weekend, y'all!

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