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What is the worst or dumbest thing you have bought?


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On 1/28/2021 at 8:45 PM, Katy said:

Yellow is the hardest color. 

I had a yellow kitchen once that I loved, but it was a rented house and already had that color when my roommates and I moved in. I think with yellow you not only need the right shade but the lighting in the room needs to be just right too. That kitchen had the perfect natural light to make the color feel like sunshine. I've always been afraid to try and duplicate it though so I never had a yellow kitchen again.

On 1/30/2021 at 6:08 AM, Carrie12345 said:

A weighted hula hoop. It’s possible that there might be some fans, but I found it painful! And if it slipped down and hit my hip bone? Youch!!!

I remember those! One of my roommates from the house above bought one. We all tried it (3 of us shared the house) and spent more time laughing over it than getting any form of actual exercise. 

Most of my dumb purchases have been small kitchen appliances or gadgets that fortunately didn't cost me much. Two that come to mind are a George Foreman grill back in the day and an apple peeler corer slicer. With the grill, once I realized that the extra large was too small for our little 3 person family it just took up room among my appliances until I finally sent to to the thrift shop where it sat on a shelf with others of its kind. As for the apple thingy, I'd just rather use a peeler and a knife. And if I want to cleanly core it I have a hand pushed corer that takes up very little room in a drawer.

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20 hours ago, teachermom2834 said:

Probably not the dumbest because I am sure I have bought plenty of dumb things but the most recent is our dining room table. I was focused on size and color and the chairs that came with it and wanted it before Christmas. My options were limited but I found something I liked and met all those specifications. But- it has decorative grooves in it and they constantly collect crumbs and dust and debris. We just had pizza for dinner and Dh was cleaning up and vacuumed out the grooves. I feel stupid everytime I look at that table. I am low fuss/low maintenance/very simple and I somehow ended up with a dining room table that needs such special care. I’m going to buy a hand vac just for the job. I’m trying to stop feeling bad about it but I feel stupid everytime I go to wipe down the table 🙁

Could you make a plastic cover for it? Our table is 25 years old now, but I covered it with vinyl purchased a Walmart. I sewed a piece of elastic around it so it stayed put. We put maps under it while the kids were growing up. It wasn't very beautiful, but it was incredibly functional and our table now is in great shape. The chairs, though look like they're 25 years old.

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Most of the things that spring to mind are curriculum. I bought so many that just didn’t work, or that I wanted to do but we just never had time and they weren’t core subjects.

I once bought a $50 harmonica right before I quit playing harmonica. I still have it in a drawer.

i sort of feel like my engagement ring is in this category. I wanted it, and I wore it at first, but after a year or so I realized I’m just not a ring person, and I started wearing only my plain wedding band, and now I have a silicone wedding band, and my good rings are in the drawer with the harmonica.

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A smart bike. Spin style.  I tried every possible seat, seat cushion, and nope.  Nope, nope, nope.  I finish every ride with at best bum buns, at worse radiating pain that goes down my legs.  It’s supposedly ok for short people, but clearly it doesn’t fit this one.  I’ve probably spent more than the bike trying to modify it.  Ouch.

I went back to my old, trusty exercise bike for workouts.  

And - our breakfast nook table with those ridiculous grooves.  Vacuuming the table is just ... ugh.

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Organic Kefir Starter Grains. I made kefir and drank it regularly. But, I am the only person drinking it and nobody else wanted to drink it and I was getting tired of having to go out to buy milk in a pandemic, making kefir and nobody wanting to touch it. The amount I made was far too much for one person and the grains had to be kept alive by feeding them milk continuously. At that point, I realized that I should just buy a bottle of kefir from the store and drink it until it is gone and then buy another bottle of it. I will never make kefir at home even though I know that it is a much better option.

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11 minutes ago, Elizabeth86 said:

This made me realize I am careful about purchases. I agonize over everything. My worst I guess would be a new car. Never again. 

Oh and a crib. 4 kids and no one slept in it much at all.

We gave up on our crib after our 2nd.  We could have done without it for sure. 

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On 1/30/2021 at 7:17 PM, 4atHome said:

they are great quality and won't wear out but looking somewhat dingy even with spot cleaning.   

Can you cover them? We just bought new couches but we also have 8 cats, so they are covered day to day. We bought two sets of bed quilts, because we have to wash them all the time (see: 8 cats). We just throw them on and kind of tuck them in, like making the bed. You could give yours a thorough cleaning and then cover them. You said they're high quality, so it might be worth keeping them nice. 

On 1/31/2021 at 11:58 AM, BusyMom5 said:

This may sound weird, but I would consider epoxy for the grooves!  

That's quite a good idea. That or start using a tablecloth, lol.

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Ok, I have to play.

3 years ago, I bought a small travel trailer from a co-worker for $2,500. There was some known water damage and some roof damage, but it was a fair price, and at that time I really wanted a trailer (I still do, but that is another story). I was excited about remodeling and fixing it up myself. I learned some good stuff, and even got up on top of it and did the roof repairs all by myself. However, in the process of demo on the interior, I discovered major water damage that I choose to believe that my friend did not know about. The studs around 2 of the windows had completely rotted away to nothing. I am amazed the thing held together for the 3 hour drive home when we bought it. Replacing studs and windows was a bigger tasks than I could handle since we do not have a covered storage area. The think sat on the side of my house for almost a year as I tried to figure out what to do with it. I eventually gave it away to a young couple who were planning to fix it up so they could move out of the small house they shared with the parents. 
my DH never once said anything critical to me about the amount of money I spent on that failed project, but he has spent more on his project car (Volkswagen bug convertible) that he has been “fixing up” for several years and is currently not running.

I still want a small camper,  but now I realize that a fixer-upper is not what I should be looking for.

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