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2021-2022 Planning thread for 12th grade

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I love these threads (planning > doing 😜), so I’ll start! Here’s what I’m thinking for my DD3, age 16:

AP Calculus AB at Blue Tent

AP Biology* at Blue Tent

Org & Biochem at Clover Valley

Intro to Philosophy** at WTMA

Senior English at Blue Tent

Latin 4 at CLRC

*This is a new offering for them. I haven’t even seen a syllabus! But I don’t have any better options that I know of. Open to ideas!

**This is a one semester class. Need to add something else for 2nd semester. Econ? I have Thinkwell & Great Courses that we could use to do a home-taught course. Or some other history or social science elective? She’s had 1 credit world, 1 credit Government, and 1 credit American (pulled up from 8th).

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DD will be finishing Chalkdust PreCalc. Not sure what to do if she finishes early, which it looks like she might. Probably depends on what her post high school plans look like at that point.

Half credit speech (speech and debate club)

Half credit 20th C Lit - basically a mishmash of stuff I want her to read that she hasn't yet

Apologia Physics

Sociology at the CC

Half credit Dave Ramsey

Half credit drawing course from udemy

Elective TBD - maybe psych?

This DD is very unsure what her future plans are. She would love ministry or missionary work and I forsee her getting there eventually, but she needs some real world skills and life experience first. She has up until recently been adamantly opposed to college, but is beginning to reconsider. She would possibly like to be a counselor, but is not interested in a master's degree so that really limits her option along those lines. It will be interesting to see whereshe ends up by the end of senior year!

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Given that you asked about a one-semester elective, @fourisenough, I am now teaching my high school finance and investment class online: https://www.learningoutsidethebox.net/stock-market-challenge.html  (If you'd like me to keep you in the loop re: scheduling for next year, you can send me an email <keenteam (at) live.com> or a note through the contact form on my website.)  I also teach a one-semester philosophy class, if you might be looking for an alternative, and two one-semester literature classes.

Edited by Christine K
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My first senior! Time flies. I will have two other high schoolers next year (and a 7th graders) so should be a fun year. DD1 is not interested in college at all and isn’t sure about a career either so it’s been a challenge to put any sort of direction into her high school plans. She greatly dislikes school so my plan for her is always just focused on what I consider to be the basics in whatever way we can. 

Math: MUS Algebra 2

Social Studies: Notgrass Government and Economics. With DD2.

Science: Guest Hollow Chemistry in the Kitchen with her sisters.

English: IEW SSS level C, 10-12 weeks for a research paper (finally, I’m determined that she’ll do one before she graduates), AG Reinforcement and Review. Something for literature. This DD HATES writing. This is our last chance to work on it. 

Language: ASL. She’s been taking a class for a few years and she’ll keep up with that. I’ll probably also have her teach DD3, if ASL is the language she chooses. 

Electives: Dave Ramsey Personal Finance with her sisters and PE. This DD really needs to be more active so I’m going to have her work on a PE credit. If she gets half a credit I’ll be happy. 

Extra Curriculars: Piano lessons, Tang So Do - working towards her Black Belt in the next year, art on her own, always art, and more art, and all the crafts too. 

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I can't believe my kids are going to be seniors.

By the way, my kid who loves Christine's classes that she linked above is in her stock market class right now with one of his friends. They made the same investing strategy so they could get in the same group. So that's an endorsement from me and Mushroom.

I'm not in charge of next year at all. I'm letting them plan. Credits left to get...

Obviously they both need an English credit. 

Mushroom needs calculus. I'm thinking he'll do AB. Maybe through Blue Tent? Maybe somewhere else. Up to him.

BalletBoy needs math but I'm not sure what he'll do. We'll need to decide. I need him to talk to the DE coordinator because we know already he's going to do an associates while he's in training for dance. So I feel like now that he's through pre-calc, it would be silly for him not to do it at the CC and get the credit that he'll need for the AS. So we'll figure that out.

BalletBoy needs French again. This has been the most onerous process I've ever overseen in my life.

Beyond that, they've mostly checked the boxes. BalletBoy should ideally do a 4th science and a government course, though he doesn't have to as he'll have 4 solid SS credits. Mushroom has more than 4 solid credits in social studies and science at the end of this year. He says he'll probably do ASL again, so that would be ASL III for him. I think he's pretty well poised for college and he just needs to choose a rigorous schedule for himself for fall and the specific courses don't matter so much. I'm thinking he'll do another design course. We talked about him getting permission to do engineering design at the CC, so we'll see.

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1 hour ago, Farrar said:

 I need him to talk to the DE coordinator because we know already he's going to do an associates while he's in training for dance.

The guidance counselors' sessions have all been online (Zoom or phone call) by appointment here as campuses are still virtual.

DS16 has one more math class to go to finish the core requirements for an associate in math or an associate in computer science. Hopefully he can do that in the Spring quarter. Then we have to discuss with the community college guidance counselors how he can go about completing his Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum (IGETC) requirements. 

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2 minutes ago, Arcadia said:

The guidance counselors' sessions have all been online (Zoom or phone call) by appointment here as campuses are still virtual.

Here too. I just need to schedule it. He actually hasn't even done any DE because he's been so busy with dance over the last two years. He started to at our CC, but they shut down access completely so that's a no go now and he'll have to cross the river to use the one in the next state. Nothing is open here. Mushroom's DE Environmental Science course was supposed to be on Zoom but with in person labs, but they had to cancel those. The prof told them that assuming they weren't completely locked down, they'd do in person outdoor labs and a field trip once the weather is warmer.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Wow, this will be my last “planning thread” for our homeschoolers, as next fall will kick off my youngest’s senior year (sniff).

He has pretty much met almost of my graduation requirements already, thanks to some doubling-up of effort in his first three years, so he will have some room to design his own senior year. So far, we plan on . . . 

  • Rhetoric III at TWMA
  • The History of Science (small group class at home with me and his local friends— or by Zoom, as the Pandemic dictates)
  • 2 courses at the local U in fall
  • 2 courses at the local U in spring
  • Some kind of intensive math with DH and I over winter break (the local U has about 6 weeks off between fall and spring breaks) if he doesn’t pick a math course at the U. He has already completed Calc AB, and a course in mathematical computing, and is currently doing AP Stats with Carole Matheny— and he wants to be an English major, so he doesn’t aspire to go much farther— so we may just find him some intriguing special projects to investigate and write up.

That’s 7 solid courses for his senior year, which seems like plenty. I’ve already taught History of Science before, so he’s not going to need that much from me next year (sniff again). I’m picking up teaching Carole’s AP Stats at PA. Homeschoolers, so I’ll just busy myself with that for most of the week through the school year.

Dear me, ignore that signature. I haven’t even looked at my blog in years, and we certainly finished Red Badge of Courage years ago lol. I’ll have to figure out how to edit that! ;D

Edited by NittanyJen
Noticed my sig line is a bit out of date LOL
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  • 3 months later...

Hey, Mushroom is all planned for. Balletboy... let's just not go there, mmkay.

Mushroom is doing...

AP Calc AB with Derek Owens (he wanted to stick with it)
AP English Lang at Aim Academy
AP Comparative Government on Outschool (if anyone wants to join us, seriously, I think it's going to be a good class if it fills)
Environmental Science II at the community college (he liked the first class so much that he wants to do the second one)
ASL III with a tutor
3D Modeling for Game Design

And maybe a spring dual enrollment class. We'll see how senioritis is looking and if it'll do any good for wherever he's headed to college.

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7 hours ago, Farrar said:

AP Comparative Government on Outschool (if anyone wants to join us, seriously, I think it's going to be a good class if it fills)

I wish dd had room in her schedule. Who is teaching this? ETA- maybe link it here? Outschool's search feature needs work.

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2 hours ago, MamaSprout said:

I wish dd had room in her schedule. Who is teaching this? ETA- maybe link it here? Outschool's search feature needs work.

Not @Farrar, but I think I found it! 

It looks really good; I also wish DD had time/space in her schedule for it!

Edited by fourisenough
But!! I noticed teacher also offers MS speech & debate, which my argumentative 12-year old has been asking for, so I think we’ll def enroll in that!
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My second senior! So far we've got:

DE Statistics

AP US Government (at home)

Economics (something light at home 1/2 credit)

AP English lit (at home)

Science: as detailed in another thread on here, still figuring this out, but perhaps some kind of physics of music class at home (maybe with an in person co-op class as part of it)

AP Human Geography (maybe. at home)

And I think that's it for academic stuff...we deliberately did his 3rd and 4th Spanish credits DE this year so he'd have some flexibility next year for college visits and auditions (music major)

For music he'll do clarinet and piano lessons, and then a youth symphony and clarinet chamber group and another youth wind symphony



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4 hours ago, fourisenough said:

Not @Farrar, but I think I found it! 

It looks really good; I also wish DD had time/space in her schedule for it!

That's it! And yeah, I think there's only a couple of kids as yet. So... here's hoping it runs because I found literally no other options for it that satisfied my requirements. I do not have the best track record for Outschool classes for my kids, honestly.

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13 hours ago, Farrar said:

Hey, Mushroom is all planned for. Balletboy... let's just not go there, mmkay.

Mushroom is doing...

AP Calc AB with Derek Owens (he wanted to stick with it)
AP English Lang at Aim Academy
AP Comparative Government on Outschool (if anyone wants to join us, seriously, I think it's going to be a good class if it fills)
Environmental Science II at the community college (he liked the first class so much that he wants to do the second one)
ASL III with a tutor
3D Modeling for Game Design

And maybe a spring dual enrollment class. We'll see how senioritis is looking and if it'll do any good for wherever he's headed to college.

My Ds will be in the AP English Language with yours next year. My older two had Serbicki for AP English lit and it was a great. 

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12 minutes ago, freesia said:

My Ds will be in the AP English Language with yours next year. My older two had Serbicki for AP English lit and it was a great. 

Excellent! My kid will be the one who starts out reticent to talk and at some point in the year explodes with a really strong, possibly alienating opinion. 😂

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10 minutes ago, Farrar said:

Excellent! My kid will be the one who starts out reticent to talk and at some point in the year explodes with a really strong, possibly alienating opinion. 😂

Sounds like he could be one of my kids lol! 

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Math: when she finishes precalc, something for calc that doesn't involve me ✌️

English: diy, another Shakespeare and... no lit ideas yet 😆 She's already done British, US, and world. She's hinted that she wouldn't mind a Shakespeare based year. They Say I Say for composition.

Economics: Crash Course with the workbook and extra readers on the side (very "git'r done")

Half her days will be dual enrolled at the culinary program she's had her sights on for years. 

That's it. I'll be going from five kids home full time to two and a half next year. I might need my own classes. 😄

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1 hour ago, SilverMoon said:


English: diy, another Shakespeare and... no lit ideas yet 😆 She's already done British, US, and world. She's hinted that she wouldn't mind a Shakespeare based year. They Say I Say for composition.


We did a shakespeare based year for 10th and 8th grade last year; it was a lot of fun 🙂

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On 5/26/2021 at 7:27 AM, Farrar said:

That's it! And yeah, I think there's only a couple of kids as yet. So... here's hoping it runs because I found literally no other options for it that satisfied my requirements. I do not have the best track record for Outschool classes for my kids, honestly.

I don’t think you’ll be in the late night class as we’re on opposite coasts. It does look like a great class, and we might go with the evening class.

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9 hours ago, crazyforlatin said:

I don’t think you’ll be in the late night class as we’re on opposite coasts. It does look like a great class, and we might go with the evening class.

We signed up for the afternoon one on Tuesdays, but it was as much because he has *three* other courses on Wednesday as the time frame. For some reason, everything was set up to be on Wednesdays.

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On 5/26/2021 at 2:57 AM, fourisenough said:

Not @Farrar, but I think I found it! 

It looks really good; I also wish DD had time/space in her schedule for it!

Thanks for adding the note about debate. Dd is not the type to seek out debating anyone, but as a form of communication and strengthening one’s approach and listening to the other side, I think she would actually really like this class for the high school kids.

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Kinda at a loss so far. I'm in shock that she's a senior, and we already know she's taking a gap year after this (and already have the gap year mapped out and she's already done so much in hs that we're just feeling eh right now...)

- Spanish 5 with me (we've been using Senderos but looking at a new program by them that's more focused on culture)
- Advanced Honors Chem with Connie (and we love the new name)
- Finishing DO precalc (opting not to do calculus. she's really good at math and really doesn't like it)
- Latin American history (created and taught by me)
- Literature will be some mix of Spanish and English corresponding to our history course (still in dev't by me)
- Everything else is TBD depending on whether aerial studios open safely

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I have nothing really to plan for my senior. She is a full time dual enrollment student.

For fall she will finish up her requirements for her AA.

DE Statistics

DE Microeconomics

DE Anatomy & Physiology I w/Lab

DE Earth/Space science - not happy about this class, she wanted Chemistry but it will not fit into her schedule

In the spring she will take the one semester EMT program at the college.

Her goal is to work in the emergency room as an EMT while she completes her bachelor's degree.

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Trying to plan for my 2nd and last senior. Would really like to inject some love of learning back in to this last year if possible.

AP Calc with Derek Owens

DE English at community college

Art credit - 1 semester drawing using "Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain, 1 semester of painting using one of the Great Courses "How to Paint"

Science - not sure, thinking about something a bit outside the box - thinking about an element of this being a project to restore a pond in our neighborhood that is over grown and filling in, but would need to come up with some other things.

History - again thinking about something outside the box, project based. I started a thread asking for ideas if anyone has any for me.

PE/Health 1/2 credit - nutrition and exercise

Personal Finance 1/2 credit - Dave Ramsey

She has done Italian up through Italian 3 but unfortunately there isn't a IV level class.

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This is for the kid who wants to be a farmer and isn't going to college. He might do something trade-ish like welding or CAD.

Math - Mathematics for the Trades

English - homemade, focusing on grammar and technical writing, but still with a few essays, literature and one research paper

History - Canadian History for Dummies + extras

Science - Conceptual Physics with or without Physics 101 DVD as supplement

Electives - homemade health, and I'll probably give him some kind of work experience credit

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