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I’m not frustrated today with homeschool because all of my kids are in public school now. But it is a snow day and they’ve forgotten everything they ever learned about amusing themselves and it’s about to drive me batty, especially middle ds, who is at a stage where when he’s bored he starts annoying those around him.

 I’m currently hiding in my room to avoid saying things I’m going regret

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1 hour ago, Not_a_Number said:

I think my other thread went poof, but does anyone want a support thread for people who get frustrated too easily with their kids? 🙂 I was thinking that having a place to share struggles might be nice, and perhaps some empathy from each other would be better than taking the frustration out on the kids... 

I'm trying a bunch of things to make things less frustrating around here, so I don't need advice... just a place to vent! (Yes, this is incompatible with the "no complaint" thread, LOL.) Anyone interested? 

Oh that sucks!! I was only on page 2 but there was so much good advice.

Why do threads have to be deleted????

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I do wonder if your teaching method simply isn't working for you anymore. Not every day needs to be a constant push for greater and greater achievement. An 8 year old is....8. A gifted child doesn't need to be pushed in order to be gifted. If you're experiencing constant frustration, sit down and work out a new school plan WITH your daughter. She may have some amazing ideas for her own education. 

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My toddler only napped for 45 minutes and now is throwing fits that DD16 won't let her use her earphones for Spanish and smooshing Cheez-Its into the couch and throwing colored pencils from the kitchen table. I can only imagine what this evening is going to be like with her having only that much sleep today, and I already don't like it. I was *this close* to yelling in her precious baby face to just go to sleep already child!!!! I think I deserve a medal for not doing it.

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27 minutes ago, Ordinary Shoes said:

I have a job, I homeschool, and I have a house to keep up with. I need to not always be the one who has to keep all of the balls up in the air, KWIM? 

Wouldn't it be nice, sigh. 

This year, I'm officially giving up on trying not to be the one to keep all the balls up in the air, sigh. If I want a clean house, I need to be the one cleaning it. If I want a chore done, I need to do the reminding. 

We've had a few years of fighting and he's gotten better about doing the dishes, at least. And he "sees" the messes more than he used to. But still, there's no way he's going to keep things going in a way that's reasonable without me managing things. 

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We are homeschooling/public virtual schooling right now.  This isn't what we wanted to do -- we moved across the country and were so excited to put them into high school to make new friends and to dive into extra curriculars that we couldn't get in our semi rural town on the East Coast.  Now everything is virtual and I just wanted to have the house to myself for a few hours a day! And get a small part time job! (no libraries hiring near me right now). And my oldest could be in school in LA instead of bouncing back and forth from our place and hers with no reason to go to campus at all. Don't get me wrong, I love having her home. But five people constantly orbiting around the house gets so wearing.

I guess my biggest gripe would be that I am the mental health counselor NON STOP in this house. And I must be doing something wrong because it never gets any better.  I really need new tricks.

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28 minutes ago, SanDiegoMom said:

 But five people constantly orbiting around the house gets so wearing.

I guess my biggest gripe would be that I am the mental health counselor NON STOP in this house. 

I totally resonate with this statement. I wish so bad that I could have some space. My 15 yo gets lonely and bored because her normal stuff is mostly cancelled. Yes, she has a few friends that she can get together with from time to time but it's not the same and there are still long hours. My 19 yo is an adult but still needs my support as she navigates her first year of college from home. Everyone comes to me with their complaints and struggles and it emotionally exhausts me because I love them so much and truly hate for them to be unhappy. 

They just won't go to their dad that same way. 

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3 hours ago, Momto6inIN said:

My toddler only napped for 45 minutes and now is throwing fits that DD16 won't let her use her earphones for Spanish and smooshing Cheez-Its into the couch and throwing colored pencils from the kitchen table. I can only imagine what this evening is going to be like with her having only that much sleep today, and I already don't like it. I was *this close* to yelling in her precious baby face to just go to sleep already child!!!! I think I deserve a medal for not doing it.

Oh I hear you on this one. One of our toddlers is resisting naps too, and as a result, screams a lot. Basically every time he doesn’t get his way, even if he isn’t sure what he wants. This is a kid that had a brain bleed as a newborn & isn’t neurotypical, but who also knows with him we’ll jump at a high pitched scream because it used to mean a neurosurgeon visit was needed.  

While most of the time it’s in a frequency I can tune out to some degree, every once in a while he hits a range that instantly gives me a visceral inclination to violence.

<removed because I shouldn't have posted DH's feelings>

I just wish I could make the screaming stop. And yes, we’ve had multiple appointments to make sure there isn’t a medical issue. The pediatrician says he’s just discovered how to push our buttons and this phase will probably end when other delays are addressed or when he’s around more kids and feels shamed into behaving. He never does this around other people, only at home. And unfortunately we are now always home. Sigh. 

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1 minute ago, Not_a_Number said:

Oooh, that sound terrible 😞 . 

That's past the age range where babywearing helps, right? I know that for us, that was helpful as a regulation method for a long time. Plus it sometimes got them off to sleep, lol. 

I do have a carrier where I could put him on my back, but he really only tolerates it if we’re going out for a hike in the woods. I don’t think he would in the house.  He did love being worn as an infant. Basically once he hit six pounds he was worn most of the day except for tummy time until he got too interested in exploring to tolerate it any more. 

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1 hour ago, Katy said:


While most of the time it’s in a frequency I can tune out to some degree, every once in a while he hits a range that instantly gives me a visceral inclination to violence.

I don't think I've ever heard this desribed quite so perfectly. Yes.

Praying we both make it through ❤

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1 hour ago, Katy said:

While most of the time it’s in a frequency I can tune out to some degree, every once in a while he hits a range that instantly gives me a visceral inclination to violence. And unfortunately most of the time his scream is in DH’s visceral reaction range.. 

I know what you mean. People might think I’m a bad mom, but two of mine were screamers, and at length. When they got started I’d go get a pair of foam earplugs. I could still hear them, and if they needed something I’d be able to hear and respond, but it took the edge off, and prevented migraines.

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25 minutes ago, Emba said:

I know what you mean. People might think I’m a bad mom, but two of mine were screamers, and at length. When they got started I’d go get a pair of foam earplugs. I could still hear them, and if they needed something I’d be able to hear and respond, but it took the edge off, and prevented migraines.

Sometimes I've had to layer earplugs and noise cancelling headphones.

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2 hours ago, fairfarmhand said:

I totally resonate with this statement. I wish so bad that I could have some space. My 15 yo gets lonely and bored because her normal stuff is mostly cancelled. Yes, she has a few friends that she can get together with from time to time but it's not the same and there are still long hours. My 19 yo is an adult but still needs my support as she navigates her first year of college from home. Everyone comes to me with their complaints and struggles and it emotionally exhausts me because I love them so much and truly hate for them to be unhappy. 

They just won't go to their dad that same way. 

Yes! They all come to me and I shift right into "let's fix this" mindset.  I am always ON, thinking about their problems, their worries, and thinking of ways to help them cope or change their ways of thinking.  My day is so broken up by their needs, so I never feel like I have a chunk of time to myself. 

3 hours ago, Not_a_Number said:

That sounds hard 😞. What's been happening? 

My son has always had anxiety, but it's definitely worse now.  Often I am the only one who can basically get him through the day.  I realize there might be a level of dysfunction with this model at this point, but I am not sure how to fix it.  I feel like I am always in a putting out fires mode rather than proactive mode.  I am posting another separate thread to go into more detail, as I am wondering if it's something more than just pandemic fatigue and genetic predisposition to anxiety.  

My oldest daughter is doing better, but has had her share of panic attacks and depression.   She goes through waves and is in a good place right now, thankfully.  But she still comes to me a LOT.  

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10 minutes ago, Not_a_Number said:

LOL. I know that feeling. Some days, you feel grumpy, and you have nothing to take it out on... 

It's so ridiculous.  Today had several ingredient for the recipe of a good day, but instead of enjoying it, I stomped around the kitchen for awhile and acted surly.  


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9 minutes ago, Not_a_Number said:

Well, if it makes you feel any better, I know exactly what that kind of free-floating grumpiness feels like!! It always makes me feel terrible, but that doesn't help at all. 

I wonder what could dissipate it?? Deep breaths, at least, never help over here. 

I'm going to try walking on the treadmill for awhile.  Maybe I can blow off some of my crabby mood there.  

It's 100% me that is the problem today, lol. Kiddo did great with schoolwork (the only math error was a transcription error), and finished early. We accomplished more than I expected and it all went smoothly. But here I am, stomp stomp stomp, lol. 

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I got up at 4:00 am to make my 14 year old’s oatmeal and latte before 6:00 swim practice. She can’t eat closer to practice or she throws up. She can’t practice without eating or she passes out. I swam for an hour during her practice. 

I came home and did a writing lesson with 2 different kids and then headed back to the pool for my 10 year old’s practice while Dh too 14 year old to the orthodontist. I knew that her mouth would be sore, so the second I walked back in the door, I started cooking some spaghetti for her because it is a soft food that isn’t bland. 

Well, Dh asked her what would make her feel better and she said tea from Starbucks. He texted me to see if that was alright and if anybody else wanted anything from Starbucks. I was so focused on cooking dinner that I forgot to take my phone out of my purse when I got home. 

Dh said, ”I might as well do some grocery shopping While we wait for Mom to text back.”  So according to my 14 year old, he spent 2 hours buying groceries and forgot completely to buy her Starbucks and made her get home too late to FaceTime her friend before his swim practice. So she is too upset to eat the spaghetti I made her. 

I told her, “I’m sorry you got such a sucky mom.” She said, “I thought I could count on you, of ALL people to keep their phone on them!” 

It is a good thing she is my 4th teen and not my first, or I might not survive her. 


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3 hours ago, Not_a_Number said:

Take your stompies out on us! Maybe we should do something ANNOYING to give your anger somewhere to go?! 😉  

I had to go to the store tonight, so I gave dirty looks to the 2 unmasked people I saw there, which helped dissipate the frustration.  One woman was just la-di-da strolling through the store looking very pleased with herself.  Enjoy your covid, lady! Like Christmas, it will be here before you know it!

The other dude was walking around with his hand covering his nose and mouth.  Ok, so you're a fool AND a coward, because you don't have the courage of your own convictions.    

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Not-a-Number, your thread make me think of this Price is Right clip, which has been making the rounds lately on homeschool groups because we all feel this way teaching sometimes. Poor Bob Barker is both very patient with this lady, and also very frustrated. I feel like this is exactly how I used to sound when my kids were younger. (The "good" part where she tries to write the price of the car starts around the 3 minute mark).


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1 minute ago, Not_a_Number said:

Hah! That's very funny. 

I don't think I'm that patient, lol. Although I think I do start getting that special "edge" in my voice eventually... 

I love how he sits down after all that and is like, I never. And the woman is like, yay, I won a car! Totally oblivious still. It cracks me up every time.

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13 hours ago, Ausmumof3 said:

I let my youngest play dragon box for math yesterday and now he’s complaining because i want him to do some of his normal math curriculum 😬

No good deed goes unpunished. 

Sometimes when I do something like that I add a deadpan, "Don't get used it." But usually I forget to say that and hear complaining about it.

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13 hours ago, MissLemon said:

I'm going to try walking on the treadmill for awhile.  Maybe I can blow off some of my crabby mood there.  

It's 100% me that is the problem today, lol. Kiddo did great with schoolwork (the only math error was a transcription error), and finished early. We accomplished more than I expected and it all went smoothly. But here I am, stomp stomp stomp, lol. 

Yoga with Adrienne online has a yoga for when you are in a bad mood. I have had to do it a number of times. 🙂.  It helped....some.  The waves emanating from me decreased by about 50 percent so the danger zone surrounding me was a bit smaller!

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10 hours ago, Farrar said:

Not-a-Number, your thread make me think of this Price is Right clip, which has been making the rounds lately on homeschool groups because we all feel this way teaching sometimes. Poor Bob Barker is both very patient with this lady, and also very frustrated. I feel like this is exactly how I used to sound when my kids were younger. (The "good" part where she tries to write the price of the car starts around the 3 minute mark).


Haha! Yes, every homeschool parent has had a moment like Bob. 

That clip reminds me of my fave kid-math clip:


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