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Adult vax side effects


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How does one define “sore”?  Or, how is it actually meant in possible side effects? Because my sheet doesn’t include qualifiers like “mild” or “severe”.

I remember the soreness of my tetanus shot, but this is a whole other thing. I got the shot around 10am yesterday and thought nothing of it. Then I used the weed whacker quite a bit. In the afternoon, I thought my arms, around 4ish, were feeling sore from that, until I realized it was one arm more than the other, and it got progressively worse, even with Advil.

I can't move my upper arm without pain! Sore pain, but quite severe. I can lift a cup of coffee with just mild soreness if I only use my forearm muscles and elbow, but the upper arm is basically useless. No redness or swelling to go with it.

Am I dying?!?
But really, should I be worried, or does this fit under “1-3 days of soreness”?

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What vaccine was it?  I remember tetanus making my arm very sore for quite a while, but the Shingrix shot made my upper  arm so sore I could barely move it and that was with taking ibuprofen.  Other than those two vaccines, I rarely experience anything more than mild soreness.  





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2 hours ago, Carrie12345 said:

does this fit under “1-3 days of soreness”?

Even if it does, it's still ok to call and talk with a nurse to make sure it's within the range of ok. Were you the one doing the experimental vax for covid? That would be different to me than something with a known track record. I would be much more likely to call. If it's at a level where it's concerning you like this, it's worth a call.

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Someone in my church had a shot recommended for elderly people (I want to say pneumonia?  But maybe it was for shingles?) and her arm was sore like you are saying.

I think do call the doctor.

She was fine but her arm was — I don’t think it hurt all the time, but she couldn’t move it without it hurting, I think for several days but less than a week.

This is someone I sat by in choir back when we still had choir — she was bothered by it at one meeting and the next meeting (a week later) it was totally fine.  


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I just googled and pneumonia vaccines do look like something that exists.... so I do think it was a pneumonia vaccine.

She told me she had heard from other friends that they had this soreness from the pneumonia vaccine, too.

If it is this one, I think it does have this reputation.

But I would still call the doctor, and see your specifics and if they want you to follow up if it doesn’t go away in a certain time, etc. 

Edit:  she said she heard from her friends, it is worse compared to other shots.  


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For me, annual flu shots feel like I've been punched hard in the arm. Like it's bruising. Pneumonia vaccine was worse, tetanus is bad too. I have not had shingles vaccine yet, but for a friend, that one actually made her feel ill--not just soreness. She missed a day of work over it. I haven't rushed to get that one!

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For Shingrix it is very common (pretty much expected) to have excessive soreness. It can last a few days. Most vaccines will leave a red, swollen area but the reaction from Shingrix seems like the worst. IF the redness from any vaccine starts to travel in one direction, get lines/streaks, or forms a blister/open sore, make sure to be seen ASAP. It is Very, very rare, but severe reactions do occur.

Pneumonia and tetanus can be pretty sore as well, but nothing like what we hear from Shingrix. If it was meningococcol, MMR, Hepatitis, chickenpox (varicella) or if it was a travel vaccine like Yellow Fever, people seem to be all over the board on soreness on those, but nothing too sore. If you are having significant soreness from one of these, contact the person who vaccinated you. 


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