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Why does my pup eat paper?


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Paper towel, Kleenex, sheets of paper....she will literally eat before you can get across the room to her.  Other foreign things she will not eat....and she shreds every toy almost immediately....but she just shreds and leaves everything else....even dryer sheets....she shreds to bits bit leave them.  Paper though. She eats it.  

And on a related note if anyone has any suggestions for chew toys that will last more than 10 min I would appreciate it. 

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Stuffed kongs. Black are for toughest chewers, though at her age she’s probably only red long stage in a suitable size in stuffable honeycomb shape.  My dogs like the bone shaped Kong’s for interactive games.  Orbee planet ball and other Orbee toys are tough. 

Maybe some nori seaweed sheets would be like paper but safer. 

Try keeping her on a nylon clothesline type lead right by you so she can’t get at and eat paper out of your control. Or get at other things like dryer sheets. 

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My 4-year-old pup still eats paper (and books, and cardboard, and Kleenex) if we don't watch her. It must be tasty. 🙂 

We've found Hartz Dura-Play toys to be oddly indestructible. We've had the bone, jack, and turkey-leg shaped one for well over a year and they are still going strong. Amazing. I think she did destroy a Zoo Balloons one, though. 

She also loves the Hartz Frisky Frolic squeaky toys and we've never had to throw away one! Usually vinyl or rubber type squeaky toys are quickly shredded, but these last!

As far as strictly chew toys go, my dogs have liked Nylabone Flex bones and they last weeks or months. They come in lots of sizes and probably a puppy version as well. I do *not* buy the Nylabone Power bones (they are much harder) because one of my dogs fractured a tooth on one. 

Kongs are definitely the most sturdy toy, but my dogs were never interested in them. Probably because I didn't want to stuff them and have food all over my floor. ☺️

Edit: fixed link

Edited by MercyA
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Kong stuffer to consider: a whole hard boiled egg if Kong size is big enough.  One dog figured out how to get it out quickly, but for most it has been a puzzle, and keeps up Chewing interest without tiny bits of food going all over.  In the bone shaped ones, peanut butter in the end holes worked though messier than an egg, gave extended interest.  Can be frozen if they get too fast at removing it.  

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7 hours ago, klmama said:

On the plus side, paper can pass through her without harm.  That's not always the case.



It isn’t always true for paper either.  A little bit of Kleenex, probably yes, but tough paper like paper towels or large quantities can cause intestinal blockage

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18 minutes ago, Pen said:


It isn’t always true for paper either.  A little bit of Kleenex, probably yes, but tough paper like paper towels or large quantities can cause intestinal blockage

This is what I am worried about.  And it sounds like we are just letting her run free with no supervision. Let me tell you, I had forgotten how fast and how persistent puppies are!  

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3 minutes ago, Scarlett said:

This is what I am worried about.  And it sounds like we are just letting her run free with no supervision. Let me tell you, I had forgotten how fast and how persistent puppies are!  


Our trainer liked all puppies to be on a nylon cord to give the human some modicum of control at a distance 

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3 minutes ago, Dotwithaperiod said:

My gr used to grab tissues out of the wastebasket, I’d find little wet compressed blobs near her. Now that she’s older and wiser about used Kleenex, she sometimes pulls fresh tissues out of the box on my bedside table and runs thru the house wanting us to chase her.

One day when ds18 was 'watching' her, I came home to find a full Kleenex box inside her crate.  

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21 minutes ago, Selkie said:

We have to keep the bathroom doors shut because we have two naughty puppies who love to unravel entire rolls of tp.🙂

Us too.  And the bedroom doors since that is where the new white carpet is.  Our hall way is just one long span of 6 closed doors.  (2 linen closets)  It is so depressing.  Looking forward to the day she can be trusted to be free in the house.

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Years ago, when I taught public high school, I left an entire stack of graded literature exams on my dining table.  Upon returning, I found several of them had been digested by my beagle puppy.  Very awkward situation.  I had to tell students that my dog ate their homework.

I may or may not have snuck her into my classroom to apologize.

I’m now a huge advocate of the Kong toy.

Edited by Hadley
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9 minutes ago, Scarlett said:

Us too.  And the bedroom doors since that is where the new white carpet is.  Our hall way is just one long span of 6 closed doors.  (2 linen closets)  It is so depressing.  Looking forward to the day she can be trusted to be free in the house.

I'm the opposite - I just want ours to stay little for a long time because they are so much fun at this stage! 

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45 minutes ago, Dotwithaperiod said:

My gr used to grab tissues out of the wastebasket, I’d find little wet compressed blobs near her. Now that she’s older and wiser about used Kleenex, she sometimes pulls fresh tissues out of the box on my bedside table and runs thru the house wanting us to chase her.

My husky mix used to do that. She didn't care if they were used or not. She'd take used tissues out of the wastebasket (and other used female items that would gross you out). She eventually learned how to pull just one tissue out of the box. She'd just carefully pull on the one sticking up. It was funny to watch her gently try to get just one tissue.

9 minutes ago, Hadley said:

Years ago, when I taught public high school, I left an entire stack of graded literature exams on my dining table.  Upon returning, I found several of them had been digested by my beagle puppy.  Very awkward situation.  I had to tell students that my dog ate their homework.


Dss has an honest to goodness dog ate my homework story. We had an alarm system at our old house and we all would go in the side garage door then run to the keypad and turn off the alarm. One afternoon dss put his school books and notebooks on top of the outdoor a/c unit while he went in to turn the alarm off. He forgot to go back and get his school stuff and one of our dogs who loved paper got hold of it. It had a paper that was due the next day. I taught at the high school he attended and fortunately his English teacher was a friend of mine. She knew the dog. She knew he was quite capable of eating homework! 

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we have a cat that eats toilet paper (she'll come and ask for one sheet a day.....so weird), and a dog who eats the empty toilet paper rolls (he also comes and asks for one every day, dismayed that we don't go through toilet paper that fast.....). 

We've adopted a "moderation is key" attitude, but of course, these are adult animals that are trained(ish), not puppies. 

The Kongs are good ideas, and maybe he'd also like crinkly chew toys (to mimic the sound of eating paper)? Or that would reinforce it, maybe...? Good luck! I'm glad we're (well) out of the puppy stage at my house. (though we still do keep bathrooms closed at all times, and our bedroom closed if we leave the house, b/c the other dog gets into stuff when left alone, so.....). 

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1 hour ago, Dotwithaperiod said:

  I hate the sound of the crinkly paper toys. Buffy’s got one that makes me batty,  makes me cringe like fingernails on a chalkboard. And the ones with an empty water bottle inside, that popping is atrocious. And the giggle ball has to be played with outside because it’s pure evil. Give me squeaks and honks, those I can tune out totally.

Ever see the Seinfeld episode where Elaine’s in the restroom stall. Can you spare a square? Just one sheet?

Noise toleration is a funny thing.  My co-worker's dog has squeaky  toys.  His dog will sit by my feet and squeak, squeak and I don't even 'hear' it.  Soon co-worker will come to my desk and take that toy away from his dog because he is going insane hearing it from the other room.  I also don't mind the crinkle toys....but the water bottle...drives me batty.  My put gets a lot of wear out of one...she chases it and growls at it and pops it....I just can't take it though.  

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