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December Well-Trained Bodies


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30 minutes ago, IvyInFlorida said:

@wintermom that is hilarious.  Weird things happen in the country, for real.  One time I was outside with my mom and a neighbor was using a crop duster plane to spray his farmed pines and almost crop dusted us too, ugh!  Also, we live next to a limerock quarry and sometimes the peace of my morning workout is shattered by randomly-timed blasting.

The next hill over from me is a rock quarry too, when they blasts it feels like an earthquake, how weirdly coincidental.

34 minutes ago, IvyInFlorida said:

@soror I'm so glad your sleep has been better!  And your updates--wow.  You are getting so fit and putting in all the hard work.


I feel like kind of a loser today because I had to quit my kettlebell workout after the 3rd round.  My back and elbow were hurting, I had a headache, and the general movement of the swings was making me feel carsick lol.  Today is cycle day 1 hormonally though, so I'm not surprised I feel like garbage.  Bah.  Oh well, CKD tonight.

Girl, day 1 is a butt kicker for me too, last month I laid around like a slug all day. Some months I can get a workout but they are never my best. I hope things are better by CKD. Thank you for the kind words, it ebbs and flows and this is a good time of year for me.

36 minutes ago, wintermom said:

I went for a hour+ walk with friends yesterday out on a country road. We had the "sweet" smell of manure to spice up the walk again this week. Last week the manure truck was driving up and down the road we were walking on. That clears out the nostrils! 🥶

LOL, nice!

38 minutes ago, wintermom said:

I was suckered into Virgin River - mostly because of the scenery. I'm hoping that Colorado Springs looks like the setting of this series. 😉

Hmm, I've not heard of that one.

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1 hour ago, soror said:

Hmm, I've not heard of that one.

I just looked up the actors (some of them looked familiar, but I'm terrible with names and I've been watching a lot more British TV than North American lately. There are a lot of Canadian actors in this TV series (Virgin River, in case people missed the title), and the main male heart throb is from New Zealand. Plenty of American actors as well. I haven't found any British actors in the cast yet, but I haven't looked through them all. I have no idea about writers, directors or producers.

It seems too well written to make the dialogue "realistic." No one actually talks that kindly and insightfully to each other in the midst of stressful situations. It almost reminds me of "Little House on the Prairie" TV series with Michael Landon. 😉 It's a good way to waste a Sunday afternoon. 

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@Laura Corin I'm glad you are getting back to normal and feeling better!

CKD was a killer last night.  I could tell we were in for it because the class of black belts training right before us came out looking highly chastened, and yep, the instructor ran us through the entire repertoire of punches and kicks 10x each side at top speed while bellowing out corrections to our technique.  Fairly nauseating but obviously a good workout.  That's also a good snapshot of what part of the black belt test will be like, so good practice for that.  A young woman who had been out for a few months with a chronic illness came back last night and told me my dobok was getting too baggy and I need to size down.  She's my favorite now, of course.  😆

I haven't decided yet if I'm going to do another KB swing workout this morning or a couple HIIT bodyweight circuits...either way my goal is to just make it through this time, ugh.  CKD again tonight.

@wintermom I kinda want to watch that show now!  Sounds like something I'm gonna put on while homeschool planning during Christmas break!

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1 hour ago, IvyInFlorida said:

@Laura Corin I'm glad you are getting back to normal and feeling better!

CKD was a killer last night.  I could tell we were in for it because the class of black belts training right before us came out looking highly chastened, and yep, the instructor ran us through the entire repertoire of punches and kicks 10x each side at top speed while bellowing out corrections to our technique.  Fairly nauseating but obviously a good workout.  That's also a good snapshot of what part of the black belt test will be like, so good practice for that.  A young woman who had been out for a few months with a chronic illness came back last night and told me my dobok was getting too baggy and I need to size down.  She's my favorite now, of course.  😆

I haven't decided yet if I'm going to do another KB swing workout this morning or a couple HIIT bodyweight circuits...either way my goal is to just make it through this time, ugh.  CKD again tonight.

@wintermom I kinda want to watch that show now!  Sounds like something I'm gonna put on while homeschool planning during Christmas break!

Good thing you are well-conditioned!! I hope the workout goes better today.

15 hours ago, Laura Corin said:

Did a short yoga session. Really felt good for my back and hips. I'm still not pushing it, as I'm not back to full energy. Getting there though. Hoping to get to a yoga class on Thursday and to NW on Saturday.

Very good idea taking it easy at first

18 hours ago, wintermom said:

I just looked up the actors (some of them looked familiar, but I'm terrible with names and I've been watching a lot more British TV than North American lately. There are a lot of Canadian actors in this TV series (Virgin River, in case people missed the title), and the main male heart throb is from New Zealand. Plenty of American actors as well. I haven't found any British actors in the cast yet, but I haven't looked through them all. I have no idea about writers, directors or producers.

It seems too well written to make the dialogue "realistic." No one actually talks that kindly and insightfully to each other in the midst of stressful situations. It almost reminds me of "Little House on the Prairie" TV series with Michael Landon. 😉 It's a good way to waste a Sunday afternoon. 

Sounds like a good family show!


Lifting and BUTI last night.

I LOVE the Buti class it is a good challenge and fun but I cannot do the late class again. I'd love to be able to go more.  I get home and in bed too late. On the plus side my bad night of sleep last night used to be a good night, so that is progress.

I love the challenge of BUTI and the loud music I can sing to 🙂 We did crow last night, we worked on the bottom end of the pistol squat (roll from laying into the bottom of the pistol), and then this move I don't know the name (not sure if you can view but maybe)- you bend a leg behind you and grab with your hand and then sink towards the floor with that leg and arm shooting off to the side.

My lifting went well but my elbow has been nagging me a bit this week, I think it is just overuse and hard work as I've been progressing pretty well lately. I'm going to take off Thurs night lifting and just run instead. We'll see how it feel Saturday, I was really hoping for a solid session with my friend but I might need to take off or just do lower body. You know I took it pretty easy Saturday so this is annoying but I have to listen to my body, I do not want to push it to injury, I don't want to have to move backwards again, it is not worth it.

 Today will just be restorative work, usually I do lower body too BUT I did a million squats and lunges in BUTI and have to take the cat to the vet right after teaching when I usually work out. Restorative/gentle flow is only about 20 min and I'll do it when I get back or in the afternoon.

Have a good one ladies!

Edited by soror
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2 hours ago, IvyInFlorida said:


@wintermom I kinda want to watch that show now!  Sounds like something I'm gonna put on while homeschool planning during Christmas break!

It was pretty good, but not entirely "wholesome" - if that matters to you. No nudity or bad language, just a couple situations near the end of the season that diminished the show in my eyes. They didn't really need to be there, but I guess the writers wanted to more complex/dramatic story line. Up to that point I was really enjoying it, though. 

I just watched the Meryl Streep/Hugh Grant movie, "Florence Foster Jenkins." That was really good. Very funny with a satisfying ending. It's didn't even hurt my ears, and I've had years of listening through painful beginner violinists in the house with poor intonation that made my ears bleed. 😂  I was just about rolling on the floor laughing especially when she was singing the Queen of the Night aria from The Magic Flute, particularly since I just heard the exact aria sung last Friday by an outstanding Soprano. Streep did an amazing job with the singing - it's got to be really hard to do that when she can actually sing well. 😉

Edited by wintermom
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I’m late to this party.

I am upping my steps by joining a step challenge on HealthyWage with my friends. I like being paid for healthy decisions.

And my husband has asked me to replace some of my morning walks by going to his campus gym with him.  So I’m trying that. The elliptical there is killing me. That thing is a brutal 15-20 minute workout, which is all I can currently manage without wanting to crawl home. I do upper body weights or treadmill the other 40 minutes.  I think I’m going to try yoga for the first time tomorrow.

I have a head cold running through my household 1-2 kids at a time. Snotty with headache 3rd kids down last night and 2 already recovering.  I’m sure hoping it ends soon and passes me by.  Getting a lot of steps in disinfecting though, so I’ve got that going for me.  

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2 hours ago, wintermom said:

It was pretty good, but not entirely "wholesome" - if that matters to you. No nudity or bad language, just a couple situations near the end of the season that diminished the show in my eyes. They didn't really need to be there, but I guess the writers wanted to more complex/dramatic story line. Up to that point I was really enjoying it, though. 

I just watched the Meryl Streep/Hugh Grant movie, "Florence Foster Jenkins." That was really good. Very funny with a satisfying ending. It's didn't even hurt my ears, and I've had years of listening through painful beginner violinists in the house with poor intonation that made my ears bleed. 😂  I was just about rolling on the floor laughing especially when she was singing the Queen of the Night aria from The Magic Flute, particularly since I just heard the exact aria sung last Friday by an outstanding Soprano. Streep did an amazing job with the singing - it's got to be really hard to do that when she can actually sing well. 😉

Thanks for the heads up, I've heard of that movie but have not watched it, thanks for the rec.

2 hours ago, Murphy101 said:

I’m late to this party.

I am upping my steps by joining a step challenge on HealthyWage with my friends. I like being paid for healthy decisions.

And my husband has asked me to replace some of my morning walks by going to his campus gym with him.  So I’m trying that. The elliptical there is killing me. That thing is a brutal 15-20 minute workout, which is all I can currently manage without wanting to crawl home. I do upper body weights or treadmill the other 40 minutes.  I think I’m going to try yoga for the first time tomorrow.

I have a head cold running through my household 1-2 kids at a time. Snotty with headache 3rd kids down last night and 2 already recovering.  I’m sure hoping it ends soon and passes me by.  Getting a lot of steps in disinfecting though, so I’ve got that going for me.  

I didn't know there was even such a thing as a step challenge, that's cool! I'm glad to hear you've find a gym to go to and with your hubby too, I hope the yoga class goes well,  you will have to report back. I suck at the elliptical, I'm just not coordinated it always feels awkward. 

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I got a nice walk with ds 17 in this afternoon. We walked to our physiotherapy appointments. I had a pretty painful "work-out" during the physio appointment (there is a lot of work to be done for homework). I need to make a schedule and do my exercises twice a day in order to see more progress. 

We got a nice dusting of snow to make things more pretty outside today. Not enough to ski on, but easy to drive on. 

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19 hours ago, Murphy101 said:

 I think I’m going to try yoga for the first time tomorrow.


Hope the yoga goes well.  Don't forget that you can tell the teacher at the beginning if you have any physical restrictions, so that they have the chance to give you another option for relevant poses.  I've done step challenges at work a few times - it's a good kick-start, but by the end I start to crave other forms of exercise...


I did the same yoga session at home again last night - it really stretches the bits that I need to stretch.  I'll keep that in the rotation with strength sessions.

I'm going to a yoga class this evening.  Errands at lunchtime, so some steps but not that many...


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Did KB Challenge #8 yesterday morning, which went pretty well, and CKD last night.  Class was mostly sparring, which I am terrible at, but yesterday was a little less terrible than usual.  If I can force myself to move around more lightly on the balls of my feet instead of planting myself like I've staked out a hill to die on, I'd do a heck of a lot better!  We drilled dodges and sidesteps that work by bringing you closer to/behind your opponent, and boy is it hard to lunge INTO a strike instead of away!!  My brain is like, um, no thanks.

Our head instructor has talked a lot about how martial arts is good for the brain as you age, because it forces you to make new neural pathways and stronger connections between the halves of your brain when you practice unfamiliar movement patterns (like moving backwards while switching directions, practicing mirroring an opponent's stances, etc).  I def believe this.  I can practically feel it happening--there's a huge mental gear grinding going on when I learn something new.

On tap this morning is a bodyweight HIIT circuit.

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3 hours ago, IvyInFlorida said:

Did KB Challenge #8 yesterday morning, which went pretty well, and CKD last night.  Class was mostly sparring, which I am terrible at, but yesterday was a little less terrible than usual.  If I can force myself to move around more lightly on the balls of my feet instead of planting myself like I've staked out a hill to die on, I'd do a heck of a lot better!  We drilled dodges and sidesteps that work by bringing you closer to/behind your opponent, and boy is it hard to lunge INTO a strike instead of away!!  My brain is like, um, no thanks.

Our head instructor has talked a lot about how martial arts is good for the brain as you age, because it forces you to make new neural pathways and stronger connections between the halves of your brain when you practice unfamiliar movement patterns (like moving backwards while switching directions, practicing mirroring an opponent's stances, etc).  I def believe this.  I can practically feel it happening--there's a huge mental gear grinding going on when I learn something new.

On tap this morning is a bodyweight HIIT circuit.

Working the brain is very important, I need to do that more, although even the basic workouts I'm doing are a challenge for me at times, my coordination is not good. 

11 hours ago, wintermom said:

I got a nice walk with ds 17 in this afternoon. We walked to our physiotherapy appointments. I had a pretty painful "work-out" during the physio appointment (there is a lot of work to be done for homework). I need to make a schedule and do my exercises twice a day in order to see more progress. 

We got a nice dusting of snow to make things more pretty outside today. Not enough to ski on, but easy to drive on. 

Yes, you need to keep with those exercises, but I know it is a pain.

5 hours ago, Laura Corin said:

Hope the yoga goes well.  Don't forget that you can tell the teacher at the beginning if you have any physical restrictions, so that they have the chance to give you another option for relevant poses.  I've done step challenges at work a few times - it's a good kick-start, but by the end I start to crave other forms of exercise...


I did the same yoga session at home again last night - it really stretches the bits that I need to stretch.  I'll keep that in the rotation with strength sessions.

I'm going to a yoga class this evening.  Errands at lunchtime, so some steps but not that many...


I'm glad to hear you found a yoga class to work into your schedule.


I had quite a day. Dead battery, then charger was dead. I had to call MIL who was asleep to borrow her car and then walk down to her house. Then my phone wouldn't bring up the address and dd1 was no help, so I drove around 20 min looking for the place. AFter not enough sleep Tuesday (got in bed late) and all that stress so early I was pretty spent. I prioritized getting caught up on house chores over exercise and am glad for it. 

I can just barely feel my elbow bothering me but I'm going to still skip upper body strength work tonight, I don't want to push it. 

This am- 20 min HIIT done, tonight I think I'm just going to run and incline walk. I think I will try to get in my Morning Meltdown-lower body lifting at lunch.

Tomorrow will be Morning Meltdown- 20 min yoga and 20 min of recovery/flexibility work and then I'll be teaching a (light)yoga class in the afternoon.

I'm adding in Sim's req for casein protein w/ tart cherry juice before bed to see if it helps my sleep even more. I used to do tart cherry quite often but got out of the habit. I did greek yogurt w/ the juice last night and got nearly 3 hrs REM and deep sleep out of barely over 7 hrs. On a good night I had been getting only 2 hrs. I will not know what to do if I get my sleep lined out again, I won't know what to do with that much energy and a brain that works.

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59 minutes ago, soror said:

Working the brain is very important, I need to do that more, although even the basic workouts I'm doing are a challenge for me at times, my coordination is not good. 

Yes, you need to keep with those exercises, but I know it is a pain.

I'm glad to hear you found a yoga class to work into your schedule.


I had quite a day. Dead battery, then charger was dead. I had to call MIL who was asleep to borrow her car and then walk down to her house. Then my phone wouldn't bring up the address and dd1 was no help, so I drove around 20 min looking for the place. AFter not enough sleep Tuesday (got in bed late) and all that stress so early I was pretty spent. I prioritized getting caught up on house chores over exercise and am glad for it. 

I can just barely feel my elbow bothering me but I'm going to still skip upper body strength work tonight, I don't want to push it. 

This am- 20 min HIIT done, tonight I think I'm just going to run and incline walk. I think I will try to get in my Morning Meltdown-lower body lifting at lunch.

Tomorrow will be Morning Meltdown- 20 min yoga and 20 min of recovery/flexibility work and then I'll be teaching a (light)yoga class in the afternoon.

I'm adding in Sim's req for casein protein w/ tart cherry juice before bed to see if it helps my sleep even more. I used to do tart cherry quite often but got out of the habit. I did greek yogurt w/ the juice last night and got nearly 3 hrs REM and deep sleep out of barely over 7 hrs. On a good night I had been getting only 2 hrs. I will not know what to do if I get my sleep lined out again, I won't know what to do with that much energy and a brain that works.


Ugh, what a day!  I hope the casein and cherry help--report back!

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Getting my 80 day obsession workouts in every day so far this week.  My husband has been working out with me as long as I get up early so we can do them before he has to go feed cows.  It's a nice change having him for a workout partner, although most of the stuff is super easy for him because he works hard outside all the time and his muscles are ridiculously impressive 😍😂

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2 hours ago, IvyInFlorida said:

Ugh, what a day!  I hope the casein and cherry help--report back!

Fingers crossed 🙂

2 hours ago, FarmingMomma said:

Getting my 80 day obsession workouts in every day so far this week.  My husband has been working out with me as long as I get up early so we can do them before he has to go feed cows.  It's a nice change having him for a workout partner, although most of the stuff is super easy for him because he works hard outside all the time and his muscles are ridiculously impressive 😍😂

Color me jealous! How wonderful you can tweak your schedule so you can work out together.


Morning Meltdown- Lower Body work done

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Man was I sore this morning! The physio really did a number on my back. I had a really nice walk in the woods with my hockey mom friends. I haven't done any of my physio exercises today. tomorrow I'll get back on track.

Dinner was pork back ribs and chocolate rice krispies squares with a glass of white wine, and a "quiet" evening at home (for a change). The boys played an energetic game of Magic the Gathering, so things weren't exactly quiet. But there were no evening activities for the first time in a long time. 😁

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1 hour ago, IvyInFlorida said:

Well, I bruised my middle and ringer finger knuckles on the heavy bag last night during class, so seems like today is bodyweight leg day for me.  It's not horrible, but pretty puffy and blue.  I don't want to risk making it worse, ugh.

I'm sorry about the finger, I hope it does not get worse 😞

12 hours ago, wintermom said:

Man was I sore this morning! The physio really did a number on my back. I had a really nice walk in the woods with my hockey mom friends. I haven't done any of my physio exercises today. tomorrow I'll get back on track.

Dinner was pork back ribs and chocolate rice krispies squares with a glass of white wine, and a "quiet" evening at home (for a change). The boys played an energetic game of Magic the Gathering, so things weren't exactly quiet. But there were no evening activities for the first time in a long time. 😁

Yummy dinner! I hope the back pain is a good sore and not a bad one.


I did about 40 min of Morning Meltdown Yoga+ REvibe/stretching/etc

No active minutes for my workouts this am as it didn't get my heart rate up enough but the stretches felt very good. I did some stretching after running last night but I was short on time and really should have done more.

This evening I'll teach an easy 40 min class to juvenile offenders.

IF I do anything else today it will be a short walk. It depends on how long our errands and field trip take this morning and how much energy I have at the end 🙂 My husband might get to come home early as he had to be at work at 3:30 am today, if he does we're taking a nap. Tonight we're taking the kids to the movies.

I've tried tweaking intake this week but am going back to PN original recs, it is simpler and was working well. I'll just add extra protein serving on lifting days and maybe an extra serving or 2 of carbs on running, incline walk days- depending on how I feel. 


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Just now, soror said:

Yummy dinner! I hope the back pain is a good sore and not a bad one.


I did about 40 min of Morning Meltdown Yoga+ REvibe/stretching/etc

No active minutes for my workouts this am as it didn't get my heart rate up enough but the stretches felt very good. I did some stretching after running last night but I was short on time and really should have done more.

This evening I'll teach an easy 40 min class to juvenile offenders.

IF I do anything else today it will be a short walk. It depends on how long our errands and field trip take this morning and how much energy I have at the end 🙂 My husband might get to come home early as he had to be at work at 3:30 am today, if he does we're taking a nap. Tonight we're taking the kids to the movies.

I've tried tweaking intake this week but am going back to PN original recs, it is simpler and was working well. I'll just add extra protein serving on lifting days and maybe an extra serving or 2 of carbs on running, incline walk days- depending on how I feel. 


No, it was not the "good" sore one feels with a solid work-out in the gym, but it was a short-lived pain. It was all muscular, and thankfully it wasn't spasms.

Enjoy your walk!

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@wintermom Glad your back is feeling better!

@soror I think it's awesome that the PN thingy is working for you.  Sounds like you have some wiggle room to figure out what to do on heavy activity days.

@FarmingMomma Wow, how neat that your husband is working out with you!  I would love that.  My husband, like yours it sounds like, is very fit from a lifetime of manual labor, so he doesn't see the need to put himself through MORE physical stuff, haha.  But that would be fun.


Yesterday I felt pretty rough, so all I ended up doing was the lower body bodyweight circuit I concocted as a stopgap yesterday.  The whole top of my hand is blue still, but the swelling has gone down some.  It's not the worst pain ever, but enough to sap my energy, unfortunately.  I may just run this morning, not sure.  I definitely won't be punching any bags or sparring next week, that's for sure.  How annoying!  Tonight my son and I are walking in our little town's Christmas parade with the CKD float.  Should be a nice 2 mile stroll, lol.

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I've completely messed up the Nordic Walking for the weekend: appointments when the tide is low, free time when it's high, very little daylight to fit everything in.  Oh well.  I'll walk the dog today, then do yoga at home later.  Tomorrow, if I wake up early, I'll NW in the early morning, but then I'm going to a Christmas market at 10 (it gets too crowded later) and talking to my eldest child at 2, after which it's high tide.  Otherwise it will be yoga at home and dog walking in the dark.  Husband has just bought fresh tuna for supper, so that's yummy.

I might manage to swing my shift to take long lunches and walk then this week.  

I'm considering moving to a more expensive place for yoga classes.  The one that is run by my place of work doesn't work with my schedule (it's mostly designed for students and academics) and there are long stretches of the year when there is only one class that I can kind of make, and not always with a good teacher.  Cheap isn't cheap if it isn't what you need.  I'm looking at a place that has small classes (10 students rather than 30) and costs more, but has better class times and (I hope) more predictably good teachers.  I'll see what the new schedule for my current place is like when it's published in January, and decide from there.

Edited by Laura Corin
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23 minutes ago, Laura Corin said:

I've completely messed up the Nordic Walking for the weekend: appointments when the tide is low, free time when it's high, very little daylight to fit everything in.  Oh well.  I'll walk the dog today, then do yoga at home later.  Tomorrow, if I wake up early, I'll NW in the early morning, but then I'm going to a Christmas market at 10 (it gets too crowded later) and talking to my eldest child at 2, after which it's high tide.  Otherwise it will be yoga at home and dog walking in the dark.  Husband has just bought fresh tuna for supper, so that's yummy.

I might manage to swing my shift to take long lunches and walk then this week.  

I'm considering moving to a more expensive place for yoga classes.  The one that is run by my place of work doesn't work with my schedule (it's mostly designed for students and academics) and there are long stretches of the year when there is only one class that I can kind of make, and not always with a good teacher.  Cheap isn't cheap if it isn't what you need.  I'm looking at a place that has small classes (10 students rather than 30) and costs more, but has better class times and (I hope) more predictably good teachers.  I'll see what the new schedule for my current place is like when it's published in January, and decide from there.


Yoga is such a big part of your life--you gotta have a studio that meets your needs!  I can def see why you'd want to switch.

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20 hours ago, wintermom said:

No, it was not the "good" sore one feels with a solid work-out in the gym, but it was a short-lived pain. It was all muscular, and thankfully it wasn't spasms.

Enjoy your walk!

I'm glad to here it is feeling better.

25 minutes ago, IvyInFlorida said:

Yesterday I felt pretty rough, so all I ended up doing was the lower body bodyweight circuit I concocted as a stopgap yesterday.  The whole top of my hand is blue still, but the swelling has gone down some.  It's not the worst pain ever, but enough to sap my energy, unfortunately.  I may just run this morning, not sure.  I definitely won't be punching any bags or sparring next week, that's for sure.  How annoying!  Tonight my son and I are walking in our little town's Christmas parade with the CKD float.  Should be a nice 2 mile stroll, lol.

I'm sorry, that sucks 😞 Have fun in the parade.

5 minutes ago, Laura Corin said:

I've completely messed up the Nordic Walking for the weekend: appointments when the tide is low, free time when it's high, very little daylight to fit everything in.  Oh well.  I'll walk the dog today, then do yoga at home later.  Tomorrow, if I wake up early, I'll NW in the early morning, but then I'm going to a Christmas market at 10 (it gets too crowded later) and talking to my eldest child at 2, after which it's high tide.  Otherwise it will be yoga at home and dog walking in the dark.  Husband has just bought fresh tuna for supper, so that's yummy.

I might manage to swing my shift to take long lunches and walk then this week.  

I'm considering moving to a more expensive place for yoga classes.  The one that is run by my place of work doesn't work with my schedule (it's mostly designed for students and academics) and there are long stretches of the year when there is only one class that I can kind of make, and not always with a good teacher.  Cheap isn't cheap if it isn't what you need.  I'm looking at a place that has small classes (10 students rather than 30) and costs more, but has better class times and (I hope) more predictably good teachers.  I'll see what the new schedule for my current place is like when it's published in January, and decide from there.

I think looking for a different place to take classes is a very good idea, even if you just go there part of the time. Classes are def. not equal across different studios and teachers.


No walk yesterday and I ended up with not quite 7k steps and 0 activity minutes although I did about 1.5 hrs of yoga none got my heart rate much.

Elbow is still nagging so I'm sticking to lower body work today.

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Lower Body strength work done- 30 min

started w/ squats to the song Bring Sally Up- that's a good burn- there are all kinds of fitness challenges to this song

rear foot elevated split squats; rolling to the bottom of the pistol squat and shrimp squats

w/ upper body/shoulder mobility/rehab work

I had not done 1 legged squats in ages but we did the roll to pistol in BUTI and I seen a shrimp squat challenge this week so they were on my mind. My shrimp squats were much better than they were, all those squats and lunges are doing their job 🙂

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I passed my first TKD belt test in years.  I stopped going for a long time, but I always intended to go back ... but was hoping it wasn't just one of those empty good intentions.

In a couple weeks, I plan to do a "camp" that will hopefully enable me to pass another belt test.

Then just one more test (probably in February) before I can join my kids' advanced TKD class and we can do it as a family again!

Still need to improve a lot of other things, but this feels good to me.  🙂

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14 hours ago, SKL said:

I passed my first TKD belt test in years.  I stopped going for a long time, but I always intended to go back ... but was hoping it wasn't just one of those empty good intentions.

In a couple weeks, I plan to do a "camp" that will hopefully enable me to pass another belt test.

Then just one more test (probably in February) before I can join my kids' advanced TKD class and we can do it as a family again!

Still need to improve a lot of other things, but this feels good to me.  🙂


Yay, way to go!!!  I bet it felt good pass that test!

I've done a Choi Kwang Do camp for 2 summers now, and really really enjoyed it.  Martial arts are so great.  (I say, sitting here with an ice pack on my rainbow-colored knuckles, lol)

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Nordic Walked for the first time in weeks!  Got up early and went before we visited the Christmas market.  Felt so great.  I saw four people preparing to swim in the North Sea - wild swimming is very popular at present.  The air temperature was 1.5 degrees C.  

In a few minutes we will walk the dog, then I'll feel that I've got back on track a bit.  The rest of the day will just be Christmas prep.  Lovely lunch though: left-over grilled tuna with lightly-scrambled eggs; salad; baby broad beans with olive oil.  I have venison pie for supper, which sound great too.

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3 hours ago, Laura Corin said:

Nordic Walked for the first time in weeks!  Got up early and went before we visited the Christmas market.  Felt so great.  I saw four people preparing to swim in the North Sea - wild swimming is very popular at present.  The air temperature was 1.5 degrees C.  

In a few minutes we will walk the dog, then I'll feel that I've got back on track a bit.  The rest of the day will just be Christmas prep.  Lovely lunch though: left-over grilled tuna with lightly-scrambled eggs; salad; baby broad beans with olive oil.  I have venison pie for supper, which sound great too.

Great job getting in your nordic and dog walking! 

I am fascinated by the crazy ...um... weirdos ... brave souls who do this polar bear swimming stuff. It's one thing to do this when you've heated up nicely in a sauna, you jump into something cold (snow or water), and then you zip right back into the hot sauna. This I can handle and it's actually amazing. Just swimming in freezing cold water and coming out into the cold seems simply devastating. I would never warm up.

Your meals today sound amazing, BTW. I'd love to pop over and share with you! 😂 (As long as there is no mention of a dip in the ocean.)

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I went for a long walk in the woods this morning in the fresh snow. It was absolutely gorgeous outside. We must have had freezing rain and then snow on top of that, as every branch on each tree was covered in snow/ice. It's a little sad for the trees and branches who can't handle the weight of the ice and snow, and some of them look completely sad and depressed - just like Eeyore would look like as a tree. 

I ventured onto a new trail that seemed to be well-marked, but it was actually pretty challenging to stay on it. So many fallen trees to walk around, trees leaning against others and waiting to fall, as well as some growth not cleared. It was beautiful, a little scary that a tree or clump of ice might fall on my head, and required good focus so I wouldn't get lost. 

Edited by wintermom
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Week in review-

Exercise mostly as planned- added in a yoga class I taught and skipped 1 strength workout due to sore elbow and did lower body strength instead of pull-ups on Sat- 7 Morning Meltdown Workouts; 2 strength workouts; 1 run; 1 BUTI class; 45 min yoga ; 77k steps-avg 11k a day; 460 active minutes

This week's plan, same as before- 3 weeks of Morning Meltdown left, 3 days lifting- Ultimate Pull-up Program; 1- 1.5 mi run; 1 BUTI class; 77k steps

I want to remember to time my run this time so I can track progress better. 

My elbow seems fine so I'm hoping for good lifting sessions this week.

I've been doing some meal prep this weekend. I have prepared:


-orange kale salad

-turkey Asian meatballs

-brown rice

-purple cabbage slaw

-pinto and black beans


-cooked beets for muffins, smoothies, and a breakfast bowl I want to try

-1/2 batch pumpkin protein pancakes 

-homemade turkey breakfast sausage (spices added and mixed I'll cook fresh)

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Ended up going to ER with dd2 for her horrible stomach pain(we have appt with GI dr in Jan but it is hurting her 24/7), no answers, Celiac still seems most likely. Got home at 3 am. I went ahead and cancelled classes this am, I slept not quite 4 hrs and plan for a nice nap. I think I'll be skipping any workouts today.

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9 hours ago, soror said:

Ended up going to ER with dd2 for her horrible stomach pain(we have appt with GI dr in Jan but it is hurting her 24/7), no answers, Celiac still seems most likely. Got home at 3 am. I went ahead and cancelled classes this am, I slept not quite 4 hrs and plan for a nice nap. I think I'll be skipping any workouts today.

That's too bad. Hope you get some answers soon. Rest and relax as much as you can. 

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I am in desperate need of sleep. Sun night was 3hr 20 min and last night 5 hr 45. I did get a so-so nap yesterday.

I'm scaling back this week, it is PMS time and I'm starting out sleep deprived and stressed.

Today I'm planning MMA workout I missed yesterday, it is way less intense than the usual HIIT, we'll see how lifting goes this evening and play the rest of the week by ear.

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Things have been a little frustrating for me on the fitness front...hurting my knuckle obviously has put a damper on stuff (people at CKD who have had this happen before said it's probably got a little break in there, but it'll heal on its own) and yesterday I gingerly attempted the next kettlebell workout only to have a callous rip about 2/3rds of the way through.  I've seen folks mention this happening and how painful it is--holy cow, they're right!  There's no way I can grip any bars or weights in that hand till it heals.  Bah.  Guess I'll be doing a lot of CKD drills and running for the next few days. 

On a brighter note, I have a suspicion that my husband has got me some sort of workout related Christmas gift, which is awesome!  (take that, Peloton commerical haters!)  I'm hoping for adjustable dumbbells--the kind you load plates onto and secure with a screw clip.  Can't wait (weight? lol) to find out!

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2 minutes ago, soror said:

I am in desperate need of sleep. Sun night was 3hr 20 min and last night 5 hr 45. I did get a so-so nap yesterday.

I'm scaling back this week, it is PMS time and I'm starting out sleep deprived and stressed.

Today I'm planning MMA workout I missed yesterday, it is way less intense than the usual HIIT, we'll see how lifting goes this evening and play the rest of the week by ear.


Yikes.  I'm sorry.  Definitely go real easy on yourself till after your period.  *hug*

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2 hours ago, IvyInFlorida said:

Things have been a little frustrating for me on the fitness front...hurting my knuckle obviously has put a damper on stuff (people at CKD who have had this happen before said it's probably got a little break in there, but it'll heal on its own) and yesterday I gingerly attempted the next kettlebell workout only to have a callous rip about 2/3rds of the way through.  I've seen folks mention this happening and how painful it is--holy cow, they're right!  There's no way I can grip any bars or weights in that hand till it heals.  Bah.  Guess I'll be doing a lot of CKD drills and running for the next few days. 

On a brighter note, I have a suspicion that my husband has got me some sort of workout related Christmas gift, which is awesome!  (take that, Peloton commerical haters!)  I'm hoping for adjustable dumbbells--the kind you load plates onto and secure with a screw clip.  Can't wait (weight? lol) to find out!

Gah, I'm sorry. I've ripped callouses and ripped my skin neither are pleasant at all and injuries are just plain annoying and painful. LOL, oh, excitement, we can't wait to see what you get 🙂

2 hours ago, IvyInFlorida said:


Yikes.  I'm sorry.  Definitely go real easy on yourself till after your period.  *hug*

I think it is more sleep dep and stress at this point but it is hard to say, I'm hoping a few nights of decent sleep will help.

13 hours ago, wintermom said:

I went for a nice, long walk with my friend down the country road. No stinky country smells, no manure trucks! Just a cold wind and drivers that forget to move over for walkers. And I'm a little (justifiably) paranoid that the poor drivers don't even see us on the side of the road. 

Oh, we walk a lot on our country road, usually people are good about moving and slowing down but some are just jerks it is scary. A friend's husband and son we're hit on their bikes on their road.

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Core and Fight Club (like kickboxing) both done. Planned one felt up for both although not as spunky as usual I got it done.

I tried a beet smoothie yesterday and although I was suspicous of the ingredients I really liked it. It is from the book; Run Fast, Cook Fast, Eat Slow (I bought for myself for Christmas)-

it has steamed beet, banana, blueberries, coconut water, almond milk, and pb, 

pre-workout today toast and almond butter; after workout- plain steel cut oats, blueberries, pecans, and homemade lean turkey breakfast sausage

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4 hours ago, soror said:

Oh, we walk a lot on our country road, usually people are good about moving and slowing down but some are just jerks it is scary. A friend's husband and son we're hit on their bikes on their road.

Yes, this is so sad to hear about. I've heard multiple stories like this and it's very upsetting. There are so many thoughtless and unsafe drivers out there that I get nervous.

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8 hours ago, soror said:


Oh, we walk a lot on our country road, usually people are good about moving and slowing down but some are just jerks it is scary. A friend's husband and son we're hit on their bikes on their road.

We walk on the roads around the village; it's mostly okay, but stressed delivery drivers can be a danger. When I walk the dog at night, we are lit up like a Christmas tree.

6 hours ago, soror said:

Core and Fight Club (like kickboxing) both done. Planned one felt up for both although not as spunky as usual I got it done.

I tried a beet smoothie yesterday and although I was suspicous of the ingredients I really liked it. It is from the book; Run Fast, Cook Fast, Eat Slow (I bought for myself for Christmas)-

it has steamed beet, banana, blueberries, coconut water, almond milk, and pb, 

pre-workout today toast and almond butter; after workout- plain steel cut oats, blueberries, pecans, and homemade lean turkey breakfast sausage

I have some steamed beetroot. Maybe I'll add some to tomorrow's smoothie. ETA just made a beetroot, blueberry, silken tofu, spinach and oat milk smoothie, with a scatter of ground flax and a splash of vanilla. I really like it.

ETA managed a good amount of yoga this evening, strength and stretch. A short walk at lunchtime, but better than nothing.

Edited by Laura Corin
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