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It is that time of year again. What are you doing to keep your family's immune systems strong?


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After a pretty sick free summer, we are back in sick town.  We are going on week 3 of having sick kids in the  house.  I was struck down already, not all the way better.  A lingering cough still.  And now I feel like I am getting sick again.

We had been Elderberry users, but we didn't feel like it worked at all last time.

So what are you doing this year? 

Does anyone use Ziacam?  Does it work? 


We have been using 

Elderberry, Emergen C, Vitamins, Extra Vitamin C, Honey, and green tea.

I went and bought new germ free humidifiers and we will be getting Flu shots. 

The normal

Lots of fruits and veggies, washing hands, lots of sleep, fresh air and sunshine, and exercise.  


Anything else that you do? 

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In addition to some already mentioned (I don’t really do vitamins or supplements), I wear thin gloves in public during the winter for both warmth and germ protection and wash my hands every time upon arriving home, in addition to never using my hands to eat at work or in public even after washing them. I only use utensils, as it’s pretty hard to not touch public things after washing and I hate hand sanitizer. I can’t remember the last time I was sick.

Edited to add don’t touch your face. That can be a tough one for kids, but my son eventually got the hang of it. It also helps later with acne. And if anyone in the home is sick, disinfect doorknobs and handles, light switches, etc. Basically anything that is touched communally.

And I don’t know how much difference it makes, but I don’t have a smart phone. So I’m not touching communal things and then touching my phone or making a call. Preventing illness is not the reason I don’t have a smart phone, but I think it helps.

Edited by Frances
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We don't do all of these now, but they've all helped at one point or another:

daily vitamin D instead of flu shot (or in addition to it)

wash hands more often 

get more sleep

don't touch your face except to wash it

don't eat in public

change clothing after being in public

Monolaurin both as a preventative and to knock out something that's just starting

zinc and vitamin C when symptoms start

hydrogen peroxide on a swab in ears and nose (different swabs!) after exposure to children, crowds, and coughing people, and at first sign of symptoms 

garlic bread 

chicken soup with garlic, onion, a dash of cayenne, etc.

ETA - More ideas:

wear hair over the ears during cold and flu season so germs don't get inside that way

disinfect light switches, door knobs, keyboards, phones, computers, and tablets, especially those taken out of the home

keep bags that have been on the floor in public off your kitchen table, counters, beds, etc.

Edited by klmama
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Lots of water, lots of sleep, zicam when I feel something coming on.  Avoid air travel if you can, because that's just a tin can full of germs (and I have to get on a plane later this week, ugh!)

I try to avoid places where lots of little kids congregate because one of them is always, always hacking and boogering on something, or there's a mom that says "Yeah, he's had strep throat and pink eye, but I just *had* to get out of the house!" Um.  What makes you think I want pink eye and strep throat, Karen?!

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10 hours ago, Catwoman said:

You’re already doing everything we do, and then some, so I don’t have any good suggestions for you. I’ll be following this thread, though, because they are predicting a bad flu season this year.



I already had flu this year -- just last week and I'm still dealing with the after-effects.  Meh.  It was probably on the milder side as flus go, but still a pain to deal with. 

ETA:  I think when my kids graduate I'm just going to either stay in my house or go camping and avoid the crowds during flu season.   

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5 hours ago, MissLemon said:

Lots of water, lots of sleep, zicam when I feel something coming on.  Avoid air travel if you can, because that's just a tin can full of germs (and I have to get on a plane later this week, ugh!)

I try to avoid places where lots of little kids congregate because one of them is always, always hacking and boogering on something, or there's a mom that says "Yeah, he's had strep throat and pink eye, but I just *had* to get out of the house!" Um.  What makes you think I want pink eye and strep throat, Karen?!


Does Ziacam work for you then?  I haven't ever tried that. 

And yes to your second one.  Although I can't avoid it at all.  We are with lots of little kids 6-7 days a week. 

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10 hours ago, Frances said:

In addition to some already mentioned (I don’t really do vitamins or supplements), I wear thin gloves in public during the winter for both warmth and germ protection and wash my hands every time upon arriving home, in addition to never using my hands to eat at work or in public even after washing them. I only use utensils, as it’s pretty hard to not touch public things after washing and I hate hand sanitizer. I can’t remember the last time I was sick.

Edited to add don’t touch your face. That can be a tough one for kids, but my son eventually got the hang of it. It also helps later with acne. And if anyone in the home is sick, disinfect doorknobs and handles, light switches, etc. Basically anything that is touched communally.

And I don’t know how much difference it makes, but I don’t have a smart phone. So I’m not touching communal things and then touching my phone or making a call. Preventing illness is not the reason I don’t have a smart phone, but I think it helps.


I think your 2 first tips are good, but  I have such trouble getting my kids to follow that.  We have to eat out in public once a day 6 days a week.  Just getting them all to remember to wash hands is hard.  They do use their hands to eat.  Argh.

And touching the face.  I am constantly telling them to stop, get your fingers out of your nose or eyes.   One day I won't have to say that right? 

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Has anyone used coconut oil?   I just read that people use this for germ fighting.



The 12-carbon lauric acid makes up about 50% of the fatty acids in coconut oil.

When lauric acid is digested, it also forms a substance called monolaurin.

Both lauric acid and monolaurin can kill harmful pathogens like bacteria, viruses and fungi (6Trusted Source).

For example, these substances have been shown to help kill the bacteria Staphylococcus aureus (a very dangerous pathogen) and the yeast Candida albicans, a common source of yeast infections in humans

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1 hour ago, mommyoffive said:


Does Ziacam work for you then?  I haven't ever tried that. 

And yes to your second one.  Although I can't avoid it at all.  We are with lots of little kids 6-7 days a week. 


Yes, zicam usually works for me if I take it as soon as I get that "Am I getting sick?" feeling.  It doesn't work 100% of the time, but usually works about 75% of the time for me and my husband. 

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2 hours ago, mommyoffive said:

Has anyone used coconut oil?   I just read that people use this for germ fighting.



The 12-carbon lauric acid makes up about 50% of the fatty acids in coconut oil.

When lauric acid is digested, it also forms a substance called monolaurin.

Both lauric acid and monolaurin can kill harmful pathogens like bacteria, viruses and fungi (6Trusted Source).

For example, these substances have been shown to help kill the bacteria Staphylococcus aureus (a very dangerous pathogen) and the yeast Candida albicans, a common source of yeast infections in humans

I cook with it.  I know people who use it other ways - taking it straight, spreading it on toast, adding to coffee - but that's not happening here!  It also works well for oil pulling, if you can handle the taste. 

Taking monolaurin works better for those who don't like the taste of coconut.  





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I can't remember the last time I caught a cold, but we have Zicam at home and at work and will take it at the first sign of a cold. Last year I did catch the second wave of flu. It was awful.  I think I caught it while taking care of one of my kids.

I think my immune system is pretty healthy, but the one thing I want to get serious about is practicing the Wim Hof Method -- cold therapy and a particular way of breathing. The cold therapy is just exposure to cold, such as cold showers or baths. It can be as simple as just making shower water colder for a few minutes. The cold temperature causes your body to make cold shock proteins which are not fully understood yet but are believe to play a role in Wim Hof and his practioners' ability to stay so healthy.. I also sit in a dry sauna often which causes the body to make heat shock proteins. Both cold and heat shock proteins are good for your health.

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My husband and I have started practicing the Win Hof Method to keep healthy. It's basically deep breathing, exercise and exposure to cold. Wim has been studied for his ability to expose himself to cold for long periods of time and also for his amazing immune system. The people he's trained -- random volunteers -- get similar results. He also offers a series on YouTube for anyone who wants to learn it.

Here are two short 5-7" videos explaining his method and how it affects a person's body. The first one has two cuss words which some might want to skip. It's a good overview, though.



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I give my kids Kefir smoothies every day.  Homemade Kefir made from something called "Easy Kefir" or a Kefir starter culture which you can buy on Amazon.  I put about 1 cup of Kefir, some vanilla protein powder, a banana, and some strawberries or blueberries into the mixer.  Last year, both my kids went to school.  My daughter was the only one who got sick.  There was a nasty flu virus going around that was knocking people out for 1-2 weeks.  My daughter had it 1 day.  Lately, even if my kids do get the flu, it lasts about a day.  I can't remember last time they had a really bad cold.  We also tend to stay away from sugar for the most part and reserve it for special events.  



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1 hour ago, bethben said:

I give my kids Kefir smoothies every day.  Homemade Kefir made from something called "Easy Kefir" or a Kefir starter culture which you can buy on Amazon.  I put about 1 cup of Kefir, some vanilla protein powder, a banana, and some strawberries or blueberries into the mixer.  Last year, both my kids went to school.  My daughter was the only one who got sick.  There was a nasty flu virus going around that was knocking people out for 1-2 weeks.  My daughter had it 1 day.  Lately, even if my kids do get the flu, it lasts about a day.  I can't remember last time they had a really bad cold.  We also tend to stay away from sugar for the most part and reserve it for special events.  




I looked up the Easy Kefir.   How do you make it?   I am confused reading people's reviews on there. 

Just mix it into milk and then it is done?   

I already have the kids taking a probiotic and we are still getting sick. 

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Quick question for those who have responded that you do certain things that have helped your family stay healthy...

Was there a time when you didn’t do these things? Has there been a marked difference in your family’s health since you made changes and added things like the kefir smoothies or certain supplements (or whatever?)

We try to do whatever we can to avoid illness, so this thread is very interesting to me and has given me some new ideas to try, but I am curious about your results. As an example, I have a friend who swears by certain immunity-boosting products and brags to everyone that the products are the reason why her family rarely gets sick... but I have known her for years, and I know that her family has always been amazingly resistant to catching anything that was going around, even when they were very directly exposed to highly contagious illnesses (and at that time, the mom wasn’t at all concerned about illness and didn’t even have her kids clean their hands before eating after they played in the crowded play area at McDonalds during flu season, so it’s not like she was secretly cautious and pretending to be casual about it.) Clearly, in her case, the products might be perfectly fine, but I seriously doubt they have had much to do with her family staying healthy.

So that’s why I’m wondering... have you seen an actual difference in your family’s health, or have you always been the family who never seems to catch anything that’s going around?

Edited by Catwoman
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1 hour ago, mommyoffive said:


I looked up the Easy Kefir.   How do you make it?   I am confused reading people's reviews on there. 

Just mix it into milk and then it is done?   

I already have the kids taking a probiotic and we are still getting sick. 


You need to get kefir grains which are squishy but firm. You might have to revive them but after that you just put them in milk in a jar, and let them sit out on your counter for a day or two. Then you strain the milk through a mesh strainer into another container pressing down with a rubber or silicone spatula leaving behind the grains. Then start the process over again. YouTube has some helpful videos. To start you'd need some good quality kefir grains, containers like glass Mason jars, ideally a large, mesh-like nylon sieve, a rubber spatula and milk.

My son who had the flu last year, which was his senior year in college, ferments all kinds of food. Probably 1/2 of his daily diet is fermented food. Kefir, kraut, kimchi, eggs, garlic in honey, beets, kvass. He has those foods almost always in his fridge. He also eats a wide variety of fresh veggies and fruit, some fish and meat, doesn't drink booze, drinks a lot of tea with ginger slices and turmeric root but he still caught the flu. I think it was because his schedule was crazy and he was stressed and up too late some nights. He's usually pretty healthy, though.

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Agreeing with frequent hand washing and not touching eyes, nose, mouth, etc. Also agree w/ wiping down door knobs, light switches, TV remotes, computer keyboards, phones, etc. 

Lots of water, fruits and veggies. Less sugar, less sickness for me. 

I plan to use a sauna to combat colds and flu also. 

We have stocked our freezer up on homemade chicken broth. We call it liquid gold. 

I only use elderberry once I feel symptomatic. A few years ago one of my children and several other students at debate came down with the flu. It was the first time I had a sick child who had sensitivity to light. Anyway, I gave him elderberry and he got through the flu quicker than any of the other students. 

I have Emergen-C (both name brand and generic), but worry about the sugars in it. I do have one dose on every flight I take. 

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I tell you what has helped me stay healthier== no longer volunteer with children.  I just can't.  I was getting so sick from it that after I got a bad case of pneumonia, I stopped.  And yes, it did work.  

I have no problems doing volunteer work with old people.  They aren't sick anywhere as much as children.

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