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The end came, and I missed it.

Noreen Claire

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DS2 (3 in October) has finally stopped nursing. We had been down to only at nap times, and not even every day, and then we went away for last week with family, and he was too busy with cousins to have any interest. I've been putting him down on the couch with an audiobook the last few days, and he's been taking a nap without needing to nurse first. The last time must have been sometime two weeks ago.

I'm sad this part of my life is over now. I nursed my first baby almost 24 years ago! I've been nursing for pretty much the past 10+ years (the last 7+ nonstop), through multiple pregnancies, through tandem-nursing babies and toddlers, through several miscarriages, through way too much sleep deprivation and a 40lb weight gain. I'm glad to have (that small part of my) body back! I just am sad that I can't remember the last time.

Now, if he could just sleep through the night and give up diapers....

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I hear you.  A friend posted on Facebook today that her sixth (and last) baby stopped nursing.  I cried for her.  I missed it when my youngest stopped nursing, too.  She was 3.5 and dropped it gradually, the way you describe.  I missed it, too.  


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I recently sent our 2.5 yo out of town with DH for a few days because I just couldn't nurse any more. He still wanted to nurse constantly and I just couldn't take it. And I wasn't having any success in getting him to not nurse often/stop asking. So I forced it by sending him OOT. He's been back almost a week, and he still asks multiple times a day. But before he went, my putting him off/refusing would result in a massive meltdown from him. Now he's totally cool with it.

And yet, I am still sad. So...hugs.

Also, he's sort of potty-trained at home. He doesn't wear diaper and makes it to the toilet the vast majority of the time. But out and about is another story. I have to really pay attention to making sure he goes to avoid accidents. DH was astounded by this on his trip. "It's like he can't remember using the toilet when not at home. He had accidents all.the.time!"

My response was something along the lines of, "Oops. Did I forget to warn you about that?" 

I hear you on sleeping through the night though. Actually, I'd settle for giving up his night-owl ways (I am so not a night-owl).

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😞. I’ve had all the last times in that poem and of course, never knew they were the last time.

Earlier this summer, I took my kids to the zoo.  They’re 14 and 16 and I did it more for me than for them, because they’re kinda too old to go to the zoo with their mom.  But I wanted to know it was the last time I took my kids to the zoo and to savor it while we were there.  I expect that if I ever go to the zoo with them again, it’ll be as a grandma.  I wanted that one last day with just me and my boys on a little trip to the zoo together.  


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3 hours ago, Garga said:

😞. I’ve had all the last times in that poem and of course, never knew they were the last time.

Earlier this summer, I took my kids to the zoo.  They’re 14 and 16 and I did it more for me than for them, because they’re kinda too old to go to the zoo with their mom.  But I wanted to know it was the last time I took my kids to the zoo and to savor it while we were there.  I expect that if I ever go to the zoo with them again, it’ll be as a grandma.  I wanted that one last day with just me and my boys on a little trip to the zoo together.  


😃I gave my daughter the choice of how she wanted to celebrate her 18th birthday, and she chose to spend it with me going to the zoo and having a picnic lunch in the part just like we did during her growing up years. It made me so happy that she wanted to commemorate the end of childhood in that way. My oldest son did something similar--wound up watching his beloved Star Wars movies while eating his favorite childhood foods (goldfish crackers, Kraft mac and cheese, etc.).

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