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What are your favorite family games and what will you be adding this Christmas?

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Monopoly (We have the Boutique edition. Think "100 different shades of pink")



are the favorites here. And this Christmas, I have decided that I am tired of hearing friends rave about how great Settlers of Catan is. I'm going to (wince) fork out the 40-some dollars and find out for myself! I'm also thinking about Quiddler.





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We're getting the new Twister Hopscotch game. I'm sure I'll pick up a couple of more, but I'm not sure which ones as of yet. My nearly 7 year old ds is getting the new Electronic Guess Who for his birthday in a couple of weeks.


ETA: I may get the Settlers of Catan. Is it similar to Risk? We love to play Risk as a family, but it takes so stinkin' long to finish. Amazon has Catan for $34.

Edited by Angela in GA
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We like Monopoly and Clue, and our LOTR and Star Wars trivia games. We've been getting bored with our other games, and looking for some new ones.


I was thinking of getting the Star Wars version of Risk, but it's ridiculously expensive! But then ds and I saw this new Risk 2210 A.D., and it looks interesting.


I think Apples to Apples looks really good, too.


I'm looking forward to getting some more good ideas!



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Our favorite is Carcasonne but if we don't have that much time we usually play Sequence. We all enjoy Risk but since DH and I have VERY different stragtegies, he gets frustrated with me so we don't play it anymore. I think I'll be buying Settlers of Catan this year but there are several other games from Rio Grande that also look interesting so I may choose one of them instead. We'll see.

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We have a 6 year age span between the girls so finding something that they both like to play has been a challenge.


Last year was Doodle Dice. Awesome little game.


This year was Blokus.


We're adding Blokus Trigon because the girls liked Blokus so much and asked for it AND we can play it as a family. We may add Dutch Blitz this year too. Dd has played it at her friend's house and liked it.

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We just got one called "New Worlds." It's an exploration, settler type of game. It looked pretty cool. We're hoping ds will like it. He seems to enjoy those types of things. If nothing else, dh and I will enjoy it! :)

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Guest janainaz

Favorite family games:



Mexican Train






adding this year:


I don't know yet! I'm looking right now. We have every game under the sun and I'm looking for unique/mental/strategy games.

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We have and love many of the games that have already been mentioned: Apples to Apples, Scattergories, Scrabble, Monopoly, Pay Day, Risk, etc.


Last year we added Ingenious from Barnes and Noble. It is a blast! Games are not too long and several ages can play together because it doesn't involve words.


Another inexpensive and fun game I didn't see anyone mention is Set. It is easy to just pull out the deck of cards and play. It is great for taking places because of this. You can just stick the deck in your purse and go.

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Favorites are/have been:


Guess Who (the kids could play alone when they were younger)

Battleship for the same reason

Set (love that game!!)




Apples to Apples

Old fashioned card games: gin rummy, rummy


The girls love Wii now.

I may get Life this year and Cribbage to get everyone off the electronics.

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Some of our favorites:










A real mind stretcher is Equate


Probably our favorite game is Wise and Otherwise. This is a fun game with children older than ten; we bring it out when we have company too.




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