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It's 1:30pm and I have received 9 spam calls so far today. ARGH


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I'm registered on the DND list but the number of calls has been picking up since around October. At first it was all election related and I thought it would go down afterwards (I know election calls aren't spam), but instead it's just slowly kept increasing from maybe 1-3 calls a day to now a minimum of 5, and today has hit the high of 9, with another 5 hours of expected call time. 

So so so annoying. Normally I'd just ignore and wait for it to go to VM, but today I'm waiting for some call backs so I'm answering each call because they all show local numbers. 

End vent. 


Okay, now end vent. lol

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5 hours ago, Moonhawk said:

The weird thing is that 2 of the calls literally ended themselves: "Hi, This is Amber from--"*click*. So I don't even know if I'm mad about my expired car warranty or the IRS about to arrest me! lol


Oh, the IRS has been after me for years but they have yet to arrest me. I once talked to a friend who works at the police department and she said people call them to report these calls (especially people whose elderly parents went into a panic because the IRS was going to arrest them) and she said most of those calls originate in a foreign country and there is little they can do about it.

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I finally got off the list for student loans. They wanted me to consolidate my loans (even though I have none currently). I went up to 10 calls in one day and then it just petered out - no idea why. (So maybe you're due to go off the list!) Now, it's 2 different people trying to get me to sign up for health insurance; one does local numbers/one does Chicagoland numbers. Both annoy me as we should be getting lots of calls from those areas calling me from medical and government offices so I have to answer every call. My teen dd's new phone number is absolutely insane with spam calls - it gets like 20 calls daily. 

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