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Isn't it funny...

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how some threads, when they are positioned one above the other, seem to go together in an absurd and sometimes hilarious way?


I just read this:


What are you getting your parents for Christmas?


A trip to the doctor and three stitches...



There we go! A joke theme for the day! That was much better than my knock knock joke!

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Remember the thread about, "Would you like to get a lonely marine something for Christmas?" That came up on my computer as, "Would you like to get a lonely marine?" I just about choked on my coffee until I opened it.




LOL!! I guess you thought the boards were taking an entirely new direction!!


I keep wanting to respond to the thread "Help! negativity, attitude, talking back, grumbling, etc. - How do YOU handle this? " with some response about our board behavior, but I have refrained......so far!!

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