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TKD moms, question about sparring gear


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So the place we go to is “encouraging” us to get sparring gear for DSs 9 and 6.  They are currently yellow belts.  The master says that even if they don’t want to spar in tournaments (which neither care to do at this point) its going to start to be required during classes.  He also “strongly encourages” us to get the sparring gear through him for about $130/each.  I asked him about getting some online and while he didn’t say no, he says what he has is likely better quality, etc....  

Is there actually a difference in TKD sparring gear?  The one I was looking at on Amazon was Macho Dyna brand 7 piece set for $71/each.  Definitely enough of a difference where I might just buck he “recommendation,” especially as we’re having plenty of costs this month elsewhere. 

Is $130 a valid price?  What have you paid for yours?  Is there much of a quality diffference from this Macho Dyna to something (no idea what that would even be) more expensive?

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I think that $130 is way too much for kids of that age. We got sparring gear through the teacher, who bought in bulk for everyone at the beginning of the year and the set was less than $50 for each kid.  I would find out at which color belt the gear is absolutely required.  In general, do you trust them, or do you get the sense that they are trying to make money at every possible opportunity?

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I’m not sure what gear is required for TKD but we do Tang So Do Which is similar. We are required to use hand, foot, head, and mouth guards. Chest and shin gear are optional. I ordered our gear off EBay. It was pretty easy to find low cost gear for the kids, especially that was still in great shape. Adult sizes were harder to find. Kids outgrow it or quit the sport before the gear gets worn out. Also, young kids don’t tend to spar all that hard so it doesn’t get much wear and tear. I’d ask the Master what brand he sells and then comparison shop yourself. Our school sells gear too but they sell it for cost - around $60 a set I think. I averaged $15-$20 a set buying used off EBay. It’s lasted about 3 years. Some of my kids need pieces replaced now and I’m planning to go back to EBay for that. 

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Briefly, yes to sparring gear for safety and to get used to wearing it if your family is planning on continuing; yes to purchasing good quality/not damaged gear that fits your dc well. If you can guarantee good quality and good fit, then purchase elsewhere, but if not then spend a little extra (perhaps) to purchase it from your school. Your instructor may make a tiny bit of money on selling the gear, but this isn't the main money-maker for a martial arts school. Getting students and keeping them is, as well as keeping things safe at the school and avoiding unnecessary injury. 

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The master at my kids’ TKD studio requires hand, foot, head, and chest protectors and a mouth guard. He recommends shin gear, especially at the higher levels (red belt and above). The gear is recommended starting at gold or orange belts. (I can’t remember whch one as most of my kids are higher levels.) the gear is required starting at purple belt. 

I generally buy gear through the studio. The master may make a bit of a commission, but that doesn’t bother me. What’s important to me is safety. I know the gear I buy will protect my kids’ growing bodies. 

Unfortunately, I don’t know about the specific brand you mentioned. I think you should find out at what belt level the sparring gear is required and go from there. 

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My kids are required to have sparring gear with them every day.  This started on day 1 when they were 6yo.

We were given our first sparring stuff when we signed up - I think it was "included" as a promotion.  Over the years we have had to buy bigger sizes.  I honestly would not be surprised if an entire set cost $130 and I would probably pay it, as it is an investment in something they will be using for years.  My kids are still using the chest guards they got 5+ years ago (though they recently started complaining that they want a bigger size).

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OP,  its hard to know if the price you were quoted is good without knowing exactly what is in the package or what brand it is.  Our school required full gear for kids, including hand and foot protection, shin guards, chest protector,  mouth guard, and headgear, with attached face mask required for children 13 and under.  They've gone to full chest protector for that age group, too, not just a rib protector, because a perfectly timed blow to the chest can stop the heart.  That piece was the most expensive, but also the easiest to purchase used from other families, as they don't fall apart as quickly as the rest.   

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SKL makes a good point about sizing and use. Most of the gear gets used a number of years before needing a bigger size. The big exception is foot gear which in my experience tends to get worn out quickly. And possibly mouth guards if your kids tend to “chew” them. <sigh - mine do>

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Sparring is require starting at green belt level here.  I paid 130 for DD’s and that included everything ( boys sets include a cup) and a bag. I did have to purchase a special month guard as DD has braces and the ones that come with it are not braces friendly.  I bought it through the studio as it was about a 5 dollar difference than me buying everything off amazon. 

Our stuff is all adult sizes.  I know the children sizes was a little cheaper. 

Edited by itsheresomewhere
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I'd probably suck it up and buy from the school. I've been burned too many times with ebay and amazon and sparring gear not fitting right or not being as durable. It's not a terrible price if it comes with everything. You may be able to negotiate a discount for buying two sets at once. 

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Yellow belt with us are encouraged to have sparring gear, and they do no touch sparring with it on. Green belt they begin real sparring with gear. I think the yellow belt sparring is to get them used to the feel and make sure they have everything ready for green sparring. We are required to have head, mouth, hands, and foot. I think the cost is around $75-90 new? 

Our school offers buying the gear for us as a convenience, we could go to Amazon. We end up usually buying from other families in the school whose kids just had a growth spurt (and in turn, selling to the younger kids). I think my daughter is on her 2nd set, so is my son. Maybe there's a family that needs to upgrade and would be willing to make a deal with you? 

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I think we paid $160/170.  It was not required for us, because sparring was optional ( whe n the class spars, if you don't spar, you go off to the side and practice kicks). I'm not sure if it becomes required at a certain belt level or not, my kids definitely wanted to spar! The gear lasts for years though. My kids have had theirs for about 3 years and I don't think they are going to outgrow it soon. Ours also came with a big duffle bag to carry everything. The boys equipment was $10 more expensive because it included a cup. I don't feel like our master is just out to make money, though. 

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The set includes shin, feet, head and hands, no mouth though and no bag.  Hmmmm.....  I wish I knew how long they’d end up being in the size that was ordered!  I’ll have to talk with him again.  It does feel like he does try to get money out here and there moreso than is perhaps necessary, so I’m quite sure he’s making a cut of some sort.  On the other hand, it is a very well run and well instructed do jang so I guess I shouldnt’ complain too much.  

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