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CAP writing... this has been bothering me since a March convention...


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My oldest daughter did two years of CAP writing in 4th and 5th grade. We then did two years of Classical Conversations and she did a year of IEW and a year of Lost Tools. In general, she seems to be a natural writer. At a convention in March, I swung by the CAP booth to look at their books since we had really enjoyed the books we did in 4th and 5th grades. The person working the booth told me you can't jump back into the program. You have to start at the beginning and work through. I explained we'd already done some of the books. She said we could maybe repeat the 2nd book and start from there. I tried to just step around her and look at the older kid books, and she basically stood and sorta blocked them. I wasn't going to get into an argument with someone to purchase what they were selling, so I just walked away.

Later, I stopped back by the side of the booth and snatched up a book. I was looking at it and the sales person came back by. She asked what I was looking for. I was like, umm, well, I thought I would just look again for my 8th grader. Just to see. She took the book out of my hands and put it back on the shelf. I was a bit flabbergasted. 

So, crazy sales person? CAP really MUST be used start to finish with no breaks? It's put a bad taste in my mouth for CAP products. I wound up switching Latin as well. But, I'm not sure if I should really hold one person working a booth against the entire company... 

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I usually don't write off a whole company based on one employee. I will let the powers that be know about my specific experience and see how they respond to my feedback. I would judge the company on how they responded to me at that point. I understand how it left a bad taste in your mouth. In my experience, I wouldn't be able to go anywhere to shop because there's always a bad apple employee. Now if I got that from more than one experience/interaction that would be a different story.

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What if you just wanted to see where the program goes at the upper levels?  Does she not know you can order it online and she can't stop you?  Homeschool conferences are important because of the opportunity to see things in person you otherwise can only see samples of.  I agree with CAL - it would be interesting to see what response you got from the company.  She was an idiot.  (Sorry, I can't advise about the program....)

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I would start by emailing the company and let them know what's going on at conventions.  That would be a very strange business model to keep up - they'd sell a ton of level 1 & 2, but almost no books at the other end if the insisted everyone had to go through from the beginning.  And if that is their preferred model, fine, but they should post it somewhere on their site - instead, their FAQs have a question about placement and the answer is that it is based on student ability and gives tips on how to place.

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Ya, that’s nuts. Someone was being officious - I think there are some people who feel a need to be important/an authority, and try to make their small square responsibility out to be much more than it is.  (As an aside this is one major reason co-ops can go awry)

I wouldn’t judge CAP by this woman who was too big for her britches. 

Edited by Targhee
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Really strange. I'd let the company know about this weird sales chick who didn't want to sell books!

We jumped right into Book 3, I think it was. No issues with jumping in there, but it wasn't to either of our likings, so we didn't get the next book.

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That is not a company policy because, if you ask, they will recommend a level for your child. As basic general advice, they do recommend going through the entire program. I would say that this employee may have taken that recommendation too literal. But, no, don't judge an entire company by the actions of one.

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Often times at conventions companies have volunteers who have used the curriculum helping at the booths. I remember getting emails asking about volunteering at our local convention and I think it was from CAP. I'm guessing that has to be what that lady was... but either way I think CAP should be told and I would suggest calling and asking their opinion about what level to place your daughter. We have used W&R so far through book 6 and I have been debating skipping a book or two as my oldest is starting 8th grade and their suggested grade levels make me feel like he is "behind." I've been planning to just call and ask as I think their customer service is usually pretty helpful which makes me think that lady you encountered was a crazy volunteer. Sorry that happened to you. For what it's worth I'm sure your daughter would be just fine jumping back in...

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