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Peri /menopause without a lot of symptoms


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I am almost 48 and it has now been 12+ months since my last cycle.  Before that it was irregular for about a year.

I really haven't had the horrible symptoms I hear about.  Weight gain...a bit more and trouble with waking up during the night and not being able to fall back asleep but other than that, not much.

Is this common or am I still in for it in the future?

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I didn't have any of the typical symptoms.  But my situation was a little unusual. I had a child at age 43, and nursed her for a  year. When I stopped nursing, I expected my cycles to start up again. They didn't. After a few months, I asked my doc.  He said "you are either pregnant or in menopause."  Haha. He did some tests and it was the latter.  It was just done.  

Anyway, I have known a few others who didn't have the typical symptoms of hot flashes, etc. Maybe it's not common exactly but I don't think it's unheard of.

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I never had a lot of symptoms. I'm 4 1/2 years past my last period. While I had times I got hot a little more often, or woke and had to kick the covers off, I never had a hot flash where it hit suddenly and I was pouring sweat with flushed face, etc., like some women do. My biggest symptom was a ramp-up of anxiety that lasted a few months. 

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Not necessarily. You could be one of those who just don't have that many symptoms. Everyone was telling me how awful it would be but nothing a little Maca could not manage. I am not even sure I ever had a real hot flash. A friend of mine suffered a lot more than I did and she was on all kinds of stuff that was supposed to help.

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I never really had a lot of symptoms but I did go two years without a period and then had a six month time span when I had periodic bleeding. The last bleeding was seven months ago. I had complete a complete medical and everything appears to be fine. After scouring the internet I have found that this is not terribly unusual.

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Not to be a downer, but at your age I wouldn't assume you've escaped. My symptoms didn't really start until I was around 47, and they ramped up for the next few years. I turned 55 in January and it's just this year that I've felt that I was probably over the hump. But really my only symptoms were being much hotter than normal all the time and hot flashes. I did struggle some with insomnia but that's been a lifelong issue, so I can't blame it on age. But some women do get through with very few/no symptoms. My mom always claimed she never had any.

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50 next month. At 46 I started getting a host of unpleasant symptoms: terrible cramps, cycle irregularity, heart palpitations, insomnia, constant fatigue, and some tmi stuff. I lost the extra 30 lbs. I'd been carrying and started exercising regularly: all of it went away. Very different story from my mom. No sisters or aunts so no other family data.

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