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Who's going to tackle Thursday with me?

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Hi guys.  Only day 4 of "summer" and I'm fading.  I really don't get enough work done in the office so I mean to do more at home ... but then I'm too fried.  I got up early this morning - right now it's 5am and I'm still coffeeing up and trying to get my brain working.  I promised some things overnight (or sooner) and I now have about 2 hours to get it all done.  If I focus, I should be able to do it, but my brain really wants to go back to bed.  It's gonna be a long day.

  • Up at 4:something, coffeeing up.
  • Catch up on emails & such.
  • Send out some work.
  • Check on a couple bills.
  • Prepare package for kid to take to day camp to deal with her first period.
  • Pack kid's vision therapy stuff & forms.
  • Kids up, fed, & ready for camp.  Clean kitchen.  Pack my computer & lunch.  Quick shower.
  • If there's time, pack old train table in the car for employee's kid.  (Otherwise do this tomorrow.)
  • Drop kids at camp.
  • To the office, try to be productive.
  • Hand over train table if I managed to get it into the van.
  • Figure out vision therapy app I was supposed to download a week ago.
  • Fill out vision therapy forms.
  • Fill out camp forms for upcoming summer camps.
  • Pick up kids - about 4:15ish.
  • Probably swing by McDonalds
  • Kid 1 to horse riding.
  • Kid 2 to vision therapy.
  • Pick Kid 1 back up.
  • Some kid quality time in the evening - maybe a quick game.
  • Read-aloud.
  • Kids to bed.
  • Work.
  • Whatever I'm forgetting.


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Order Text for DS ( a rare treat...there's just not much to do for him anymore...I can't believe his uber-independant self still lets me!)

Wrap birthday presents

Order cake for graduation party (we decided not to have one, but friends decided their two families needed to have one on our 'party' property)



Cat boxes/hoover bird cage area

Attend important follow-up Dr appointment 

Plan meals for next week

Check in with friend who adopted two toddlers  (already has a 3 year old)

Puppy health plan, review from Vet appt (treating undiagnosed giardiasis that likely was present with coccidia when we adopted her)

Train/feed/walk/play with puppy x3


Have a great day everyone!



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Good morning! 

  • summer school
  • 15 minutes working in yard
  • 15 minutes decluttering
  • 15 minutes cleaning kitchen
  • make lunches
  • camp drop off
  • fill out pool membership forms
  • camp pick up
  • pack dinner
  • laundry
  • Call uncle jym
  • read
  • piano
  • pool
  • softball
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Good morning! Boys are off to work and tennis, later I will take dd2 and a teammate to the airport for a travel meet. I have done a little weeding so far this morning.

  • coffee/paper
  • laundry (started)
  • daily chores
  • jen things
  • take girls to the airport
  • read, a few more chores
  • ds2 to judo

Have a great day!

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Good morning!

  • school
  • vet appt. this morning (recheck Nik & update Potomac Fever vaccines)
  • clean main floor (dust, vacuum, de-smudge kitchen cabinets)
  • order spices
  • order glucosamine for dog
  • water plants
  • dinner: dh can't eat today (the dreaded prep), so it will probably be frozen pizza for the kids and me
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Good morning!

-finish coffee
-immediately work out (cardio) as soon as I finish coffee, no sitting around and not doing it
-laundry (goal: 2 loads)  DONE:0
-Whole Foods for one ingredient I need for dinner tonight (grrrrrr)
-figure out non-metal cleats and baseball pants situation with DS17 for tournament this weekend
-figure out whether this tournament is a wood bat tournament and prepare accordingly (he broke his wood bat in the last tournament)
-curse the fact that baseball exists
-make sure DS17 is doing summer math
-make sure DS13 is doing summer math, reading and vocab
-dinner (pork tenderloin and mushrooms)
-binge watch The Killing with DH

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Good morning!

The cats are fed, and dd and I have had breakfast and coffee. 

Today involves:

  • working more on her stuff and room
  • playing some board games                      Played: Castles of Burgundy 
  • gathering up items to a neighborhood yard sale tomorrow/Saturday
  • bank and insurance office errands
  • lunch and dinner
  • tackle something on my summer list
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Morning, all!  Today is eldest ds's birthday.  I can't believe how fast the time has gone...


2 mile walk


vacuumed downstairs


To do:

Shop/pick up ds's birthday gifts

Pick up cake

Pick up prescriptions, dog food at Target

Lesson plan/clean up school stuff


Dinner out tonight...we're combining our dinners this year but let him pick restaurant

Have a great day!

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Good afternoon

- coffee

- get dd2 up and dressed- done

- take dd2 to school- done

- drop off tuition assistance form and ask various questions- done

- dd2 1/2 day PreK graduation @1- done

 - laundry- load in dryer

- fold and put away laundry- 

 - dishes- in dishwasher

  - tidy living room and vacuum- 

- clean off desk, go through school stuff, clean my corner and make school supplies needed list for me and a separate one for the girls- 

- tidy kitchen- good enough

 - dog/cat care- Chip and Maggie both have food and water

- chicken care- am care done

- put summer choir schedule in planner for dd1- done

 - start planning girls’ summer school (and mine, see the A&P, med term and microbiology stuff)- 

- fill out Girl Scout day camp forms- ugh I can’t find the financial aid forms (our troop leader encourages us to use it so the troops don’t lose it)- got a copy of form from camp coordinator through email.... still need to print and fill out (it’s harder than you think because one of house guests is grounded from WiFi so I turn it off and hide it in my car when she is here) 

- microbiology notes that I didn’t get time to do before the end of the semester- 

 - start A&P and med term reviews (this will happen from now until school starts again for me in August-

- read - 

 - crochet (really need to get cracking on these afghans if I’m to have them both done by Christmas)- 

- sit with dd2 while dd1 is at choir- done

- pick girls up- done

- have girls clean room- ugh

- dinner- meat pulled to thaw

- work (got called in, manager “forgot to schedule some one for tonight”, how? I don’t know)

- baths/showers- 

 - bedtime routine- 

- anything else I get done

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1 load laundry - washed my old kitty's blankies. Need to gather up some dirty laundry from the baskets upstairs.

Cleaned laundry room.

Swept basement.

Went over a few work things with dh.

Shoveled manure/cleaned stalls/tidied up paddocks for a couple hours.

Vet appt. went well. She is pleased with Nik's progress and glad we caught it so early. He has to stay off grass for several more days because there is a laminitis risk after running such a high fever. Everyone got their Potomac Fever vaccines. They usually don't get those until mid- to late July, but she wanted to give them now so that no one else gets sick (hopefully!). 


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Good afternoon! I'm late to today because VBS and Dd's birthday have taken all my time and energy so far. My sweet girl is 13 today! Readinmom, Happy Birthday to your Ds! We are all resting after a busy morning. Headed to the pool this evening for swim practice and for dd to hang out with friends.

To do:

  • rest/nap
  • pack for the pool (inlcuding birthday cake)
  • pick up sushi
  • pool for about 3 hrs.
  • VBS lesson prep
  • laundry?
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Started to clip Libby and realized 

a.  I had the wrong guard on the clipper and now she is almost bald in those spots. (I stopped when I realized)  

B. She needed a bath

c. She needed combing because her fur is very dense in spots and the clippers can’t even get through the fur.

Dd washed her.

I combed her.

Then we let her escape. I wish that I could afford a groomer.  

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Scout, happy birthday to your dd!

We ate a late lunch that might just be our dinner. We can snack later if we get hungry again.

I'm not finding quite as much as I would like for a yard sale, but I'm going to stick out whatever I can find. 

I've been doing some planning for my physics class at co-op. 


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