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Benedict Cumberbatch


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It sort of answers the question that through the whole sketch I just kept looking at Benedict thinking, "wow, he really is hot..."  I watch Sherlock but he always looks a bit dorky in Sherlock, so I don't notice the hotness as often.  

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I think it's the accent combined with intellect & that vague air of upper class while also being not so hot he's not attainable.  He's sort of an unattainable attainable, which is exactly the type a lot of women who aren't interested in commitment like to obsess over.

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I think a lot of people who are successful actors really have a very strong ability to assert a presence.  They can have all kinds of physical or mental characteristics, but it's that ability to project a sort of charisma across that really is the defining feature.  And on the other side, you see people occasionally who are very good looking in films, but don't have that, and they never really go anywhere.

I had a friend in school I used to play RPGs with - there was a fair age difference between us, he was in grade 7 when I was in grade 10, but he had that kind of magnetic quality, even though he was kind of a pudgy and young looking.  He's now a pretty well known actor, and he comes across as very attractive, though objectively he's nothing special.  

Anyway. I think BC has that quality.

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53 minutes ago, freeindeed said:

Yes...I find both Benedict Cumberbatch AND John Krasinski extremely attractive.

I love BC's voice. I have that quote about BC in my signature not b/c I think he's attractive, but because Moxie cracked.me.up with that post of hers! Sorry if I'm fronting as a Cumberb*tch. I'm not one.

But John Krasinski? It's not just his looks. I am impressed with him in each of the interviews I've seen. I hope he and Emily Blunt have a long and blissful marriage. Should anything ever happen to her, though, I have no problem with his being my 2nd husband, you know, after Mr. Angie dies a natural death. 

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12 hours ago, Angie in VA said:

I love BC's voice. I have that quote about BC in my signature not b/c I think he's attractive, but because Moxie cracked.me.up with that post of hers! Sorry if I'm fronting as a Cumberb*tch. I'm not one.

But John Krasinski? It's not just his looks. I am impressed with him in each of the interviews I've seen. I hope he and Emily Blunt have a long and blissful marriage. Should anything ever happen to her, though, I have no problem with his being my 2nd husband, you know, after Mr. Angie dies a natural death. 

Your siggie is exactly what I was thinking of when I posted.  The whole discussion about "How can anyone think he's hot?!?"  

I'm not sure if I've seen Moxie here yet, but I'm imagining her dressed like Santa, watching this thread, and adding to her "list."  [insert emoji's here]

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11 hours ago, StellaM said:

BC leaves me utterly cold. 

Actually, worse than that. I actually feel an aversion towards him. I couldn't even watch Sherlock b/c he makes me feel so uncomfortable.

I must be missing something.

Hmmm...are you sure it's the actor?  Sherlock, the character, can be off-putting, even in the books, and he plays that well.  The series plays him as a "high-functioning sociopath."

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On 4/9/2018 at 2:20 PM, Bluegoat said:

I had a friend in school I used to play RPGs with - there was a fair age difference between us, he was in grade 7 when I was in grade 10, but he had that kind of magnetic quality, even though he was kind of a pudgy and young looking.  He's now a pretty well known actor, and he comes across as very attractive, though objectively he's nothing special.  


I can't be the only one here wondering who this is, can I?!?

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20 hours ago, Angie in VA said:

I love BC's voice. I have that quote about BC in my signature not b/c I think he's attractive, but because Moxie cracked.me.up with that post of hers! Sorry if I'm fronting as a Cumberb*tch. I'm not one.

But John Krasinski? It's not just his looks. I am impressed with him in each of the interviews I've seen. I hope he and Emily Blunt have a long and blissful marriage. Should anything ever happen to her, though, I have no problem with his being my 2nd husband, you know, after Mr. Angie dies a natural death. 


2 hours ago, Where's Toto? said:

I like BC as Doctor Strange.  I find that look more attractive than his more clean-cut look.

I had to google the other guys mentioned.


While I do like most episodes of Sherlock, it's Martin Freeman (as Watson) who slays me, except for" The Sign of Three" episode in which both BC and MF are hilarious!

I have not heard them all but this is my favorite BC role, save as William Pitt in Amazing Grace. Of course that movie also starred Ioan Gruffudd ---> Hubba, hubba! But back to BC, he earned my respect when he announced his engagement. So low key, so classy. Well, not this paper's version, but BC's method was spot on. 

All this BC talk makes me miss Mom in High Heels!

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3 hours ago, Lady Florida. said:

I'm in the minority of those who don't find Benedict Cumberbatch attractive. I've enjoyed his acting in everything I've seen him in though. 

I don't find him physically attractive, he's too thin for me, BUT...i'm attracted to him anyway. I think it's the voice plus the intellect. 

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5 hours ago, Lady Florida. said:

I'm in the minority of those who don't find Benedict Cumberbatch attractive. I've enjoyed his acting in everything I've seen him in though. 


2 hours ago, Ktgrok said:

I don't find him physically attractive, he's too thin for me, BUT...i'm attracted to him anyway. I think it's the voice plus the intellect. 


So, funny story, my sister used to be so obsessed with BC.  I hadn’t really seen him in anything at the time except an interview here or there.  I told her that I got a gay vibe from him and I was half joking because she has this habit IRL of falling for guys who turn out to be less than straight ;)  So the first movie she drags me to with him in it is the imitation game (he is gay in the movie, if you’ve never seen it).  Oh, I had fun with that one :)

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5 hours ago, Indigo Blue said:

Okay, I can't believe I'm posting this. I don't usually think much about these things...I'm a you see a handsome guy...okay...move on sort of thing....and I guess the Camberbatch guy is okay...but THIS guy really grabs my attention... he's the guy you see right here before you even click play. I see this a lot on TV. WOW is all I can say. I'm so embarrassed for posting this.





The only thing I could think the whole time is that there is no way that works as great as advertised haha.  But, yes he is a nice looking guy ;)  Now you can feel better about it.

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