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Who's going to tackle Saturday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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Good morning!


Dd got home last night. Dh is being ordained as a deacon tomorrow evening, so my dad is coming today to go to the ceremony.


Ds is in the beginnings of a relationship with the oldest dd of our children's pastor, who passed away. They have liked each other a long time, but they aren't old enough to really date. She has asked him to come over today for awhile. 




saw dh off to a biblical archaeology conference for the morning

fed cats



To Do:

meals                 (breakfast and lunch done)

take ds to buy new shoes and a new dress shirt

change sheets on ds' bed

meal plan

grocery shopping

enjoy family while they are here



Edited by mom31257
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Kids are in their dentist appointments.

Make chiropractor appointments?

Drop off 1 kid for horse riding.

Home with the other kid.

Some work?

Pick up the horse kid.


This evening, we're invited to see a friend's daughter in a music performance or competition or ??

Might be able to work in a puppy visit?  Might pick up a saddle the horse teacher wants to sell on our behalf?

Whatever else gets done.

I feel like I'm forgetting something.

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Good morning!


Not much on my agenda today. Just looking forward to spending lots of time out in the sunshine with my horses. :)



•straighten up pantry

•make a shopping list

•put away Chewy order

•pick up Japanese takeout

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Morning, all!


Today is cold, wet and rainy, and all I want to do is cozy up to the fireplace with a blanket and a pile of book and some good coffee.  Sigh.  I sat in a jury pool for three days, and have fallen far behind on a lot of things.


To do:

clean downstairs

tackle a mountain of grading

there's a huge teen bookfest today that dd might be interested in attending


lesson plan

after that, I have no clue


Have a great day!


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Good morning! Last night I forgot to take the antibx that I've been on since Tuesday and the crud came zooming back overnight. Having a good breakfast and taking my pill. 


Tag clothes for consignment

Meal planning

Grocery shopping

Oil change for my van 

Keep dd on task and check her math HW    middle school brain fog stole her whole day. math is still not finshed!

Make sure bathrooms get cleaned    One is, one isn't.


Call mom

Go over Bible lesson with Ds

Dog park?   Nope, not today



dinner - stuffed peppers 





Edited by ScoutTN
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Got the dentist and chiropractor done, and one kid at horse riding.  It is freezing here in the lobby at the farm.  Somebody must have forgotten to turn on the heat (the owners are out of town).  I had to leave and grab some mcdonald's so I could warm up.  Now I hope I can get some work done until the lesson is over.


Already had one work fuss and one kid fuss.  Sheesh I miss the days when I could just sleep in until lunch on Saturdays.

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Good morning! I am back from taking dd2 to practice. She ate a bagel on the way home and crawled back into bed. Dh and ds2 are gone for choir and judo, respectively and ds3 is still abed. 

Dd1 is coming home today for her spring break! 


To do:

laundry (started)

general pick up

daily chores

read a little

sew a little (after dd2's nap-the sewing machine shares a wall with dd2's bedroom)


pick up dd2 at airport (she gets in late)


Have a great day!

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Stayed up late watching a movie, so got up late.


Putter about today. Nor'easter was just a bit of rain/snow and some wind, nothing dramatic. But I got prepared, so no errands today.


Dinner is roast beef with mushroom gravy, braised red cabbage with apples, mashed potatoes. I had thought that it would be cold and rainy, so planned comfort foods. Strawberries for dessert.


Btw, the movie was Feast at Midnight, about a group of bullied boys at an English preparatory school who form a cooking club. (The school menu is awful.) The movie is charming, imo, and cost about $3 on Amazon.



Edited by Alessandra
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Well the substitute horse teacher let the kids run around the arena like idiots after the lessons.  My idiot kid thought it was funny to roll around in the dirt.  I called her out of there and asked her why she thought it was a good idea to roll around where horses poop and pee.  "I forgot about the pee."  Needless to say she had to wash her laundry before taking a shower.  I thus needed to process the clothes that were sitting in the dryer.  So that was one thing I should have had on my list anyway, that is now done.


The other thing - today was the deadline to return an Amazon item.  I went to print the UPS label, and the website says nope, the deadline was yesterday.  Email says today, website says yesterday.  I called and (after finally understanding my issue) they sent me a new label, this time for the post office.  I received it at 2:05.  Post office closed at 2:00.  So it will go on Monday.  Here's hoping they don't give me a hard time about this refund.  :/


Waiting to find out whether a couple things will or won't happen after the concert / contest tonight.


And (theoretically) working ....

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Not much done except kitchen and lesson planning.  In desperate need of coffee, and dh offered to go shopping and pick me up Starbucks on the way home.  I finished an online template for class and pretty happy about it.  Avoiding grading until I have more coffee!

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