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Who's going to tackle Tuesday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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Good morning.  Woke up way too early this morning.  Am going to pay for it later!


Already done:  fed pets, did some research and planning for history co-op class




clean kitchen


make breakfast

get 16 yo on up and on task (she's a mess lately!)

More planning

Dust and vacuum master bedroom

take 16 yo to math tutor - take a walk, maybe do some more prepping

take 16 yo to geography class - quick run to drugstore and market

home again - probably nap


take 16 yo to youth group, if she's up for it.

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Good morning!  Pretty light day around here.



-DS16 off to school without international incident

-school with DS13

-fret some more about biology for DS13 next year

-workout (1 hour steady state cardio - kickboxing)

-laundry DONE:  0

-make sure DS16 turns in his volunteer hour forms

-DS16 to travel baseball practice

-dinner (chicken of some type)

-get caught up with reading (2 books behind in 52 book challenge)


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Good morning!


Still sick and totally exhausted. I was hoping ds19 would be feeling well enough to do my horse chores for me, but he's not, so I'll have to drag my sorry butt out there and make sure everyone is fed and watered (dh and ds17 aren't horse people and don't know the first thing about how to do chores, and it's a big job for dd15 to do alone). Other than that, rest is my main priority today.

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Selkie, dragging around when you are exhausted is horrible. I hope you'll feel better sooner rather than later. I love horses! If I didn't live halfway across the country, I'd jump at the chance to help. I could (probably) groom a calm horse without causing serious damage, and I'm pretty sure I could handle a wheelbarrow of soiled bedding. But I'm in an area where getting on a horse for half an hour or so costs about $70 (lessons). I believe I fainted when I saw boarding fees at a local stable, so I can't tell you those. My kids love riding, but time and $$$ have limited it. Dd did therapeutic horseback riding in early elementary -- many happy memories. Now her favorite horse is a veritable Empire State Building at 18 hands, big, but super steady, deliberate, no extra moves.


How did I get on to this?


To do today. Everyone has big lists, mine are always tiny. I do take care of the usual dishes and laundry, but it's more an automatic thing than a task. I've been going through extra stuff in basement (isn't this fun?). Now I have to call Vietnam Vets or someone, because our local Goodwill will not take any toys.


Yesterday I opened a box full of ds's elementary school woodworking projects. How many heart shaped footstools can one family use? We need our own museum of childhood for those, Scout basketry projects, Pinewood Derby cars, and so on.


Dinner: sautéed scallops, perhaps a first course of leeks vinaigrette (with capers, cornichons and quails eggs). Ulterior motive: have both kids actually IN the kitchen when scallops are done. They are so $$ that I don't want them getting cold while I beg Ds to come to dinner.

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Selkie, :grouphug: :grouphug:

I am still sick, but it is not the flu Earache and persistent sore throat, so going to urgent care to get a strep test today.

Dd to tutorial
Make lunches

To do:
Math with Ds ✅
Urgent Care ✅
Zoo with Ds


Gas for my van
Pick up Dd
Things that I didn't get done yesterday: cardstock, library, budget
Check on mom     
Consignment sale - a quick shop

dinner -??

Spring has sprung here! Grass is green. Trees are budding. The Japanese magnolias are blooming and so are early daffodils. A riotous morning of bird calls in my yard. Robins nesting on my down spout.

Edited by ScoutTN
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I hope you start to feel better Selkie! And your son, too! I have a fairly light day today. Good thing too, as the swim banquet was fun and ran late. Tonight will be late as well, with judo and the swim team meeting the mayor. Hopefully, the high profile the team received from the local media can translate into moving already existing pool plans onto the agenda for this next year.


To do:

edit paper with ds2-done

start work with ds3

ds2 to cc

dog to vet for post dental work check

home to a few chores/laundry

more school with ds2

dd2 pick up

club practice/ds3 has a tennis "date"

ds2 to judo


Have a great day!


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Good morning....

The school stuff will be copy and pasted through out the week and things that are done will be deleted

- coffee.... lots of coffee

- dd2 up and dressed- done

- dd2 to school- done

- get gas and some groceries- done

- help friend fix his phone again- done

- read/notes ch. 8 in history

- history discussion- initial reply done

- history quiz

- history videos (he posted clips of the HBO John Adams series, I recorded the entire series over the weekend so I will just watch what I recorded)- 4 episodes watched

- read primary documents and journal thoughts about those- 3/18 done (I’m 2 weeks behind on this)

- start history issue paper due 3/4, turn into online writing lab for 10 extra credit points- done and appointment for writing lab set for Wednesday morning at 9:30 am

- read/notes/chapter reviews for chapters 5-9 in microbiology- read ch. 5, about 1/2 done reading ch. 6

- unit 3 and 4 questions for microbiology that are online and assigned as homework- unit 3 is done

- unit 3 and 4 study modules (if we complete these we get 20 points head start on exams)

- wait for amazon order- got it

- lab exercises for microbiology

- tidy living room-

- tidy kitchen- done

- dishes- in dishwasher

- laundry-

- fold/put away laundry-

- girls off bus

- help dd1 with any homework-

- dd1 to Girl Scouts

- look up plans for a cheap chicken coop and other chicken stuff since dh said that we could get some chickens for dd1 so she can join the poultry club for 4-h- well I did order a few books about raising chickens from amazon that will be here on Monday and Tuesday (I bought chicken coops for dummies so hope to get some help from that)

- dinner- chicken

- baths/showers-

- bedtime routine-

- anything else I get done-

Edited by MomtoCandJ
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:grouphug:  for the sick.




Outdoors the boy

Time permitting, visit store.

Tag sale items

Dishes (again)

Try new dessert recipe

Do something about that form

Dinner: Downgraded to something less labor-intensive. #tired

Edited by whitehawk
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I get the bad mom award today.  I made my kid walk to the bus stop with a sore ankle.  She ended up having to "run" (i.e. hobble fast) and get yelled at by the bus driver because she putzed too long.  Now she's back from school, still limping (but less), and I sent her of to go horse riding (she didn't want to skip it).  I told her it's up to her to stop if she needs to stop.  I hope she has the sense to take it easy.


I blabbed on the phone with my sister in the morning, then putzed on the internet, then took a nap.  Really need to get some work out!


I have a headache, probably from waiting too long before drinking my 2nd cup of coffee.  :/

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