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Who's going to tackle Tuesday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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since I don't have a cleaner anymore I am struggling to find a new routine to get the whole house cleaned. I was going fine until the school year proper started up.  :huh:

today I did manage to get done


most of the dusting 


both bathrooms cleaned


main living areas vacuumed


1 load of laundry 


all of twins school work 


all of ds14 school work 


list  books I am no longer wanting on a Aus homeschooling site


Hmm I got more done than I thought, especially as we had no electricity for most of the day.

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Good morning!



breakfast and lunch for dh

fed cats



To Do:

more coffee

meals                    breakfast and lunch done


school with ds       

tidy house


work more on presentation (finish handouts and make copies)

bible study group

grocery store


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Good morning!  Today there is a big Falcon Heavy launch out of Cape Canaveral that DS13 is obsessed about.  We have seen a launch in person before, but hope we can see this one from across the state (where we live).  I'm trying to figure out best viewing areas in our location.  I'm also desperately trying to manage DS13's expectations about this....he has built it up in his mind that he will be able to see it clearly and I'm pretty sure conditions have to be perfect to see anything.  Ugh.  Still toying with the idea of splitting the difference and driving to Orlando to see if we have better luck there.



-roof guys here to install new flat roof over part of our pool cage (very noisy and the dog is petrified)

-get DS16 off to school

-school with DS13 (we doubled up on several subjects yesterday to be able to finish early and go see launch)

-laundry DONE:  0

-leave for local launch site around 12:30 and sit around being bored out of my skull (launch window opens at 1:30)

-DS16 school baseball at 6:30

-dinner (coconut lime chicken and cauliflower rice)


ETA:  driving to top level of a parking garage at Orlando airport to see what we can see.  Leaving at 10:30 am.  I'd best get mom of the year for this.  Apparently traffic is already a disaster as of 8 am on the Space Coast.

Edited by Pink and Green Mom
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Good morning!

Dd to tutorial.
B'fast with ds.  Letting him sleep in late because he has been SO tired lately. Growth spurt! 
School with ds.
Add minutes to mom's prepaid phone.

Update checkbook  Done, but we have no money!

Call orthodontist.

Work on resume.  20 years since I have done this!
Visit tutorial class.
Pick up dd

dinner - stir fry

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Good morning!



•all the office work that's piled up over the past several days

•write a note to a friend who is recovering from surgery

•dust main floor

•order pots for the houseplants I bought yesterday

•dinner: shrimp stir fry with coconut lemongrass cauliflower rice and chile oil

•watch hockey tonight

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Morning, all!  Jean, if you like writing poetry, your keyboard issues could be very creative!





To do:

I'm in meetings all day today... :closedeyes:

pick up groceries for my mom

stop at gym on way home

spaghetti for dinner, salad for me

finish reading book for English with dd (she can't stand the story...I like it, of course.  Lillies of the Field, and it's the one required novel at her grade level.  

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Already done:  called plumber - dishwasher started leaking last night.  I think the sink is backed up somehow.  Flood in basement.  Boo hoo!


Get someone else to drive dd to her various classes today while I wait for plumber


Plan for co-op classes - lots to do there


Clean something (maybe master bathroom?)


Make dinner - perhaps salmon hash (canned salmon potatoes and other foods in hash).


Take dd to youth group tonight.



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Good Morning,


DH off today and is sleeping in.


DD5 is having breakfast and watching tv.


I'm trying to decide what to do today. It's cold and suppose to snow. Can't go to open gym today. Which means no workout for me or the little one. Going to have to do some at home, I guess.


I can hardly wait for spring. Already have plans and activities set up.


Will do school with DD


Play board and card games


Arts and crafts with Dad


Hopefully organize DD bedroom and donate some of her things. So many toys.

Edited by Mommyof1
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My sympathies to those with broken keyboards and dishwashers!


Yesterday did not go as planned. I will put off trip to Goodwill until I have even more bags -- it is far away and not hear anything I want to do. But when I was decluttering basement, a happy moment. You have to be a non Kondo person to understand. The complete set of every color of poster paint that I decided to throw out at last had dried up!! What an easy decluttering decision! I used this as inspiration yesterday to clear out more and plan to continue today. I enjoy watching the garbage truck guys throw my heap of black plastic bags into their truck. This isn't the best thing in my day, LOL, but it is still nice.


Check email. Some colleges are wanting more financial forms. Every college has different requirements. Not rocket science, but requires some care.



Set aside some time to find out why my health insurance shows premium as past due when it has been paid, confirmation number, email of confirmation number, and record of payment with credit card company. If I cannot get a human to respond, I suppose I will write a letter and go to post office to send it certified.



I reached a HUMAN at my insurerance company. They have a record of my payment, thank goodness. The glitch is that the consumer website has not been updated to reflect the *December* payment.

Edited by Alessandra
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Good morning! Fairly busy day here. Dd2 is getting rested and very excited for state. She has been interviewed and filmed for our local paper and city TV station. She will have to swim out of her mind to win an event, but she is managing expectations well and has decided to enjoy the ride. I am happy to see her relaxed and excited about swimming. It's only a couple of times a year  :laugh:


To do:

dd2 to school-done

boys up and working

ds3 dr. appointment

ds2 to cc

grocery store (very low on staples)

home to chores and more school

ds3 to tennis

pick up dd2 straight to hs state team pictures

dd2 to club practice

ds2 to judo


Have a great day!



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Ds is still asleep! He woke earlier when Dd and Dh made noise getting up and out. Not going to be a real school day here for him, but  I am happy for him to sleep. Life has been stressful and busy here lately and he is growing like crazy. 


Working on my resume. Yikes! Haven't done that for 20 years. Need it to apply for some tutoring jobs. 


Lots of deskwork done this morning! Not fun, but feels so good to have it done. 

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Good afternoon

- dd2 up and dressed- done

- pack dd2’s lunch- done

- take dd2 to school- done

- let secretary know I’m picking the girls up- done

- Walmart for a few things- done

- put away groceries- done

- lunch for me- done

- tidy living room- round 1 done

- dishes- in dishwasher

- tidy kitchen- done

- pick up girls- done

- mail off a bill- done

- girls dentist- done and both girls are good

- dinner- done

- history reading/notes

- microbiology read/notes

- baths/showers- dd1 done

- bedtime routine

- anything else I get done- signed dd1 up for 4h B.B. gun club, helped dd1 with her homework

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