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Vacuum Cleaner help please


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I have not owned a regular vacuum in a long time. I have been using a broom, swiffer vac and small stick vacs. We don't have any rugs or carpets, but I miss having the attachments for cleaning everything else. I had a handheld pet vac for the couch but never really bonded with it. I would love some recommendations!



What I think I want  :tongue_smilie: :

  • cord rewind -I hate having to wind up that stupid cord!
  • wand attachment, upholstery attachment, brush attachment etc
  • works on hardwood
  • can handle pets - I have 1 dog (sheds like 4, he seriously has an aversion to keeping his hair), 3 cats, and rats (they don't shed much but do leave the occasional present behind)
  • Under $150 preferably. I can go up to $200 if it is really, really worth it -like for a cord rewinder. Did I mention that I hate dealing with the cord?

I have been looking for a few days, but I just can't decide and most people review them based on how it vacuums carpet/rugs. My desires are a little different. I love my swiffer vac, but I want to pull out one machine that can take care of the floor, suck the fur balls from between the kennel bars, de-fur the couch, get the dog dandruff that has collected around the edges of the dog bed, de-dust the air intake grate, and get the spilt cat food without having to move everything. 


Thank you

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It doesn't have a cord rewind, but the cord isn't stiff like some vaccums so it's fairly easy to rewind by hand.  

You want a Shark Navigator Lift Away with a Dust Away attachment.  You'll need to look at different models for the best deal/attachments.  I got my vacuum (maybe at Walmart?) and it has the crevice tool and dust attachment on board (I think it has a little sweeper type attachment, too, but I never use it), and then I ordered the Dust Away off of ebay.  

I love the vacuum.  Seriously love it.  I've had mine for 4 years and I still love it.  I used to have one dog and carpet and loved it, now I have one dog and a 10.5 pound shedding rabbit and hard floors and still love it.  

My Dad bought a Shark recently after owning a Dyson and he loves it.  He told me how much he loves it when he came to visit at Thanksgiving--he said it's so intuitively designed and everything is so handy, he finds himself vacuuming places he avoided because he doesn't have to hunt down attachments.  (I think he has one of the new Duo models).


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Shark has one now with the two rechargeable batteries, but it's more than $200. I have to say, I have a Hoover with two rechargeable batteries (so one is always charged) and I LOVE that feature. Hate the vacuum otherwise, but it's always ready to go, and no cord to have to plug an unplug every 10 feet. 


But I'm considering a new one as it gets clogged constantly (although easy to unclog), it no longer works on area rugs, and the on board tools are useless. SO hard to access that it's pointless and I never do. 


It was a gift about 3 years ago I think. It's been replaced once. i won't buy another. But do love that feature. I know with a regular cordless I'll forget to charge it and be sunk. I think. I don't know.


Is there a cordless that can handle LOTS of border collie fluffy hair, gold fish crackers, cheerios, and tons of dirt? Also cat hair and hound dog hair, but those seem simpler. Hard floors with a few low pile area rugs. With tools that are easy to use? 

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I’m not aware of any uprights with a retractable cord. You are looking at canisters if that’s your main consideration. Kenmore used to have some very decent canister vacuums in the $150-200 range. Miele is the gold standard but you’d need to buy used to get one at that price point.

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I absolutely love my Shark too! I got it just before Christmas and I think I've told just about everyone around how much I love it. It's an upright and canister combined. It has loads of tools and is really powerful. I love the company's customer service too. I bought mine from Amazon for about $150 and the picture showed a dust-away attachment and it said on the vacuum itself that it came with that, but it didn't arrive from Amazon. I called Amazon and they told me to call Shark. I called them and they immediately sent it to me and while I was on the phone the guy got all my details sorted out for  registering for the years warranty. I have never loved a vacuum cleaner before but I love this one!

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I absolutely love my Shark too! I got it just before Christmas and I think I've told just about everyone around how much I love it. It's an upright and canister combined. It has loads of tools and is really powerful. I love the company's customer service too. I bought mine from Amazon for about $150 and the picture showed a dust-away attachment and it said on the vacuum itself that it came with that, but it didn't arrive from Amazon. I called Amazon and they told me to call Shark. I called them and they immediately sent it to me and while I was on the phone the guy got all my details sorted out for  registering for the years warranty. I have never loved a vacuum cleaner before but I love this one!


Which one is it?

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In contrast, I had the worst customer experience of my life with Shark's parent company.


I purchased a professional grade Euro-pro ironing system (separate steam tank and the whole deal) because my wife is one of those few women who seems to find ironing relaxing and mentally therapeutic. So I splurged.


We had nothing but problems. The company not only did not stand behind the product, they were aggressive in their "we don't care" attitudes.


The very worst customer service I've ever experienced by a wide margin. I, personally, would never purchase an item from Shark.



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I'm looking to upgrade my vac at some point, no urgency, so good to hear the Miele recs, as that is what I had in mind.


But, op, in the meantime, I could make one suggestion -- a smaller size Shop-Vac. They come with lots of attachments and inhale fairly large objects, lol. You can also buy additional mini attachments. They were never designed for carpeting. (I have bare floors and oriental type area rugs.) The downside for you would be no retractable cord. And they are a bit awkward. But the smaller (but still powerful) models cost about $50, iirc.


I went through a few cheaper Shark machines that I practically had to force feed dust into, even after cleaning hose and so on, before Shop Vac.

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I'm looking to upgrade my vac at some point, no urgency, so good to hear the Miele recs, as that is what I had in mind.


But, op, in the meantime, I could make one suggestion -- a smaller size Shop-Vac. They come with lots of attachments and inhale fairly large objects, lol. You can also buy additional mini attachments. They were never designed for carpeting. (I have bare floors and oriental type area rugs.) The downside for you would be no retractable cord. And they are a bit awkward. But the smaller (but still powerful) models cost about $50, iirc.


I went through a few cheaper Shark machines that I practically had to force feed dust into, even after cleaning hose and so on, before Shop Vac.


Are their advanced filtration options that can be added to a Shop Vac?


I would purchase a used/reconditioned Miele before I spend a dime on a new alternative. 


They are superlative in my estimation. It is not a minority opinion. 



Edited by Spy Car
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Are their advanced filtration options that can be added to a Shop Vac?


I would purchase a used/reconditioned Miele before I spend a dime on a new alternative.


They are superlative in my estimation. It is not a minority opinion.



Advanced filtration -- not that I am aware of. Bill, but I think you knew that? I am not disagreeing about quality of Miele machines. But if someone's price point is not up to a Miele, there are alternatives.


Personally, I find it soothing to use a broom and a carpet sweeper, lol. And I have always wanted to take small rugs outside and beat them, but have not done so yet.

Edited by Alessandra
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Advanced filtration -- not that I am aware of. Bill, but I think you knew that? I am not disagreeing about quality of Miele machines. But if someone's price point is not up to a Miele, there are alternatives.


Personally, I find it soothing to use a broom and a carpet sweeper, lol. And I have always wanted to take small rugs outside and beat them, but have not done so yet.


It was a genuine question. Shop Vacs have strong suction (even if we both admit they are ungainly).


If there were a way to filter them (a seemingly surmountable problem given the simplicity of the design) the suction power of a Shop Vac is impressive. I would be surprised if there are not hacks. 



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It was a genuine question. Shop Vacs have strong suction (even if we both admit they are ungainly).


If there were a way to filter them (a seemingly surmountable problem given the simplicity of the design) the suction power of a Shop Vac is impressive. I would be surprised if there are not hacks.



Oh, my apologies! I thought you were making at dig at my vacuum and health standards, lol. I really dislike vacuuming, so my dust exposure that was is minimal.


I have two old Electrolux canisters. I wonder if I should have them refurbished?

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Thank you everyone! Unfortunately the price point is what it is because we also have to purchase a new stove AND a new freezer over the next couple of months!  Sigh. I could wait on the vacuum, but I just don't want to  :tongue_smilie:. My dog's hair/skin issue leaves me cleaning a couple times a day. I had never met a dog with actual dandruff before  :001_huh:. 


BTW, yes, we are treating the dog for his dandruff/dry skin and ridiculous shedding.


I never even considered a canister vac before. I will start looking at some of those. 


I like the dust attachment that the Shark offers!


I see some Meiles that go from $300-$600 and a couple for even more. Yikes 


My dh said there are several filtration options available for shop vacs, and he can modify just about anything. We have 2 different sized shopvacs already.


Lots to consider.

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We just got this and I LOVE it.  No automatic cord rewind, but believe me you don't want that because they break too quickly and then the cord is a giant mess.  Look at the YouTube reviews of this machine, it's amazing, and currently cheaper than it was when I bought it last week.



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Oh, my apologies! I thought you were making at dig at my vacuum and health standards, lol. I really dislike vacuuming, so my dust exposure that was is minimal.


I have two old Electrolux canisters. I wonder if I should have them refurbished?


Those old Electrolux machines were really strong.


No digs,



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I grew up with a built-like-a-tank Electrolux. The sled-like runners were as gorgeous as the suction!


But my Miele maneuvers like a dream. It's a marvel of German engineering that brings joy to routine cleaning for me. I got the lowest price point that took HEPA filters since we have allergies and asthma. Totally worth the investment.


You could go for something cheaper now, and save up for a Miele someday in the future...



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I have the Capricorn, which was the towards the top of the line when I got mine (for $899 as a floor model) six year ago, but apparently they changed over their whole line so I don’t have a model rec for you, but I can give you the features that are awesome. Get the handle controls so you can switch it on and off from the handle, not the base, the HEPA filter, the retractable cord and the onboard tools. Also order the wider hard floor head (check amazon for pricing) because it will save you a ton of time when you’re cleaning. I buy generic bags, but Miele HEPA filters.


I will say a canister is literally a bit of a drag to maneuver but the cleaning superiority is worth it. And the thing is tough. It’s lived through me dragging and and whamming it into doorways, being ridden by small children, lifted by the hose on occasion, and has sucked up everything from hay to mud to sand. Cleans just like it did the first day. :)


ETA- according to Amazon the new version of mine is the c3 Brilliant series. It has it listed at $1499. Personally, I wouldn’t pay 1499 for a vacuum. I love Miele and I still think that’s nuts. But I think mine was priced around 1299 retail when I got it, but I got the floor model at the Orek store for $899 which I do feel was worth it. I don’t know if I could pay more than 1k for a vacuum though.

Thank you for the feature list!


Wow, $1499 for a vacuum. At hat price, I can't imagine asking kids to help vacuum....


It might be worth spending $$ to get my old Electrolux refurbished.

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Thank you for the feature list!


Wow, $1499 for a vacuum. At hat price, I can't imagine asking kids to help vacuum....


It might be worth spending $$ to get my old Electrolux refurbished.


Those old Electrolux were very powerful vacs. Built like tanks.


Certainly heavy and cumbersome compared with a Miele. I do not remember how well these vacuums filtered dust compared to Miele (the Miele's greatest feature), but for suction, a robust motor, and a solid frame an old Electrolux is a great vac.



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Those old Electrolux were very powerful vacs. Built like tanks.


Certainly heavy and cumbersome compared with a Miele. I do not remember how well these vacuums filtered dust compared to Miele (the Miele's greatest feature), but for suction, a robust motor, and a solid frame an old Electrolux is a great vac.



Thank for the recommendation. I did not realize they were so esteemed, lol. Thank goodness I saved two of them. Years ago, an estimate to refurbish them was in the low hundreds, iirc. It seemed a lot at the time, but compared to the top of the line Miele's -- a pittance.


Yes, they are combersome. I do not love vacuuming!

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It doesn't have a cord rewind, but the cord isn't stiff like some vaccums so it's fairly easy to rewind by hand.


You want a Shark Navigator Lift Away with a Dust Away attachment. You'll need to look at different models for the best deal/attachments. I got my vacuum (maybe at Walmart?) and it has the crevice tool and dust attachment on board (I think it has a little sweeper type attachment, too, but I never use it), and then I ordered the Dust Away off of ebay.


I love the vacuum. Seriously love it. I've had mine for 4 years and I still love it. I used to have one dog and carpet and loved it, now I have one dog and a 10.5 pound shedding rabbit and hard floors and still love it.


My Dad bought a Shark recently after owning a Dyson and he loves it. He told me how much he loves it when he came to visit at Thanksgiving--he said it's so intuitively designed and everything is so handy, he finds himself vacuuming places he avoided because he doesn't have to hunt down attachments. (I think he has one of the new Duo models).



I love my Shark too, and I have their floor steam cleaner, too.
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  • 4 weeks later...

Just FYI it looks like Costco has a Miele for $250 right now.

We got ours a few years ago, I think it's the Capri, for the same price and it's been great, we owned a pricier one previously but couldn't afford the same one... it's been just as good. 

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I love my Meile. I’m pretty sure I got the bottom of the line, but it works great. I know I didn’t go into 4 digits. Still, a poster here apparently has a vacuum that is worn like a backpack and I’m not sure you could beat that for efficiency and stair use. The very idea fascinates me.

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My husband bought me a Miele for my birthday and Christmas because I had been through so many vacuums and they were recommended so highly. It is the best gift! I love vacuuming with it and it has changed my life. I don't have to deal with endless vacuum problems now but just whip it out and vacuum and put it away. It is so easy to use and I really, really love it.


Anyway, we have this one and it works like a dream. (I think it was a little cheaper before Christmas and Amazon was way cheaper than my local vacuum store.) I have carpet so I needed the powered head otherwise we probably would have picked out a cheaper one. I find it amazingly light and easy to use. It works wonderfully and has incredible suction. I love it! :)

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